医療用テープ起こし市場 2023年から2028年までの予測Medical Transcription Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
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医療用テープ起こし市場 2023年から2028年までの予測 |
出版日: 2023年12月15日
発行: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 143 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
世界の医療用テープ起こし(メディカルトランスクリプション)市場は、予測期間中にCAGR 6.05%で成長すると予測されています。
トランスクリプションを含むヘルスケアにおける技術進歩の増加は、医療用テープ起こし市場の主要な成長要因です。例えば2019年、Amazonは医師の診察や口述メモを音声からテキストに自動変換できる「Amazon Transcribe Medical」という機械学習型医療用テープ起こしサービスを開始しました。2020年10月、ETranscriptionは高品質のテープ起こしサービスを拡大するため、新しいウェブサイトとプラットフォームを発表しました。ETranscriptionはまた、ビジネスフローを合理化するための無料トライアルも提供しました。ヘルスケア従事者やテープ起こし担当者は、クラウドベースのテープ起こしサービスを利用して、音声録音や書き起こした文書に安全に保存し、アクセスすることができます。これらのサービスは、複数の人が同じファイルに一度にアクセスして作業できるコラボレーションツールを提供します。
北米地域は、予測期間中に医療用テープ起こし市場で大きなシェアを占めると予測されています。このようなシェアの要因としては、ヘルスケア施設の存在感の高さ、疾病の増加による医師の負担増、テクノロジーベースのトランスクリプションサービスの採用率の高さなどが挙げられます。例えば、米国労働統計局によると、米国のヘルスケア産業の雇用率は2021年から2031年にかけて13%成長すると予測されており、これは他の産業よりもはるかに速いです。さらに、Acusis LLCやNuance Communications Inc.といった大手市場プレイヤーの存在は、サービスの強化を通じて、この地域の医療用テープ起こし市場をさらに促進しています。
Acusis LLCは、医療用テープ起こしおよびヘルスケア情報管理サービスの提供を専門とする企業です。Acusisは、正確かつ迅速なテープ起こしサービスを提供することで、音声録音された口述を医療文書に仕上げます。医療用語の専門家とテープ起こし専門家からなる同社のスタッフは、医療用語のトレーニングを受けているため、最高レベルのテープ起こしが可能です。ヘルスケアのテクノロジーとサービスを提供するAquity Solutionsは、臨床文書作成ソリューションに重点を置いています。Aquity Solutionsは、ヘルスケア組織が正確な臨床文書を迅速に作成できるよう、独創的なテクノロジーとサービスを提供しています。医療従事者が医療情報を迅速に記録・転記できるよう、同社のプラットフォームは人工知能(AI)と自然言語理解(NLU)技術を統合しています。人工知能(AI)、音声認識、自然言語処理(NLP)のリーダーであるニュアンス・コミュニケーションズ社は、さまざまな製品とサービスを提供するテクノロジー企業です。同社のドラゴン音声認識ソフトウェアの用途は、ヘルスケア、カスタマーサービス、自動車など多岐にわたる。正確なテープ起こし、音声コマンド、対話型音声応答システムは、ニュアンスの音声認識技術によって実現されています。
The global medical transcription market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.05% during the forecast period.
The manual conversion of voice reports dictated by doctors and other healthcare professionals into text format is known as medical transcription (MT). Multiple benefits associated with medical transcription and reduced burden on doctors owing to increasing illness is a major growth factor of the medical transcription market. Moreover, the adoption of technology-based transcription services and increased digitalization in the healthcare industry is further expected to propel the medical transcription market.
There are various benefits associated with medical transcription that are contemplated to boost the medical transcription market. Maintaining accurate patient records is greatly facilitated by medical transcribing. Text documents that have been transcribed are available and can be stored straight on the hospital's server or the cloud. Therefore, all a provider needs to do to generate medical reports is to download and print the information. Expert medical transcriptionists can correctly record and deliver crucial information while minimizing the possibility of mistakes or misinterpretations. Additionally, insurance companies are billed for patient care using these transcriptions of the records.
The increasing technological advancements in healthcare including transcriptions are a major growth driver of the medical transcription market. For instance, in 2019, Amazon launched a machine-learning medical transcription service called Amazon Transcribe Medical that can automatically convert physician consultations and dictated notes from speech to text. In October 2020, ETranscription unveiled its new website and platform to expand high-quality transcription services. ETranscription also offered a free trial to help business streamline their flow. Healthcare practitioners and transcriptionists may safely store and access audio recordings and transcribed documents using cloud-based transcription services. These services provide collaboration tools that enable several people to access and work on the same files at once.
A requirement for precise and thorough medical recording has arisen as a result of the increasing implementation of EHR systems in healthcare institutions thus it is one of the major growth drivers of the medical transcription market. For instance, around 88% of office-based physicians were using EMR/EHR services in the US as per the 2021 National Electronic Health Records Survey by CDC. Moreover, from 2019 to 2021, office-based physicians used telemedicine technology at a rate of 85.9%, up from 15.4%, and in 2021, 91.4% of general practitioners, 87.2% of doctors in medical specialities, and 74.8% of doctors in surgical specialities utilized telemedicine as per the CDC data. The need for top-notch medical transcription services is further fueled by the increased focus on interoperability and information exchange.
Medical transcription services are in high demand due to the growing healthcare sector, which includes hospitals, clinics, ambulatory care facilities, and specialized practices. The demand for precise and fast medical documentation rises in tandem with the expansion of the healthcare industry. For example, the total annual revenue of the global health industry exceeds US$5.8 trillion as per the Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth Report. Moreover, by 2030, the Commission wants to encourage and direct the development of at least 40 million new employment in the social and health sectors and close the anticipated 18 million health worker shortage, mostly in low- and lower-middle-income nations. This expanding industry, therefore, propels the medical transcription market.
Few factors are expected to limit the medical transcription market. For example, data security and privacy are major concerns in the medical transcribing market since it entails handling private patient information. Healthcare practitioners and transcription services must comply with stringent regulatory mandates like HIPAA. Strong cybersecurity procedures and regular compliance monitoring are necessary to ensure the transfer, storage, and access of patient data in a safe manner. These requirements might present difficulties and added expenses for transcription service providers. Moreover, transcription mistakes and inaccuracies may occur if automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies are used without enough human monitoring. As a result, human transcriptionists are still required to evaluate and revise transcriptions, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
The North American region is projected to hold a significant share of the medical transcription market during the forecast period. Various factors attributed to such a share are the strong presence of healthcare facilities, the growing burden of diseases resulting in more burden on doctors, and higher adoption of technology-based transcription services. For instance, the employment rate of the US healthcare industry is projected to grow by 13% from 2021 to 2031 which is much faster than other industries as per the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics. Moreover, the presence of major market players such as Acusis LLC and Nuance Communications Inc. further propels the medical transcription market in the region through enhanced services.