音楽における人工知能(AI)市場-2024年から2029年までの予測Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Music Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
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音楽における人工知能(AI)市場-2024年から2029年までの予測 |
出版日: 2024年10月01日
発行: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 138 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
音楽においてAIとは、人工知能ソフトウェア・アプリケーションが音楽と統合され、トラックの作曲、ミキシング、パーソナライズのプロセスを促進することを意味します。音楽制作プロセスにおけるAIソフトウェアの応用により、音楽プロデューサーやアーティストは新しいサウンドや楽曲を生み出すことができるようになった。AI音楽市場の主要プレーヤーには、Landr、Amper Music、Izotope、Brain.fm、Shazam、Splash、Aiva Technologiesなどがあります。その結果、多くのミュージシャンがAIソフトウェアを採用し、作曲スタイルを変えたり、楽曲を制作・演奏するストリーミング・サービスのプレイリストを個別に聴いたりするようになっています。このように、国際的な音楽市場の消費を拡大し、ミュージシャンが提供する商品の幅を広げるために、数多くの音楽ソフトウェア・アプリケーションが開発されています。
Artificial intelligence (AI) in music market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.28%, reaching a market size of US$3.201 billion in 2029 from US$1.489 billion in 2024.
In music, AI implies that artificial intelligence software applications have been integrated with music to facilitate the process of composing, mixing, and personalizing tracks. The application of AI software in music production processes has enabled music producers and artists to create new sounds and tunes. Some of the major players in the AI music market include Landr, Amper Music, Izotope, and Brain.fm, Shazam, Splash, and Aiva Technologies. As a result, many musicians are adopting AI software to change their music composition style and individual listen playlists on streaming services where they produce or perform their songs. In this way, numerous music software applications have been developed to increase international music market consumption and the range of products offered by musicians.
The use of state-of-the-art music production tools and smart streaming services powered by artificial intelligence is driving the rapid expansion of the musical business into a new frontier. Organizations are investing in AI so that they can develop advanced algorithms capable of creating new songs, creating personalized soundtracks, or aiding music education. Additionally, another factor that adds to this growth is the expanded use of AI technology in gadgets like smart speakers and mobile phones, allowing many people to easily access AI-infused music apps.
Properties of AI software are widely used in many industries, including the music industry, due to continuous evolution and development. These developments have opened new avenues for music composition in the context of AI software. One such technique is "riffusion," which is creating music using AI computer vision rather than voice and sound recognition software. Riffusion is a technique that allows soundtracks to be created by utilizing the visual cues connected to different notes used in various musical genres. The expansion of AI in the music market is expected to be driven by major factors over the forecast period. These factors include increased research and development related to AI applications, leading to new music production methods, as well as the widespread increase in the consumption of music streaming services.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Music Market Geographical Outlook
Asia Pacific is experiencing significant growth in their media and entertainment industry and is witnessing high levels of music consumption across consumers and other media platforms. This has driven the demand for more efficient and effective AI solutions for the music industry. This, in turn, has spurred investment in various AI applications that can be employed across various activities in the music industry. For instance, an AI-assisted music technology software, Beatoven.ai, is provided in India, which helps generate original music scores for various YouTube channels, wedding videography firms, and marketing agencies. In addition to this, the music industries of South Korea, Japan, China, and India are expanding rapidly.
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