表紙:Bluesight CostCheck(旧Kit Check Bluesight Insights)

Bluesight CostCheck(旧Kit Check Bluesight Insights)

Bluesight CostCheck (formerly Kit Check Bluesight Insights)

出版日: | 発行: KLAS Research | ページ情報: 英文 5 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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Bluesight CostCheck(旧Kit Check Bluesight Insights)
出版日: 2023年01月20日
発行: KLAS Research
ページ情報: 英文 5 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

Bluesight CostCheckソリューション(旧Kit Check Bluesight Insights)は、リアルタイムの市場インサイトを提供することで、病院や医療システムの知的購買意思決定を支援するものです。



第1章 Bluesight Insightsのカスタマーエクスペリエンス:概要

第2章 強みと課題

第3章 考慮する重要ポイント

第4章 Bluesight Insights:企業プロファイルの概要

第5章 ソリューションの技術仕様(Bluesight Insights提供)


The Bluesight CostCheck solution (formerly Kit Check Bluesight Insights) assists hospitals and health systems with making intelligent buying decisions by providing real-time market insights. KLAS reported on the product in May 2021, when it was Bluesight Insights and there were six unique customers live. The vendor has expanded the product to 44 fully live facilities at 15 unique organization and implemented several upgrades, including improved reporting and prioritized recommendations. This report provides a second look at how the CostCheck customer experience is progressing through the solution's growth and changes.

Table of Contents

1. Bluesight Insights Customer Experience: An Initial Look

2. Strengths and Challenges

3. KLAS' Points to Ponder

4. Bluesight Insights: Company Profile at a Glance

5. Solution Technical Specifications (provided by Bluesight Insights)