CHCレビュー:2024年第2四半期Mid-2024 CHC Review |
CHCレビュー:2024年第2四半期 |
出版日: 2024年11月08日
発行: Nicholas Hall Group of Companies
ページ情報: 英文 93 Pages
納期: 即納可能
Our upcoming report, Nicholas Hall's "Mid-2024 CHC Review", charts the very latest CHC sales, growth drivers and forecasts in a succinct topical review. Over 90 detail-packed pages, it probes the most important CHC market influences globally, across categories and individual markets, while casting an eye to the future.
The report features the latest MAT Q2 2024 sales data from our dedicated "DB6" database, including topline historical sales globally, by region, country and category, short-term forecasts to 2024-25 and long-term forecasts to 2028 & 2033.
Featuring sales for the 12-month period ending June 2024, plus year-on-year growth rates, the report includes over 60 unique sales charts. Historical growth rates 2019-23 are included to help track performance fluctuations over time.