

Space Traffic Study, 3rd Edition

出版日: | 発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年10月17日
発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次





  • 使用事例:衛星通信、軌道上サービスと宇宙状況認識、衛星打ち上げ、地球観測、ナビゲーション、科学技術、状況認識、乗組員と貨物、その他
  • 世界市場の予測
  • 衛星通信データの1ペタバイトあたりのホールセール価格



  • 衛星および宇宙通信
    • GEO衛星トラフィック
    • 非GEO衛星トラフィック
  • 衛星・宇宙インフラ
    • 軌道上サービスおよび宇宙状況認識
    • 衛星打ち上げ
  • 衛星・宇宙利用
    • 地球観測
    • ナビゲーション
    • 科学技術
    • 状況認識
  • 観光およびその他の新興市場
    • 旅客・貨物
    • その他






  • 世界の衛星および宇宙トラフィックの動向
  • 衛星および宇宙インフラの動向
  • 衛星および宇宙用途の動向
  • 衛星通信の動向
  • 観光およびその他の市場の動向


  • 衛星トラフィックの価格設定
  • 衛星コンステレーションの影響
  • 衛星通信の主要部門 [1]
  • 衛星通信の主要部門 [2]
  • 地球観測の概要


  • クラウドに関する考慮事項
  • 地上インフラ
  • 衛星打ち上げによるトラフィックへの影響




Report Summary:

Space traffic study, 3rd edition assesses the total volume of data transmitted to/from space, across four main segments.

The report also provides recommendations for cloud service providers, satellite operators and ground segment providers to benchmark current connectivity roadmaps and ensure future investments are aligned with demand.

It is based on several sources:

  • Satellite manufacturing and launch markets, 13th edition
  • Space cloud computing, 4th edition
  • Space travel and tourism markets, 4th edition
  • Satellite capacity supply and demand, 20th edition
  • Satellite-based earth observation, 15th edition
  • Secondary research across the satellite value chain

Key questions are answered in this report?

  • How do satellite communications and earth observation data traffic volumes compare?
  • Are data volumes growing or shrinking compared to previous assessments?
  • What are the near-term challenges for increased data consumption?
  • Just how much data does "space tourism" need?
  • What are the trends with data pricing?

Who Should Purchase this Report:

  • Strategy, planning, and business intelligence teams within ground segment players
  • Cloud providers exploring the satellite and space sector.
  • End-users looking to benchmark their current connectivity roadmaps
  • Investors looking to understand space data traffic volumes

NSR difference - what sets this report apart from our competition?

NSR, an Analysys Mason company, has undertaken research across the entire space and satellite ecosystem - satellite communications usage, earth observation, satellite launches, and much much more. Leveraging this broad research base over the past two decades, NSR is in the unique position to provide complete data usage trends across this range of applications and use cases over the coming decade. This report enables satellite operators, cloud providers and more to make future investment decisions on quantifiable trends and analysis with data that is built from the ground up - data that is not available anywhere else.

Key Features:

Covered in this Report:

  • 9 use cases - satellite communications, in-orbit servicing and space situational awareness, satellite launches, earth observation, navigation, science and technology, situational awareness, crew and cargo, others
  • Global forecast
  • Wholesale Satellite communications data pricing per petabyte

Report segmentation:

Satellite traffic (petabytes per year):

  • Satellite and space coomunications
    • GEO satellite traffic
    • Non-GEO satellite traffic
  • Satellite and space Infrastructure
    • In-orbit servicing and space situational awareness
    • Satellite launches
  • Satellite and space applications
    • Earth observation
    • Navigation
    • Science and technology
    • Situational awareness
  • Tourism and other emerging markets
    • Crew and carge
    • Others

FSatellite communication pricing (by petabyte)

Table of Contents

About this report

Executive summary

Worldwide trends:

  • Global satellite and space traffic trends
  • Satellite and space infrastructure trends
  • Satellite and space applications trends
  • Satellite communications trends
  • Tourism and other markets trends

Pricing, constellations, and satellite communications:

  • Satellite traffic pricing
  • Satellite constellations impacts
  • Satellite communications key segments [1]
  • Satellite communications key segments [2]
  • Earth observation overview

Additional considerations:

  • Cloud considerations
  • Ground infrastructure
  • Satellite launch impact on traffic


  • Definitions
  • Comparison to previous editions
  • Acronyms

About the authors and Analysys Mason:

  • About the authors
  • Global leaders in TMT management consulting
  • Our research services

List of Exhibits

Executive summary

  • Figure 1: Exabytes of cumulative satellite traffic by segment, worldwide, 2022-2032

Worldwide trends

  • Figure 2: Satellite & space traffic share by application, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 3: Satellite & space infrastructure traffic share by segment, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 4: Satellite & space applications traffic by segment, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 5: Satellite communications traffic, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 6: Satellite & space tourism and other markets traffic, by segment, worldwide, 2022-2032

Pricing, constellations, and satellite communications

  • Figure 7: Wholesale satellite communications data cost, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 8: Space data downlink pricing, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 9: Satellite communications market traffic, by orbit, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 10: Satellite communications application summary [1]
  • Figure 11: Satellite communications application summary [2]
  • Figure 12: Earth observation application summary

Additional considerations

  • Figure 13: Risk/reward considerations for satellite cloud computing
  • Figure 14: Ground infrastructure opportunities and challenges
  • Figure 15: Global satellite orders and launches, worldwide, 2022-2032


  • Figure 16: Satellite & space traffic by report edition, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 17: Satellite & space infrastructure traffic by report edition, worldwide, 2022-2032
  • Figure 18: Satellite & space applications traffic by report edition, worldwide, 2022-2032