表紙:日本の大動脈修復装置市場の分析:Medtech 360

日本の大動脈修復装置市場の分析:Medtech 360

Aortic Repair Devices | Medtech 360 | Market Insights | Japan

出版日: | 発行: Clarivate | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
日本の大動脈修復装置市場の分析:Medtech 360
出版日: 2024年03月27日
発行: Clarivate
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

日本の大動脈修復装置市場は緩やかな速度で成長すると予想されていますが、その背景には、高価格帯の血管内治療へのシフト、大規模かつ拡大する大動脈瘤の患者プール、既存製品の採用を裏付ける新しい臨床データの入手可能性、予測期間中の日本における新しい大動脈修復装置の発売があります。一方で、特に大動脈手術用グラフト市場では、厚生労働省による2年に1度の診療報酬引き下げにより平均販売価格 (ASP) が低下し、また特定の適応症では大動脈ステントグラフトブランドが利用できないため、市場収益の伸びはある程度制限される見通しです。

当レポートでは、日本の大動脈修復装置の市場について分析し、全体的な市場動向の見通し (2019年~2032年) や、製品カテゴリー別の詳細動向、市場競争の状況 (主要企業の市場シェアほか)、主な市場促進・抑制要因、技術革新やCOVID-19の影響などを調査しております。







  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 手法別 (処置件数のみ)
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • W. L. Gore
    • Medtronic
    • Cook Medical
    • Terumo
    • その他の主な競合企業
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因
  • 市場動向


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 胸部
    • 腹部
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 日本の大動脈ステントグラフト市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 胸部
    • 腹部
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 日本の大動脈手術用グラフト市場の競合考察


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 主な競合企業
  • 競合の考察
    • 日本の大動脈修復補助機器市場における競合考察



Product Code: 47041797

The Japanese aortic repair device market will grow at a modest rate, which in turn is attributed to shift towards premium-priced endovascular procedures, large and expanding patient pool of aortic aneurysms, availability of new clinical data to support the adoption of existing products and launch of new aortic repair devices in Japan during the forecast period. However, market revenues growth will be limited by eroding ASPs due to biennial reimbursement cuts by the MHLW, particularly in the aortic surgical grafts market and to some extent by unavailability of aortic stent grafts brands for certain indications.

Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the market for aortic repair devices in Japan from 2019 through 2032.

A number of innovative devices were launched in recent years in the lucrative aortic stent graft device market.

  • How have the market dynamics changed with new launches?
  • What competitive strategies competitors are deploying to gain share in this market?
  • What factors are limiting aortic stent graft market revenue growth?

Novel devices are expected to gain approval in the Japanese aortic repair device market.

  • What recent developments have occurred in the aortic stent grafts segment?
  • Which devices are in the developmental pipeline?
  • When are the devices expected to gain approval in the Japanese aortic repair device market?
  • What impact will major clinical trials being conducted have on the market?
  • What factors are influencing the adoption of existing products in Japanese aortic repair device market?

Aortic repair can be performed using endovascular, surgical, or hybrid procedures.

  • Which methods are preferred for which indications?
  • To what extent are hybrid aortic repair procedures being performed for the aortic arch and thoracoabdominal indications in Japan?
  • How will the launch of new custom-made hybrid stent grafts affect the market?

The penetration of endovascular treatment methods for aortic repair is growing.

  • What are the main drivers and limiters of growth in the Japanese endovascular aortic repair device market?
  • Which indication has seen the highest penetration of endovascular treatments?
  • For which indications will uptake of endovascular aortic repair procedures be limited and why?

Biennial MHLW reimbursement cuts will continue to negatively affect the Japanese aortic repair device market.

  • Which device segments has been most affected by the MHLW reimbursement cuts, and to what extent will the different device markets be impacted?
  • What other factors will affect ASP trends?

Table of Contents



Executive Summary

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Market Highlights
  • Competitive Highlights
  • Market Developments
  • Average Currency Exchange Rates
  • Procedures Covered
  • Products Covered

Key Report Updates

Aortic Repair Device Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Technique (Procedures Only)
      • Endovascular
      • Surgical
      • Hybrid
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • W. L. Gore
    • Medtronic
    • Cook Medical
    • Terumo
    • Other Key Competitors
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Market Developments

Aortic Stent Graft Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • Thoracic
    • Abdominal
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Japanese Aortic Stent Graft Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Aortic Surgical Graft Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • Thoracic
    • Abdominal
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Japanese Aortic Surgical Graft Market Competitive Insights

Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Major Competitors
  • Competitive Insights
    • Japanese Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market Competitive Insights


  • Abbreviations
  • Bibliography


  • Core Country Coverage Methodology
  • Research Methodology
  • Marketrack Methodology
  • PriceTrack Methodology
  • Forecast Methodology
  • Supplemental Country Coverage Methodology
  • Base-Year Ratio Analysis
  • Market Forecasting

Tables and Figures

  • Aortic Repair Device Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Repair Device Market Landscape, Japan (USD), 2022 and 2032
  • Aortic Repair Device Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Product Type, Japan, 2022
  • Competitive Insights
  • Companies Mentioned
  • Recent Events in the Aortic Repair Device Market, Japan
  • Key Clinical Trials in the Aortic Repair Device Market, Japan
  • Emerging Products for the Aortic Repair Device Market, Japan
  • Average Currency Exchange Rates
  • Aortic Repair Procedures Covered, Japan
  • Aortic Repair Devices Covered, Japan
  • Japan Aortic Repair Device Market Drivers
  • Japan Aortic Repair Device Market Limiters
  • Aortic Repair Device Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Repair Device Procedures, by Anatomy, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Thoracic Aortic Repair Device Procedures, by Indication, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Abdominal Aortic Repair Device Procedures, by Indication, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Aortic Repair Device Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Endovascular Procedures, by Indication, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Endovascular Aortic Arch Procedures, by Procedure Type, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Endovascular Juxtarenal Procedures, by Procedure Type, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Endovascular Infrarenal Procedures, by Procedure Type, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Surgical Procedures, by Indication, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Hybrid Procedures, by Indication, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Aortic Repair Device Revenue Market Shares, Japan, 2022
  • Aortic Repair Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Japan, 2022
  • W. L. Gore Competitive Insights
  • Medtronic Competitive Insights
  • Cook Medical Competitive Insights
  • Terumo Competitive Insights
  • Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Recent Events in the Aortic Repair Device Market, Japan
  • Key Clinical Trials in the Aortic Repair Device Market, Japan
  • Emerging Products for the Aortic Repair Device Market, Japan
  • Japanese Aortic Stent Graft Market Drivers
  • Japanese Aortic Stent Graft Market Limiters
  • Aortic Stent Graft Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Stent Graft Market, by Anatomy, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Stent Graft Market, by Anatomy, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Stent Graft Market Growth, by Anatomy, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Aortic Stent Graft Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Stent Graft Market Growth, by Product Type, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Thoracic Aortic Stent Graft Market, by Indication, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Thoracic Aortic Stent Graft Market Growth, by Indication, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Abdominal Aortic Stent Graft Market, by Indication, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Abdominal Aortic Stent Graft Market Growth, by Indication, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Aortic Stent Graft Revenue Market Shares, Japan, 2022
  • Aortic Stent Graft Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Japan, 2022
  • Japanese Aortic Stent Graft Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Japanese Aortic Surgical Graft Market Drivers
  • Japanese Aortic Surgical Graft Market Limiters
  • Surgical Graft Market, by Anatomy, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Surgical Graft Market, by Anatomy, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Thoracic Aortic Surgical Graft Market, by Indication, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Thoracic Aortic Surgical Graft Market Growth, by Indication, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Abdominal Aortic Surgical Graft Market, by Indication, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Abdominal Aortic Surgical Graft Market Growth, by Indication, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Surgical Graft Revenue Market Shares, Japan, 2022
  • Surgical Graft Revenue Market Shares, Japan, 2022
  • Japanese Aortic Surgical Graft Market Competitive Insights
  • Japanese Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market Drivers
  • Japanese Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market Limiters
  • Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market, by Product Type, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Major Competitors in Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market, Japan, 2022
  • Japanese Aortic Repair Accessory Device Market Competitive Insights
  • Abbreviations