

Worldwide Software Configuration, Change, and Process Management Market Shares, 2021: Demand for Digital Innovation, Collaboration, and Agile DevOps Drives High Growth

出版日: | 発行: IDC | ページ情報: 英文 15 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=157.14円
出版日: 2022年09月30日
発行: IDC
ページ情報: 英文 15 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
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  • SCCPM市場をターゲットにしている人へのアドバイス




  • 重要な市場の動向




Product Code: US47923722

This IDC study provides 2021 vendor share analysis for the worldwide software configuration, change, and process management (SCCPM) market. Revenue growth for leading vendors resulting from Global 2000 and SMB 2020 investment led to a fifth year of double-digit revenue growth, which at 21.7% to reach $5.9 billion is around 30% higher than last year's already high growth (of 16.8% to reach $4.84 billion in 2020). This resulted from growth on the part of some major vendors across areas of innovation in this broad market, extremely high double-digit and other growth from innovators (such as Atlassian, Microsoft with GitHub, GitLab, JFrog, Blueprint, and Jama), investment by organizations seeking to gain agile automation and management for requirements, and DevOps expenditures in the wake of higher investment during 2021 moving into 2022. With unpredictable financial consequences initially in the wake of the pandemic and the desperate drive to digital execution and hybrid demanded by the pandemic, we expect ongoing need for collaboration and governance to continue to drive growth, moving into 2023-2024 and beyond. We also see this in surveys indicating ongoing purchase commitments to development and DevOps tools even in the face of the crisis."Hybrid work, digitization, and volatility in the world economy with software as a competitive driver created massive demand in 2021 for effective software management and DevOps efficiency, with extraordinarily high double-digit growth of 21.7% in 2021 for the SCCPM market as companies sought to drive innovation and manage complex IT initiatives," says Melinda Ballou, research director, Agile ALM, Quality, and Portfolio Strategies at IDC. "Colossal growth on the part of key vendors such as Atlassian, Microsoft-GitHub, GitLab, and JFrog along with other innovators and some growth on the part of other enterprise providers drove SCCPM adoption in this broad market area. This is the fifth consecutive year of high double-digit growth in this market that expanded significantly. We continue to see multiple acquisitions in this space as the market consolidates. The impact of OSS complicated purchase patterns for commercial offerings, and we are increasingly seeing integration with key OSS solutions such as Git and commitment to OSS standards. A number of factors will continue to contribute to SCCPM growth, including the strong emergence of agile, value stream management, and DevOps environments to help address mobile, cloud, and embedded development and systems engineering as IoT emerges. The need to manage complex sourcing along with distributed development and open source (along with increased compliance demands) are largely impossible to do without SCCPM automation. Indeed, we saw high double-digit revenue growth for many innovative vendors targeting these areas, mitigating lower but still solid single-digit revenue growth for legacy solutions as enterprise also engage in application modernization. We expect the continuing push toward multimodal, multiplatform deployments (including mobile, collaborative applications, and those embedded with big data and analytics) to drive ongoing growth in the 2022-2026 period as platforms consolidate via acquisition and organic evolution and as platform-as-a-service (PaaS) application life-cycle management (ALM) solutions emerge over time."

IDC Market Share Figure

Executive Summary

Advice for Technology Suppliers

  • Advice for Those Targeting the SCCPM Market

Market Share

Who Shaped the Year

Market Context

  • Significant Market Developments


Market Definition

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