表紙:軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの世界市場 - 市場・技術の予測 (2030年まで):地域別・コンポーネント別・シミュレーター別・種類別・サービス別・ソフトウェア別・ハードウェア別・エンドユーザー別、市場・技術概要、市場動向、影響・機会分析、主要企業

軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの世界市場 - 市場・技術の予測 (2030年まで):地域別・コンポーネント別・シミュレーター別・種類別・サービス別・ソフトウェア別・ハードウェア別・エンドユーザー別、市場・技術概要、市場動向、影響・機会分析、主要企業

Military Simulation & Virtual Training - Market & Technology Forecast to 2030: By Region, Component, Simulator, Type, Service, Software, Hardware, End-User, Market/Technology Overview, Market Dynamics, Impact/Opportunity Analysis, Leading Companies

出版日: | 発行: Market Forecast | ページ情報: 英文 260 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの世界市場 - 市場・技術の予測 (2030年まで):地域別・コンポーネント別・シミュレーター別・種類別・サービス別・ソフトウェア別・ハードウェア別・エンドユーザー別、市場・技術概要、市場動向、影響・機会分析、主要企業
出版日: 2022年08月25日
発行: Market Forecast
ページ情報: 英文 260 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

拡張・仮想現実 (AR/VR) の発展により、シミュレーターを使った仮想トレーニングの利用が増加しています。例えば、相互運用可能なトレーニングモジュールは、現在ではWebベースのプラットフォームやクラウドコンピューティングを使用することができます。その結果、トレーニングモジュールやシミュレーションライブラリを開発し、必要に応じてトレーニングモジュールを追加・検索することが容易になっています。



当レポートでは、世界の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場について分析し、最新の技術動向や各国の調達計画、主な市場促進・抑制要因、セグメント別 (全9種)・地域別の市場動向の見通し (2022年~2030年)、競合情勢 (主要企業の主力製品、戦略提携、SWOT分析ほか)、といった情報を取りまとめてお届けいたします。


  • Aero Simulation, Inc.
  • Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA)
  • Bell Textron Inc.
  • Boeing
  • Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim)
  • CAE Inc.
  • Cole Engineering Services (CESI)
  • Collins Aerospace -Leonardo DRS
  • Cubic
  • Dassault Aviation
  • ECA Group
  • FRASCA International Inc.
  • IAI
  • IFAD
  • Indra
  • InfiVR
  • Kongsberg Gruppen ASA (KONGSBERG)
  • Leonardo
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Medical-X
  • Nautilus International
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Quantum3D
  • Raytheon
  • Rheinmetall
  • Saab
  • SimX
  • TacMed Solutions
  • Thales
  • VirTra
  • Virtual Reality Media (VRM)


第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 市場概要

  • 概要
  • 世界各国で販売されている主な仮想トレーニング製品
    • ウォーゾーンゲーム
    • 戦闘・ミッションドリル
    • 仮想屋内射撃場
    • 仮想ブートキャンプ
    • 事態対処医療訓練
  • シミュレーター
    • フライトシミュレーター
    • P6戦闘訓練システム (P6 CTS)
    • 海軍シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング
    • 戦場シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング
    • 軍用車両訓練シミュレーター
    • 事態対処・作戦医療訓練シミュレーター
    • TC3X (Tactical Combat Casualty Care Exportable)

第4章 技術と開発

  • 軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングモデルのシステム
  • 基本ソフトウェア
  • シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング技術
    • コンピューターベースのモデリング・シミュレーションプログラム
    • 仮想現実 (VR)
    • 拡張現実 (AR)
    • オーグメンテッド仮想 (Augmented Virtuality)
    • デジタルツイン技術
  • トレーニング体験を強化する次世代のアドオン:
    • 機械学習アルゴリズム (人工知能)
    • ビッグデータ分析
    • マネージドクラウドサービス
    • スマートセンサー
    • サイバーセキュリティソリューション
    • 触覚技術 (3Dタッチ)

第5章 市場の分析と予測要因

  • イントロダクション
  • 促進要因
  • 動向
  • 機会
  • 課題

第6章 市場区分

  • 地域別
  • コンポーネント別
  • シミュレーターの種類別
  • シミュレーターの業種別
  • 軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの内訳:シミュレーターのビジネスサービスの種類別
  • 軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの内訳:シミュレーター・ハードウェアの種類別
  • 軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの内訳:AR/VRハードウェア (COTS型) の種類別
  • 軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの内訳:シミュレーターソフトウェア (COTS型) の種類別
  • 軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニングの内訳:シミュレーターソフトウェア (カスタム型) の種類別

第7章 世界市場・地域市場の予測 (2030年まで)

  • 市場概要:地域別
  • NATOの次世代モデリング & シミュレーション (M&S)
  • 市場概要:地域別
  • 北米の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 米国の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 欧州の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 英国の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • ドイツの軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • フランスの軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • ロシアの軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • アジア太平洋の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 中国の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • インドの軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 中東・アフリカの軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 南米の軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場

第8章 技術別の市場予測 (2030年まで)

  • イントロダクション

第9章 エンドユーザー別の市場予測 (2030年まで)

  • 空軍用軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 陸軍用軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 海軍用軍事シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場
  • 戦術医療用シミュレーション・仮想トレーニング市場

第10章 影響分析

  • イントロダクション
  • 予測要因と市場への影響
    • 戦争地帯のシフト
    • インド太平洋の混乱

第11章 主要企業

  • CAE Inc.
    • 製品・サービス
    • 最近の契約獲得動向
    • 戦略的提携
    • SWOT分析
  • Cubic Corporation
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • Raytheon Company
  • Rheinmetall AG
  • Leonardo SpA

第12章 結論・提言

第13章 Market Forecastについて





List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Overview of Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market by Region [US$ bn]
  • Figure 2: Overview of Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market by Platform [US$ billion]
  • Figure 3: Overview of Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 4: Military Simulation & Virtual Training Model System
  • Figure 5: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Region, 2022-2030
  • Figure 6: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Components, 2022-2030
  • Figure 7: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Types of Simulators, 2022-2030
  • Figure 8: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Types of Simulators, 2022-2030
  • Figure 9: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Service Type, 2022-2030
  • Figure 10: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Simulator Hardware Type, 2022-2030
  • Figure 11: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By AR/VR Hardware (COTS) Type, 2022-2030
  • Figure 12: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Simulator Software (COTS) Type, 2022-2030
  • Figure 13: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market, By Simulator Software (Customised) Type, 2022-2030
  • Figure 14: NATO M&S as a Service (MSaaS) Training Model System
  • Figure 15: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Region [US$ bn]
  • Figure 16: Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market Forecast to 2030 by Region [%]
  • Figure 17: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Country [US$ bn]
  • Figure 18: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 19: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 20: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 21: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 22: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 23: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 24: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 25: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 26: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 27: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 28: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 29: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulators Business Type [ [US$ million]
  • Figure 30: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulators Business by Services [ [US$ million]
  • Figure 31: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 32: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [ [US$ million]
  • Figure 33: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [ [US$ million]
  • Figure 34: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [ [US$ million]
  • Figure 35: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [ [US$ bn]
  • Figure 36: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Country [US$ bn]
  • Figure 37: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 38: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 39: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 40: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 41: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 42: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 43: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 44: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 45: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 46: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 47: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by the Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 48: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by the Type of Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 49: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 50: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 51: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 52: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 53: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 54: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 55: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 56: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 57: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 58: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 59: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 60: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 61: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 62: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 63: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 64: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 65: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 66: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 67: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 68: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 69: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 70: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 71: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 72: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 73: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 74: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 75: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 76: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 77: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 78: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 79: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 80: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 81: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 82: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 83: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 84: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 85: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 86: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Country [US$ bn]
  • Figure 87: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 88: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 89: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 90: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 91: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 92: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 93: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 94: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 95: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 96: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 97: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 98: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 99: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 100: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 101: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 102: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 103: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 104: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 105: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 106: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 107: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 108: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 109: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 110: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 111: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 112: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 113: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 114: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 115: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Figure 116: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 117: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 118: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 119: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 120: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 121: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 122: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 123: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 124: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 125: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 126: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 127: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 128: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 129: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 130: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 131: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 132: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 133: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Figure 134: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 135: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 136: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 137: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 138: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 139: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 140: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 141: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 142: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ bn]
  • Figure 143: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 144: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 145: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 146: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 147: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 148: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 149: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 150: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 151: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ bn]
  • Figure 152: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 153: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 154: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 155: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 156: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 157: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 158: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 159: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 160: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ bn]
  • Figure 161: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Figure 162: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 163: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Figure 164: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 165: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 166: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Ar/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 167: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 168: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 169: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ million]
  • Figure 170: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ Million]
  • Figure 171: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Figure 172: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Figure 173: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 174: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Figure 175: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Figure 176: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Figure 177: Electronic Warfare Market Forecast to 2030 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million]
  • Figure 178: Electronic Warfare Market Forecast to 2030 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million]

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Overview of Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market by Region [US$ bn]
  • Table 2: Overview of Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market by Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 3: Overview of Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market by Components [US$ billion]
  • Table 4: Overview of Air Force Flight Simulators and Virtual Training Systems
  • Table 5: Overview of Naval Simulators and Virtual Training Systems
  • Table 6: Overview of Battlefield Simulators and Virtual Training Systems
  • Table 7: Overview of Military Vehicle Simulators and Virtual Training Systems
  • Table 8: Tactical Combat Casualty Care Exportable (TC3X) Programme Budget
  • Table 9: Overview of Military Medical Simulators and Virtual Training Systems
  • Table 10: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Region [US$ bn]
  • Table 11: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Country [US$ bn]
  • Table 12: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 13: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 14: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 15: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 16: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 17: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 18: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 19: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 20: North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform (Customised) [US$ bn]
  • Table 21: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 22: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 23: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 24: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 25: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 26: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 27: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 28: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 29: The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform (Customised) [US$ bn]
  • Table 30: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Country [US$ bn]
  • Table 31: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 32: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 33: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 34: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 35: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 36: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 37: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 38: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 39: Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform (Customised) [US$ bn]
  • Table 40: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 41: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by the Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 42: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 43: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 44: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 45: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 46: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 47: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 48: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 49: The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Table 50: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 51: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 52: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 53: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 54: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 55: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 56: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 57: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 58: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 59: Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Table 60: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 61: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 62: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 63: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 64: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 65: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 66: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 67: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 68: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 69: France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Table 70: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 71: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 72: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 73: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 74: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 75: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 76: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 77: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 78: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 79: Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Table 80: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Country [US$ bn]
  • Table 81: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 82: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 83: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 84: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 85: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 86: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 87: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 88: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 89: APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform (Customised) [US$ bn]
  • Table 90: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 91: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 92: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 93: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 94: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 95: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 96: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 97: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 98: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 99: China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Table 100: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 101: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 102: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 103: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 104: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 105: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 106: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 107: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 108: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 109: India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Military Medical Platform [US$ million]
  • Table 110: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 111: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 112: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 113: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 114: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 115: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 116: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 117: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 118: MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 119: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 120: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 121: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 122: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 123: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 124: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 125: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 126: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 127: South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Platform [US$ bn]
  • Table 128: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 129: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 130: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 131: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 132: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 133: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 134: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 135: Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 136: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ bn]
  • Table 137: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 138: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 139: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 140: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 141: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 142: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 143: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 144: Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 145: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ bn]
  • Table 146: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 147: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 148: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 149: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 150: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 151: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 152: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 153: Army Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 154: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ bn]
  • Table 155: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ bn]
  • Table 156: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 157: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business Type [US$ million]
  • Table 158: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Simulator Business by Services [US$ million]
  • Table 159: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 160: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 161: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 162: Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 163: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Regions [US$ million]
  • Table 164: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Components [US$ million]
  • Table 165: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulators [US$ million]
  • Table 166: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 167: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of AR/VR Hardware [US$ million]
  • Table 168: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (COTS) [US$ million]
  • Table 169: Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Systems Market Forecast to 2030 by Type of Simulator Software (Customised) [US$ million]
  • Table 170: Electronic Warfare Market Forecast to 2030 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million]
  • Table 171: Electronic Warfare Market Forecast to 2030 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million]
  • Table 172: CAE Inc. Company SWOT Analysis
  • Table 173: Cubic Corporation Company SWOT Analysis
  • Table 174: Northrop Grumman Company SWOT Analysis
  • Table 175: Lockheed Martin Company SWOT Analysis
  • Table 176: Raytheon Technologies Company SWOT Analysis
  • Table 177: Raytheon Technologies Company SWOT Analysis
Product Code: MF221692

The use of virtual training with simulators is increasing, driven by developments in augmented reality and virtual reality in terms of features, user experience, 360-degree graphics, surrounding sounds, and haptics. For example, Interoperable training modules can use web-based platforms and cloud computing nowadays. Consequently, developing training modules and simulation libraries and adding/retrieving any training modules as per need has become easy.

Today, NATO and their allies are aggressive in training teams from various geographical locations using virtual training modules. The technology has become so advanced that soldiers from different geographic locations can simultaneously practice a single training session.

Cost-effectiveness was one of the key drivers earlier but today, generating multiple feedbacks from a single data has become possible which is helping trainers to analyse individual and team performance and decide on improvements in real-time. Virtual training has helped in mission readiness with high performance and based on multiple mission needs.

The markets in the US, Europe, India, China, Russia, Korea and Japan are in high demand for virtual training and simulators. This will be followed by Israel, Turkey, Australia, Canada, and East-Asian countries. NATO member countries are big users of virtual training and simulators, as NATO is promoting its modules and simulation platform for the training. The US, UK, China, Russia, India and other Asian countries are preparing their training and simulation modules. And are looking for good solution providers.

There is always a growing market for developing simulators for new aircraft platforms, UAVs, ships, vehicles, gunnery, weaponry, and synthetic environments. Demand for next-generation visual basics, programming languages, virtual and augmented reality environments, graphic processors, computing devices, displays, memory cards, servers, audio-visual communications, networking, mobile and wireless connectivity, 5G integration, developments in HUD, helmet-mounted devices, gloves, exoskeletons and other augmented wearable, sensor networks, data processing and analytics, machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, cloud-based training module and simulator libraries, and cloud-based services.


  • Overview: Snapshot of the Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market during 2022 - 2030, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the procurement plans concerning regions as well as components, types, and platforms. It sheds light on the emergence of new platforms like mid-band next-generation jammers and low-band next-generation jammers.
  • Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the electronic materials, firmware, software and integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and cyber-security and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of Military Simulation and Virtual Training solutions around the world. It also analyzes changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
  • Segment Analysis: Insights into the Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
  • Regional Review: Insights into present Military Simulation and Virtual Training system strength and future demand for top countries within a region.
  • Regional Analysis: Insights into the Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
  • Trend Analysis - Key Defense Market: Analysis of the key markets in each region, providing an analysis of the Military Simulation and Virtual Training system expected to be in demand in each region.
  • Competitive landscape analysis: Analysis of the competitive landscape of the global Military Simulation and Virtual Training industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as product range, strategic partnerships and SWOT analysis.


We have segmented the Military Simulation and Virtual Training market under nine groups. The study provides forecast figures from to 2030 for each category under the segments. The segements are:

By Region:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • APAC
  • Middle East
  • South America

By Components

  • Simulators
  • Simulation Hardware
  • AR/VR Hardware
  • Simulator Software (COTS)
  • Simulator Software (Customised)

By Types of Simulator

  • Desktop Simulators
  • Simulation Consoles
  • Wearable Simulators
  • Platform-fidelity Simulators

By Business Type

  • New Purchases
  • Services

By Type of Services

  • Upgrade and Maintenance Services
  • Managed Cloud-services

By Type of Simulator Hardware

  • Computers
  • Graphic Cards
  • Displays
  • Sensors
  • Console Hardware and Controllers
  • Other Equipment and Accessories

By AR/VR Hardware (COTS) Type

  • HMDs
  • HUDs
  • Body Wearable
  • Haptics and 3D Gloves
  • Other

By Simulator Software (COTS) Type

  • Programming Languages
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Processing and Analytics
  • Machine Algorithms (AI)
  • Other

By AR/VR Software (Customised) Type

  • Virtual Training Environments (VR)
  • Augmented Training Environments (AR)
  • Mix Reality
  • Digital Twin
  • Other

By End-user

  • Air Force
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Medical

Reasons to buy

  • Determine prospective procurement areas based on a detailed procurement plan analysis of the Military Simulation and Virtual Training system market over the next eight years.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying factors driving demand for different Military Simulation and Virtual Training systems in the leading countries and other potential markets across the world and identify the opportunities offered by each of them
  • Strengthen your understanding of the market in terms of demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, among others.
  • Identify the major channels that are driving the global Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets, providing a clear picture of future opportunities that can be tapped, resulting in revenue expansion.
  • Make correct business decisions based on a thorough analysis of the total competitive landscape of the sector with detailed profiles of the Military Simulation and Virtual Training systems providers around the world.

Companies Listed:

  • Aero Simulation, Inc.
  • Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA)
  • Bell Textron Inc.
  • Boeing
  • Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim)
  • CAE Inc.
  • Cole Engineering Services (CESI)
  • Collins Aerospace -Leonardo DRS
  • Cubic
  • Dassault Aviation
  • ECA Group
  • FRASCA International Inc.
  • IAI
  • IFAD
  • Indra
  • InfiVR
  • Kongsberg Gruppen ASA (KONGSBERG)
  • Leonardo
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Medical-X
  • Nautilus International
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Quantum3D
  • Raytheon
  • Rheinmetall
  • Saab
  • SimX
  • TacMed Solutions
  • Thales
  • VirTra
  • Virtual Reality Media (VRM)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Scope
  • 1.2. Definitions

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Trends and Insights
  • 2.2. Major Findings
  • 2.3. Major Conclusions
  • 2.4. Important Tables and Graphs

3. Market Overview

  • 3.1. Overview
  • 3.2. Major Virtual Training Products Sold Worldwide
    • 3.2.1. War Zone Games
    • 3.2.2. Battle/Mission Drills
    • 3.2.3. Virtual Indoor Shooting Ranges
    • 3.2.4. Virtual Boot Camp
    • 3.2.5. Tactical Medical Training
  • 3.3. Simulators
    • 3.3.1. Flight Simulators
    • 3.3.2. P6 Combat Training Systems (P6 CTS)
    • 3.3.3. Naval Simulation and Virtual Training
    • 3.3.4. Battlefield simulation and Virtual Training
    • 3.3.5. Military Vehicle Training Simulators
    • 3.3.6. Tactical and Operational Medical Training Simulators
    • 3.3.7. Tactical Combat Casualty Care Exportable (TC3X)

4. Technologies and Developments

  • 4.1. Military Simulation and Virtual Training Model System
  • 4.2. Basic Software
  • 4.3. Simulation and Virtual Training Technologies
    • 4.3.1. Computer-based modelling and simulation programmes
    • 4.3.2. Virtual Reality
    • 4.3.3. Augmented Reality (AR)
    • 4.3.4. Augmented Virtuality
    • 4.3.5. Digital Twin Technology
  • 4.4. Next-generation add-ons to enhance the training experience include
    • 4.4.1. Machine Learning Algorithms (Artificial Intelligence)
    • 4.4.2. Big Data Analytics
    • 4.4.3. Managed Cloud Services
    • 4.4.4. Smart Sensors
    • 4.4.5. Cyber Security Solutions
    • 4.4.6. Haptic Technology (3D Touch)

5. Market Analysis and Forecast Factors

  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Drivers
  • 5.3. Trends
  • 5.4. Opportunities
  • 5.5. Challenges

6. Market Segmentation

  • 6.1. By Region
  • 6.2. By Components
  • 6.3. By Types of Simulator
  • 6.4. By Simulator Business type
  • 6.5. Military Simulation and Virtual Training Segmentation by Simulator Business Service type
  • 6.6. Military Simulation and Virtual Training Segmentation by Simulator Hardware type
  • 6.7. Military Simulation and Virtual Training Segmentation by AR/VR Hardware (COTS) type
  • 6.8. Military Simulation and Virtual Training Segmentation by Simulator Software (COTS) type
  • 6.9. Military Simulation and Virtual Training Segmentation by Simulator Software (Customised) type

7. Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2030

  • 7.1. Market overview per region
  • 7.2. NATO Next Generation of Modelling & Simulation (M&S)
    • 7.2.1. NATO M&S as a Service (MSaaS)
  • 7.3. Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Region overview
  • 7.4. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.4.1. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market by Country
    • 7.4.2. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.4.3. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.4.4. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.4.5. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.4.6. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.4.7. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.4.8. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.4.9. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.4.10. North America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
  • 7.5. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.5.1. The U.S. Army's Synthetic Training Environment (STE)
    • 7.5.2. The US Market Forecasts
    • 7.5.3. Impact of The Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI)
    • 7.5.4. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.5.5. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.5.6. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.5.7. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.5.8. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.5.9. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.5.10. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.5.11. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.5.12. The US Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.5.13. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
  • 7.6. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.6.1. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market by Country
    • 7.6.2. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.6.3. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.6.4. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.6.5. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.6.6. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.6.7. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.6.8. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.6.9. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.6.10. Europe Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.6.11. United Kingdom (UK)
    • 7.6.12. US$965 Million Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP)
  • 7.7. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.7.1. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.7.2. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.7.3. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.7.4. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.7.5. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.7.6. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.7.7. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.7.8. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.7.9. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.7.10. The UK Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Military Medical Platform
  • 7.8. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.8.1. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.8.2. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.8.3. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.8.4. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.8.5. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.8.6. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.8.7. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.8.8. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.8.9. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.8.10. Germany Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Military Medical Platform
  • 7.9. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.9.1. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.9.2. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.9.3. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.9.4. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.9.5. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.9.6. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.9.7. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.9.8. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.9.9. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.9.10. France Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Military Medical Platform
  • 7.10. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.10.1. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.10.2. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.10.3. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.10.4. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.10.5. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.10.6. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.10.7. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.10.8. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.10.9. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.10.10. Russia Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Military Medical Platform
  • 7.11. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.11.1. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market by Country
    • 7.11.2. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.11.3. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.11.4. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.11.5. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.11.6. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.11.7. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.11.8. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.11.9. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.11.10. APAC Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
  • 7.12. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.12.1. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.12.2. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.12.3. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.12.4. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.12.5. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.12.6. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.12.7. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.12.8. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.12.9. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.12.10. China Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Military Medical Platform
  • 7.13. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.13.1. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.13.2. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.13.3. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.13.4. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.13.5. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.13.6. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.13.7. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.13.8. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.13.9. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
    • 7.13.10. India Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Military Medical Platform
  • 7.14. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.14.1. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.14.2. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.14.3. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.14.4. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.14.5. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.14.6. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.14.7. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.14.8. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.14.9. MEA Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform
  • 7.15. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 7.15.1. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 7.15.2. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 7.15.3. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 7.15.4. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 7.15.5. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 7.15.6. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 7.15.7. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 7.15.8. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
    • 7.15.9. South America Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Platform

8. Technology Market Forecast to 2030

  • 8.1. Introduction
    • 8.1.1. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 8.1.2. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 8.1.3. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 8.1.4. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 8.1.5. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 8.1.6. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 8.1.7. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 8.1.8. Global Military Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)

9. End-Users Market Forecast to 2030

  • 9.1. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 9.1.1. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Regions
    • 9.1.2. Air ForceSimulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 9.1.3. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 9.1.4. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 9.1.5. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 9.1.6. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 9.1.7. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 9.1.8. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 9.1.9. Air Force Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
  • 9.2. Army Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 9.2.1. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Regions
    • 9.2.2. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 9.2.3. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 9.2.4. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 9.2.5. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 9.2.6. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 9.2.7. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 9.2.8. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 9.2.9. Army Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
  • 9.3. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 9.3.1. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Regions
    • 9.3.2. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 9.3.3. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 9.3.4. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business Type
    • 9.3.5. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Simulator Business by Services
    • 9.3.6. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 9.3.7. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 9.3.8. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 9.3.9. Navy Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)
  • 9.4. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training Markets
    • 9.4.1. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Regions
    • 9.4.2. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Components
    • 9.4.3. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulators
    • 9.4.4. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Hardware
    • 9.4.5. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of AR/VR Hardware
    • 9.4.6. Tactical Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (COTS)
    • 9.4.7. Military Medical Simulation and Virtual Training market by Type of Simulator Software (Customised)

10. Impact Analysis

  • 10.1. Introduction
  • 10.2. Forecast factors and Market Impact
    • 10.2.1. The Shift of War Zones
    • 10.2.2. Indo-Pacific Disruptions

11. Leading Companies

  • 11.1. CAE Inc.
    • 11.1.1. Products & Services
    • 11.1.2. Recent contract wins
    • 11.1.3. Strategic Alliances
    • 11.1.4. SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 11.2. Cubic Corporation
    • 11.2.1. Products & Services
    • 11.2.2. Recent contract wins
    • 11.2.3. SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 11.3. Northrop Grumman
    • 11.3.1. Products & Services
    • 11.3.2. Recent contract wins
    • 11.3.3. SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 11.4. Lockheed Martin Corporation
    • 11.4.1. Products & Services
    • 11.4.2. Recent contract wins
    • 11.4.3. SWOT Analysis
  • 11.5. Raytheon Company
    • 11.5.1. Products & Services
    • 11.5.2. SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 11.6. Rheinmetall AG
    • 11.6.1. Products & Services
    • 11.6.2. Recent contract wins
    • 11.6.3. Strategic Alliance
  • 11.7. Leonardo SpA
    • 11.7.1. Products & Services
    • 11.7.2. Recent Contracts Win
    • 11.7.3. SWOT ANALYSIS

12. Conclusions and recommendations

13. About Market Forecast

  • 13.1. General
  • 13.2. Contact us
  • 13.3. Disclaimer
  • 13.4. License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned

Appendix B: Abbreviations

Appendix C: Resources