

Baby Car Seat Assessment, By Type, By Weight Group, By Age, By Price Range, By Distribution Channel, By Region, Opportunities, and Forecast, 2016-2030F

出版日: | 発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data | ページ情報: 英文 204 Pages | 納期: 3~5営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年12月13日
発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data
ページ情報: 英文 204 Pages
納期: 3~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次





例えば、Maxi Cosiは2022年3月、未来に焦点を当てたユニークなベビーシート、Mica Pro Ecoを発売しました。このベビーシートは、プラスチック(PET)ボトルから作られ、地球にやさしい革新的な100%リサイクル生地を使用したEco Careで作られています。この製品はi-Sizeの最高安全基準を満たし、快適性と未来に焦点を当てたファブリックを組み合わせることで、この種の製品としては初の持続可能なベビーシートとなっています。



2023年3月、Frank StephensonはBabyarkと共同で、ミリタリーグレードの材料を使用した新しいベビーシートを設計し、子供の安全性を最高水準で満たしました。この設計には、万が一の事故の際にシートの前方への動きを制御された速度で減速させる安全コイルが組み込まれています。さらに、シートのベースには14個のセンサーが設置され、シートが正しくバックル装着されていることをユーザーに知らせるベビーシートのスマート機能に加え、さまざまなパラメーターをモニターすることができます。スマートフォンのアプリは、これらのすべての通知を配信するために使用され、子供の安全を確保します。



例えば、アメリカでもっとも信頼されているベビー用品ブランドであり、Newell Brands Familyの一員であるGracoは、2023年6月に4Ever DLX Grad 5-in-1 Car Seatを発表しました。Gracoは、子供が12歳まで安全に乗ることができる初のベビーシートを設計しました。加えて、5つの使用モードを備え、安全性、長寿命、耐久性、品質の最高基準を満たす革新的な製品を作り出すことで、成長する家族や新しく親になる人々のニーズに対応するように設計されています。



第1章 調査手法

第2章 プロジェクトの範囲と定義

第3章 世界のベビーシート市場に対するCOVID-19の影響

第4章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第5章 顧客の声

  • 人口統計(年齢/コホート分析 - 団塊の世代とX世代、ミレニアル世代、Z世代、性別、所得 - 低、中、高、地域、国籍など)
  • ブランドと製品の認知度
  • さまざまなスタイルとオプション
  • 購入決定において考慮される要素
  • 購入チャネル
  • 既存のユーザーまたは対象ユーザー
  • 友人、家族からの推奨/オンラインのレビュー
  • 製品/ブランドの吸収におけるブランドアンバサダーまたはインフルエンサーマーケティングの役割

第6章 ベビーシート市場の見通し(2016年~2030年)

  • 市場規模と予測
    • 金額
    • 数量
  • タイプ別
    • 乳児用シート/後ろ向きシート
    • コンビネーションシート
    • コンバーチブルシート
    • ブースターシート
    • オールインワンシート
  • 重量グループ別
    • 30~35ポンド
    • 60~90ポンド
    • 80~125ポンド
  • 年齢別
    • 0~2歳
    • 2~4歳
    • 6~11歳
  • 価格帯別
  • 流通チャネル別
    • オンライン
    • オフライン
  • 地域別
    • 北米
    • 欧州
    • 南米
    • アジア太平洋
    • 中東・アフリカ
  • 市場シェア:企業別(2022年)

第7章 ベビーシート市場の見通し:地域別(2016年~2030年)

  • 北米
    • 市場規模と予測
    • タイプ別
    • 重量グループ別
    • 年齢別
    • 価格帯別
    • 流通チャネル別
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
    • イタリア
    • 英国
    • ロシア
    • オランダ
    • スペイン
    • トルコ
    • ポーランド
  • 南米
    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
  • アジア太平洋
    • インド
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • オーストラリア
    • ベトナム
    • 韓国
    • インドネシア
    • フィリピン
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • サウジアラビア
    • 南アフリカ

第8章 市場マッピング(2022年)

  • タイプ別
  • 重量グループ別
  • 年齢別
  • 価格帯別
  • 流通チャネル別
  • 地域別

第9章 マクロ環境と産業構造

  • 需給分析
  • 輸出入の分析
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • PESTEL分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析

第10章 市場力学

  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長抑制要因(課題、抑制要因)

第11章 主要企業情勢

  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の競合マトリクス
  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の市場収益分析(2022年)
  • 合併と買収/合弁事業(該当する場合)
  • SWOT分析(市場参入企業5社)
  • 特許分析(該当する場合)

第12章 価格分析

第13章 ケーススタディ

第14章 主要企業の見通し

  • Graco Children's Products Inc.
  • Artsana S.p.A.
  • Britax Child Safety Inc.
  • Clek
  • Diono, LLC.
  • Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. (Maxi-Cosi)
  • Babyark
  • Baby Jogger, LLC.
  • Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd.

第15章 戦略的推奨事項

第16章 当社について、免責事項


List of Tables

  • Table 1. Pricing Analysis of Products from Key Players
  • Table 2. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • Table 3. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • Table 4. About Us - Regions and Countries Where We Have Executed Client Projects

List of Figures

  • Figure 1. Global Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 2. Global Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 3. Global Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 4. Global Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 5. Global Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 6. Global Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 7. Global Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 8. Global Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Region, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 9. North America Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 10. North America Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 11. North America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 12. North America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 13. North America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 14. North America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 15. North America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 16. North America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Country, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 17. United States Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 18. United States Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 19. United States Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 20. United States Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 21. United States Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 22. United States Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 23. United States Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 24. Canada Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 25. Canada Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 26. Canada Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 27. Canada Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 28. Canada Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 29. Canada Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 30. Canada Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 31. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 32. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 33. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 34. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 35. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 36. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 37. Mexico Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 38. Europe Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 39. Europe Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 40. Europe Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 41. Europe Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 42. Europe Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 43. Europe Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 44. Europe Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 45. Europe Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Country, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 46. Germany Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 47. Germany Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 48. Germany Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 49. Germany Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 50. Germany Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 51. Germany Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 52. Germany Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 53. France Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 54. France Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 55. France Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 56. France Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 57. France Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 58. France Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 59. France Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 60. Italy Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 61. Italy Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 62. Italy Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 63. Italy Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 64. Italy Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 65. Italy Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 66. Italy Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 67. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 68. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 69. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 70. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 71. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 72. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 73. United Kingdom Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 74. Russia Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 75. Russia Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 76. Russia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 77. Russia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 78. Russia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 79. Russia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 80. Russia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 81. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 82. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 83. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 84. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 85. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 86. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 87. Netherlands Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 88. Spain Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 89. Spain Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 90. Spain Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 91. Spain Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 92. Spain Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 93. Spain Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 94. Spain Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 95. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 96. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 97. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 98. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 99. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 100. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 101. Turkey Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 102. Poland Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 103. Poland Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 104. Poland Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 105. Poland Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 106. Poland Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 107. Poland Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 108. Poland Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 109. South America Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 110. South America Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 111. South America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 112. South America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 113. South America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 114. South America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 115. South America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 116. South America Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Country, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 117. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 118. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 119. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 120. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 121. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 122. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 123. Brazil Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 124. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 125. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 126. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 127. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 128. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 129. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 130. Argentina Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 131. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 132. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 133. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 134. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 135. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 136. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 137. Asia- Pacific Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 138. Asia-Pacific Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Country, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 139. India Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 140. India Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 141. India Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 142. India Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 143. India Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 144. India Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 145. India Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 146. China Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 147. China Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 148. China Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 149. China Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 150. China Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 151. China Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 152. China Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 153. Japan Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 154. Japan Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 155. Japan Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 156. Japan Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 157. Japan Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 158. Japan Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 159. Japan Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 160. Australia Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 161. Australia Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 162. Australia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 163. Australia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 164. Australia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 165. Australia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 166. Australia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 167. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 168. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 169. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 170. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 171. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 172. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 173. Vietnam Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 174. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 175. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 176. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 177. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 178. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 179. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 180. South Korea Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 181. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 182. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 183. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 184. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 185. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 186. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 187. Indonesia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 188. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 189. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 190. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 191. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 192. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 193. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 194. Philippines Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 195. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 196. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 197. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 198. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 199. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 200. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 201. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 202. Middle East & Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Country, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 203. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 204. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 205. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 206. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 207. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 208. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 209. Saudi Arabia Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 210. UAE Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 211. UAE Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 212. UAE Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 213. UAE Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 214. UAE Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 215. UAE Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 216. UAE Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 217. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market, By Value, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 218. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market, By Volume, In Thousand Units, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 219. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Type, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 220. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Weight Group, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 221. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Age, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 222. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Price Range, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 223. South Africa Baby Car Seat Market Share, By Distribution Channel, In USD Billion, 2016-2030F
  • Figure 224. By Type Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2022
  • Figure 225. By Weight Group Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2022
  • Figure 226. By Age Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2022
  • Figure 227. By Price Range Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2022
  • Figure 228. By Distribution Channel Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2022
  • Figure 229. By Region Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), 2022
Product Code: MX10729

Global baby car seat market size was valued at USD 8.01 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 16.14 billion in 2030, with a CAGR of 9.15% for the forecast period between 2023 and 2030. The strict government regulations, rising consumer awareness, and growing demand for high-quality baby car seats that can offer the best protection to the child have led to significant growth and advancement in recent times. The industry is shifting towards environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. Thus, the market is very dynamic and competitive as it keeps on changing to meet the shifting demands and preferences of its customer.

As per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, in the year 2021, motor vehicle crashes resulted in the deaths of 711 child passengers aged 12 and below in the United States, while over 63,000 were injured in 2020. Among the children who lost their lives in these accidents, 36% were not properly equipped. The stark statistics emphasize the importance of using appropriate child restraint systems, such as baby car seats.

Geographically, North America and Europe have traditionally been the primary markets for baby car seats, given the strict safety regulations in these regions. However, emerging economies in Asia-Pacific are experiencing a growing market demand due to increasing disposable incomes, urbanization, and a greater awareness of child safety.

Global baby car seat market is characterized by a combination of regulatory measures, technological advancements, and evolving consumer lifestyles. As safety concerns continue to drive purchasing decisions among parents, the market is expected to witness sustained growth, with innovations likely to play a crucial role in shaping the industry's future trajectory.

For instance, in March 2022, Maxi Cosi launched the Mica Pro Eco, a unique, future-focused car seat, made using Eco Care with the use of an innovative planet-friendly, 100% recycled fabric made from plastic (PET) bottles. The product was built to the highest i-Size safety standards and combined comfort with future-focused fabrics, to create the first sustainable car seat of its kind.

Rising Awareness of Baby Car Seats Helps in Market Expansion

Parents are purchasing more baby car seats to help lower the risk of deaths and serious injuries during accidents and car rash as a result of growing concerns for toddlers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of US Department of Transportation, child passenger safety is one of the top priorities. Rear facing, forward facing and booster car seats and seat belts are best ways for parents and other caregivers to keep their child safe in cars. In order to protect the babies in any event of an accident, the NHTSA has also advised parents and other caregivers to make sure the seats are correctly adjusted. Furthermore, they have stated that seats must be chosen based on the age of the child, which has driven the market growth for baby car seats.

In March 2023, Frank Stephenson collaborated with Babyark to design a new baby car seat using military grade material to meet the highest standard of safety for the child. The design incorporated a safe coil that slowed down the seat's forward motion in case of any incident at a controlled rate. Furthermore, 14 sensors were installed within the seat's base, that could monitor a group of parameters, in addition to smart features of baby car seats that informed the users that the seat was correctly buckled and installed. A smartphone application was used to deliver all these notifications, ensuring the security of the children.

Widespread Availability of Personalised Baby Car Seats Drives the Baby Car Seat Market

Customized infant car seats are widely accessible, ensuring babies' utmost safety and comfort. These seats have features that can be changed to meet the needs of each consumer and are made to fit a range of sizes. Customized infant car seats allow parents to select models with particular padding and recline options to meet their baby's specific needs. The broad availability guarantees parents' peace of mind as well as a safer and more comfortable travel experience for infants.

For instance, Graco, the most trusted baby gear brand in America and a member of Newell Brands Family, introduced the 4Ever DLX Grad 5-in-1 Car Seat in June 2023 that ensured that the children's seat belts were correctly positioned in the car. Graco designed the first baby car seat that helps kids ride safely for up to 12 years. In addition to this, it is designed to accommodate the needs of growing families and new parents through creating innovative products that meet the highest standards of safety, longevity, durability, and quality with its five usage modes.

Technological Advancements in Baby Car Seat Market

Baby car seats come with majority of features that are safer, more practical, and appealing to parents and caregivers as a result of advancement in technology. Manufacturers are now able to create car seats that let kids ride in the rear-facing position for longer due to the technological advancements. Technology advances have led to the development of simple-to-install car seats. Features like color-coded indicators and the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system make installation easier for parents and caregivers. With this, parents are more likely to spend money on cutting-edge car seats that put their kids' convenience and safety first, which fuels the market's expansion.

For instance, in April 2023, Maxi-Cosi launched the 360 Pro Family, introducing the innovative SlideTech technology. Proving a standard for ergonomics, when the parent is getting their child in and out of the car, the seat can slide and rotate towards them which set a benchmark of manufacturers. In addition, the model got available by 24 April in UK and Ireland.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the market for infant car seats in a number of ways. Due to travel restrictions, lockdowns, and economic uncertainty, consumer spending has significantly decreased, which has resulted in a decrease in the purchase of non-essential items like infant car seats. Families under financial stress might put necessities above luxuries like car sets, which would affect demand in the market. The pandemic has also changed lifestyle trends and consumer behavior. Families are commuting daily and working remotely more frequently, which has reduced the demand for expensive or multiple car seats. Additionally, the need for car seats has decreased as a result of a decrease in outdoor activities and travel due to concerns about virus transmission. However, it was advised by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to disinfect surfaces, but car safety seats and seat belts may become less effective in an accident if disinfectant chemicals erode their strength.

Key Players Landscape and Outlook

Global baby car seat market features key players such as Graco Children's Products Inc., Artsana S.p.A., Britax Child Safety Inc., Clek, Diono, LLC., Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. (Maxi-Cosi), RENOLUX, Babyark, Baby Jogger, LLC., Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd. These companies dominate the landscape with a wide range of products, emphasizing safety, innovations, and comfort. The market is characterised by continuous research and development activities, strategic collaborations and product launches to meet evolving safety standards and consumer preferences. Additionally, the industry is influenced by stringent regulations.

In 2023, Babyark, based in Coral Gables, Florida, in the United States, launched its convertible car seat at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). The car seat offers a detailed approach to safety with a focus on the components it is made of, which include composites, and the technology that has been added to it. Shy Mindel, a former aeronautical engineer, designed the seat that is raising the bar for child safety. The seat also includes a smartphone app and smart sensor system that instruct parents on how to properly install the seat and make sure their child is buckled up.

Table of Contents

1. Research Methodology

2. Project Scope & Definitions

3. Impact of COVID-19 on Global Baby Car Seat Market

4. Executive Summary

5. Voice of Customer

  • 5.1. Demographics (Age/Cohort Analysis - Baby Boomers and Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z; Gender; Income - Low, Mid and High; Geography; Nationality; etc.)
  • 5.2. Brand and Product Awareness
  • 5.3. Variety of Styles and Options
  • 5.4. Factors Considered in Purchase Decision
    • 5.4.1. Quality (Comfort, Design)
    • 5.4.2. Ease of Installation
    • 5.4.3. Durability and Versatility
    • 5.4.4. Price Point
    • 5.4.5. Brand Reputation
    • 5.4.6. Features and Adjustability
    • 5.4.7. Availability and Accessibility
    • 5.4.8. Marketing and Advertising
  • 5.5. Purchase Channel
  • 5.6. Existing or Intended User
  • 5.7. Recommendations from friends, family/online reviews
  • 5.8. Role of Brand Ambassador or Influencer Marketing on Product/Brand Absorption

6. Baby Car Seat Market Outlook, 2016-2030F

  • 6.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 6.1.1. By Value
    • 6.1.2. By Volume
  • 6.2. By Type
    • 6.2.1. Infant Seats/ Rear Facing Seats
    • 6.2.2. Combination Seat
    • 6.2.3. Convertible Seats
    • 6.2.4. Booster Seats
      • High Back Booster Seats
      • Backless Booster Seats
    • 6.2.5. All in One Seat
  • 6.3. By Weight Group
    • 6.3.1. 30-35 lbs
    • 6.3.2. 60-90 lbs
    • 6.3.3. 80-125 lbs
  • 6.4. By Age
    • 6.4.1. 0-2 years
    • 6.4.2. 2-4 years
    • 6.4.3. 6-11 years
  • 6.5. By Price Range
    • 6.5.1. High
    • 6.5.2. Low
    • 6.5.3. Medium
  • 6.6. By Distribution Channel
    • 6.6.1. Online
      • E-commerce Website
      • Company Owned Website
    • 6.6.2. Offline
      • Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
      • Speciality Stores
      • Departmental Stores
      • Others
  • 6.7. By Region
    • 6.7.1. North America
    • 6.7.2. Europe
    • 6.7.3. South America
    • 6.7.4. Asia-Pacific
    • 6.7.5. Middle East and Africa
  • 6.8. By Company Market Share (%), 2022

7. Baby Car Seat Market Outlook, By Region, 2016-2030F

  • 7.1. North America*
    • 7.1.1. Market Size & Forecast
      • By Value
      • By Volume
    • 7.1.2. By Type
      • Infant Seats/Rear Facing Seats
      • Combination Seat
      • Convertible Seats
      • Booster Seats
      • High Back Booster Seats
      • Backless Booster Seats
      • All in One Seat
    • 7.1.3. By Weight Group
      • 30-35 lbs
      • 60-90 lbs
      • 80-125 lbs
    • 7.1.4. By Age
      • 0-2 years
      • 2-4 years
      • 6-11 years
    • 7.1.5. By Price Range
      • High
      • Low
      • Medium
    • 7.1.6. By Distribution Channel
      • Online
      • E-commerce Website
      • Company Owned Website
      • Offline
      • Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
      • Speciality Stores
      • Departmental Stores
      • Others
    • 7.1.7. United States*
      • Market Size & Forecast
      • By Value
      • By Volume
      • By Type
      • Infant Seats/ Rear Facing Seats
      • Combination Seat
      • Convertible Seats
      • Booster Seats
      • High Back Booster Seats
      • Backless Booster Seats
      • All in One Seat
      • By Weight Group
      • 30-35 lbs
      • 60-90 lbs
      • 80-125 lbs
      • By Age
      • 0-2 years
      • 2-4 years
      • 6-11 years
      • By Price Range
      • High
      • Low
      • Medium
      • By Distribution Channel
      • Online
      • E-commerce Website
      • Company Owned Website
      • Offline
      • Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
      • Speciality Stores
      • Departmental Stores
      • Others
    • 7.1.8. Canada
    • 7.1.9. Mexico

All segments will be provided for all regions and countries covered:

  • 7.2. Europe
    • 7.2.1. Germany
    • 7.2.2. France
    • 7.2.3. Italy
    • 7.2.4. United Kingdom
    • 7.2.5. Russia
    • 7.2.6. Netherlands
    • 7.2.7. Spain
    • 7.2.8. Turkey
    • 7.2.9. Poland
  • 7.3. South America
    • 7.3.1. Brazil
    • 7.3.2. Argentina
  • 7.4. Asia-Pacific
    • 7.4.1. India
    • 7.4.2. China
    • 7.4.3. Japan
    • 7.4.4. Australia
    • 7.4.5. Vietnam
    • 7.4.6. South Korea
    • 7.4.7. Indonesia
    • 7.4.8. Philippines
  • 7.5. Middle East & Africa
    • 7.5.1. UAE
    • 7.5.2. Saudi Arabia
    • 7.5.3. South Africa

8. Market Mapping, 2022

  • 8.1. By Type
  • 8.2. By Weight Group
  • 8.3. By Age
  • 8.4. By Price Range
  • 8.5. By Distribution Channel
  • 8.6. By Region

9. Macro Environment and Industry Structure

  • 9.1. Supply Demand Analysis
  • 9.2. Import Export Analysis
  • 9.3. Value Chain Analysis
  • 9.4. PESTEL Analysis
    • 9.4.1. Political Factors
    • 9.4.2. Economic System
    • 9.4.3. Social Implications
    • 9.4.4. Technological Advancements
    • 9.4.5. Environmental Impacts
    • 9.4.6. Legal Compliances and Regulatory Policies (Statutory Bodies Included)
  • 9.5. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 9.5.1. Supplier Power
    • 9.5.2. Buyer Power
    • 9.5.3. Substitution Threat
    • 9.5.4. Threat from New Entrant
    • 9.5.5. Competitive Rivalry

10. Market Dynamics

  • 10.1. Growth Drivers
  • 10.2. Growth Inhibitors (Challenges and Restraints)

11. Key Players Landscape

  • 11.1. Competition Matrix of Top Five Market Leaders
  • 11.2. Market Revenue Analysis of Top Five Market Leaders (in %, 2022)
  • 11.3. Mergers and Acquisitions/Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • 11.4. SWOT Analysis (For Five Market Players)
  • 11.5. Patent Analysis (If Applicable)

12. Pricing Analysis

13. Case Studies

14. Key Players Outlook

  • 14.1. Graco Children's Products Inc.
    • 14.1.1. Company Details
    • 14.1.2. Key Management Personnel
    • 14.1.3. Products & Services
    • 14.1.4. Financials (As reported)
    • 14.1.5. Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence
    • 14.1.6. Recent Developments
  • 14.2. Artsana S.p.A.
  • 14.3. Britax Child Safety Inc.
  • 14.4. Clek
  • 14.5. Diono, LLC.
  • 14.6. Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. (Maxi-Cosi)
  • 14.7. RENOLUX
  • 14.8. Babyark
  • 14.9. Baby Jogger, LLC.
  • 14.10. Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd.

Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work.

15. Strategic Recommendations

16. About Us & Disclaimer