

2023 US and Western Europe Cataract Pharmaceuticals Market Report - Regional Analysis for 2022-2028

出版日: | 発行: Market Scope, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年05月08日
発行: Market Scope, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



  • 白内障の罹患率と白内障手術に関する情報
  • 米国と西欧白内障手術件数予測(5ヶ年予測)
  • フェイキックレンズと屈折矯正レンズの交換方法についての考察
  • 白内障手術に使用される抗生物質の売上予測
  • 白内障手術に使用される散瞳薬と毛様筋調節薬の売上予測
  • 白内障手術に使用される抗炎症剤、鎮痛薬の売上予測
  • 米国と西欧白内障および白内障/屈折矯正手術の外科医のプロファイル
  • 企業の手術プロバイダーに関する情報
  • 現在の償還水準についての議論
  • 開発中の新製品についての説明

What's New:

The second-edition "2023 US and Western Europe Cataract Pharmaceuticals Market Report" features new survey data and forecasts for the United States and Western European markets for cataract pharmaceuticals. The new data explore surgeon preferences for preventing infection, dilation, and managing inflammation and pain. The report now provides the market shares of leading competitors, analyzes pharmaceutical use in the United States by providers' surgical volume, and studies the developmental pipeline for drugs and drug delivery.

The "2023 US and Western Europe Cataract Pharmaceuticals Market Report" offers an in-depth examination of the current cataract pharmaceuticals market in the United States and forecasts market performance over the next five years. The report analyzes the current market and forecasts units, average sales price, and revenue through 2028 by product category. It analyzes products currently on the market and examines the development pipeline, discusses the popularity of intracameral injections and fixed combination eye drops, and analyzes the roles of brand name medications, generics, and compounded formulations.

This comprehensive report covers the United States and Western European markets and provides:

  • Information on cataract incidence and cataract surgeries.
  • Current estimates and five-year forecasts for cataract surgery volumes in the United States and Western Europe.
  • Discussion of phakic and refractive lens exchange procedures.
  • Forecasts for sales of antibiotics used in association with cataract surgery.
  • Forecasts for sales of mydriatics and cycloplegics used in cataract surgery.
  • Forecasts for sales of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers used in association with cataract surgery.
  • Profile of cataract and cataract/refractive surgeons in the United States and Western Europe
  • Information on corporate surgery providers.
  • Discussion of current reimbursement levels.
  • Descriptions of new products in development.

Author Profile:

Peter Downs

Peter Downs has more than 30 years of experience as a business and medical journalist and investigative reporter. He has written for a variety of medical industry publications, including the Medical Business Journal, CBS HealthWatch, and Oncology News International.

Prior to joining Market Scope in 2015 and turning his attention to ophthalmology, Peter analyzed markets for organ and tissue transplantation. Since joining Market Scope, he has traveled to several markets outside the US, including China, Europe, and India, to study ophthalmology at the local level.

In addition to his research and writing efforts on the ophthalmic market, he is also a contributor to Ophthalmic Market Perspectives, the firm's monthly industry newsletter.