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ナトリウム・グルコース共役輸送体2(SGLT 2):市場シェア分析、産業動向・統計、成長予測(2024~2029年)Sodium-dependent Glucose Co-transporter 2 (SGLT 2) - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029) |
ナトリウム・グルコース共役輸送体2(SGLT 2):市場シェア分析、産業動向・統計、成長予測(2024~2029年) |
出版日: 2024年02月15日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 100 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
ナトリウム・グルコース共役輸送体2(SGLT 2)の市場規模は2024年に114億2,000万米ドルと推定され、2029年には173億2,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間(2024-2029年)のCAGRは8.68%で成長する見込みです。
ナトリウム・グルコース共役輸送体2(SGLT 2)市場は、COVID-19の大流行から恩恵を受けました。糖尿病患者は免疫系が弱まっており、COVID-19によって悪化します。糖尿病患者は非糖尿病患者よりも重大な問題を抱える可能性が高いです。糖尿病治療薬メーカーはCOVID-19の間、地方自治体の協力を得て、糖尿病患者に医薬品が確実に届けられるよう気を配った。「COVID-19の開始以来、患者、従業員、そして私たちが活動する地域社会に対する私たちのコミットメントは変わっていません」とノボノルディスク社はウェブサイトで述べています。「糖尿病やその他の深刻な慢性疾患を抱える人々に医薬品とデバイスを提供し続け、従業員の健康を守り、COVID-19を倒すために働く医師や看護師を支援するための行動を取り続けます。
北米は2型糖尿病患者数が最も多い地域です。世界の2型糖尿病人口の増加がSGLT2製剤の成長を促進しています。この地域では薬価が比較的高いです。米国SGLT2薬市場では、Jardianceが市場シェアの50%を占めています。米国糖尿病学会(American Diabetes Association Standards of Care)は、エンパグリフロジン(ジャーディアンスの有効成分)を、成人の2型糖尿病患者における心血管死のリスクを低減する唯一の糖尿病治療薬として推奨しています。米国では、肥満の増加と生活習慣の変化により、過去20年間に糖尿病の有病率が劇的に増加しました。糖尿病は米国で急速に増加している慢性疾患の一つです。毎年約175万人の米国市民が糖尿病と診断されています。同国はまた、2型糖尿病の顕著な原因である肥満人口が最も多い国でもあります。
ナトリウム・グルコース共役輸送体2(SGLT 2)(SGLT 2)市場は高度に統合されており、少数の重要なメーカーが世界市場で存在感を示しています。各社は新たな剤形での承認を得ることで市場での存在感を強めています。
The Sodium-dependent Glucose Co-transporter 2 Market size is estimated at USD 11.42 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 17.32 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 8.68% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
The Sodium-Dependent Glucose Cotransporter 2 market benefited from the COVID-19 pandemic. People with diabetes have a weakened immune system, which is exacerbated by COVID-19. Diabetes patients are more likely than non-diabetics to have significant problems. Diabetic medicine makers took care during COVID-19 to ensure that pharmaceuticals were delivered to diabetes patients with the assistance of local governments. "Since the start of COVID-19, our commitment to patients, our employees, and the communities where we operate has remained unchanged," NovoNordisk stated on their website. "We continue to supply our medicines and devices to people living with diabetes and other serious chronic diseases, safeguard the health of our employees, and take actions to support doctors and nurses as they work to defeat COVID-19."
SGLT-2 inhibitors, commonly known as gliflozins, are a kind of medication used to treat type 2 diabetes by lowering high blood glucose levels. SGLT-2 inhibitors have an important role in the management of cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, glycemia, weight, cardiac function, and antiinflammatory action. Diabetic medications have been proposed as prospective treatments for diabetic people infected with SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 epidemic. Technological advancements have increased over the period leading to several modifications either in the SGLT-2 inhibitors or the formulations being developed.
Therefore, due to increased prevalence and the aforementioned factors, the studied market is anticipated to witness growth over the analysis period.
Jardiance, released globally in 2014, is a once-daily oral medication used to control blood glucose levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. Jardince is gaining sales compared to Invokana, with patients preferring this drug as it has a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases when compared to other SGLT2 drugs by helping the kidneys remove glucose from the bloodstream. Jardiance accounted for more than 30% of the sales in the global SGLT2 class of drugs in the current year. Jardiance is a prescription medicine used to lower blood sugar, diet, and exercise in adults with Type 2 diabetes. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with Type 2 diabetes who also have known cardiovascular disease. Jardiance also reduces the risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure in adults with heart failure, when the heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of the body. It is not for people with Type 1 diabetes. Jardiance is a prescription drug used to lower blood sugar in individuals with Type 2 diabetes and to lessen the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with Type 2 diabetes who have known cardiovascular disease. It is also used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiac disorders are all examples of cardiovascular illness. Jardiance has also been shown to lower A1C in persons with Type 2 diabetes who do not have cardiovascular disease (CV disease), diet, and exercise. Jardiance may aid some people in losing weight even though it wasn't designed to do so. In a study using Jardiance alone, the average weight loss at the 10 and 25 mg doses was 2.5% and 2.8%, respectively. Jardiance also assisted some individuals in slightly lowering systolic blood pressure, which is the highest number in the blood pressure reading, when used alone or in combination with metformin, even though it was not intended to do so.
North America accounts for the highest Type 2 diabetic population. The growing global Type, 2 diabetes population promotes the growth of SGLT2 drugs. Prices are comparatively high in this region. Jardiance holds 50% of the market share in the US SGLT2 market. The American Diabetes Association Standards of Care has recommended empagliflozin (the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Jardiance) as the only diabetic drug that reduces the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with Type 2 diabetes. In the United States, the prevalence of diabetes has increased dramatically during the last two decades, driven by the increased prevalence of obesity and lifestyle changes. Diabetes ranks among the fast-growing chronic diseases in the United States. About 1.75 million US citizens are diagnosed with diabetes every year. The country also has the highest obese population, a prominent cause of Type 2 diabetes.
In addition to diet and exercise, SGLT2 inhibitors, a class of FDA-approved prescription medications, are used to lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. Canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and empagliflozin are examples of drugs that are SGLT2 inhibitors. Single-ingredient formulations and combinations with other diabetes drugs, such as metformin, are available. SGLT2 inhibitors lower blood sugar levels by stimulating the kidneys to remove sugar from the body through urine. Because it has not been established that SGLT2 inhibitors are safe and effective in patients with Type 1 diabetes, the FDA has not approved their use in this population. Most pharmaceutical companies view the United States as a premium market since they can charge more for their products than in other nations while still seeing high sales. Pharmaceutical businesses that sell pharmaceuticals benefit from the insurance program in the nation, which reimburses consumers for over 50% of the cost of prescription drugs. Due to the increased prevalence of obesity in the country, the United States is expected to lead the market throughout the forecast period.
The Sodium-dependent Glucose Co-transporter 2 (SGLT 2) Market is highly consolidated, with a few significant manufacturers having a global market presence. The companies strengthen their market presence by getting approval in new forms.