
炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場:2024-2034年

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Drugs Market Report 2024-2034

出版日: | 発行: Visiongain Reports Ltd. | ページ情報: 英文 318 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場:2024-2034年
出版日: 2024年04月11日
発行: Visiongain Reports Ltd.
ページ情報: 英文 318 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界の炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬の市場規模は、2034年にかけてCAGR 6.2%で成長すると予測されています。


IBDの世界の罹患率および有病率は、先進国と途上国の間で顕著な差はあるものの、増加傾向にあります。クローン病や潰瘍性大腸炎は、欧米型の食生活や生活習慣に起因する可能性があるため、先進諸国に多く見られます。急速な都市化もIBDを含む自己免疫疾患の増加に寄与しています。欧米は罹患率が安定しているように見えますが、新興諸国では増加しており、これはおそらく欧米化と疾患に対する意識の向上によるものと考えられます。最近の研究では、特に以前は罹患率が低かった地域で罹患率が上昇しています。欧州の罹患率がもっとも高く、北米、アジア/中東がそれに続いています。EFCCA (European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations) によると、2022年には世界で1,000万人のIBD患者がいるとされています。また、CCFA (Crohn's &Colitis Foundation of America) によると、米国では毎年7万人が新たにIBDと診断され、約8万人の子供がIBDに罹患していると推定されています。IBDは約160万人の米国人が罹患していると報告されており、そのほとんどが35歳以前に診断されています。




当レポートでは、世界の炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬の市場を調査し、市場概要、市場成長への影響因子および市場機会の分析、市場規模の推移・予測、各種区分・地域別の詳細分析、競合情勢、主要企業のプロファイルなどをまとめています。


第1章 レポートの概要

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 市場概要

  • 主な調査結果
  • 市場力学
    • 市場牽引要因
    • 市場抑制要因
    • 市場機会
  • COVID-19の影響分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析
  • PEST分析

第4章 炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析:適応症別

  • 主要調査結果
  • 市場魅力指数
  • 市場規模の推移・予測
  • クローン病
  • 潰瘍性大腸炎
    • 市場規模の推移・予測:地域別
    • 市場シェア:地域別

第5章 炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析:投与経路別

  • 主要調査結果
  • 市場魅力指数
  • 市場規模の推移・予測
  • 経口
  • 非経口
  • 直腸
    • 市場規模の推移・予測:地域別
    • 市場シェア:地域別

第6章 炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析:流通チャネル別

  • 主要調査結果
  • 市場魅力指数
  • 市場規模の推移・予測
  • 小売薬局
  • eコマース薬局
  • その他
    • 市場規模の推移・予測:地域別
    • 市場シェア:地域別

第7章 炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析:薬剤クラス別

  • 主要調査結果
  • 市場魅力指数
  • 市場規模の推移・予測
  • TNF-α遮断薬
  • インテグリン阻害剤
  • インターロイキン阻害剤
  • JAK阻害剤
  • S1Psモジュレーター
  • その他
    • 市場規模の推移・予測:地域別
    • 市場シェア:地域別

第8章 炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析:薬剤別

  • 主要調査結果
  • 市場魅力指数
  • 市場規模の推移・予測
  • Cimzia
  • Entyvio
  • Humira
  • Rinvoq
  • Skyrizi
  • Remicade
  • Simponi
  • Stelara
  • その他
    • 市場規模の推移・予測:地域別
    • 市場シェア:地域別

第9章 炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析:地域別

  • 主要調査結果
  • 市場規模の推移・予測

第10章 北米の炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析

第11章 欧州の炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析

第12章 アジア太平洋の炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析

第13章 ラテンアメリカの炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析

第14章 中東・アフリカの炎症性腸疾患 (IBD) 治療薬市場の分析

第15章 企業プロファイル

  • 競合情勢
  • 戦略的展望
  • AbbVie
  • Johnsons &Johnsons
  • Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
  • Pfizer
  • Novartis AG
  • UCB S.A.
  • Biogen
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
  • Celltrion Corporation
  • Ferring B.V.

第16章 総論・提言

  • Visiongainによる総論
  • 推奨事項

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Snapshot, 2024 & 2034 (US$ Billion, CAGR %)
  • Table 2 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%): "V" Shaped Recovery
  • Table 3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%): "U" Shaped Recovery
  • Table 4 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%): "W" Shaped Recovery
  • Table 5 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%): "L" Shaped Recovery
  • Table 6 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR %)
  • Table 7 Crohn's Disease Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR %)
  • Table 8 Ulcerative Colitis Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 9 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 10 Oral Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 11 Parenteral Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 12 Rectal Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 13 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 14 Hospital Pharmacy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 15 Retail Pharmacy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 16 E-commerce Pharmacy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 17 Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 18 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 19 TNF-alpha Blockers Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 20 Integrin Blockers Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 21 Interleukin Inhibitors Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 22 JAK inhibitors Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 23 S1Ps Modulators and Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 24 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 25 Cimzia Blockers Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 26 Entyvio Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 27 Humira Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 28 Rinvoq Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 29 Skyrizi Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 30 Remicade Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 31 Simponi Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 32 Stelara Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 33 Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 34 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 35 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 36 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 37 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 38 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 39 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 40 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 41 U.S. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 42 Canada Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 43 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 44 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 45 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 46 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 47 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 48 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 49 Germany Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 50 France Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 51 UK Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 52 Italy Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 53 Spain Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 54 Rest of Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 55 Asia Pacific Vaccine Contract Manufacturing Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 56 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 57 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 58 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 59 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 60 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 61 Japan Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 62 China Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 63 India Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 64 Australia Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 65 South Korea Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 66 Rest of Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 67 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 68 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 69 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 70 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 71 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 72 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 73 Brazil Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 74 Mexico Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 75 Rest of Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 76 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 77 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 78 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 79 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 80 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 81 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 82 GCC Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 83 South Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 84 Rest of MEA Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR%, CAGR%)
  • Table 85 Strategic Outlook
  • Table 86 AbbVie: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 87 AbbVie: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 88 AbbVie: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 89 Johnsons & Johnsons: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 90 Johnsons & Johnsons: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 91 Johnsons & Johnsons: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 92 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 93 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 94 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 95 Pfizer: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 96 Pfizer: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 97 Pfizer: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 98 Novartis AG: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 99 Novartis AG: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 100 Novartis AG: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 101 UCB S.A.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 102 UCB S.A.: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 103 UCB S.A.: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 104 Biogen: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 105 Biogen: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 106 Biogen: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 107 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 108 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 109 Celltrion Corporation: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 110 Celltrion Corporation: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 111 Celltrion Corporation: Strategic Outlook
  • Table 112 Ferring B.V.: Key Details, (CEO, HQ, Revenue, Founded, No. of Employees, Company Type, Website, Business Segment)
  • Table 113 Ferring B.V.: Product Benchmarking
  • Table 114 Ferring B.V.: Strategic Outlook

List of Figures

  • Figure 1 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Segmentation
  • Figure 2 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Indication: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Route of Administration: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 4 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Distribution Channel: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 5 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Drug Class: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 6 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Drugs: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 7 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index by Region
  • Figure 8 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market: Market Dynamics
  • Figure 9 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %): "V" Shaped Recovery
  • Figure 10 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %): "U" Shaped Recovery
  • Figure 11 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %): "W" Shaped Recovery
  • Figure 12 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %): "L" Shaped Recovery
  • Figure 13 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Figure 14 IBD Drugs Market: PEST Analysis
  • Figure 15 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Indication: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 16 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 17 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indication, 2024, 2029, 2034 (%)
  • Figure 18 Crohn's Disease Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 19 Crohn's Disease Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 20 Ulcerative Colitis Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 21 Ulcerative Colitis Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 22 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Route of Administration: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 23 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 24 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024, 2029, 2034 (%)
  • Figure 25 Oral Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 26 Oral Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 27 Parental Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 28 Parenteral Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 29 Rectal Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 30 Rectal Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 31 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Distribution Channel: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 32 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 33 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024, 2029, 2034 (%)
  • Figure 34 Hospital Pharmacy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 35 Hospital Pharmacy Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 36 Retail Pharmacy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 37 Retail Pharmacy Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 38 E-commerce Pharmacy Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 39 E-commerce Pharmacy Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 40 Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 41 Others Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 42 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Drug Class: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 43 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 44 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024, 2029, 2034 (%)
  • Figure 45 TNF-alpha Blockers Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 46 TNF-alpha Blockers Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 47 Integrin Blockers Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 48 Integrin Blockers Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 49 Interleukin Inhibitors Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 50 Interleukin Inhibitors Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 51 JAK inhibitors Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 52 JAK inhibitors Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 53 S1Ps Modulators and Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 54 S1Ps Modulators and Others Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 55 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Drugs: Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 56 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 57 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024, 2029, 2034 (%)
  • Figure 58 Cimzia Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 59 Cimzia Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 60 Entyvio Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 61 Entyvio Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 62 Humira Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 63 Humira Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 64 Rinvoq Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 65 Rinvoq Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 66 Skyrizi Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 67 Skyrizi Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 68 Remicade Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 69 Remicade Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 70 Simponi Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 71 Simponi Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 72 Stelara Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 73 Stelara Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 74 Others Segment Market Forecast by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 75 Others Segment Market Share Forecast by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 76 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Region 2024 and 2034 (Revenue, CAGR%)
  • Figure 77 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Region 2024, 2029, 2034 (%)
  • Figure 78 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 79 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 80 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • Figure 81 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 82 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 83 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 84 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indication, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 85 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 86 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 87 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 88 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 89 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 90 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 91 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 92 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drugs, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 93 U.S. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 94 Canada Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 95 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 96 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • Figure 97 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 98 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 99 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 100 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indication, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 101 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 102 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 103 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 104 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 105 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 106 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 107 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 108 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drugs, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 109 Germany Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 110 France Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 111 UK Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 112 Italy Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 113 Spain Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 114 Rest of Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 115 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 116 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • Figure 117 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 118 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 119 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 120 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indication, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 121 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 122 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 123 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 124 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 125 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 126 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 127 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 128 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drugs, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 129 Japan Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 130 China Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 131 India Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 132 Australia Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 133 South Korea Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 134 Rest of Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 135 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 136 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • Figure 137 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 138 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 139 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 140 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indication, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 141 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 142 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 143 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 144 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 145 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 146 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 147 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 148 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drugs, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 149 Brazil Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 150 Mexico Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 151 Rest of Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 152 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • Figure 153 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Region, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • Figure 154 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Country, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 155 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Country, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 156 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Indication, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 157 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Indication, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 158 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 159 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Route of Administration, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 160 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 161 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Distribution Channel, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 162 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drug Class, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 163 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drug Class, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 164 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast by Drugs, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 165 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Share Forecast by Drugs, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • Figure 166 GCC Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 167 South Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 168 Rest of MEA Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Forecast, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion, AGR %)
  • Figure 169 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market: Company Share/Ranking, 2023
  • Figure 170 AbbVie: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
  • Figure 171 AbbVie: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
  • Figure 172 AbbVie: Regional Market Shares, 2022
  • Figure 173 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: Annual Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
  • Figure 174 Johnson & Johnson Private Limited: Regional Market Shares, 2022
  • Figure 175 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited: Net Revenue, 2019-2023 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 176 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited: R&D, 2019-2023 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 177 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited: Regional Market Shares, 2022
  • Figure 178 Pfizer: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
  • Figure 179 Pfizer: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Million, AGR%)
  • Figure 180 Pfizer: Regional Market Shares, 2022
  • Figure 181 Novartis AG: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 182 Novartis AG: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 183 Novartis AG: Regional Market Shares, 2022
  • Figure 184 UCB S.A.: Net Revenue, 2019-20233 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 185 UCB S.A.: R&D, 2019-2023 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 186 UCB S.A.: Regional Market Shares, 2023
  • Figure 187 Biogen: Net Revenue, 2019-2023 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 188 Biogen: R&D, 2019-2023 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 189 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 190 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: R&D Expense, 2018-2022 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 191 Celltrion Corporation: Net Revenue, 2018-2022 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
  • Figure 192 Celltrion Corporation: R&D, 2018-2022 (US$ Billion, AGR%)
Product Code: PHA1302

The global Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Drugs market is projected to grow at a CAGR 6.2% by 2034

The Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Drugs Market Report 2024-2034: This report is essential for prominent enterprises seeking fresh revenue opportunities, aiming to enhance their comprehension of the industry and its inherent dynamics. It provides valuable insights for firms interested in diversifying across various sectors or expanding their current activities into new geographical areas.

Rise in IBD Incidence to Boost the Demand of IBD Drugs Market

The global incidence and prevalence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) are increasing, with marked variations between developed and developing nations. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are more common in developed countries, potentially due to Western diets and lifestyle factors. Rapid urbanization has also contributed to the rise in autoimmune diseases, including IBD. While the incidence appears stable in the West, it is increasing in the developing countries, possibly due to Westernization and improved disease awareness. Recent studies show rising incidence rates, especially in regions with previously low rates. Europe has the highest incidence rates, followed by North America and Asia/Middle East. According to EFCCA (European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations) in 2022 there were 10 million people living with IBD worldwide. While according to CCFA ( Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America), as many as 70,000 new cases of IBD are diagnosed in the United States each year and estimated that approximately 80,000 children in the U.S. are affected with IBD. The IBD has reported to affect almost 1.6 million Americans, most of whom are diagnosed before the age of 35.

Genetic factors play a role, but changing incidence rates emphasize the significance of environmental factors. Socioeconomic shifts and the spread of Western lifestyle contribute to this rise. Extra intestinal manifestations and complications like colon cancer pose significant risks to patients, with long-term implications of treatment are still being understood. Gastroenterology clinics will face challenges managing both younger IBD patients and an aging population with comorbidities, necessitating careful management strategies.

Significant success in IBD Drug Development to Drive the Market Demand

Previously, the diagnosis rate of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) was low particularly impacting developing countries. Even in developed nations, diagnosing IBD was challenging, leading to prolonged misdiagnoses for many sufferers. However, recent improvements in diagnostics have expanded the patient pool, consequently driving demand for treatments and boosting market revenue.

There has been a rapid surge in randomized clinical trials for Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) treatments, accompanied by detailed epidemiological studies. Despite initial debates, it's now evident that IBD predominantly affects individuals in industrialized nations, with its incidence on the rise. With the advent of newer technologies, there has been a paradigm shift reported in treatment of IBD. Some of the major recent developments include launch and approval of new drugs for instance:

In February 2024, Pfizer Inc. disclosed that the European Commission (EC) has approved marketing authorization for VELSIPITY (etrasimod) within the European Union for the management of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC) in patients aged 16 and above. This approval extends to individuals who have shown insufficient response, loss of response, or intolerance to conventional therapy or a biological agent.

In March 2024, Celltrion USA has introduced ZYMFENTRA (infliximab-dyyb), a subcutaneous (SC) version of infliximab, marking a significant advancement in treatment options. ZYMFENTRA stands as the sole subcutaneous infliximab approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2023.

In July 2023, the launch of Yuflyma (adalimumab-aaty) has been announced by Celltrion USA, presenting patients with a high-concentration (100mg/mL) and citrate-free formulation as an alternative option. Yuflyma is approved for the treatment of eight conditions, which encompass rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, plaque psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa.

Additionally, Fiberoptic colonoscopy with biopsies and ileocolonoscopy have transformed the diagnosis of both UC and CD globally, particularly in defining disease extent and severity, consequently helping the patients to manage and control IBD.

What Questions Should You Ask before Buying a Market Research Report?

How is the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs market evolving?

What is driving and restraining the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs market?

How will each Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs submarket segment grow over the forecast period and how much revenue will these submarkets account for in 2034?

How will the market shares for each Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs submarket develop from 2024 to 2034?

What will be the main driver for the overall market from 2024 to 2034?

Will leading Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs markets broadly follow the macroeconomic dynamics, or will individual national markets outperform others?

How will the market shares of the national markets change by 2034 and which geographical region will lead the market in 2034?

Who are the leading players and what are their prospects over the forecast period?

What are the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs projects for these leading companies?

How will the industry evolve during the period between 2024 and 2034? What are the implications of Inflammatory

Bowel Diseases Drugs projects taking place now and over the next 10 years?

Is there a greater need for product commercialisation to further scale the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs market?

Where is the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs market heading and how can you ensure you are at the forefront of the market?

What are the best investment options for new product and service lines?

What are the key prospects for moving companies into a new growth path and C-suite?

You need to discover how this will impact the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs market today, and over the next 10 years:

Our 318-page report provides 112 tables and 192 charts/graphs exclusively to you.

The report highlights key lucrative areas in the industry so you can target them - NOW.

It contains in-depth analysis of global, regional and national sales and growth.

It highlights for you the key successful trends, changes and revenue projections made by your competitors.

This report tells you TODAY how the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs market will develop in the next 10 years, and in line with the variations in COVID-19 economic recession and bounce. This market is more critical now than at any point over the last 10 years.

Forecasts to 2034 and other analyses reveal commercial prospects

In addition to revenue forecasting to 2034, our new study provides you with recent results, growth rates, and market shares.

You will find original analyses, with business outlooks and developments.

Discover qualitative analyses (including market dynamics, drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges), cost structure, impact of rising Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs prices and recent developments.

This report includes data analysis and invaluable insight into how COVID-19 will affect the industry and your company. Four COVID-19 recovery patterns and their impact, namely, "V", "L", "W" and "U" are discussed in this report.

Segments Covered in the Report

Indication Outlook

Crohn's Disease

Ulcerative Colitis

Route of Administration Outlook




Distribution Channel Outlook

Hospital Pharmacy

Retail Pharmacy

E-commerce Pharmacy


Drug Class Outlook

TNF-alpha Blockers

Integrin Blockers

Interleukin Inhibitors

JAK Inhibitors

S1Ps Modulators and Others

Drugs Outlook










In addition to the revenue predictions for the overall world market and segments, you will also find revenue forecasts for five regional and 21 leading national markets:

North America









Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific





South Korea

Rest of Asia Pacific

Latin America



Rest of Latin America



South Africa

Rest of MEA

The report also includes profiles and for some of the leading companies in the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034, with a focus on this segment of these companies' operations.

Leading companies profiled in the report



Celltrion Healthcare Co.,Ltd.

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd

Ferring B.V.

Johnsons & Johnsons

Novartis AG


Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited


Overall world revenue for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034 in terms of value the market will surpass US$29.09 billion in 2024, our work calculates. We predict strong revenue growth through to 2034. Our work identifies which organizations hold the greatest potential. Discover their capabilities, progress, and commercial prospects, helping you stay ahead.

How will the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034 report help you?

In summary, our 310+ page report provides you with the following knowledge:

Revenue forecasts to 2034 for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034 Market, with forecasts for drugs, drug class, indication and route of administration each forecast at a global and regional level - discover the industry's prospects, finding the most lucrative places for investments and revenues.

Revenue forecasts to 2034 for five regional and 21 key national markets - See forecasts for the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034 market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and MEA. Also forecasted is the market in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, UK, Italy, China, India, Japan, and Australia among other prominent economies.

Prospects for established firms and those seeking to enter the market - including company profiles for 15 of the major companies involved in the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034.

Find quantitative and qualitative analyses with independent predictions. Receive information that only our report contains, staying informed with invaluable business intelligence.

Information found nowhere else

With our new report, you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss out on opportunities. See how our work could benefit your research, analyses, and decisions. Visiongain's study is for everybody needing commercial analyses for the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market, 2024 to 2034, market-leading companies. You will find data, trends and predictions.

Table of Contents

1 Report Overview

  • 1.1 Objectives of the Study
  • 1.2 Introduction to Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market
  • 1.3 What This Report Delivers
  • 1.4 Why You Should Read This Report
  • 1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report
  • 1.6 Who is This Report for?
  • 1.7 Methodology
    • 1.7.1 Market Definitions
    • 1.7.2 Market Evaluation & Forecasting Methodology
    • 1.7.3 Data Validation
      • Primary Research
      • Secondary Research
  • 1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • 1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports
  • 1.10 About Visiongain

2 Executive Summary

3 Market Overview

  • 3.1 Key Findings
  • 3.2 Market Dynamics
    • 3.2.1 Market Driving Factors
      • Rise in IBD Incidence to Boost the Demand of IBD Drugs Market
      • Significant success in IBD Drug Development to Drive the Market Demand
      • Advancements in Oral Drug Delivery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    • 3.2.2 Market Restraining Factors
      • Lack of Understanding of Disease Aetiology
      • Compliance - Frequent Dosing is Inconvenient
      • Limitations of IBD Drugs - Side Effect Profiles
    • 3.2.3 Market Opportunities
      • Advancements in Biological Drugs to Drive the Market Significantly
      • Rising Opportunities for IBD Drugs in Asian Markets
  • 3.3 COVID-19 Impact Analysis
  • 3.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 3.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 3.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 3.4.3 Competitive Rivalry
    • 3.4.4 Threat from Substitutes
    • 3.4.5 Threat of New Entrants
  • 3.5 PEST Analysis

4 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis by Indication

  • 4.1 Key Findings
  • 4.2 Indication Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
  • 4.3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indication
  • 4.4 Crohn's Disease
    • 4.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 4.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 4.5 Ulcerative Colitis
    • 4.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 4.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)

5 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis by Route of Administration

  • 5.1 Key Findings
  • 5.2 Indication Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
  • 5.3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
  • 5.4 Oral
    • 5.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 5.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 5.5 Parenteral
    • 5.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 5.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 5.6 Rectal
    • 5.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 5.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)

6 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis by Distribution Channel

  • 6.1 Key Findings
  • 6.2 Indication Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
  • 6.3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
  • 6.4 Hospital Pharmacy
    • 6.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 6.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 6.5 Retail Pharmacy
    • 6.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 6.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 6.6 E-commerce Pharmacy
    • 6.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 6.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 6.7 Others
    • 6.7.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 6.7.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)

7 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis by Drug Class

  • 7.1 Key Findings
  • 7.2 Drug Class Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
  • 7.3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drug Class
  • 7.4 TNF-alpha Blockers
    • 7.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 7.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 7.5 Integrin Blockers
    • 7.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 7.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 7.6 Interleukin Inhibitors
    • 7.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 7.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 7.7 JAK inhibitors
    • 7.7.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 7.7.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 7.8 S1Ps Modulators and Others
    • 7.8.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 7.8.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)

8 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis by Drugs

  • 8.1 Key Findings
  • 8.2 Drugs Segment: Market Attractiveness Index
  • 8.3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drugs
  • 8.4 Cimzia
    • 8.4.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.4.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.5 Entyvio
    • 8.5.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.5.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.6 Humira
    • 8.6.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.6.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.7 Rinvoq
    • 8.7.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.7.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.8 Skyrizi
    • 8.8.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.8.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.9 Remicade
    • 8.9.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.9.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.10 Simponi
    • 8.10.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.10.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.11 Stelara
    • 8.11.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.11.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)
  • 8.12 Others
    • 8.12.1 Market Size by Region, 2024-2034 (US$ Billion)
    • 8.12.2 Market Share by Region, 2024 & 2034 (%)

9 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis by Region

  • 9.1 Key Findings
  • 9.2 Regional Market Size Estimation and Forecast

10 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

  • 10.1 Key Findings
  • 10.2 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • 10.3 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Country, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • 10.4 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
  • 10.5 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indication
  • 10.6 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
  • 10.7 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
  • 10.8 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drug Class
  • 10.9 North America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drugs
  • 10.10 U.S. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 10.11 Canada Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

11 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

  • 11.1 Key Findings
  • 11.2 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • 11.3 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Country, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • 11.4 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
  • 11.5 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indication
  • 11.6 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
  • 11.7 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
  • 11.8 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drug Class
  • 11.9 Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drugs
  • 11.10 Germany Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 11.11 France Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 11.12 UK Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 11.13 Italy Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 11.14 Spain Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 11.15 Rest of Europe Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

12 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

  • 12.1 Key Findings
  • 12.2 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • 12.3 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Country, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • 12.4 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
  • 12.5 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indication
  • 12.6 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
  • 12.7 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
  • 12.8 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drug Class
  • 12.9 Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drugs
  • 12.10 Japan Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 12.11 China Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 12.12 India Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 12.13 Australia Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 12.14 South Korea Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 12.15 Rest of Asia Pacific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

13 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

  • 13.1 Key Findings
  • 13.2 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • 13.3 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Country, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • 13.4 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
  • 13.5 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indication
  • 13.6 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
  • 13.7 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
  • 13.8 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drug Class
  • 13.9 Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drugs
  • 13.10 Brazil Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 13.11 Mexico Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 13.12 Rest of Latin America Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

14 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

  • 14.1 Key Findings
  • 14.2 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Attractiveness Index
  • 14.3 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market by Country, 2024, 2029 & 2034 (US$ Billion)
  • 14.4 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Country
  • 14.5 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Indication
  • 14.6 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Route of Administration
  • 14.7 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Distribution Channel
  • 14.8 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drug Class
  • 14.9 Middle East and Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Size Estimation and Forecast by Drugs
  • 14.10 GCC Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 14.11 South Africa Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis
  • 14.12 Rest of MEA Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Drugs Market Analysis

15 Company Profiles

  • 15.1 Competitive Landscape, 2023
  • 15.2 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.3 AbbVie
    • 15.3.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.3.2 Company Overview
    • 15.3.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2018-2022
      • R&D, 2018-2022
      • Regional Market Shares, 2022
    • 15.3.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.3.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.4 Johnsons & Johnsons
    • 15.4.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.4.2 Company Overview
    • 15.4.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2018-2022
      • Regional Market Shares, 2022
    • 15.4.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.4.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.5 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
    • 15.5.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.5.2 Company Overview
    • 15.5.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2019-2023
      • R&D, 2019-2023
      • Regional Market Shares, 2022
    • 15.5.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.5.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.6 Pfizer
    • 15.6.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.6.2 Company Overview
    • 15.6.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2018-2022
      • R&D, 2018-2022
      • Regional Market Shares, 2022
    • 15.6.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.6.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.7 Novartis AG
    • 15.7.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.7.2 Company Overview
    • 15.7.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2018-2022
      • R&D, 2018-2022
      • Regional Market Shares, 2022
    • 15.7.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.7.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.8 UCB S.A.
    • 15.8.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.8.2 Company Overview
    • 15.8.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2019-2023
      • R&D, 2019-2023
      • Regional Market Shares, 2023
    • 15.8.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.8.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.9 Biogen
    • 15.9.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.9.2 Company Overview
    • 15.9.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2019-2023
      • R&D, 2019-2023
    • 15.9.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.9.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.10 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
    • 15.10.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.10.2 Company Overview
    • 15.10.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2018-2022
      • R&D, 2018-2022
    • 15.10.4 Product Benchmarking
  • 15.11 Celltrion Corporation
    • 15.11.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.11.2 Company Overview
    • 15.11.3 Financial Analysis
      • Net Revenue, 2018-2022
      • R&D, 2018-2022
    • 15.11.4 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.11.5 Strategic Outlook
  • 15.12 Ferring B.V.
    • 15.12.1 Company Snapshot
    • 15.12.2 Company Overview
    • 15.12.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 15.12.4 Strategic Outlook

16 Conclusion and Recommendations

  • 16.1 Concluding Remarks from Visiongain
  • 16.2 Recommendations for Market Players