

Electric Vehicle Charging Station - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日: | 発行: Mordor Intelligence | ページ情報: 英文 100 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年02月15日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 100 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
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Electric Vehicle Charging Station-Market




  • 2022年10月、Octopus Energy Generation社は英国のEV充電インフラに初の投資を行った。マンチェスターを拠点とするEV公共充電ネットワークBe.EV に最大1億1,000万ポンドを投資し、英国全土に新たな充電ポイントを設置する計画です。この契約は、Be.EVの150カ所の公共充電ポイントネットワークの拡大に貢献します。EVは、イングランド北部およびそれ以遠に、さらに1,000カ所の充電ポイントを追加することを約束しています。



  • 2021年1月、シーメンスAGは新しいハイパワー充電器Sicharge Dを発売しました。この充電ステーションは、150~1,000ボルトの電圧と最大1,000の充電電流にも対応しています。





  • 2022年10月、Ather Energy社は、インドの56都市に580カ所目となる公共急速充電ポイント「Ather Grid」を設置したと発表しました。同社が全国に拠点を拡大するにつれて、Ather Energyはさらに820のグリッドを設置し、23年度末までに合計1400にする計画です。Ather Gridsは戦略的に各市場に設置されており、現在設置されている送電網の60%はTier-IIおよびTier-IIIの都市に設置されています。



  • カリフォルニア州のZEVプログラムは、2025年までに150万台の電気自動車を走らせることを目標としており、そのような取り組みのひとつです。インド、中国、英国、韓国、フランス、ドイツ、ノルウェー、オランダは、電気自動車の購入を検討している人々にさまざまなインセンティブを提供している国の一部です。




  • 中国電動充電インフラ推進連盟が2020年8月に発表したデータによると、同連盟の加盟企業は、2020年7月末までに全国で約56万6,000カ所の公共充電ステーションが設置され、稼働を開始したと報告しました。このうち、32万6,000基が交流、24万基が直流、488基が交流と直流の機能を備えています。2020年7月には、全国の全充電ステーションの総充電電力量は6億7,000万kWhに達し、前年同月比52.4%増となった。


  • 2022年11月、PT PLN(Persero)とPT Industri Ion Mobilitasは、ジャカルタ・コンベンション・センター(JCC)で、インドネシアにおけるバッテリーベース電気自動車(KBLBB)の利用を加速させることを目的として、電気モーター充電ソリューションとサービスに関する覚書に調印しました。このパートナーシップは、ジャカルタに100基の公共充電ステーション(SPLU)を設置することから始まる。



電気自動車充電ステーション市場はかなり統合されています。市場を牽引しているのは、State Grid Corporation of China、ABB、Siemens、Qingdao Tgood Electric、Tesla Inc.など数社です。


  • 2022年11月、Yuluはカルナタカ州政府とMoU(覚書)を締結し、今後5年間で10万台の電気自動車(EV)の配備と州最大のEVバッテリー充電・交換インフラの運用に120億インドルピーを投資する計画を発表しました。
  • 2022年10月、ルクセンブルク政府は、電気自動車の充電インフラ・プロジェクトに投資する企業に資金援助を行うプロジェクトの第1回募集を行い、29のプロジェクトが選ばれたと発表しました。関係企業は、少なくとも175キロワットの充電容量を持つ充電ステーションの配備に関連する投資に対し、最大50%の補助金を受け取ることになります。


  • 2021年4月、Siemens LimitedとHinduja groupのSwitch Mobility Automotive Limitedは、インドの電気商用車セグメントに参入する覚書に調印しました。
  • 2021年3月、BPは電動化を推進するデジタル充電ソリューションのパートナーとしてBMWグループとDaimler Mobilityに加わりました。BPは、BMWグループおよびDaimler Mobilityとともに、自動車メーカーや車両運行会社向けにデジタル充電ソリューションを開発する欧州有数の企業であるDigital Charging Solutions(DCS)のパートナーとなります。


  • エクセル形式の市場予測(ME)シート
  • 3ヶ月間のアナリストサポート


第1章 イントロダクション

  • 調査の前提条件
  • 調査範囲

第2章 調査手法

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 市場力学

  • 市場促進要因
  • 市場抑制要因
  • 業界の魅力- ポーターのファイブフォース分析
    • 新規参入業者の脅威
    • 買い手/消費者の交渉力
    • 供給企業の交渉力
    • 代替品の脅威
    • 競争企業間の敵対関係の強さ

第5章 市場セグメンテーション

  • 自動車タイプ別
    • 乗用車
    • 商用車
  • 充電器タイプ別
    • AC充電ステーション
    • DC充電ステーション
  • アプリケーションタイプ別
    • 公共
    • プライベート
  • 地域別
    • 北米
      • 米国
      • カナダ
      • その他北米
    • 欧州
      • ドイツ
      • 英国
      • フランス
      • イタリア
      • その他欧州
    • アジア太平洋
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • インド
      • 韓国
      • その他アジア太平洋地域
    • 世界のその他の地域
      • 南米
      • 中東・アフリカ

第6章 競合情勢

  • ベンダー市場シェア
  • 企業プロファイル
    • ABB Ltd.
    • ChargePoint Inc.
    • Schneider Electric SE
    • Siemens AG
    • Tesla Motors Inc.
    • Evbox(ENGIE)
    • Leviton Manufacturing Co. Inc.
    • SemaConnect Inc.
    • The Newmotion BV(Acquired by Shell)
    • EFACEC Power Solutions SGPS
    • Evgo(Acquired by L.S. Power)
    • EV Solutions(Webasto)
    • Chargemaster Limited(BP Pulse)
    • Qingdao Tgood Electric Co. Ltd
    • Wanbang Digital Energy Pte. Ltd.(Star Charge)
    • The State Grid Corporation of China(SGCC)

第7章 市場機会と今後の動向

Product Code: 50767

The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market size is estimated at USD 32.86 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 104.09 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 25.94% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Electric Vehicle Charging Station - Market

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled about 95% of all automotive-related companies to put their workforces on hold during the lockdowns. Globally, the repercussions of the lockdown were immense and unprecedented due to the halt of manufacturing activities. However, the market regained its momentum as economic activities resumed and vehicle production rose worldwide. As the economies are gradually back on track, the market is likely to witness significant growth over the next five years.

Over the long term, the growth of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure can be attributed to the enactment of stringent emission and fuel economy norms, government incentives, and the increasing sales of electric vehicles, which are generating a demand for charging stations. Some prominent players are also investing in the development of electric vehicle charging stations. For instance,

Key Highlights

  • In October 2022, Octopus Energy Generation made its first investment in the UK EV charging infrastructure. It is planning to invest up to GBP 110 million in Manchester-based EV public charging network Be. EV on behalf of its Sky fund (ORI SCSp) to scale and install new charge points across the United Kingdom. The agreement will contribute to the expansion of Be.EV's 150-strong public charge point network, with Be. EV is committing to adding 1,000 more charge points across the North of England and beyond.

The electric vehicle charging station market is witnessing various new technologies that are expected to hit the market in the coming years. Various players in the market are working on technologies such as wireless charging and autonomous charging robots, which may make vehicle charging convenient. For instance,

Key Highlights

  • In January 2021, Siemens AG launched a new high-power charger Sicharge D. It features scalable, high charging power of up to 300 kW. The charging station also supports voltages between 150 and 1,000 volts and charging currents of up to 1,000.

Europe and North American regions are expected to hold a significant share of the market, followed by the Asia-Pacific region. The growth in this region is supported by electric vehicle sales and production, coupled with the penetration of electric cars and commercial vehicles in the major countries in the region over the coming years.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Market Trends

Public charging stations are leading the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market

The availability of public EV charging stations is critical in the purchase of electric vehicles all over the world. When purchasing an electric vehicle, public charging access to fast charging is regarded as a critical criterion. This is expected to increase revenue growth in the public charging segment. Due to the growing number of EV users, the Asia Pacific region continues to install public charging stations at a rapid pace, particularly in China, India, and South Korea. For instance,

  • In October 2022, Ather Energy announced the installation of the 580th public fast charging point, the Ather Grid, across 56 cities in India. As the company expands its national footprint, Ather Energy plans to install 820 more grids, bringing the total to 1400 by the end of FY23. Ather Grids are strategically installed across markets, with 60% of current installations in tier-II and tier-III cities.

These countries are implementing policies that encourage the use of electric vehicles by providing subsidies and lowering taxes. They also promote the growth of EV manufacturers and related industries by providing grants or enacting preferential policies for EV-related businesses to allow them to expand more quickly. A steady increase in economic growth, urbanization, travel demand, and increased investments in electric mobility to contribute to energy storage and environmental sustainability are expected to fuel the growth of the public charging station segment.

Governments worldwide have introduced various schemes and initiatives to encourage buyers to choose electric vehicles over conventional vehicles.

  • The California ZEV program, which aims to have 1.5 million electric vehicles on the road by 2025, is one such initiative. India, China, the United Kingdom, South Korea, France, Germany, Norway, and the Netherlands are some of the countries offering various incentives for people looking to purchase an electric vehicle.

Such developments and factors are expected to contribute to the growth of the public charging station segment.

Asia-Pacific Region Likely to Play Key role in the Market

In Asia-Pacific, China is the largest market for electric cars and buses. The Chinese electric vehicle charging station market is well supported by its battery electric vehicle market, backed by generous support from the government. China extended the incentives relating to purchasing new energy vehicles (NEVs). In January 2020, Tesla Motors inaugurated a USD 2 billion facility in Shanghai, which was assembling nearly 3,000 cars per week in March 2020 when all the other global facilities of the electric vehicle giant were shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • According to the data released in August 2020 by the China Electric Charging Infrastructure Promotion, members of the Alliance reported that about 566,000 public charging stations were installed and started operations across the country by the end of July 2020. Of these, 326,000 are AC, 240,000 are DC, and 488 are equipped with AC and DC capabilities. In July 2020, the total charging power of all stations across the country reached 670 million kWh, a Y-o-Y increase of 52.4%.

The electric vehicle market in Japan is experiencing growth as the demand for emission-free vehicles increases. The government is also investing heavily in the electric vehicle market. The Japanese government aims to transform all the new cars sold in the country into electric or hybrid vehicles by 2050. The government also set a target to reduce CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gasses by about 80% per vehicle by 2050. Moreover, the private sector companies are also taking initiatives and indulging in strategic partnerships to develop charging infrastructure. For instance,

  • In November 2022, PT PLN (Persero) and PT Industri Ion Mobilitas signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Electric Motor Charging Solutions and Services at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in the hope of accelerating the use of Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB) in Indonesia. The partnership will begin with 100 Public Electricity Charging Station (SPLU) units in Jakarta.

Such developments and initiatives are expected to drive the demand for electric vehicle charging stations in the market over the coming years.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Industry Overview

The electric vehicle charging station market is fairly consolidated. The market is led by a few companies, such as the State Grid Corporation of China, ABB, Siemens, Qingdao Tgood Electric Co., Ltd, and Tesla Inc.

Several Players are partnering with the government to develop charging infrastructure. For instance,

  • In November 2022, Yulu signed an MoU (memorandum of understanding) with the Karnataka government and announced its plans to invest INR 12 billion in deploying a fleet of 100,000 electric vehicles (EV) and operationalizing the state's largest EV battery charging and swapping infrastructure over the next five years.
  • In October 2022, the Luxembourg government announced that 29 projects were chosen following the first call for projects granting financial aid to companies investing in charging infrastructure projects for electric vehicles. The companies involved will receive a subsidy of up to 50% on investments related to the deployment of charging stations with a charging capacity of at least 175 kilowatts.

Moreover, companies are also indulging in strategic partnerships with other players for charging infrastructure and stations. For instance;

  • In April 2021, Siemens Limited and the Hinduja group's Switch Mobility Automotive Limited signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enter the Indian electric commercial vehicles segment.
  • In March 2021, BP joined BMW Group and Daimler Mobility as a partner in digital charging solutions to drive electrification. BP will become a partner, along with BMW Group and Daimler Mobility in Digital Charging Solutions (DCS), one of Europe's leading developers of digital charging solutions for automotive manufacturers and vehicle fleet operators.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Drivers
  • 4.2 Market Restraints
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION (Market Size in Value USD billion)

  • 5.1 By Vehicle Type
    • 5.1.1 Passenger Cars
    • 5.1.2 Commercial Vehicles
  • 5.2 By Charger Type
    • 5.2.1 AC Charging Station
    • 5.2.2 DC Charging Station
  • 5.3 By Application Type
    • 5.3.1 Public
    • 5.3.2 Private
  • 5.4 By Geography
    • 5.4.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Rest of North America
    • 5.4.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Italy
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.4.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • South Korea
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 5.4.4 Rest of the World
      • South America
      • Middle-East and Africa


  • 6.1 Vendor Market Share
  • 6.2 Company Profiles*
    • 6.2.1 ABB Ltd.
    • 6.2.2 ChargePoint Inc.
    • 6.2.3 Schneider Electric SE
    • 6.2.4 Siemens AG
    • 6.2.5 Tesla Motors Inc.
    • 6.2.6 Evbox (ENGIE)
    • 6.2.7 Leviton Manufacturing Co. Inc.
    • 6.2.8 SemaConnect Inc.
    • 6.2.9 The Newmotion BV (Acquired by Shell)
    • 6.2.10 EFACEC Power Solutions SGPS
    • 6.2.11 Evgo (Acquired by L.S. Power)
    • 6.2.12 EV Solutions (Webasto)
    • 6.2.13 Chargemaster Limited (BP Pulse)
    • 6.2.14 Qingdao Tgood Electric Co. Ltd
    • 6.2.15 Wanbang Digital Energy Pte. Ltd. (Star Charge)
    • 6.2.16 The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC)