世界の財務・リスク管理アプリケーション市場シェア、2023年:トレジャリーマネジメントは成長のための進化するツールWorldwide Treasury and Risk Management Applications Market Shares, 2023: Treasury Management an Evolving Tool for Growth |
世界の財務・リスク管理アプリケーション市場シェア、2023年:トレジャリーマネジメントは成長のための進化するツール |
出版日: 2024年09月05日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 14 Pages
納期: 即納可能
This IDC study examines the market shares of the leading vendors in the treasury and risk management applications market."The adoption of a treasury management system is a game changer for businesses seeking to enhance their financial operations. It not only improves efficiency and compliance but also provides the strategic insight needed to navigate the complexities of global finance and mitigate financial risks. As companies continue to expand and evolve, the role of a TMS in ensuring financial stability and fostering growth becomes increasingly critical," says Kevin Permenter, research director for Financial Applications at IDC.