
Future of Work:フレキシブルワークエクスペリエンスのための戦略

Future of Work: Strategies for the Flexible Work Experience

出版日: | 発行: IDC | ページ情報: 英文 13 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
Future of Work:フレキシブルワークエクスペリエンスのための戦略
出版日: 2023年03月15日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 13 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




  • IDCのFuture of Workフレームワーク
  • 新しいワークモデルの定義における課題
  • 人材に関する懸念・制約
  • 人間と技術の統合の複雑さ
  • 技術的なセキュリティと組織の信頼に関する懸念
  • Future of Work



Product Code: US49961823

This IDC Perspective reviews the challenges that organizations face as they transition to a hybrid/flexible work experience. It also presents a framework for addressing those challenges, which assesses how organizations accelerate and expand digital transformation (DX) initiatives. The technical work enhancements that enable hybrid work are innately connected to organizational policies and practices that need equal investment for digital transformation to be successful. Leaders have come to terms with the importance of empowering workers by providing them with flexible physical workplaces, intelligent digital workspaces, and agile and adaptive learning systems. "Investing in flexible work experiences have been a boon for both employers and employees. And now that companies have built the framework and experienced enhanced employee productivity, cost, and time savings, there's no going back but just moving forward," says Anu Mehta, senior research analyst, Future of Work at IDC. "Organizations need to trust employees to accomplish work while working in a flexible manner."

Executive Snapshot

Situation Overview

  • IDC's Future of Work Framework
    • Augmentation
    • Culture
    • Space
  • The Challenge of Defining New Work Models
  • Talent Concerns/Limitations
    • Attracting and Retaining Top Talent
    • Addressing the Skills Gap
    • Measuring and Improving Employee Productivity
    • Managing Employee Burnout
    • Addressing the Needs of Frontline Workers
  • Complexity of Human and Technology Integration
    • Lack of IT Support for Low Code/No Code and Automation Deployment
    • Fear of Automation: Lack of Understanding How to Program and Best Use it, Beyond the Fear of Taking Jobs
    • Navigating Technology and Space
    • Rebuilding/Redesigning Physical Workplaces
    • Investing in Intelligent Digital Workspaces: Finding Ways to Drive Effective Teaming and Collaboration
    • Democratization of Technology: Parity of Experience Between In-Office and Remote Employees
    • Navigating*Rigid Organization and LeadershipMisalignment Between Agile Teams and Legacy Leadership Models
    • Managing Generational Change in a Hybrid Setup
    • Managing the Cross-Functional Culture of Cooperation and Collaboration
  • Concerns Around Technical Security and Organizational Trust
    • Monitoring Employee Data Usage and Governance
    • Unsecure/Unmanaged Devices, Networks, and Apps Threaten Organization's Security Posture
  • The Future of Work
    • The Rise of the Digital Coworker
    • Opportunities for Hybrid Work and the Reinvented Office
    • Opportunities for Improving Employee Experiences

Advice for the Technology Buyer

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  • Related Research
  • Synopsis