

Space Travel & Tourism Markets, 5th Edition

出版日: | 発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年11月14日
発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次





  • 準軌道
  • 軌道上
  • 地球外


  • スペースバルーン
  • ロケット
  • ロケットプレーン


  • ビークル数
  • フライト数
  • 旅客数
  • 市場収益
  • チケット価格


Airbus, Aljazira Capital, Amazon, Axiom Space, Blue Origin, Boeing, Boryung, Collins Aerospace, Hilton, FAA, Incredible Adventures, i-space, JAXA, Launcher, Leo Holdings Corporation, Mercedes Benz USA, NASA, Northrop Grumman, PD Aerospace, Prada, Realize Group, Rocket Lab, Sierra Space, Space Adventures, Space Perspective, SpaceWalker, SpaceX, Vast, Virgin Galactic, Voyager Space, World View, Zero2Infinity



第1章 市場概要

  • 主なニュース・契約
  • 投資
  • 競合情勢の評価
  • 総論:市場概要

第2章 付録

  • 市場セグメンテーション
  • 世界市場の予測
  • 準軌道トラベル&ツーリズム
  • 軌道トラベル&ツーリズム
  • 地球外トラベル&ツーリズム
  • 総論:市場予測
  • 頭字語

第3章 著者およびAnalysys Masonについて

Product Code: STT

Report Summary:

NSR's “Space Travel & Tourism (STT) Market Report, 5th Edition ” continues as the industry-leading analysis of this emerging global market. Covering the entire value chain, from suborbital, orbital, to travel beyond Earth, from rockets & rocket-planes, to balloons for suborbital, from investment and updates on space stations, to its 10 -year forecast, this latest NSR report offers the most comprehensive analysis of this high-value commercial market.

NSR's report on STT markets offers unique analysis of 3 different segments, for 2 different vehicle types, and provides both a status report and grounded analysis of each company's progress operating in this space. The 10 -year forecast includes the number of vehicles expected to be operating, either by commercial players or serving commercial customers, in each segment, the number of flights expected to take place, and the corresponding number of passengers to be served. In this high-demand market, supply remains constrained, and the technological and economical capability of the launch service providers remains key to understanding the pace and growth of this market; all of which is presented in this report. Critically, pricing dynamics for each sector, including differentiation between balloons and rockets/planes for suborbital, impacts of competition and space stations for orbital travel, and the development of Beyond Earth pricing, are forecast and presented. Finally, the revenue opportunity from flying commercial passengers or for commercial operators to each segment is presented.

This report provides a complete assessment, status update, and analysis of the Suborbital, Orbital, and Beyond Earth space travel & tourism markets, with a thorough analysis and a 10-year forecast for the global opportunity.

The report answers critical questions regarding the Space Travel & Tourism market:

  • When will the suborbital and orbital travel markets really take off?
  • How big will the space travel & tourism market get in 10 years?
  • How much of the market will be driven by government customers?
  • What is the status of the major players, and are there any emerging competitors to consider?
  • How much investment has the space travel & tourism market received?
  • What is the pricing trends, and what will be the impact of space stations, and new vehicles?

The Bottom Line: How does NSR see the Space Travel & Tourism market develop and evolve over the next 10 years for each segment and vehicle type?

The NSR Difference

Readers will find the most up-to-date analysis of operators in this space, technology developments, and investment, as well as a traceable, grounded approach to its forecast, built on years of research, benchmarking against similar vehicle types and markets. NSR was the first to forecast the market opportunity in this space, and the STT report remains a staple.

Key Features:

Report Segmentation


  • Suborbital
  • Orbital
  • Beyond Earth


  • Balloons
  • Rockets
  • Rocket planes

Forecast Metrics

  • Vehicles
  • Flights
  • Passengers Served
  • Market Revenues
  • Ticket Pricing

Who Should Purchase this Report?

  • Investors and Financial Institutions
  • Government Agencies
  • Launch Service Providers
  • Launch Vehicle Manufacturers
  • Launch Brokers and Integrators
  • Sub-system and Component Manufacturers
  • High-end professional goods & services providers
  • Strategy Consulting Companies
  • Environmental Research Organizations
  • Policymakers and Regulatory Bodies

Companies mentioned:

Airbus, Aljazira Capital, Amazon, Axiom Space, Blue Origin, Boeing, Boryung, Collins Aerospace, Hilton, FAA, Incredible Adventures, i-space, JAXA, Launcher, Leo Holdings Corporation, Mercedes Benz USA, NASA, Northrop Grumman, PD Aerospace, Prada, Realize Group, Rocket Lab, Sierra Space, Space Adventures, Space Perspective, SpaceWalker, SpaceX, Vast, Virgin Galactic, Voyager Space, World View, Zero2Infinity.

Table of Contents

Executive summary

1. Market Overview

  • 1.1. Top News & Deals
  • 1.2. Investments
  • 1.3. Competitive Landscape Assessment
  • 1.4. Bottom Line - Market Overview

2. Appendix

  • 2.1. Market Segmentation
  • 2.2. Global Market Forecasts
  • 2.3. Suborbital Travel & Tourism
  • 2.4. Orbital Travel & Tourism
  • 2.5. Beyond Earth Travel & Tourism
  • 2.6. Bottom Line - Market Forecasts
  • 2.7. Acronyms

3. About the authors and Analysys Mason

  • 3.1. About the authors
  • 3.2. Global leaders in TMT management consulting
  • 3.3. Our research services
  • 3.4. Our areas of expertise

List of Exhibits

Executive summary

  • Global Space Travel & Tourism market value and number of passengers

1. Market Overview

  • 1.1. Notable 2023 Space Travel & Tourism Investments & Partnerships
  • 1.2. Primary Sources & Mechanisms for Space Travel & Tourism Investment
  • 1.3. Space Travel & Tourism Market Landscape

2. Appendix

  • 2.1. Space Travel & Tourism Market Segmentation
  • 2.2. Space Travel & Tourism Market Revenues by Vertical
  • 2.3. Space Travel & Tourism Market Passengers Served by Vertical
  • 2.4. Space Travel & Tourism Market Flights
  • 2.5. Suborbital Travel & Tourism Market Revenues by Vehicle
  • 2.6. Suborbital Travel & Tourism Market Passengers Served by Vehicle
  • 2.7. Suborbital Travel & Tourism Market Flights by Vehicle
  • 2.8. Orbital Travel & Tourism Revenues by Player Type
  • 2.9. Orbital Travel & Tourism Supply Market Passengers Served
  • 2.10. Orbital Travel & Tourism Supply Market Flights
  • 2.11. Beyond Earth Travel & Tourism Market Revenues
  • 2.12. Beyond Earth Travel & Tourism Passengers Served
  • 2.13. Beyond Earth Travel & Tourism Number of Flights
  • 2.14. Suborbital Travel & Tourism Ticket Pricing by Vehicle
  • 2.15. Orbital Travel & Tourism Ticket Pricing
  • 2.16. Beyond Earth Travel & Tourism Ticket Pricing
  • 2.17. Acronyms