表紙:SDS (ソフトウェア定義衛星):第3版

SDS (ソフトウェア定義衛星):第3版

Software-Defined Satellites, 3rd Edition

出版日: | 発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
SDS (ソフトウェア定義衛星):第3版
出版日: 2023年10月17日
発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

衛星業界では、バリューチェーン全体の技術の進歩により、容量需要と能力の急増が見られます。この成長は顧客ニーズの変化や季節変動によって促進されており、地上、クラウド、衛星ネットワーク管理を革新しています。競争力を維持し、市場で優位に立つため、事業者と製造業者は、設計の重要なシフトとしてSDS (ソフトウェア定義衛星) に目を向けています。

世界的な接続性と多様なネットワークアプリケーションを目指した衛星コンステレーションに対する需要の高まりが、衛星製造の成長に拍車をかけています。この成長の特徴は、ハードウェアの標準化とソフトウェア機能の強化であり、モジュール式で適応性の高いプラットフォームに焦点が置かれています。非GEOコンステレーションが複雑なネットワークへと進化する一方で、GEO衛星は軌道や周波数帯域のより良い調和を促進しています。このような多様な需要は、打ち上げ後の適応型ミッションプロファイル、顧客中心の要件、ホステッドペイロード、SataaS (Satellite as a Service) などの機会を示しています。



  • 世界
  • GEO受注数・製造収益
  • GEO打上げ数・打上げ収益
  • 非GEO受注数・製造収益
  • 非GEO打上げ数・打上げ収益


  • Airbus
  • Amazon
  • Astranis
  • Boeing
  • E-space
  • Intelsat
  • Lockheed Martin
  • OneWeb, Saturn Satellite,
  • SDA
  • SES
  • SpaceX
  • SWISSto12
  • Telesat
  • Thaicom
  • Thales
  • Alenia Space

当レポートでは、今後10年間のGEOおよび非GEO向けSDS (ソフトウェア定義衛星) の需要を調査し、主要動向、受注数、製造収益、打上げ件数、打上げ収益、製造業者およびオペレーターの戦略などをまとめています。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 世界の動向

  • 世界:23,000件超の受注・打上げ数があり、2032年には900億米ドルの収益機会が見込まれる
  • GEO:200件近い受注があり、2032年には製造および打上げの累計収益が520億米ドルに達する
  • 非GEO:23,000件の受注により、2032年には累計収益が380億米ドルに達する
  • 世界:遅延、欠品、数量の減少により、短期的には収益が減少
  • 世界:2032年には北米とアジアで世界のフレキシブル通信衛星の製造収益のほぼ47%を占める

第3章 製造業者およびオペレーターの戦略

  • 市場の現状
  • 収束動向
  • 顧客はサービスを強化し、戦略的優位性を維持するためにカスタマイズされたサービスを必要としており、SDSの導入が促進される
  • モビリティにより、SDSの導入に向けたより高い柔軟性の要件が実現
  • SDSの導入は新しいフリート戦略、機会、成長により推進されているが、複雑さと切り替えコストによって抑制されている
  • SDSプラットフォーム
  • SDS:意思決定ツリーのケーススタディ

第4章 付録

第5章 著者およびAnalysys Masonについて

Product Code: SDS3

Report Summary:

NSR's “Software-Defined Satellites, 3rd Edition (SDS3) ” report analyzes global demand for flexible, software-defined satellites for GEO & Non-GEO over the next decade.

The satellite industry is witnessing a surge in capacity demand and capabilities due to technological advancements throughout its value chain. This growth is driven by changing customer needs and seasonal fluctuations, prompting innovations in ground, cloud, and satellite network management. To stay competitive and achieve market dominance, operators and manufacturers are turning to software-defined satellites as a significant shift in design. NSR's “Software-Defined Satellites, 3rd Edition” report offers an in-depth analysis of this market trend, highlighting key manufacturers, their offerings, and the impact on satellite communications over the next decade.

The rising demand for satellite constellations, aimed at global connectivity and diverse network applications, is fueling growth in satellite manufacturing. This growth is characterized by hardware standardization and enhanced software capabilities, emphasizing modular and adaptable platforms. While Non-GEO constellations are evolving into intricate networks, GEO satellites are fostering better coordination across orbits and frequency bands. This varied demand is opening doors for opportunities like adaptable mission profiles post-launch, customer-centric requirements, hosted payloads, and satellite-as-a-service, all of which could benefit from more versatile satellites.

NSR's “SDS3” answers critical questions regarding the Software Defined Satellite market:

  • How are software-defined satellites transforming the current satellite communications market?
  • What are the primary drivers behind the increasing demand for satellite constellations?
  • How are GEO and Non-GEO satellites adapting to the changing demands of the industry?
  • In what ways can more flexible satellites better cater to the emerging needs of the satellite market?

Who Should Purchase this Report:

  • Investors and Financial Institutions
  • Government Agencies
  • Satellite Operators
  • Satellite Manufacturers and Integrators
  • Launch Service Providers
  • Launch Vehicle Manufacturers
  • Launch Brokers and Integrators
  • Sub-system and Component Manufacturers
  • Ground Systems Manufacturers and Service Providers
  • Regulatory Agencies and Policy Makers
  • Data Analytics Companies
  • Anyone Seeking the Industry's Most Comprehensive and Actionable Analysis of Global Software-Defined Satellites

Key Features:

NSR's “Software-Defined Satellites, 3rd Edition (SDS3) ” report provides a comprehensive assessment of the market through an analysis of the communications application, further segmented into 5 regions across all satellite mass categories, all flexibility types, for both GEO and Non-GEO.

Analysis and Assessment Includes:

Forecast Data

  • Global
  • GEO Orders & Manufacturing Revenues
  • GEO Launches & Launch Revenues
  • Non-GEO Orders & Manufacturing Revenues
  • Non-GEO Launches & Launch Revenues

Companies Mentioned in this Report:

Airbus, Amazon, Astranis, Boeing, E-space, Intelsat, Lockheed Martin, OneWeb, Saturn Satellite, SDA, SES, SpaceX, SWISSto12, Telesat, Thaicom, Thales, Alenia Space.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Exhibits

About this report

1. Executive Summary

2. Worldwide trends

  • 2.1. Worldwide: 23,000+ orders and launches representing a $90 billion revenues opportunity by 2032
  • 2.2. GEO: Nearly 200 orders, generating $52 billion in cumulative manufacturing & launch revenues by 2032
  • 2.3. Non-GEO: 23,000 "orders" generating $38 billion in cumulative revenues by 2032
  • 2.4. Worldwide: Delays, shortages, and lower mass drive down revenues in near-term
  • 2.5. Worldwide: North America and Asia will together account for almost 47% of the total flexible communications satellite manufacturing revenue worldwide by 2032

3. Manufacturer & Operator Strategy

  • 3.1. State of the Market
  • 3.2. Converging Trends
  • 3.3. Customers need for tailored offerings to strengthen service and maintain strategic advantage drives adoption of SDS
  • 3.4. Mobility driving higher flexibility requirements for adoption of software defined satellites
  • 3.5. The adoption of software-defined satellites is driven by new fleet strategies, opportunities and growth but restrained by complexity & switching costs
  • 3.6. Software-Defined Satellite Platforms
  • 3.7. Software-Defined Satellites: Decision Tree Case Study

4. Appendix

  • 4.1. Market Forecasts
    • 4.1.1. Global Communications
    • 4.1.2. GEO Communications
    • 4.1.3. Non-GEO Communications
  • 4.2. Definitions
  • 4.6 Definitions
  • 4.7. Definitions and Overview - Regions and Verticals
  • 4.8. Definitions - Acronyms

5. About the authors and Analysys Mason

  • 5.1. About the authors
  • 5.2. Global leaders in TMT management consulting
  • 5.3. Our research services
  • 5.4 Our areas of expertise

List of Exhibits

1. Executive Summary

  • 1.1. Global Communications Satellites Flexibility

2. Worldwide trends

  • 2.1. Global Communications Satellite Flexibility Market
  • 2.2. Global Communications Orders, by Flexibility
  • 2.3. GEO Communications Orders, by Flexibility
  • 2.4. Non-GEO Communications Orders, by Flexibility
  • 2.5. Non-GEO Communications Launch and Manufacturing Market, by Flexibility
  • 2.6. Global Communications Satellite Flexibility Market Comparison
  • 2.7. Global Communications Cumulative 2022-2032 Orders & Manufacturing Revenues

3. Manufacturer & Operator Strategy

  • 3.1. GEO Communications Satellite Orders by Operator Region
  • 3.2. 2022 GEO Communications Satellite Orders
  • 3.3. 2023 GEO Communications Satellite Orders
  • 3.4. Software-Defined Satellites: Converging Trends
  • 3.5. Software-Defined Satellites: Converging Drivers
  • 3.6. Operational requirements driving flexibility
  • 3.7. On-board flexibility requirements by application
  • 3.8. GEO Satellite Manufacturers Platforms - Flexibility Assessment
  • 3.9 Non-GEO Constellations - Flexibility Assessment
  • 3.10. GEO Operator Decision Tree

4. Appendix

  • 4.1. Global Communications Orders, by Flexibility
  • 4.2. Global Fully-Flexible Communications Launch & Manufacturing Market, by Region
  • 4.3. Global Partially-Flexible Communications Launch & Manufacturing Market, by Region
  • 4.4. GEO Communications Orders, by Flexibility
  • 4.5. GEO Fully-Flexible Communications Launch & Manufacturing Market, by Region
  • 4.6. GEO Partially-Flexible Communications Launch & Manufacturing Market, by Region
  • 4.7. Non-GEO Communications Orders, by Flexibility
  • 4.8. Non-GEO Fully-Flexible Communications Launch & Manufacturing Market, by Region
  • 4.9. Non-GEO Partially-Flexible Communications Launch & Manufacturing Market, by Region
  • 4.10. Characteristics of Software-Defined Satellites