脅威インテリジェンスの世界市場シェア(2022年):ネットワーク境界の外に集まる脅威の洞察Worldwide Threat Intelligence Market Shares, 2022: Providing Insight on the Gathering Threats Outside the Network Perimeter |
脅威インテリジェンスの世界市場シェア(2022年):ネットワーク境界の外に集まる脅威の洞察 |
出版日: 2023年03月23日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 38 Pages
納期: 即納可能
This IDC study presents the worldwide threat intelligence market shares for 2022."Let's think about this logically. Businesses are building virtual walls around their cyberassets, and the problem is they have no idea how high that wall should be," observes Chris Kissel, research vice president, Security and Trust at IDC. "Threat intelligence shines a light on the capability and veracity of the adversary. Threat intelligence is evolving to also provide insights about shadow IT, cyber-risk, and a cybersecurity posture assessment from a bird's eye view at first and then hone the focus further to a client's environment with analytics."