表紙:米国の皮膚代用品・代替品市場の分析:Medtech 360

米国の皮膚代用品・代替品市場の分析:Medtech 360

Skin Replacements and Substitutes | Medtech 360 | Market Insights | United States

出版日: | 発行: Clarivate | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
米国の皮膚代用品・代替品市場の分析:Medtech 360
出版日: 2024年03月25日
発行: Clarivate
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


当レポートでは、米国の皮膚代用品・代替品の市場について分析し、全体的な市場動向の見通し (2019年~2032年) や、製品カテゴリー別の詳細動向、市場競争の状況 (主要企業の市場シェアほか)、主な市場促進・抑制要因、技術革新やCOVID-19の影響などを調査しております。







  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • Integra LifeSciences
    • Organogenesis
    • MiMedx Group
    • Smith & Nephew
    • その他の主な競合企業
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因
  • 市場動向


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 材料別
    • 製品種類別
    • 製品機能別
    • ストレージの種類別
  • 市場シェア
  • 競合考察
    • 米国の生物学的皮膚代用品・代替品市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 製品種類別
    • ストレージの種類別
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 米国の生合成皮膚代用品・代替品市場の競合考察
  • 市場シェア



Product Code: 47042162

The US skin replacements and substitutes market is expected to see gradual revenue growth. This growth will be driven by favorable demographics, increasing procedure volumes in nonhospital settings, and the continued adoption of skin replacements and substitutes for wound healing. However, uncertainties related to upcoming reimbursement systems and regulatory changes may somewhat constrain market expansion.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the market for skin replacements and substitutes in the US from 2019 through 2032.

Over the past three years there has been a notable increase in the use of nonhospital service locations.

  • How do the changes in site of service align with the specific types of wounds treated using skin replacements and substitutes?
  • How do varying economic incentives at different service sites impact trends in the skin replacement and substitute market?
  • How are ASPs being affected by this site of service switch?

Modifications in reimbursement policies within the US have impacted compensation for skin replacements and substitutes.

  • Which different reimbursement systems exist?
  • How do these reimbursement structures influence procedure volume growth across sites of service?
  • What strategies are companies employing to secure favorable reimbursement?

The adoption of biologic skin replacement and substitute products is on the rise.

  • What are the advantages of each biologic product type?
  • Which manufacturers and brands have been most successful in the biologic space?
  • What factors determine physician preference for certain biologic skin replacement and substitute products?

Prominent competitive strategies in this domain include product launches, acquisitions, and partnerships.

  • How have recent major acquisitions within the skin replacement and substitute market affected market shares?
  • Which segments of the skin replacement and substitute market are experiencing the fastest adoption of new products?

Clinical data play a critical role for physicians when selecting skin replacements and substitutes.

  • How have clinical trials affected the reimbursement status of key products?
  • Which companies are investing in clinical trials?

Regulatory updates from the FDA regarding amniotic- and placenta-based products have impacted the competitive landscape.

  • How have regulatory updates impacted competitors?
  • How are competitors adjusting their strategies to remain competitive despite regulatory changes?
  • How have recent product recalls affected or are expected to affect the involved competitors and market trends?

Table of Contents

United States


Executive Summary

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Market Highlights
  • Competitive Highlights
  • Market Developments
  • Procedures Covered
  • Products Covered

Key Report Updates

Skin Replacement and Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
    • End-User Insights
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Integra LifeSciences
    • Organogenesis
    • MiMedx Group
    • Smith & Nephew
    • Other Key Competitors
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Market Developments

Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Material
    • By Product Type
    • By Product Feature
    • By Storage Type
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • US Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Product Type
    • By Storage Type
  • Competitive Insights
    • US Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Market Shares


  • Abbreviations
  • Bibliography


  • Core Country Coverage Methodology
  • Research Methodology
  • Marketrack Methodology
  • PriceTrack Methodology
  • Forecast Methodology
  • Supplemental Country Coverage Methodology
  • Base-Year Ratio Analysis
  • Market Forecasting

Tables and Figures

  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Landscape, US (USD), 2022 and 2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Product Type, US, 2022
  • Competitive Insights
  • Companies Mentioned
  • Recent Events in the Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, US
  • Emerging Products for the Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, US
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Procedures Covered, US
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Products Covered, US
  • US Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Drivers
  • US Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Limiters
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Procedures, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Procedures, by Site of Service, US, 2019-2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Shares, US, 2022
  • Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, US, 2022
  • Integra LifeSciences Competitive Insights
  • Organogenesis Competitive Insights
  • MiMedx Group Competitive Insights
  • Smith & Nephew Competitive Insights
  • Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Recent Events in the Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, US
  • Emerging Products for the Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, US
  • US Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Drivers
  • US Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Limiters
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Material, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Material, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Material, US, 2020-2032
  • Allograft Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Origin, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Allograft Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Origin, US, 2020-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Feature, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Product Feature, US, 2020-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Storage Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Storage Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Shares, US, 2022
  • Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Shares, US, 2022
  • US Biologic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • US Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Drivers
  • US Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Limiters
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market, by Storage Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Growth, by Storage Type, US, 2020-2032
  • US Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Shares, US, 2022
  • Biosynthetic Skin Replacement and Substitute Revenue Market Shares, US, 2022
  • Abbreviations