薬剤管理システムの世界市場2024-2031Global Medication Management System Market 2024-2031 |
薬剤管理システムの世界市場2024-2031 |
出版日: 2024年05月01日
発行: Orion Market Research
ページ情報: 英文 210 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
薬剤管理システム市場は、予測期間(2024-2031年)にCAGR 12.4%の大幅な成長が見込まれます。世界の薬剤管理システム市場は、投薬ミスの増加、老年人口の増加、慢性疾患負担の増加などの要因によって牽引されています。これらの要因によって、調剤、投与、モニタリングプロセスの自動化、薬物有害事象の削減、高齢患者の治療の最適化、患者の転帰の改善などを目的とした薬剤管理システムの導入が促進されます。電子カルテ、AI、ロボット工学などの技術的進歩が、こうしたシステムの技術革新を後押ししています。HIPAAやEU MDRなどの規制要件の遵守は、薬剤の安全性と管理を確実にします。患者の安全性とケアの質を優先することが、これらのシステムの採用を促進します。ヘルスケアのデジタル化と相互運用性により、これらのシステムと他のヘルスケアITプラットフォームとの統合が促進されます。コスト抑制の圧力と患者のエンパワーメントも市場の成長に寄与しています。
製品タイプ別に見ると、世界の薬剤管理システム市場は、コンピューターによる医師オーダーエントリー、臨床意思決定支援システムソリューション、電子薬剤管理記録、在庫管理ソリューション、その他に細分化されます。このうち、臨床意思決定支援システムソリューションのサブセグメントが市場の最大シェアを占めると予想されます。このセグメントの成長を支える主な要因としては、AIとMLの進歩がAIを活用したCDSSソリューションの開発を促進し、大規模なデータセットの分析を可能にしてパーソナライズされた治療推奨や臨床的洞察を生み出していることが挙げられます。例えば、エルゼビア・ヘルスは2024年2月、信頼できる医療コンテンツと人工知能を組み合わせ、診療の現場で臨床医を支援する臨床判断支援ツール「ClinicalKey AI」を発表しました。このソリューションは、高品質のキュレーションコンテンツと常に更新されるエビデンスに基づく調査を提供し、診療所や病院での最適な患者体験を保証します。ClinicalKey AIはCone Healthおよびニューメキシコ大学と共同で開発され、米国全土で3万人以上の医師に利用されています。
データ主導の洞察と個別化医療に対する需要の高まりが、投薬管理のための健康関連データの詳細な分析のためのクラウドベースのプラットフォームの採用を促進しています。例えば、富士通は2023年3月、医療分野のデジタルトランスフォーメーションのために健康関連データを安全に収集・利用するクラウドベースのプラットフォームを発表しました。このプラットフォームはHL7 FHIRフレームワークに準拠しており、医療行為、臨床研究、医薬品開発における詳細な分析を可能にし、個別化医療への応用が期待されています。
世界の薬剤管理システム市場は、在宅ヘルスケア向けの安全で効果的なソリューションに対する需要の高まりにより拡大しており、注射薬管理のための便利で使いやすいツールを患者に提供しています。例えば、2022年3月、Hamilton Beach Brands社とHealthBeacon社は、自宅で注射薬を管理するためのデジタルヘルスツールであるSmart Sharps Binを開発しました。このデバイスは、インテリジェントなリマインダー、服薬アドヒアランスの追跡、24時間365日のカスタマーケア、米国郵便公社のメールバック・プログラムによる使用済み注射器の安全な廃棄を提供します。
世界の薬剤管理システム市場に参入している主要企業には、Cerner Corp.、Epic Systems Corp.、GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.、McKesson Corp.、Omnicell, Inc.などがあります。市場プレイヤーは競争力を維持するために、提携、合併、買収などの戦略を適用することで、事業拡大や製品開拓にますます注力しています。例えば、2021年3月にBDはGSL Solutionsを買収し、小売薬局における在庫管理、規制遵守、患者の安全性を向上させ、市場統合、処方箋の増加、規制薬物規制の変更に対応しています。
Medication Management System Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Product Type (Computerized Physician Order Entry, Clinical Decision Support System Solutions, Electronic Medication Administration Record, Inventory Management Solutions, and Others). by Mode of Delivery (Web-based, Cloud-based, and On-premise). and by End-User (Pharmacies and Retail Drug Outlets, and Hospitals and Clinics). Forecast Period (2024-2031).
Medication management system market is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 12.4% during the forecast period (2024-2031). The global medication management system market is driven by factors such as increasing medication errors, growing geriatric populations, and rising chronic disease burden. These factors drive the adoption of medication management systems to automate dispensing, administration, and monitoring processes, reduce adverse drug events, optimize treatment for elderly patients, and enhance patient outcomes. Technological advancements such as electronic health records, AI, and robotics drive innovation in these systems. Compliance with regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA and EU MDR, ensures medication safety and management. Prioritizing patient safety and quality of care drives the adoption of these systems. Healthcare digitalization and interoperability promote the integration of these systems with other healthcare IT platforms. Cost containment pressures and patient empowerment also contribute to the growth of the market.
Market Dynamics
Growing Number of Prescriptions and Expenditure on Medications
The rising global prescription volume and medicine spending underscore the need for efficient medication management systems to streamline workflows, enhance safety, and optimize medication utilization, ultimately improving patient outcomes. According to the IQVIA, in 2020, there were a total of 6.3 billion prescriptions dispensed, showing a modest growth rate of 1.7% after accounting for the use of 90-day prescriptions for chronic therapies. Additionally, US medicine spending experienced a slight increase of 0.8% on a net price basis, reaching $359.0 billion. This increase highlights the widening gap between list or invoice prices and manufacturer net revenues.
Technological Advancements In Healthcare Technology
The continuous progress in healthcare technology, including EHRs, clinical decision support systems, and telemedicine platforms is fueling the development of advanced medication management solutions that offer improved features and seamless integration to drive market growth. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in September 2023, in the healthcare industry, patient injury is a major problem that influences 10.0% of patients and results in over 3 million fatalities each year from improper treatment. Even greater rates are seen in low- to middle-income nations, where 4 out of every 100 deaths are attributed to subpar care. More than half of cases are preventable, with drugs being the primary cause. Patient damage is frequently caused by adverse events, including drug errors, dangerous surgical procedures, and infections linked to healthcare. Better results and significant cost savings can result from investing in measures to lessen injuries to patients, such as patient engagement.
Market Segmentation
Clinical Decision Support System Solutions is Projected to Emerge as the Largest Segment
Based on the product type, the global medication management system market is sub-segmented into computerized physician order entry, clinical decision support system solutions, electronic medication administration records, inventory management solutions, and others. Among these, the clinical decision support system solutions sub-segment is expected to hold the largest share of the market. The primary factor supporting the segment's growth includes AI and ML advancements are driving the development of AI-powered CDSS solutions, enabling the analysis of large datasets to generate personalized treatment recommendations and clinical insights. For instance, in February 2024, Elsevier Health launched ClinicalKey AI, a clinical decision support tool that combines trusted medical content with artificial intelligence to assist clinicians at the point of care. The solution offers high-quality curated content and constantly refreshed evidence-based research, ensuring optimal patient experiences in clinics and hospitals. ClinicalKey AI was developed in collaboration with Cone Health and the University of New Mexico and has been used by over 30,000 physicians across the US.
Cloud-based Sub-segment to Hold a Considerable Market Share
The increasing demand for data-driven insights and personalized medicine is driving the adoption of cloud-based platforms for detailed analysis of health-related data for medication management. For instance, in March 2023, Fujitsu introduced a cloud-based platform that securely collects and uses health-related data for digital transformation in the medical field. The platform conforms to the HL7 FHIR framework and enables detailed analysis in medical practice, clinical research, and drug development, with potential applications in individualized healthcare.
The global medication management system market is further segmented based on geography including North America (the US, and Canada), Europe (UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and the Rest of the World (the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America).
Growth of the Pharmaceutical Industry In the Aisa-Pacific Region
The demand for medication management systems, such as pharmacy automation, inventory management, and prescription management software, has been boosted by the rise of the pharmaceutical business in India. These systems are needed to streamline procedures in healthcare institutions. According to the Economic Times, in January 2024, In the fiscal year of 2023, India's pharmaceutical imports accounted for a significant amount of $7.9 billion. The majority of these imports, approximately 85.0% to 90.0%, were comprised of bulk drugs (55.0%) and pharmaceutical formulations (30.0% to 35.0%).
Global Medication Management System Market Growth by Region 2024-2031
Source: OMR Analysis
North America Holds Major Market Share
The global medication management system market is expanding owing to the growing demand for safe, effective solutions for home healthcare, providing patients with convenient, user-friendly tools for injectable medication management. For instance, in March 2022, Hamilton Beach Brands and HealthBeacon developed the Smart Sharps Bin, a digital health tool for managing injectable medications at home. The device offers intelligent reminders, tracking adherence, 24/7 customer care, and safe disposal of used syringes through the US Postal Service's mail-back program.
Note: Major Players Sorted in No Particular Order.
The major companies serving the global medication management system market include Cerner Corp., Epic Systems Corp., GE HealthCare Technologies Inc., McKesson Corp., and Omnicell, Inc., among others. The market players are increasingly focusing on business expansion and product development by applying strategies such as collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions to stay competitive. For instance, in March 2021, BD acquired GSL Solutions to improve inventory management, regulatory compliance, and patient safety in retail pharmacies, addressing market consolidation, increasing prescriptions, and changing controlled substance regulations.