表紙:低電圧ACモータードライブ (2023年):低電圧ACモータードライブ市場の現状と将来展望の分析

低電圧ACモータードライブ (2023年):低電圧ACモータードライブ市場の現状と将来展望の分析

Low Voltage AC Motor Drives - 2023: An Analysis of the Current and Future State of the Low Voltage AC Motor Drive Market

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=149.07円
低電圧ACモータードライブ (2023年):低電圧ACモータードライブ市場の現状と将来展望の分析
出版日: 2023年12月31日
発行: Interact Analysis
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次





  • 1. 現在のマクロ経済環境は、低電圧ACドライブ市場にどのような影響を与えているか?
  • 2. 低高調波・高調波緩和技術市場の現状はどうなっているのか?
  • 3. 高調波緩和・低高調波ドライブの市場は、予測期間中にどのように発展するか?
  • 4. サプライチェーンの混乱を受けて、ドライブメーカーは生産戦略をどのように変更したか?
  • 5. 分散化の傾向は、ドライブ市場にどのような影響を与えているか?


  • 低高調波・高調波緩和技術市場の現状と発展動向に関する追加分析。
  • ドライブ内でのワイドバンドギャップ半導体の利用拡大に関する定性的分析。
  • 増刊に伴う、電力定格別・産業別の精緻な市場区分。
  • ドライブ市場の用途別・産業別の詳細分析:用途別の分類モデルの改良。

Report Overview & Features

This brochure outlines the scope and content of the market for low voltage AC motor drives. In this report, we provide detailed market size and forecast data for low voltage AC motor drives by form factor, industry, application, country, and power rating. In addition to this analysis, we conduct a market share analysis of any vendor in the market with a greater than 1% share. In addition to providing market share, market sizing, and forecast data, the report aims to answer the following:


In addition to providing market sizing and forecast data, the report also answers the following:

  • 1. How is the current macroeconomic environmentimpacting the market for low voltage AC drives?
  • 2. What is the present state of low harmonic and harmonic mitigation technologies present in the market?
  • 3. How will the market for harmonic mitigation and low harmonic drives develop over the forecast period?
  • 4. How have drives suppliers altered their production strategies in response to supply chain snarls?
  • 5. How is the trend toward decentralization impacting the drives market?

Improvements & Changes Since Previous Editions

  • Additional analysis on the current market and trends developing for low harmonic and harmonic mitigation technologies.
  • Qualitative analysis of the development of the use of wide-band gap semiconductors within drives.
  • Refined splits by power rating and industry based upon increased reporting.
  • Refined application split model analyzingdrives by application by industry.

"The research from Interact Analysis on mobile robots has been extremely valuable and helpful. We found the data to be accurate,the forecasts sound and the analysis thorough. Their reports are based on real primary researchand they clearly engage with the industry to have a great understanding of the market, which allows us to make informed strategic decisions." -Seegrid.

"The report from Interact Analysis goes into much greater depth and detail than other reports we have used in the past. In addition, the analyst team is very responsive and helpful whenever I have questions and support me beyond just providing a report." - Kollmorgen.