表紙:5Gデバイス市場 (2023~2028年):フォームファクター・ユースケース・デバイスタイプ (モビリティ・CPE)・セクター (消費者・エンタープライズ・産業・政府)・周波数帯域別

5Gデバイス市場 (2023~2028年):フォームファクター・ユースケース・デバイスタイプ (モビリティ・CPE)・セクター (消費者・エンタープライズ・産業・政府)・周波数帯域別

5G Device Market by Form Factor, Use Case, Device Type (Mobility and CPE), Sector (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Government) and Frequency Bands 2023 - 2028

出版日: | 発行: Mind Commerce | ページ情報: 英文 132 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
5Gデバイス市場 (2023~2028年):フォームファクター・ユースケース・デバイスタイプ (モビリティ・CPE)・セクター (消費者・エンタープライズ・産業・政府)・周波数帯域別
出版日: 2023年08月28日
発行: Mind Commerce
ページ情報: 英文 132 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


5G CPEデバイスの市場規模は2028年には1,770億米ドルの規模に成長すると予測されており、5Gデバイス市場の全体では3,820億米ドルに達する見込みです。また、5Gデバイスの総出荷台数は18億ユニットに達する見通しです。地域別では、北米とアジア太平洋地域が5Gデバイス市場をリードします。5G技術とIoTシステムの統合が5G市場の主な促進要因になる見通しです。



第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 イントロダクション

  • 5Gタイムラインとデバイスの進化
  • 5Gデバイスエコシステム
  • 5Gデバイスの周波数スペクトル
  • 市場推進力分析
  • 市場課題分析
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • ビジネスモデル
  • 5Gサービスプロバイダー
  • 規制分析
  • COVID-19が5Gの情勢に及ぼす影響
  • 競合情勢

第3章 5Gデバイスの技術・用途の分析

  • 5Gデバイスのフォームファクター分析
    • ハンドヘルドデバイス
    • ネットワークデバイス
    • ポータブルデバイス
    • ウェアラブルデバイス
    • マシン指向デバイス
    • スマートホームデバイス
  • モバイルWiFi(Mi-Fi)
  • 用途別の5Gデバイス
    • 消費者向け
    • エンタープライズ
    • 産業
    • 政府
  • 5G CPEデバイス
    • 屋内機器
    • 屋外機器
  • 5G FWA CPEデバイス
  • 5G非CPEデバイス
  • 5Gデバイスの用途の分析
    • アプリベース
    • サービスベース
    • プロセスベース
    • 周波数帯域ベース
    • 産業ベース
  • 5G CPEデバイスエコシステム
    • 競合情勢
    • 周波数帯域分析
    • 製造コスト分析
    • 市場価格分析
    • 製造業者のビジネスモデル
  • 5G通信技術
    • eMBB
    • URLLC
    • mMTC
    • FWA
    • 5Gネットワーク開発コスト

第4章 5Gデバイスのエコシステム分析

  • Apple
  • AT&T
  • BBK Electronics
  • Marvell (Cavium)
  • Casa Systems
  • Cisco
  • Ericsson
  • Fujitsu
  • Google
  • Huawei
  • Intel
  • Keysight
  • KT Corporation
  • Leapfrog Enterprises
  • MACOM Technology
  • Mediatek
  • Motorola
  • Movandi
  • NEC
  • Netgear
  • Nokia Network
  • NTT DoCoMo
  • Pivotal Commware
  • Qorvo
  • Qualcomm
  • Samsung
  • Singtel
  • SK Telecom
  • Sprint Corporation
  • Telenor
  • T-Mobile
  • Verizon Communications
  • Vodafone
  • Wistron NeWeb Corporation
  • Xiaomi
  • ZTE
  • Analog Devices
  • Comba Telecom
  • Coolpad US
  • HMD Global
  • Honor
  • Inseego Corp
  • Mavenir
  • Oppo
  • Siklu Communication
  • Unisoc
  • US Mobile
  • Xfinity Mobile
  • Mint Mobile
  • Tesco Mobile
  • Voxi
  • BT Mobile
  • Airlinq

第5章 5Gデバイス市場の分析・予測

  • 5Gデバイス市場
    • 世界の5Gデバイス市場
    • フォームファクター別
    • セグメント別
    • CPEデバイス/非CPEデバイス別
    • 周波数帯別
    • 地域別
  • 5Gデバイスユニットの出荷数
    • 世界の5Gデバイスユニット出荷台数
    • フォームファクター別
    • セグメント別
    • CPEデバイス/非CPEデバイス別
    • 周波数帯別
    • 地域別

第6章 総論・提言



  • Figure 1: 5G Devices in Spectrum Evolution
  • Figure 2: 5G Device Ecosystem
  • Figure 3: 5G Device Market SWOT Chart
  • Figure 4: 5G Device Business Model
  • Figure 5: Global In-Building WiFi vs. 5G Service Revenue 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 6: 5G Device Vendor Market Share
  • Figure 7: 5G Hotspot Devices
  • Figure 8: 5G Routers
  • Figure 9: 5G Industrial CPE Devices
  • Figure 10: Wearable Smart Cloths
  • Figure 11: 5G Smart Robot
  • Figure 12: Smart Refrigerator
  • Figure 13: Mobile WiFi (MiFi) Device
  • Figure 14: 5G CPE Device
  • Figure 15: 5G FWA Device
  • Figure 16: 5G Device Application Ecosystem
  • Figure 17: 5G CPE Device Market Share for CSPs
  • Figure 18: IMT 2020 URLLC Requirement
  • Figure 19: Global 5G Device Market 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 20: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment 2023 - 2028
  • Figure 21: 5G Device Certification Percentage


  • Table 1: 5G CPE Device Manufacturing Cost
  • Table 2: 5G CPE Device Average Price
  • Table 3: 5G Network Development Cost
  • Table 4: Global 5G Device Market by Form Factor 2023 - 2028
  • Table 5: Global 5G Device Market by Handheld Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 6: Global 5G Device Market by Networking Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 7: Global 5G Device Market by Portable Device/System 2023 - 2028
  • Table 8: Global 5G Device Market by Wearable Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 9: Global 5G Device Market by Unmanned Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 10: Global 5G Device Market by Home Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 11: Global 5G Device Market by Segment 2023 - 2028
  • Table 12: Global 5G Device Market by Consumer Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 13: Global 5G Device Market by Enterprise Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 14: Global 5G Device Market by Industrial Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 15: Global 5G Device Market by Government Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 16: Global 5G Device Market by CPE vs. Non-CPE Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 17: Global 5G Device Market by CPE Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 18: Global 5G Device Market by Outdoor vs. Indoor Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 19: Global 5G CPE Device Market by Indoor Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 20: Global 5G CPE Device Market by Outdoor Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 21: Global 5G Device Market by Non-CPE Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 22: Global 5G Device Market by Frequency Band 2023 - 2028
  • Table 23: Global 5G Device Market by Region 2023 - 2028
  • Table 24: North America 5G Device Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 25: Europe 5G Device Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 26: APAC 5G Device Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 27: Latin America 5G Device Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 28: MEA 5G Device Market by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 29: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Form Factor 2023 - 2028
  • Table 30: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Handheld Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 31: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Networking Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 32: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Portable Device/System 2023 - 2028
  • Table 33: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Wearable Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 34: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Unmanned Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 35: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Home Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 36: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Segment 2023 - 2028
  • Table 37: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Consumer Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 38: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Enterprise Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 39: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Industrial Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 40: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Government Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 41: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by CPE vs. Non-CPE Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 42: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by CPE Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 43: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Outdoor vs. Indoor Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 44: Global 5G CPE Device Unit Shipment by Indoor Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 45: Global 5G CPE Device Unit Shipment by Outdoor Device Type 2023 - 2028
  • Table 46: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Non-CPE Device 2023 - 2028
  • Table 47: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Frequency Band 2023 - 2028
  • Table 48: Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Region 2023 - 2028
  • Table 49: North America 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 50: Europe 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 51: APAC 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 52: Latin America 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country 2023 - 2028
  • Table 53: MEA 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country 2023 - 2028


This 5G device market report provides an analysis of the 5G device ecosystem, emerging business models, value chain partner analysis, 5G mobility and 5G CPE devices, opportunities by sector (consumer, enterprise, industrial, and government) and anticipated application areas. The report also evaluates the competitive landscape including products and services of key device manufacturers, equipment producers, and service providers.

The report provides forecasts by 5G device form factors, sectors (consumer, enterprise, industrial, and government), CPE and mobility (non-CPE) devices from 2023 to 2028. The report also provides 5G device market sizing for unit shipments. The report takes into consideration the three major 5G use case categories: eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC as well as fixed wireless access solutions.

Select Report Findings:

  • The 5G CPE device market alone will reach USD$177 billion by 2028
  • The total number of 5G devices shipped will reach 1.8 billion by 2028
  • North America and the Asia Pacific region will lead the 5G device market
  • The combined 5G device market is poised to reach USD $382 billion by 2028
  • Integration of 5G technologies with IoT systems will be a key 5G market driver

We predict that the combined economic impact of 5G will be more than USD $1.4 trillion by 2030. The top impacted countries will be the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and the UK. The US alone will be $525 billion with China representing the second most impacted country at $220 billion. Japan, Germany, and the UK will share USD $76 billion, USD $65 billion, and US $54 billion respectively. Much of this impact will be directly or indirectly related to the success of the 5G device market.

5G will support many different form factors including handhelds, hotspots, indoor and outdoor customer premises, IoT modules, USM terminals, dongles and adapters, home appliances, and others. This 5G device market report is broadly segmented by 5G mobility (non-CPE) and 5G CPE devices. It is also segmented by frequency range including low-band, mid-band, and millimeter wave frequencies. In addition, the report is segmented by major market segments including consumer, enterprise, industrial and government.

Companies in Report:

  • Airlinq
  • Analog Devices
  • Apple
  • AT&T
  • BBK Electronics
  • BT Mobile
  • Casa Systems
  • Cisco
  • Comba Telecom
  • Coolpad US
  • Ericsson
  • Fujitsu
  • Google
  • HMD Global
  • Honor
  • Huawei
  • Inseego Corp
  • Intel
  • Keysight
  • KT Corporation
  • Leapfrog Enterprises
  • MACOM Technology
  • Marvell (Cavium)
  • Mavenir
  • Mediatek
  • Mint Mobile
  • Motorola
  • Movandi
  • NEC
  • Netgear
  • Nokia Network
  • NTT DoCoMo
  • Oppo
  • Pivotal Commware
  • Qorvo
  • Qualcomm
  • Samsung
  • Siklu Communication
  • Singtel
  • SK Telecom
  • Sprint Corporation
  • T-Mobile
  • Telenor
  • Tesco Mobile
  • Unisoc
  • US Mobile
  • Verizon Communications
  • Vodafone
  • Voxi
  • Wistron NeWeb Corporation
  • Xfinity Mobile
  • Xiaomi
  • ZTE

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

  • 2.1. 5G Timeline and Device Evolution
  • 2.2. 5G Device Ecosystem
    • 2.2.1. 5G Devices
    • 2.2.2. 5G Infrastructure
  • 2.3. 5G Device Frequency Spectrum
  • 2.4. 5G Device Market Driver Analysis
  • 2.5. 5G Device Market Challenge Analysis
  • 2.6. 5G Device Value Chain Analysis
    • 2.6.1. Device Manufacturers
    • 2.6.2. Networking Equipment Manufacturers
    • 2.6.3. Connectivity Service Providers
    • 2.6.4. Industrial Grade Service Providers
    • 2.6.5. Enterprises and Government
    • 2.6.6. Home Users and Consumer Mobility
    • 2.6.7. IoT Device and Module Providers
  • 2.7. 5G Device Business Model
    • 2.7.1. OEM Model
    • 2.7.2. Aftermarket Model
  • 2.8. 5G Service Provider
    • 2.8.1. Carrier/MNO and Wireless OTT Service Providers
      • Carrier/MNO Strategy
      • OTT Apps in 5G
      • Voice over 5G
    • 2.8.2. Enterprise vs. Industrial Service Providers
    • 2.8.3. Satellite Network Operators
    • 2.8.4. In-Building Wireless Service Providers
      • 5G vs. In-Building WiFi
  • 2.9. 5G Device Regulatory Analysis
  • 2.10. Impact of COVID-19 on 5G Landscape
  • 2.11. 5G Device Competitive Landscape

3. 5G Device Technology and Application Analysis

  • 3.1. 5G Device Form Factor Analysis
    • 3.1.1. Handheld Devices
    • 3.1.2. Networking Devices
    • 3.1.3. Portable Devices
    • 3.1.4. Wearable Devices
    • 3.1.5. Machine-Oriented Devices
    • 3.1.6. Smart Home Devices
  • 3.2. Mobile WiFi (Mi-Fi)
  • 3.3. 5G Device by Usage
    • 3.3.1. Consumer Device
    • 3.3.2. Enterprise Device
    • 3.3.3. Industrial Device
    • 3.3.4. Government Device
  • 3.4. 5G CPE Device
    • 3.4.1. Indoor Devices
    • 3.4.2. Outdoor Device
  • 3.5. 5G FWA CPE Device
  • 3.6. 5G Non-CPE Device
  • 3.7. 5G Device Application Analysis
    • 3.7.1. App Based Application
    • 3.7.2. Service Based Application
    • 3.7.3. Process Based Application
    • 3.7.4. Frequency Band Based Application
    • 3.7.5. Industry Based Application
  • 3.8. 5G CPE Device Ecosystem
    • 3.8.1. Competitive Landscape
    • 3.8.2. Frequency Band Analysis
    • 3.8.3. Manufacturing Cost Analysis
    • 3.8.4. Market Price Analysis
    • 3.8.5. Manufacturer Business Model
      • OEM Business Model
      • Aftermarket Business Model
      • Digital Service Business Model
      • CPE Market Share for Communication Operators
  • 3.9. 5G Communication Technology
    • 3.9.1. Enhanced Mobile Broadband
    • 3.9.2. Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications
      • Reliability Sensitive Apps
    • 3.9.3. Massive Machine-Type Communications
    • 3.9.4. Fixed Wireless Access
    • 3.9.5. 5G Network Development Costs

4. 5G Device Ecosystem Analysis

  • 4.1. Apple
  • 4.2. AT&T
  • 4.3. BBK Electronics
  • 4.4. Marvell (Cavium)
  • 4.5. Casa Systems
  • 4.6. Cisco
  • 4.7. Ericsson
  • 4.8. Fujitsu
  • 4.9. Google
  • 4.10. Huawei
  • 4.11. Intel
  • 4.12. Keysight
  • 4.13. KT Corporation
  • 4.14. Leapfrog Enterprises
  • 4.15. MACOM Technology
  • 4.16. Mediatek
  • 4.17. Motorola
  • 4.18. Movandi
  • 4.19. NEC
  • 4.20. Netgear
  • 4.21. Nokia Network
  • 4.22. NTT DoCoMo
  • 4.23. Pivotal Commware
  • 4.24. Qorvo
  • 4.25. Qualcomm
  • 4.26. Samsung
  • 4.27. Singtel
  • 4.28. SK Telecom
  • 4.29. Sprint Corporation
  • 4.30. Telenor
  • 4.31. T-Mobile
  • 4.32. Verizon Communications
  • 4.33. Vodafone
  • 4.34. Wistron NeWeb Corporation
  • 4.35. Xiaomi
  • 4.36. ZTE
  • 4.37. Analog Devices
  • 4.38. Comba Telecom
  • 4.39. Coolpad US
  • 4.40. HMD Global
  • 4.41. Honor
  • 4.42. Inseego Corp
  • 4.43. Mavenir
  • 4.44. Oppo
  • 4.45. Siklu Communication
  • 4.46. Unisoc
  • 4.47. US Mobile
  • 4.48. Xfinity Mobile
  • 4.49. Mint Mobile
  • 4.50. Tesco Mobile
  • 4.51. Voxi
  • 4.52. BT Mobile
  • 4.53. Airlinq

5. 5G Device Market Analysis and Forecasts 2023-2028

  • 5.1. 5G Device Market 2023-2028
    • 5.1.1. Global 5G Device Market
    • 5.1.2. Global 5G Device Market by Form Factor
      • Global 5G Device Market by Handheld Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Networking Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Portable Device/System
      • Global 5G Device Market by Wearable Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Unmanned Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Home Device
    • 5.1.3. Global 5G Device Market by Segment
      • Global 5G Device Market by Consumer Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Enterprise Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Industrial Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by Government Device
    • 5.1.4. Global 5G Device Market by CPE vs. Non-CPE Device
      • Global 5G Device Market by CPE Device
        • Global 5G CPE Device Market by Outdoor vs. Indoor Device
          • Global 5G CPE Device Market by Indoor Device Type
          • Global 5G CPE Device Market by Outdoor Device Type
      • Global 5G Device Market by Non-CPE Device
    • 5.1.5. Global 5G Device Market by Frequency Band
    • 5.1.6. Global 5G Device Market by Region
      • North America 5G Device Market by Country
      • Europe 5G Device Market by Country
      • APAC 5G Device Market by Country
      • Latin America 5G Device Market by Country
      • MEA 5G Device Market by Country
  • 5.2. 5G Device Unit Shipments 2023-2028
    • 5.2.1. Global 5G Device Unit Shipment
    • 5.2.2. Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Form Factor
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Handheld Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Networking Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Portable Device/System
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Wearable Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Unmanned Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Home Device
    • 5.2.3. Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Segment
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Consumer Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Enterprise Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Industrial Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Government Device
    • 5.2.4. Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by CPE vs. Non-CPE Device
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by CPE Device
        • Global 5G CPE Device Unit Shipment by Outdoor vs. Indoor Device
          • Global 5G CPE Device Unit Shipment by Indoor Device Type
          • Global 5G CPE Device Unit Shipment by Outdoor Device Type
      • Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Non-CPE Device
    • 5.2.5. Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Frequency Band
    • 5.2.6. Global 5G Device Unit Shipment by Region
      • North America 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country
      • Europe 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country
      • APAC 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country
      • Latin America 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country
      • MEA 5G Device Unit Shipment by Country

6. Conclusions and Recommendations