IDC PlanScape:ヘルスケア産業における5Gの統合IDC PlanScape: Integrating 5G in Healthcare |
IDC PlanScape:ヘルスケア産業における5Gの統合 |
出版日: 2023年04月12日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 17 Pages
納期: 即納可能
「医療機関は5Gが今後5年間で医療業界に与えるポジティブな影響を認識し、5Gに投資を行っています。5Gのメリットを活かす鍵は、最適なコネクティビティと適切なユースケースを組み合わせることにあります」とIDC Health InsightsのグループバイスプレジデントであるLynne A. Dunbrack氏は述べています。
This IDC PlanScape describes the important role 5G can play in transforming the delivery of healthcare services by enabling care anywhere initiatives. It helps provider organizational IT leaders justify and plan for deploying 5G and provides a road map for healthcare organizations to follow as they prioritize 5G use cases. The study also provides a decision tree for healthcare leaders to use to prioritize their 5G use case selection."Healthcare organizations are making the requisite investments in 5G because they recognize the positive impact that 5G will have on the healthcare industry in the next five years," states Lynne A. Dunbrack, group vice president, IDC Health Insights. "Key to successfully realizing the intended benefits of 5G is pairing the optimal connectivity with the 'right use case.'"