

COVID-19 Testing Markets, 2023

出版日: | 発行: Kalorama Information | ページ情報: 英文 131 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年04月24日
発行: Kalorama Information
ページ情報: 英文 131 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


COVID-19検査は、パンデミックと戦うために最前線で活躍してきました。しかし、パンデミックが長期化し、恒常的に流行するようになると、刻々と変化するCOVID-19検査市場はどうなるのでしょうか。Kalorama Informationは、この疑問やその他の疑問について、当レポートで答えています。




  • 在宅検査
  • 保険適用
  • マルチプレックス検査
  • 公衆衛生上の緊急事態の終了
  • 新バリアントの登場
  • イムノアッセイ検査
  • 分子生物学的検査



  • アジア太平洋地域
  • 欧州
  • 北米
  • その他の地域
  • オーストラリア
  • オーストリア
  • ベルギー
  • ブラジル
  • カナダ
  • 中国
  • デンマーク
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • インド
  • イタリア
  • メキシコ
  • オランダ
  • 日本
  • ポーランド
  • ルーマニア
  • 南アフリカフリカ
  • スペイン
  • スウェーデン
  • スイス
  • トルコ
  • 英国
  • 米国




  • Abbott
  • Access Bio, Inc
  • Becton-Dickinson
  • BioMérieux
  • Bio-Rad
  • Cue Health
  • Danaher corporation
  • Diasorin
  • ELITechGroup
  • Genedrive plc
  • Hologic
  • LumiraDx UK
  • OraSure Technologies
  • PerkinElmer, Inc
  • Qiagen
  • QuantuMDx
  • QuidelOrtho
  • Roche Diagnostic Corporation
  • Seegene
  • Siemens Healthineers
  • Snibe Co. Ltd (Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co)
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific





第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 イントロダクション

第3章 問題と動向

第4章 COVID-19のイムノアッセイ検査

  • 概要
  • 酵素免疫測定法(ELISA)
  • 質量分析
  • 急速
  • 製品
  • 抗原
  • 抗体
  • 市場規模と成長
  • 競合市場シェア

第5章 COVID-19の分子検査

  • 概要
  • 製品
  • 市場規模と成長
  • 競合市場シェア

第6章 COVID-19検査市場の概要

第7章 市場参入企業

  • Abbott
  • Access Bio, Inc
  • Becton-Dickinson
  • BioMérieux
  • Bio-Rad
  • Cue Health
  • Danaher Corporation
  • DiaSorin S.p.A.
  • ELITech Group S.A.S
  • Genedrive plc
  • Hologic, Inc
  • LumiraDx UK Limited
  • OraSure Technologies, Inc.
  • PerkinElmer, Inc
  • QuantuMDx Group, Ltd
  • QuidelOrtho Corporation
  • Roche Diagnostic Corporation
  • Seegene, Inc
  • Siemens Healthineers GmbH
  • Snibe Co. Ltd (Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co)
  • ThermoFisher Scientific
Product Code: 23-045c

COVID-19 testing has been at the forefront in battling the pandemic. However, as the pandemic recedes and becomes more endemic, what will happen to the ever-changing COVID-19 testing market? Kalorama Information answers this question and more in “COVID-19 Testing Markets, 2023”.

The pandemic has been a learning curve for all parties to invest in diagnostic systems, as COVID-19 aptly pointed out. Notably, the pandemic reinforced the importance of testing and a significant number of companies are increasing their development of a wide selection of diagnostic tests in all markets. Diagnostics have been critical in the response to COVID-19.

This report provides market sizing and estimates for COVID-19 tests with discussion of market impacts of COVID-19.

Some of the key topics and trends explored include:

  • At-Home Testing
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Multiplex Testing
  • Expiration of Public Health Emergency
  • New Variants on the Horizon
  • Immunoassay Testing
  • Molecular Testing

Global Regional Analysis

The report's global analysis features research, such as 2022-2027 sales estimates and forecasts, for regions and countries including:

  • APAC
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Rest of World
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Japan
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Competitive Analysis

The report includes analysis and profiles of key companies competing in this industry, including a breakout of the top competitors in the COVID-19 testing market based on 2022 manufacturer revenues.

Companies profiled include:

  • Abbott
  • Access Bio, Inc
  • Becton-Dickinson
  • BioMérieux
  • Bio-Rad
  • Cue Health
  • Danaher corporation
  • Diasorin
  • ELITechGroup
  • Genedrive plc
  • Hologic
  • LumiraDx UK
  • OraSure Technologies
  • PerkinElmer, Inc
  • Qiagen
  • QuantuMDx
  • QuidelOrtho
  • Roche Diagnostic Corporation
  • Seegene
  • Siemens Healthineers
  • Snibe Co. Ltd (Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co)
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Scope and Methodology

The information for this report was gathered using both primary and secondary research including comprehensive research of secondary sources such as company literature, databases, investment reports, and medical and business journals. Telephone interviews, in-person interviews and email correspondence were the primary methods of gathering information. For the purpose of this study, Kalorama Information conducted interviews with industry officials, consultants, health care providers, and government personnel. These sources were the primary basis in gathering information specifically relating to revenue and market share data presented in this report. Additional interviews were completed with relevant company representatives including marketing directors, division managers, and product representatives.

All market data pertains to the world market at the manufacturers' level. The market includes manufacturer tests. The base year for data was 2022. Data are provided for 2022 and 2027 with compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for 2022 and 2027. Competitive analysis is provided for the top ten participants in the market. Regional breakdowns are surveyed for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World. The forecasted market analysis through 2027 was largely based on demographic trends, new developments, trajectory of COVID-19 and its variants, innovative technology and global use.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Executive Summary

  • Industry at a Glance
  • Scope and Methodology
  • Size and Growth of the Market
    • Table 1-1: Global COVID-19 Testing (Immunoassay, Molecular, Rapid) Sales by Segment, 2022-2027
    • Figure 1-1: Global COVID-19 Market by Key Segment (Molecular, Immunoassay), 2020-2027
  • Key Issues and Trends Affecting the Market
  • Competitive Outlook
  • Conclusion Highlights

Chapter 2: Introduction

  • Overview
    • Figure 2-1: Coronavirus (COVID-19) 7-Day Case Snapshot Global by Country
    • Table 2-1: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation by WHO Region (Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, West Pacific)
    • Figure 2-2: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cumulative Cases and 7-Day Cases by WHO Region (Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, West Pacific)
    • Figure 2-3: Country-Level COVID-19 Cumulative Cases, by Country (Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam), Through April 11, 2023
    • Figure 2-4: Country-Level COVID-19 Cumulative Diagnostic Tests Administered, by Country (Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam), Through April 11, 2023
    • Figure 2-5: New Cases vs. Total Cases for Select Countries with Uptick in Cases, by Country (Afghanistan, Austria, Czechia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Vietnam), April 2023

Chapter 3: Issues and Trends

  • At-Home Testing
    • Figure 3-1: At-Home COVID-19 Test Distribution of Sales, by Vendor (Abbott Diagnostics, Becton Dickinson, OraSure Technologies, Quidel, Siemens Healthineers, Others)
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Multiplex Testing
  • EUAs and Public Health Emergency Expiration
  • New Variants On the Horizon

Chapter 4: COVID-19 Immunoassay Testing

  • Overview
  • Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Rapid
  • Products
  • Antigen
    • Table 4-1: Selected Antigen Immunoassay Tests for SARS-CoV-2
  • Antibody
    • Table 4-2: Selected Antibody Immunoassay EUA Tests for COVID-19
  • Market Size and Growth
    • Table 4-3: Global Immunoassay COVID-19 Testing Market, 2022-2027 $MN; CAGR 2022-2027
    • Table 4-4: Estimated Global Immunoassay COVID-19 Testing Market Distribution by Segment (Antigen, Serology) and End User (Laboratory, Rapid/Near Patient), 2022, (%)
  • Competitive Market Share
    • Figure 4-1: Immunoassay COVID-19 Vendor Market Share, by Vendor (Abbott, Beckman Coulter-Danaher, Becton Dickson, Diasorin, Fujirebio Diagnostics, PerkinElmer, QuidelOrtho, Roche, Siemens, ThermoFisher, Others), 2022 (%)

Chapter 5: COVID-19 Molecular Testing

  • Overview
  • Products
    • Table 5-1: Selected Molecular EUA Tests for COVID-19
  • Market Size and Growth
    • Table 5-2: Estimated Global Molecular COVID-19 Testing Market, 2022-2027 $MN; CAGR 2022-2027
    • Table 5-3: Estimated Global Molecular COVID-19 Testing Market Distribution by End User (Laboratory, Rapid/Near Patient), 2022 (%)
  • Competitive Market Share
    • Figure 5-1: Molecular COVID-19 Vendor Market Share, by Vendor (Abbott, bioMérieux, Cepheid-Danaher, Hologic, Orasure Technologies, PerkinElmer, Qiagen, QuidelOrtho, Roche, ThermoFisher, Others), 2022 (%)

Chapter 6: Total COVID-19 Testing Market Summary

  • Market Overview
    • Table 6-1: Global COVID-19 Testing (Immunoassay, Molecular, Rapid) Sales, by Segment, 2022-2027 ($MN)
    • Figure 6-1: Global IVD Market (COVID-19 Assays and Instruments, Excluding COVID-19 Assays and Instruments), 2019-2022, ($MN)
    • Figure 6-2: Global IVD Market, Distribution by Performance Segment (COVID-19 Assays and Instruments, Excluding COVID-19 Assays and Instruments), 2022 (%)
  • Market Segment by Test Type/Site
    • Table 6-2: Global COVID-19 Testing by Test Site (Laboratory, Rapid/Near Patient) Sales by Segment, 2022-2027
    • Figure 6-3: Global COVID-19 IVD Market by Test Site, 2020-2022 and Forecast Through 2027 ($MN)
  • Laboratory Based
    • Table 6-3: Global Lab-based COVID-19 Testing Market, Distribution of Sales by Segment (Immunoassay, Molecular), 2022-2027 ($MN)
  • Point of Care
    • Table 6-4: Global Rapid-based COVID-19 Testing Market, Distribution of Sales by Segment (Immunoassay, Molecular), 2022-2027 ($MN)
    • Figure 6-4: Global COVID-19 IVD Market by Test Method, 2020-2022 and Forecast Through 2027 ($MN)
  • Market by Region
    • Figure 6-5: Estimated Global COVID-19 Testing Market by Region (APAC, Europe, North America, Rest of World), 2020-2022
    • Figure 6-6: COVID-19 Testing Market by Country (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States), Estimated 2022 ($M)
  • Competitive Analysis
    • Figure 6-7: Top 10 COVID-19 Vendors and Global Market Share, by Vendor (Abbott, bioMérieux, Danaher, Hologic, PerkinElmer, Qiagen, QuidelOrtho, Roche, Siemens, ThermoFisher, Others), 2022

Chapter 7: Selected Market Participants

  • Abbott
    • Table 7-1: Abbott Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Access Bio, Inc
    • Table 7-2: Access Bio Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Becton-Dickinson
    • Table 7-3: Becton-Dickinson Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • bioMérieux
    • Table 7-4: bioMérieux Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Bio-Rad
    • Table 7-5: Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Cue Health
    • Table 7-6: Cue Health Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Danaher Corporation
    • Table 7-7: Danaher Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • DiaSorin S.p.A.
    • Table 7-8: DiaSorin Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • ELITech Group S.A.S.
    • Table 7-9: ELITech Group Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Genedrive plc
    • Table 7-10: Genedrive Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Hologic, Inc
    • Table 7-11: Hologic Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • LumiraDx UK Limited
    • Table 7-12: LumiraDx Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • OraSure Technologies, Inc.
    • Table 7-13: OraSure Technologies Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • PerkinElmer, Inc
    • Table 7-14: PerkinElmer Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
    • Table 7-15: QIAGEN Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • QuantuMDx Group, Ltd.
    • Table 7-16: QuantuMDx Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • QuidelOrtho Corporation
    • Table 7-17: QuidelOrtho Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Roche Diagnostic Corporation
    • Table 7-18: Roche Diagnostic Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Seegene, Inc
    • Table 7-19: Seegene Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Siemens Healthineers GmbH
    • Table 7-20: Siemens Healthineers Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • Snibe Co. Ltd (Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co)
    • Table 7-21: Snibe Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19
  • ThermoFisher Scientific
    • Table 7-22: Thermo Fisher Scientific Corporate Summary
  • Company Overview
  • COVID-19