表紙:歯科用代替骨移植片の世界市場の分析:Medtech 360

歯科用代替骨移植片の世界市場の分析:Medtech 360

Dental Bone Graft Substitutes | Medtech 360 | Market Insights | Global

出版日: | 発行: Clarivate | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
歯科用代替骨移植片の世界市場の分析:Medtech 360
出版日: 2024年03月26日
発行: Clarivate
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

歯科用代替骨移植片 (BGS) 市場全体は、COVID-19パンデミックの影響からの回復期を経て、予測期間中は緩やかな成長が見込まれています。市場を牽引する主な要因は、高齢化人口の増加、口腔ケアに対する意識の高まり、歯科インプラント需要の増加、可処分所得水準の上昇であり、これらは歯科BGS処置の需要を強化しています。さらに、競合による価格設定や、歯科診療所をネットワークに統合する動向により、歯科治療の低価格化と利用しやすさが向上しています。しかし、コストの障壁や厳しい規制環境は、今後も市場の成長ペースを制限し続ける見通しです。

当レポートでは、世界各地の歯科用代替骨移植片の市場について分析し、全体的な市場動向の見通し (2019年~2032年) や、製品カテゴリー別の詳細動向、市場競争の状況 (主要企業の市場シェアほか)、主な市場促進・抑制要因、技術革新やCOVID-19の影響などを調査しております。






  • 世界の歯科用骨代替移植片市場
  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 材料別
    • 製品機能別 (処置件数のみ)
    • 適応症別 (処置件数のみ)
    • サービスの提供場所別
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • Geistlich
    • ZimVie
    • Straumann
    • その他の主な競合企業
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因
  • 市場動向


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 材料別
      • 米国
      • カナダ
    • 製品の特徴 (処置件数のみ)
    • 適応症別 (処置件数のみ)
    • サービスの提供場所別 (処置件数のみ)
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 北米の歯科用代替骨移植片市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 材料別
      • フランス
      • ドイツ
      • イタリア
      • スペイン
      • 英国
    • 製品機能別 (処置件数のみ)
    • 適応症別 (処置件数のみ)
    • サービスの提供場所別 (処置件数のみ)
  • 市場シェア
  • 競合考察
    • 欧州の歯科用代替骨移植片市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 材料別
      • オーストラリア
      • 中国
      • インド
      • 日本
      • 韓国
    • 製品機能別 (処置件数のみ)
    • 適応症別 (処置件数のみ)
    • サービスの提供場所別 (処置件数のみ)
  • 市場シェア
  • 競合考察
    • アジア太平洋の歯科用代替骨移植片市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 材料別
      • アルゼンチン
      • ブラジル
      • コロンビア
      • メキシコ
    • 製品機能別 (処置件数のみ)
    • 適応症別 (処置件数のみ)
    • サービスの提供場所別 (処置件数のみ)
  • 市場シェア
  • 競合考察
    • ラテンアメリカの歯科用代替骨移植片市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合企業に影響を与える要因


Product Code: 47041071

The overall dental BGS market is poised for moderate growth over the forecast period, following a period of recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The market is primarily driven by an increasing aging population, heightened awareness about oral care, rising demand for dental implants, and an increase in disposable income levels, which are bolstering demand for dental BGS procedures. Additionally, competitive pricing and a trend toward merging dental practices into networks are improving the affordability and accessibility of dental care. However, cost barriers and stringent regulatory environments will continue to limit the pace of market growth.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the dental BGS market for the North American, European, Asia Pacific, and Latin American regions from 2019 through 2032.

Some countries are positioned for significant dental BGS market growth during the forecast period.

  • What factors are driving the growth of the dental BGS market globally?
  • How do economic, social, and geopolitical conditions influence the forecasted growth disparities among different regions?
  • Which types of procedures are popular in different countries, and which ones are expected to undergo the most significant growth?
  • vThe dental market is seeing increasing consolidation in the form of larger dental chains and DSOs.

  • How are these developments impacting procedure volumes and prices in the dental BGS space?
  • Which countries are observing such developments, and what implications will this trend have on market dynamics?

Economic challenges in certain regions are posing challenges, which could potentially dampen demand for dental BGS procedures.

  • Which regions are facing economic challenges currently?
  • How has the economic downturn impacted demand for dental BGS products?

Table of Contents



Executive Summary

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Market Highlights
  • Competitive Highlights
  • Market Developments
  • Geographies Covered
  • Procedures Covered
  • Products Covered

Key Report Updates

  • Global Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market
  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Material
    • By Product Feature (Procedures Only)
    • By Indication (Procedures Only)
    • By Site of Service
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Geistlich
    • ZimVie
    • Straumann
    • Other Key Competitors
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Market Developments

North American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Material
      • US
      • Canada
    • Product Feature (Procedures Only)
      • US
      • Canada
    • By Indication (Procedures Only)
      • US
      • Canada
    • By Site of Service (Procedures Only)
      • US
      • Canada
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • North American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

European Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Material
      • France
      • Germany
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • UK
    • By Product Feature (Procedures Only)
      • France
      • Germany
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • UK
    • By Indication (Procedures Only)
      • France
      • Germany
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • UK
    • By Site of Service (Procedures Only)
      • France
      • Germany
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • UK
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • European Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Asia Pacific Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Material
      • Australia
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • South Korea
    • By Product Feature (Procedures Only)
      • Australia
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • South Korea
    • By Indication (Procedures Only)
      • Australia
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • South Korea
    • By Site of Service (Procedures Only)
      • Australia
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • South Korea
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Asia Pacific Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Latin American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • By Material
      • Argentina
      • Brazil
      • Colombia
      • Mexico
    • By Product Feature (Procedures Only)
      • Argentina
      • Brazil
      • Colombia
      • Mexico
    • By Indication (Procedures Only)
      • Argentina
      • Brazil
      • Colombia
      • Mexico
    • By Site of Service (Procedures Only)
      • Argentina
      • Brazil
      • Colombia
      • Mexico
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Latin American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors


  • Abbreviations
  • Bibliography
  • Methodology
  • Core Country Coverage Methodology
  • Research Methodology
  • Marketrack Methodology
  • PriceTrack Methodology
  • Forecast Methodology
  • Supplemental Country Coverage Methodology
  • Base-Year Ratio Analysis
  • Market Forecasting

Tables and Figures

  • Dental BGS Market, by Region, Global (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Landscape, Global (USD), 2022 and 2032
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Region, Global, 2022
  • Competitive Insights
  • Companies Mentioned
  • Recent Events in the Dental BGS Market, Global
  • Geographies Covered, Global
  • Average Currency Exchange Rates
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures Covered, Global
  • Dental BGS Products Covered, Global
  • Global Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Drivers
  • Global Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Limiters
  • Dental BGS Market, by Region, Global (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Region, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Region, Global (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Global (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used Procedures, by Procedure Type, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Global, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Global, 2022
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, by Region, Global, 2022
  • Geistlich Competitive Insights
  • ZimVie Competitive Insights
  • Straumann Competitive Insights
  • Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Recent Events in the Dental BGS Market, Global
  • North American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Drivers
  • North American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Limiters
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, North America (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Country, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Country, North America (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Country, North America, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, North America (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, North America, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, US, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, US, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Canada, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Canada (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Canada, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, US, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Canada, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, US, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Canada, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Canada, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Canada, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, North America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, US, 2019-2032
  • Nonhospital Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Facility Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Canada, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, North America, 2022
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, by Region, North America, 2022
  • North American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • European Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Drivers
  • European Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Limiters
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Country, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, France, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, France (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, France (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, France, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Germany, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Germany (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Germany (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Germany, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Italy, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Italy (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Italy (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Italy, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Spain, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Spain (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Spain (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Spain, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, UK, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, UK (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, UK (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, UK, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, France, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Germany, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Italy, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Spain, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, UK, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, France, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, France, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, France, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Germany, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Germany, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Germany, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Italy, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Italy, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Italy, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Spain, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Spain, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Spain, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, UK, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, UK, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, UK, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, France, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Germany, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Italy, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Spain, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, UK, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • European Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Asia Pacific Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Drivers
  • Asia Pacific Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Limiters
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Asia Pacific, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Australia, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Australia (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Australia, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, China, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, China (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, China, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, India, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, India (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, India, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Japan (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Japan, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, South Korea, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, South Korea (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, South Korea, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Australia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, China, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, India, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, South Korea, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Australia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Australia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Australia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, China, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, China, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, China, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, India, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, India, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, India, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, South Korea, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, South Korea, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, South Korea, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Asia Pacific, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Australia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, China, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, India, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Japan, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, South Korea, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Asia Pacific, 2022
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Asia Pacific, 2022
  • Asia Pacific Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Latin American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Drivers
  • Latin American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Limiters
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Latin America (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Country, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Country, Latin America (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Country, Latin America, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Latin America (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Latin America, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Argentina, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Argentina (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Argentina, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Brazil, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Brazil (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Brazil, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Colombia, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Colombia (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Colombia, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Material, Mexico, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market, by Material, Mexico (USD), 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Market Growth, by Material, Mexico, 2020-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Argentina, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Brazil, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Colombia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Product Feature, Mexico, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Argentina, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Argentina, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Argentina, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Brazil, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Brazil, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Brazil, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Colombia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Colombia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Colombia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Indication, Mexico, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Procedures, by Procedure Type, Mexico, 2019-2032
  • Dental Implant Bone Graft Units Used, by Procedure Type, Mexico, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Latin America, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Argentina, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Brazil, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Colombia, 2019-2032
  • Dental Bone Graft Procedures, by Site of Service, Mexico, 2019-2032
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Latin America, 2022
  • Dental BGS Revenue Market Shares, Latin America, 2022
  • Latin American Dental Bone Graft Substitute Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Abbreviations