
バイヤーケーススタディ:InfosysとPrysmian Groupが協力し、架空電線管理のための革新的かつ持続可能なソリューションを実現

Buyer Case Study: Infosys and Prysmian Group Come Together for an Innovative and Sustainable Solution for Overhead Conductor Management

出版日: | 発行: IDC | ページ情報: 英文 11 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.76円
バイヤーケーススタディ:InfosysとPrysmian Groupが協力し、架空電線管理のための革新的かつ持続可能なソリューションを実現
出版日: 2023年03月09日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 11 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

老朽化したケーブルは伝送損失が発生しやすく、その結果、電力の浪費につながります。これを防ぐため、Prysmian Groupは、送電線の耐力を向上させ、動作温度を下げ、送電ロスを減らすことができる革新的なコーティングを開発しました。このコーティングを通電中の電線に塗布するのは複雑ですが、Infosysは高度なロボットソリューションを構築し、25年以上経過した電線を洗浄し、コーティングすることに成功しました。

当レポートでは、InfosysとPrysmian Groupの協力による事業課題への対応のケーススタディを示し、技術バイヤーへの提言などをまとめています。



  • 持続可能性とその推進因子への関心の高まり
  • 持続可能性目標を達成するための課題
  • リソース管理におけるデジタルエンジニアリング
  • Prysmian Groupのケーススタディ
    • 事業課題
    • 適切な洗浄・コーティング液の検討
    • 電線のクリーニングとコーティングのための高度なロボットソリューション
    • 利点
    • 認識・前進



Product Code: US50443822

This IDC Perspective describes how Prysmian Group's innovative E3X coating deployment was facilitated by Infosys Advanced Engineering Group through an advanced robotic solution. Aging cables are susceptible to transmission loss and hence result in power wastage. To avoid these, Prysmian Group developed an innovative coating that can improve the ampacity of the transmission lines, reduce operating temperature, and hence reduce transmission loss. Applying this coating on the energized conductor is complex and can be life-threatening for the wiremen. Infosys addresses this problem by building an advanced robotic solution to clean and then coat the conductors, which are more than 25 years old and expand across several states in the United States. This case study not only highlights how intricate business challenges can be handled by digital engineering and OT (DEOT) service providers but also showcases how these engineering solutions can support an enterprise's sustainability initiatives. This project also demonstrates DEOT service providers' capability in end-to-end R&D product development, from concept to industrialization to commercialization. The uniqueness of the solution and innovation behind it won the Gold at Edison Awards 2022 and became a milestone in the field of robotics and autonomous systems."The E3X Robot System is a prominent example of how engineering service providers can address the complex business problems of their customers. This innovative solution and further engagements to enhance the solution not only represent how such solutions can be scaled up but also support customers' sustainability goals. Hence enterprise buyers should focus on the digital transformation journey of their products, services, and operations to solve real-life high-value engineering problems and choose the right engineering partners to address those while delivering on their organization's sustainability objectives." - Abhishek Mukherjee, associate research manager, Digital Engineering and OT services at IDC

Executive Snapshot

Situation Overview

  • Increasing Focus on Sustainability and Its Drivers
  • Challenges in Achieving Sustainability Goals
  • Digital Engineering in Resource Management
  • Prysmian Group Case Study
    • Business Challenge
    • Consideration for a Suitable Cleaning and Coating Solution
    • Advanced Robotic Solution for Cleaning and Coating the Conductors
    • Benefits
    • Recognition and Way Forward

Advice for the Technology Buyer

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