
医療用電子機器市場- 成長、動向、予測(2023年~2028年)

Medical Electronics Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日: | 発行: Mordor Intelligence | ページ情報: 英文 110 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

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医療用電子機器市場- 成長、動向、予測(2023年~2028年)
出版日: 2023年01月23日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 110 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
ご注意事項 :
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


COVID-19は当初、医療用電子機器市場に影響を与えました。パンデミック時の撮像量の減少は、前段階の市場の成長ペースに影響を及ぼしました。例えば、2021年7月にJournal of the American College of Radiologyに掲載された論文では、2020年(第1週~16週)の総撮影量が前年比12.29%減少したと報告されています。また、COVID-19後(第10~16週)は、すべての患者サービス拠点で撮影量がより大きく減少(28.10%)したことが明らかになったと報告しています。また、同資料では、16週目の外来画像診断で88%の減少が見られ、MRIは74%近い減少に寄与していると報告しています。このようなパンデミックによる出来高の減少は、流行の中で市場の成長に影響を及ぼしています。しかし、患者モニタリング機器は、臨床医による非接触通信や病状の追跡を可能にしたため、パンデミック期間中に需要が大幅に増加しました。さらに、COVID-19および関連疾患の診断と治療にX線画像を応用したことが、パンデミックの後期における市場の成長にプラスの影響を及ぼしました。例えば、2021年6月にBMC Pulmonary Medicine Journalに掲載された論文から、COVID-19肺炎の患者の診断とフォローアップに胸部X線が使用されていることが確認されています。このように、規制の緩和、診断・治療サービスの再開、医療用画像診断機器の高い普及率によって、医療用電子機器の需要はパンデミック後の局面で増加しており、今後2~3年で市場は本格的に回復すると分析しています。





さらに、製品の発売や承認の増加も、予測期間中の市場成長を高めると予想されます。例えば、2022年3月、Rapid Response Revival社は、突然の心停止から生還する可能性を高めるために設計された高度な技術を使用する、最初の個人用携帯型除細動器の1つであるCellAEDを英国で発売しています。






技術的に高度なシステムの開発とその採用や製品発売の増加は、市場におけるこれらのシステムの可用性を高め、予測期間中に市場セグメントの成長を増加させると予想されます。例えば、2021年2月にインサイテック社は、ブラジルのHRAであるANVISAからExablate 4000(Exablate Neuro)プラットフォームの市場承認を取得しました。このプラットフォームは、MR誘導集束超音波を使用して切開せずに脳の深部の組織を正確に切除し、本態性振戦や振戦優位のパーキンソン病に対する治療が可能になると言われています。同様に、エソテは2021年10月に全身用磁気共鳴画像装置「Magnifico Open」を発売し、臨床ニーズだけでなく、運用や財務上の要求にも応える最先端技術のオープン型MRI装置です。






さらに、製品開拓の企業活動の高まりや、製品上市の増加も市場成長に寄与しています。例えば、2022年2月には、米国でEsaote社の新しいオープン型全身用MRIシステムであるMagnifico Open MRIがFDAに承認されました。また、2021年7月には、メドトロニック社の挿入型心臓モニター(ICM)「LINQ II」で使用する2つのアキュリズム人工知能(AI)アルゴリズムがUSFDAにより承認されています。



医療用電子機器市場は、多数の大手企業が存在するため、競争が激しいです。市場シェアの観点からは、現在、少数の主要プレイヤーが市場を独占しています。一部の有力プレイヤーは、世界中で市場での地位を固めるために、他社との買収や合弁を精力的に行っています。現在、市場を独占している企業には、Medtronics PLC、GEヘルスケア、Koninklijke Philips NV、Siemens Healthcare GmbH、富士フイルム株式会社などがあります。


  • エクセル形式の市場予測(ME)シート
  • アナリストによる3ヶ月間のサポート


第1章 イントロダクション

  • 調査の前提条件と市場の定義
  • 調査対象範囲

第2章 調査手法

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 市場力学

  • 市場概要
  • 市場促進要因
    • 老年人口の増加
    • イメージングデバイスのアプリケーションの増加
  • 市場抑制要因
    • 規制当局による監視の強化
    • 高いコストとメンテナンス
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析
    • 新規参入業者の脅威
    • 買い手/消費者の交渉力
    • 供給企業の交渉力
    • 代替品の脅威
    • 競争企業間の敵対関係

第5章 市場セグメンテーション(金額ベース市場規模:百万米ドル)

  • 製品別
    • 非侵襲性製品
      • MRI
      • X線
      • CTスキャン
      • 超音波診断装置
      • 核医学イメージング装置
      • 心臓モニター
      • 呼吸器モニター
      • 血行動態モニター
      • マルチパラモニター
      • デジタル体温計
      • その他の製品
    • インベイシブ製品
      • 内視鏡
      • ペースメーカー
      • 植込み型除細動器(ICD)
      • 体内埋め込み型ループレコーダー
      • 脊髄刺激装置
      • その他インベイシブ製品
  • アプリケーション別
    • 診断機器
    • モニタリング
    • 治療機器
  • エンドユーザー別
    • 病院・診療所
    • 外来手術センター
    • その他のエンドユーザー
  • 地域別
    • 北米
      • 米国
      • カナダ
      • メキシコ
    • 欧州
      • ドイツ
      • 英国
      • フランス
      • イタリア
      • スペイン
      • その他の欧州地域
    • アジア太平洋地域
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • インド
      • オーストラリア
      • 韓国
      • その他アジア太平洋地域
    • 中東地域
      • GCC
      • 南アフリカ
      • その他の中東地域
    • 南米
      • ブラジル
      • アルゼンチン
      • その他の南米地域

第6章 競合情勢

  • 企業プロファイル
    • Medtronic PLC
    • GE Healthcare
    • Koninklijke Philips NV
    • Siemens Healthcare GmbH
    • Fujifilm Corporation
    • McKesson Corporation
    • Olympus Corporation
    • Hologic Inc.
    • Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    • Getinge Inc.
    • Esaote SpA
    • Canon Medical Systems
    • Mindray Medical International Limited

第7章 市場機会と今後の動向

Product Code: 67992

The medical electronics market is expected to witness a CAGR of 10.9% during the forecast period.

COVID-19 impacted the medical electronics market initially. The decrease in imaging volumes during the pandemic affected the growth pace of the market in the preliminary phase. For instance, an article published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology in July 2021, reported that the total imaging volume in 2020 (weeks 1-16) declined by 12.29% as compared to the previous year. It also reported that post-COVID-19 (weeks 10-16) revealed a greater decrease (28.10%) in imaging volumes across all patient service locations. The same source also reported that an 88% decline was seen at week 16 in outpatient imaging, and MRI contributed to a nearly 74% decline. Such a decline in volumes due to the pandemic has impacted market growth amid the outbreak. However, the demand for patient monitoring devices greatly increased during the pandemic period as they allowed contactless communication and tracking of medical conditions by clinicians. Moreover, the application of x-ray imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 and associated diseases has positively impacted the market's growth in the latter phase of the pandemic. For instance, from an article published in BMC Pulmonary Medicine Journal, in June 2021, it has been observed that a chest x-ray was used to diagnose and follow up patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Thus, with the relaxed restrictions, resumed diagnosis and treatment services, and the high adoption of medical imaging equipment, the demand for medical electronics has increased in the post-pandemic phase, and as per the analysis, the market is expected to regain its full potential in the next two to three years.

The factors such as the rising incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases coupled with the increasing geriatric population and the growing application of imaging devices.

The increasing burden of chronic diseases such as cancer, neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and others are the key factor driving the market growth. For instance, according to the 2022 statistics published by the IDF, about 537 million adults aged between 20-79 were living with diabetes globally, and this number is projected to increase to 643 million and 783 million by 2030 and 2045, respectively. Thus, the higher number of diabetic and obese people increases the risk of developing other chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, and stroke, which increases the need for early detection as well as regular monitoring of the heart condition. This is anticipated to fuel market growth over the forecast period.

Additionally, as per data published in the Alzheimer's Association 2022 report, more than 1.5 million people in Germany were suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and this number is expected to double by 2050. This is anticipated to increase the need to early detect the brain abnormalities associated with mild cognitive impairment as well as understand the neuropathological mechanisms. This is further expected to fuel the demand for MRI and CET scan testing, thereby bolstering the market growth.

Aging results from accumulating a wide variety of molecular and cellular damage over time, leading to a gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity and a growing risk of disease. Common conditions in older age include back and neck pain and osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, heart diseases, cancer, and others. For instance, according to the March 2022 update of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the prevalence of heart disease in Australia was 4.0% in 2020-2021, which equates to about 1 million people. Also, as per the same source, in Australia, heart disease increased with age, from 2.3% of people aged 45-54 years through to 23.2% of people aged 75 years and over, with males being the most affected by it in the country. Since the older population is prone to the disease, it is expected to generate the need for medical electronics for diagnosis, thereby driving the market's growth.

Furthermore, rising product launches and approvals are also expected to increase market growth over the forecast period. For instance, in March 2022, Rapid Response Revival launched CellAED, one of the first personal, portable defibrillators that use sophisticated technology designed to improve the chances of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest, in the United Kingdom.

Moreover, the increasing government funding, as well as rising company activities for developing advanced products, are also contributing to the market growth. For instance, in July 2021, a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner facility opened in Leicester, worth EUR 3.1 billion (USD 3.28 billion). This new facility increases the current imaging capacity of researchers from 500 cardiovascular research participants a year to 1,500. The new scanner facility has been funded by a EUR 1 million (USD 1.1 million) grant from the BHF. It will be jointly owned by Leicester's Hospitals, which has dedicated EUR 2.1 million (USD 2.2 million) to the facility, and the University of Leicester.

Therefore, owing to the aforementioned factors, the studied market is expected to grow over the forecast period. However, the strict regulations for device approval and the high cost of maintenance of the devices are expected to hinder the growth of the medical electronics market over the forecast period.

Medical Electronics Market Trends

MRI Segment Expected to Hold Significant Market Share in the Medical Electronics Market Over the Forecast Period

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) segment is expected to witness significant growth in the medical electronics market over the forecast period owing to factors such as the introduction of advanced MRI systems and the rising adoption of MRI systems in emerging markets. Most of the emerging economies are densely populated countries with developing healthcare infrastructures, and the adoption of MRI systems in these regions is expected to increase over the years due to the high burden of diseases such as cancer, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders, and others, coupled with the growth in the aging population.

The growing development of technologically advanced systems and their increasing adoption and product launches increase the availability of these systems in the market and are expected to increase the market segment growth over the forecast period. For instance, in February 2021, Insightec received market approval from the Brazilian HRA, ANVISA, for its Exablate 4000 (Exablate Neuro) platform, which uses MR-guided focused ultrasound to precisely ablate tissue deep within the brain without incisions and will enable treatment for essential tremor and tremor-dominant Parkinson's disease. Similarly, in October 2021, Esaote launched a total body magnetic resonance imaging system called Magnifico Open, which is an open MRI system with cutting-edge technology to satisfy not only clinical needs but also address operational and financial demands.

Furthermore, the rising company's focus on adopting various key strategies, such as expansion, collaborations, and others, is also contributing to the market segment's growth. For instance, in November 2021, a sophisticated MRI facility was launched at the NBRC in Haryana, India. Also, in July 2021, a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner facility opened in Leicester for EUR 3.1 billion (USD 3.28 billion), which will increase the current imaging capacity of researchers from 500 cardiovascular research participants a year to 1500. The new scanner facility has been funded by a EUR 1 million (USD 1 million) grant from the BHF.

Therefore, owing to the aforementioned factors, such as the rising number of product launches and increasing company activities, the studied segment is expected to grow over the forecast period.

North America is Expected to Have the Significant Market Share Over the Forecast Period

North America is expected to dominate the market over the forecast period owing to factors such as the rising burden of chronic diseases among the population, the increasing use of advanced technology in healthcare systems, the presence of a well-established healthcare infrastructure, and high healthcare spending. In addition, the growing demand for minimally invasive therapies and rising technological advancements in medical electronics are also expected to increase market growth over the forecast period.

The increasing prevalence and burden of chronic diseases is the key factor driving the demand for medical electronics in the region. For instance, as per the data published by the CDC, in April 2022, an estimated 35 million adults in the United States were expected to suffer from arthritis by 2040. This is expected to increase the demand for medical electronics that provide detailed images of the joint and surrounding tissues that aid in the early detection of the condition, hence boosting the market growth. Also, as per the 2022 statistics published by the ACS, over 1.9 million new cancer cases and 11,030 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the United States and New Mexico, respectively, in 2022. Also, as per 2022 statistics published by the Canadian Cancer Society, about 233,900 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in Canada in 2022. With the growing burden of cancer cases, the demand for medical electronics such as MRIs, CT scans, and others is increasing, which helps in the early detection of tumors in the body. This is anticipated to fuel market growth over the forecast period.

Furthermore, the rising company activities in developing products and increasing product launches are also contributing to market growth. For instance, in February 2022, the FDA approved Esaote's Magnifico Open MRI, a new open whole-body MRI system in the United States. Also, in July 2021, the USFDA approved Medtronic's two AccuRhythm artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for use with the LINQ II insertable cardiac monitor (ICM).

Therefore, owing to factors such as the high burden of arthritis and cancer among the population as well as growing company activities in the region, the studied market is anticipated to grow over the forecast period.

Medical Electronics Market Competitor Analysis

The medical electronics market is competitive with the presence of a large number of several major players. In terms of market share, a few of the major players are currently dominating the market. Some prominent players are vigorously making acquisitions and joint ventures with other companies to consolidate their market positions across the world. Some companies currently dominating the market include Medtronics PLC, GE Healthcare, Koninklijke Philips NV, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, and Fujifilm Corporation.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Increasing Geriatric Population
    • 4.2.2 Rising Application of Imaging Devices
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Ramped up regulatory scrutiny
    • 4.3.2 High Cost and Maintenance
  • 4.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION (Market Size by Value - USD million)

  • 5.1 By Product
    • 5.1.1 Non-invasive Products
      • MRI
      • X-Ray
      • CT Scan
      • Ultrasound
      • Nuclear Imaging Systems
      • Cardiac Monitors
      • Respiratory Monitors
      • Hemodynamic Monitors
      • Multipara Monitors
      • Digital Thermometers
      • Other Products
    • 5.1.2 Invasive Products
      • Endoscopes
      • Pacemakers
      • Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)
      • Implantable Loop Recorders
      • Spinal Cord Stimulator
      • Other Invasive Products
  • 5.2 By Application
    • 5.2.1 Diagnostics
    • 5.2.2 Monitoring
    • 5.2.3 Therapeutics
  • 5.3 By End User
    • 5.3.1 Hospitals and Clinics
    • 5.3.2 Ambulatory Surgical Centers
    • 5.3.3 Other End Users
  • 5.4 Geography
    • 5.4.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Mexico
    • 5.4.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.4.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Australia
      • South Korea
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 5.4.4 Middle-East
      • GCC
      • South Africa
      • Rest of Middle-East
    • 5.4.5 South America
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Rest of South America


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Medtronic PLC
    • 6.1.2 GE Healthcare
    • 6.1.3 Koninklijke Philips NV
    • 6.1.4 Siemens Healthcare GmbH
    • 6.1.5 Fujifilm Corporation
    • 6.1.6 McKesson Corporation
    • 6.1.7 Olympus Corporation
    • 6.1.8 Hologic Inc.
    • 6.1.9 Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    • 6.1.10 Getinge Inc.
    • 6.1.11 Esaote SpA
    • 6.1.12 Canon Medical Systems
    • 6.1.13 Mindray Medical International Limited