

Silicone In Personal Care Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product, By Application, By Regions, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Grand View Research | ページ情報: 英文 162 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年04月22日
発行: Grand View Research
ページ情報: 英文 162 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
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Grand View Research, Inc.の新しいレポートによると、パーソナルケアにおけるシリコーンの世界市場規模は2030年までに48億1,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、2024~2030年のCAGRは6.0%で成長すると予測されています。




南米は、チリ北部の乾燥した砂漠地帯から、大陸南部沿岸の多雨多湿な気象条件まで、気候条件が多様であることで知られています。このような気候条件は、各国、特にブラジルの女性の髪の状態に直接影響を与えています。ブラジルの女性は、過去数十年間、社会的規範に従って、自分の髪のコンディションについて慎重でした。しかし、American Medical Women's Association(AMWA)によると、太陽の直射日光を浴びながら屋外で過ごす時間が増えた結果、髪が傷み、週1回の頭皮トリートメントが増えたといわれています。加えて、髪の損傷を防ぐためのシャンプー、ヘアコンディショナー、ヘアマスク、ホットオイルトリートメントの消費は、近年ブラジル全土で急激に増加しています。これは予測期間中、ブラジル市場の成長を促進すると予測されます。


  • 流体セグメントが2023年に32%以上のシェアで最大の収益シェアで市場をリードしています。流体状のシリコーンは熱変化に強く、粘度が非常に安定しています。シリコーンオイルは特有の熱条件下で微細な変化を示すため、パーソナルケア製品、特にシャンプーやコンディショナーなどのヘアケア製品の製造に推奨されています。
  • 用途別では、ヘアケアセグメントが2023年に45.50%の最大売上シェアで市場をリードしました。頭皮の乾燥、紫外線への暴露、遺伝的条件などによる抜け毛は、男女を問わず世界的に非常に一般的です。そのため、シャンプー、コンディショナー、美容液などのヘアケア製品は、過去10年間で需要が増加しています。シリコーンベースのヘアケア製品は、髪に滑らかさ、太さ、コンディショニング、デタングリングを与え、予測期間中に高い需要を確認すると予想されます。
  • 中国には非常に特徴的で人気のある自撮り文化があり、その影響で国民は様々なスキンケアやヘアケア製品を消費しています。例えば、中国国家統計局によると、2022年には約9,200万枚の自撮り写真が記録されました。このような自撮り文化は、国民の大多数がより魅力的に見えるよう影響を及ぼしており、そのためにシリコンベースの化粧品への需要が非常に高まっています。この動向は予測期間中も促進され、シリコーンベースのパーソナルケア製品の需要を増加させると予想されます。
  • アジア太平洋は2023年の世界市場を独占しました。同地域では、中国やインドなどの新興経済圏で働く女性専門家の数が増加していることに加え、美容やパーソナルケア製品への関心が高まり、支出が増加していることから、シリコーンベースのパーソナルケア製品の需要が増加しています。さらに、これらの国々では若年層の需要が高まっており、インターネットへのアクセスも容易であることから、予測期間中の市場成長には絶大な機会がもたらされると予想されます。
  • インドの人々に適しており、長期間使用できる製品の研究開発には大規模な投資が行われています。例えば、大手化粧品メーカーのL'Oreal S.A.は、2023年にL'Oreal Dermatological Beauty(LDB)プログラムの採用を発表し、インドの皮膚化粧品市場への投資を発表しました。適切な製品を製造するためのこのような投資は、インドにおけるスキンケア製品のシリコーン需要を促進すると予想されます。


第1章 調査手法と範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 パーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場の変数、動向、範囲

  • 市場系統の展望
    • 世界のシリコーン市場の展望
    • 世界のプラスチック市場の展望
  • 業界バリューチェーン分析
    • 原材料の動向
    • 製造業の動向
  • 規制の枠組み
    • 標準とコンプライアンス
    • 安全性
  • 市場力学
    • 市場ドライバー分析
    • 市場抑制要因分析
    • 業界の課題
    • 業界の機会
  • パーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場-ビジネス環境分析
    • 業界分析-ポーターのファイブフォース分析
    • 業界分析-マクロ経済要因分析
  • 東欧の地政学的産業への影響概要
  • COVID-19がパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場に与える影響

第4章 パーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場:製品推定・動向分析

  • 製品変動分析と市場シェア、2023年と2030年
  • 製品別、2018~2030年
  • 流体
  • 樹脂
  • ブレンド
  • クロスポリマー
  • その他

第5章 のパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場:用途推定・動向分析

  • 用途変動分析と市場シェア、2023年と2030年
  • 用途別、2018~2030年
  • スキンケア商品
  • ヘアケア製品
  • 化粧品
  • 制汗剤・デオドラント
  • その他

第6章 パーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場:地域推定・動向分析

  • 地域変動分析と市場シェア、2023年と2030年
  • 北米
    • 北米のパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場、推定・予測、2018~2030年
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • 欧州のパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場、推定・予測、2018~2030年
    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • イタリア
    • フランス
    • スペイン
    • オランダ
  • アジア太平洋
    • アジア太平洋のパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場、推定・予測、2018~2030年
    • 中国
    • インド
    • 日本
    • 韓国
    • シンガポール
    • マレーシア
    • インドネシア
    • タイ
    • ベトナム
    • オーストラリア
  • 中南米
    • 中南米のパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場、推定・予測、2018~2030年
    • ブラジル
    • アルゼンチン
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • 中東・アフリカのパーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場、推定・予測、2018~2030年
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • 南アフリカ

第7章 パーソナルケアにおけるシリコーン市場-競合情勢

  • 主要市場参入企業による最近の動向と影響分析
  • 企業分類
  • 企業の市場シェア/ポジション分析、2023年
  • 企業ヒートマップ分析
  • 戦略マッピング
    • 拡大
    • 合併と買収
    • パートナーシップとコラボレーション
    • 新製品の発売
    • 研究開発
  • 企業プロファイル
    • Wacker Chemie AG
    • Alkem ASA
    • CHT Germany GmbH
    • Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
    • Momentive Performance Materials Inc.
    • Dow, Inc.
    • BRB International BV
    • DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd.
    • Mitsubishi Shoji Chemical Corporation
    • Chemsil Silicones, Inc.
    • Jiangxi New Jiayi New Materials Co., Ltd.
    • Thor Personal Care
    • AB Specialty Silicones
    • Siltech Corporation

List of Tables

  • Table 1. List of abbreviation
  • Table 2. Silicone in personal care market 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Table 3. Global market estimates and forecasts by product, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons)
  • Table 4. Global market estimates and forecasts by product, 2018 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 5. Global market estimates and forecasts by application, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons)
  • Table 6. Global market estimates and forecasts by application, 2018 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 7. Recent developments & impact analysis, by key market participants
  • Table 8. Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
  • Table 9. Key companies undergoing expansion
  • Table 10. Key companies involved in collaboration
  • Table 11. Key companies involved in new product portfolio

List of Figures

  • Fig. 1 Market research Product
  • Fig. 2 Data triangulation techniques
  • Fig. 3 Primary research pattern
  • Fig. 4 Market research approaches
  • Fig. 5 Information Procurement
  • Fig. 6 Market Formulation and Validation
  • Fig. 7 Data Validating & Publishing
  • Fig. 8 Market Segmentation & Scope
  • Fig. 9 Silicone in personal care Market Snapshot, 2023 (USD Million)
  • Fig. 10 Segment Snapshot, 2023 (USD Million)
  • Fig. 11 Competitive Landscape Snapshot
  • Fig. 12 Silicone Market, 2023 (USD Million)
  • Fig. 13 Silicone in Personal Care Market - Value Chain Analysis
  • Fig. 14 Silicone in Personal Care Market - Market Dynamics
  • Fig. 15 Silicone in Personal Care Market - PORTER's Analysis
  • Fig. 16 Silicone in Personal Care Market - PESTEL Analysis
  • Fig. 17 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, By Product: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 18 Silicone in Personal Care Market Share, By Product, 2022 & 2030
  • Fig. 19 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by fluids, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 20 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by resins, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 21 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by blends, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 22 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by cross polymers, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 23 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by others, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 24 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, By Application: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 25 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by skincare products, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 26 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by haircare products, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 27 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by cosmetics, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 28 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by antiperspirants & deodorants, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 29 Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, by others, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 30 Silicone in Personal Care Market Revenue, By Region, 2023 & 2030 (USD Million)
  • Fig. 31 Regional marketplace: Key takeaways (1/2)
  • Fig. 32 Regional marketplace: Key takeaways (2/2)
  • Fig. 33 North America Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 34 U.S. Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 35 Canada Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 36 Mexico Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 37 Europe Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 38 Germany Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 39 UK Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 40 Italy Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 41 France Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 42 Spain Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 43 Netherlands Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 44 Asia Pacific Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 45 China Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 46 India Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 47 Japan Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 48 South Korea Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 49 Singapore Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 50 Malaysia Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 51 Indonesia Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 52 Thailand Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 53 Vietnam Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 54 Australia Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 55 Central & South America Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 56 Brazil Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 57 Argentina Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 58 Middle East & Africa Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 59 Saudi Arabia Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 60 United Arab Emirates (UAE) Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 61 South Africa Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • Fig. 62 Key Company Categorization
  • Fig. 63 Company Market Positioning
  • Fig. 64 Key Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
  • Fig. 65 Strategy Mapping
Product Code: GVR-4-68040-259-9

Silicone In Personal Care Market Growth & Trends:

The global silicone in personal care market size is anticipated to reach USD 4.81 billion by 2030 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.0% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The rising awareness in regards to personal hygiene, rising disposable income across various regions, and increasing influence of social media are anticipated to boost the demand for silicone for manufacturing multiple personal care products such as shampoos, conditioners, serums, sunscreens, body lotions, and various cosmetics such as lipsticks, eyeliners, and others.

Asia Pacific has witnessed a rise in demand for silicone-based personal care products on account of the rising number of working women professionals across emerging economies, such as China and India, along with their growing interests in and increasing spending on beauty and personal care products. Furthermore, the rising demand for personal care and cosmetics from the young population across these countries and easy access to the Internet are anticipated to offer immense opportunities for the market growth over the forecast period.

Across the Big Four of Fashion cities globally, apart from New York, three other major cities are from Europe, including Paris, London, and Milan. These cities annually conduct fashion weeks, which introduce new fashion lines from various designers, along with newly developed cosmetics and personal care products from numerous cosmetic manufacturers. These fashion-driven markets have increased the consumption of cosmetics across the region, which, in turn, has propelled the demand for silicone-based cosmetics.

South America is well-known for its diversified climatic conditions, ranging from dry desert conditions in Northern Chile to heavy rainfalls, creating highly humid weather conditions across the Southern coast of the continent. Such climatic conditions have directly impacted the hair conditions of women across various countries, especially in Brazil. Brazilian women, as per societal norms, in past decades have been cautious about their hair conditions. However, according to the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA), spending more time outside with the direct exposure of sun, has damaged their hair, resulting in increased weekly scalp treatments. In addition, the consumption of shampoos, hair conditioners, hair masks, and hot oil treatments to prevent hair damage has increased tremendously across Brazil in recent years. This is anticipated to propel the market growth in Brazil over the forecast period.

Silicone In Personal Care Market Report Highlights:

  • The fluids segment led the market with the largest revenue share of more than 32% share in 2023. Silicone in fluid form is highly resistant to thermal changes and is highly stable in terms of viscosity. Since silicone fluids show minute changes under distinctive thermal conditions, these are recommended for the manufacturing of personal care products, especially haircare products such as shampoos and conditioners
  • Based on application, the haircare segment led the market with the largest revenue share of 45.50% in 2023. Hairfall due to dry scalps, exposure to UV rays, and genetic conditions is very common worldwide across all genders. Hence, haircare products such as shampoos, conditioners, and serums have witnessed a rise in demand in the past decade. Silicone-based haircare products provide smoothness, thickness, conditioning, and detangling to the hair, which is anticipated to witness a high demand over the forecast period
  • China has a very distinctive and popular selfie culture, which has influenced the population to consume various skincare and hair care products. For instance, in 2022, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, approximately 92 million selfies were recorded. This selfie culture across the nation has influenced majority of the population to look more appealing, for which the demand for silicone-based cosmetics has increased tremendously. This trend is anticipated to propel during the forecast period, increasing the demand for silicone-based personal care products
  • Asia Pacific dominated the global market in 2023. The region has witnessed a rise in demand for silicone-based personal care products on account of the rising number of working women professionals across emerging economies such as China and India, along with their growing interests in and increasing spending on beauty and personal care products. Furthermore, the rising demand from the young population across these countries and their easy internet access is anticipated to offer immense opportunities for the market growth over the forecast period
  • Major investments are made in the research & development of products that are suitable and can be used for longer duration for the Indian population. For instance, in 2023, L'Oreal S.A., a major cosmetic manufacturer, announced its investment in the Indian dermocosmetic market with the introduction of L'Oreal Dermatological Beauty (LDB) program, under which the company plans to bring products to dermatologists, patients, and consumers. Such investments for manufacturing suitable products are anticipated to propel the demand for silicone in skincare products in India

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1. Market Segmentation & Scope
  • 1.2. Market Definition
  • 1.3. Information Procurement
    • 1.3.1. Purchased Database
    • 1.3.2. GVR's Internal Database
    • 1.3.3. Secondary Sources & Third-Party Perspectives
    • 1.3.4. Primary Research
  • 1.4. Information Analysis
    • 1.4.1. Data Analysis Models
  • 1.5. Market Formulation & Data Visualization
  • 1.6. Data Validation & Publishing

Chapter 2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Market Snapshot, 2023
  • 2.2. Segment Snapshot, 2023
  • 2.3. Competitive Landscape Snapshot

Chapter 3. Silicone in personal care Market Variables, Trends & Scope

  • 3.1. Market Lineage Outlook
    • 3.1.1. Global Silicone Market Outlook
    • 3.1.2. Global Plastics Market Outlook
  • 3.2. Industry Value Chain Analysis
    • 3.2.1. Raw Material Trends
    • 3.2.2. Manufacturing Trends
  • 3.3. Regulatory Framework
    • 3.3.1. Standard & Compliance
    • 3.3.2. Safety
  • 3.4. Market Dynamics
    • 3.4.1. Market Driver Analysis
    • 3.4.2. Market Restraint Analysis
    • 3.4.3. Industry Challenges
    • 3.4.4. Industry Opportunities
  • 3.5. Silicone in personal care Market - Business Environment Analysis
    • 3.5.1. Industry Analysis - Porter's Five Force Analysis
    • 3.5.2. Industry Analysis - Macroeconomic Factors Analysis
  • 3.6. East European Geopolitical Implication of the Industry Overview
  • 3.7. Impact of COVID-19 on Silicone in personal care Market

Chapter 4. Silicone in personal care Market: Product Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 4.1. Product Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • 4.2. Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecast, By Product, 2018 to 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 4.3. Fluids
    • 4.3.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by fluids, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 4.4. Resins
    • 4.4.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by resins, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 4.5. Blends
    • 4.5.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by blends, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 4.6. Cross polymers
    • 4.6.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by cross polymers, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 4.7. Others
    • 4.7.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by Others, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)

Chapter 5. Silicone in personal care Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 5.1. Application Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • 5.2. Silicone in Personal Care Market Estimates & Forecast, By Application, 2018 to 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 5.3. Skincare Products
    • 5.3.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by Skincare Products, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 5.4. Haircare products
    • 5.4.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by haircare products, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 5.5. Cosmetics
    • 5.5.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by cosmetics, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 5.6. Antiperspirants & deodorants
    • 5.6.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by antiperspirants & deodorants, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 5.7. Others
    • 5.7.1. Silicone in Personal Care Market, Estimation and Forecast, by others, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)

Chapter 6. Silicone in personal care Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 6.1. Regional Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • 6.2. North America
    • 6.2.1. North America Chemical Market Estimates & Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.2.2. U.S.
      • Key country dynamics
      • U.S. Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.2.3. Canada
      • Key country dynamics
      • Canada Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.2.4. Mexico
      • Key country dynamics
      • Mexico Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 6.3. Europe
    • 6.3.1. Europe Chemical Market Estimates & Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.3.2. Germany
      • Key country dynamics
      • Germany Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.3.3. UK
      • Key country dynamics
      • UK Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.3.4. Italy
      • Key country dynamics
      • Italy Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.3.5. France
      • Key country dynamics
      • France Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.3.6. Spain
      • Key country dynamics
      • Spain Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.3.7. Netherlands
      • Key country dynamics
      • Netherlands Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 6.4. Asia Pacific
    • 6.4.1. Asia Pacific Chemical Market Estimates & Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.2. China
      • Key country dynamics
      • China Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.3. India
      • Key country dynamics
      • India Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.4. Japan
      • Key country dynamics
      • Japan Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.5. South Korea
      • Key country dynamics
      • South Korea Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.6. Singapore
      • Key country dynamics
      • Singapore Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.7. Malaysia
      • Key country dynamics
      • Malaysia Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.8. Indonesia
      • Key country dynamics
      • Indonesia Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.9. Thailand
      • Key country dynamics
      • Thailand Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.10. Vietnam
      • Key country dynamics
      • Vietnam Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.4.11. Australia
      • Key country dynamics
      • Australia Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 6.5. Central & South America
    • 6.5.1. Central & South America Chemical Market Estimates & Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.5.2. Brazil
      • Key country dynamics
      • Brazil Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.5.3. Argentina
      • Key country dynamics
      • Argentina Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
  • 6.6. Middle East & Africa
    • 6.6.1. Middles East & Africa Chemical Market Estimates & Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.6.2. Saudi Arabia
      • Key country dynamics
      • Saudi Arabia Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.6.3. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
      • Key country dynamics
      • United Arab Emirates (UAE) Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)
    • 6.6.4. South Africa
      • Key country dynamics
      • South Africa Silicone in personal care market estimates & forecast, 2018 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million)

Chapter 7. Silicone in personal care Market - Competitive Landscape

  • 7.1. Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants
  • 7.2. Company Categorization
  • 7.3. Company Market Share/Position Analysis, 2023
  • 7.4. Company Heat Map Analysis
  • 7.5. Strategy Mapping
    • 7.5.1. Expansion
    • 7.5.2. Mergers & Acquisition
    • 7.5.3. Partnerships & Collaborations
    • 7.5.4. New Product Launches
    • 7.5.5. Research And Development
  • 7.6. Company Profiles
    • 7.6.1. Wacker Chemie AG
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.2. Alkem ASA
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.3. CHT Germany GmbH
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.4. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.5. Momentive Performance Materials Inc.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.6. Dow, Inc.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.7. BRB International B.V.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.8. DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.9. Mitsubishi Shoji Chemical Corporation
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.10. Chemsil Silicones, Inc.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.11. PHOENIX CHEMICAL, INC.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.12. Jiangxi New Jiayi New Materials Co., Ltd.
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.13. Thor Personal Care
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.14. AB Specialty Silicones
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments
    • 7.6.15. Siltech Corporation
      • Participant's overview
      • Financial performance
      • Product benchmarking
      • Recent developments