

2021 Perimetry Device Market Report: A Global Analysis for 2020 to 2026

出版日: | 発行: Market Scope, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.53円
出版日: 2022年06月06日
発行: Market Scope, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


この視野計測装置の世界市場(2021年):市場分析(2020年~2026年)」は、Market Scopeの包括的な "2021 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Equipment Market Report" の緑内障診断のセクションを拡張した、特別な補足資料となっています。Market Scopeは視野計測装置市場をセグメント化し、競合情勢をより深く理解できるようにしています。




  • 各セグメントで競合する装置の説明
  • 販売台数、設置台数、平均価格の推定値
  • 市場促進要因の分析
  • 規制環境の調査
  • メーカーに関する情報


Rashad Myers, MBA

Rashad Myersは最近、キャリアの軸足を移して Market Scope と眼科業界に参入しました。マーケット・スコープに入社する前は、鉱業関係の会社で6年間、調達とサプライチェーン・マネジメントに携わってきました。直近では、様々な商品プログラムの管理を専門としていました。それ以前は、鉄鋼業界で5年間、インサイドセールスを担当しました。



What's New:

The "2021 Perimetry Device Market Report" provides extended forecasts through 2026 and refines estimates according to newly released industry and financial information. The report analyzes 45 devices from 26 manufacturers, provides in-depth reviews of models and notable features by category, and summarizes regulatory processes in key geographies for perimetry devices.

This "2021 Perimetry Device Market Report" is a specialized supplement, expanding on the glaucoma diagnostics section of Market Scope's comprehensive, global "2021 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Equipment Market Report." Market Scope segments the perimetry market to better understand the competitive landscape.

Estimates include unit sales, installed equipment base, average prices, and information about the manufacturers that participate in the perimetry market.

The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the 2021 global market for perimetry devices and forecasts market performance over the next five years. It discusses important trends and key factors for future success. The following information is also included:

  • Descriptions of devices competing in each segment.
  • Estimates of unit sales, installed equipment base, and average prices.
  • Analysis of market drivers.
  • Examination of the regulatory environment.
  • Information about manufacturers.

Author Profile:

Rashad Myers, MBA

Rashad Myers has recently undertaken a pivot in his career in joining Market Scope and the ophthalmic industry. Prior to joining Market Scope, he spent the last 6 years in Procurement and Supply Chain Management at a company in the mining industry. Most recently, he specialized in the management of various commodities programs. Before that, he spent 5 years in inside sales in the steel industry.

Rashad earned his Masters of Business Administration from Webster University.