
モバイルセキュリティの世界市場:市場規模、シェア、動向分析 - コンポーネント別、ソリューション別、サービス別、運用システム別、展開別、企業規模別、最終用途別、地域別、セグメント予測、2024~2030年

Mobile Security Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Component, By Solutions, By Services, By Operating System, By Deployment, By Enterprise Size By End-use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Grand View Research | ページ情報: 英文 125 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
モバイルセキュリティの世界市場:市場規模、シェア、動向分析 - コンポーネント別、ソリューション別、サービス別、運用システム別、展開別、企業規模別、最終用途別、地域別、セグメント予測、2024~2030年
出版日: 2024年01月25日
発行: Grand View Research
ページ情報: 英文 125 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界のモバイルセキュリティの市場規模は、2024~2030年にかけてCAGR 20.5%で成長し、2030年までに308億米ドルに達すると予測されています。





  • コンポーネント別では、スマートインフラ市場では予測期間中にサービス分野が最も速いCAGRを記録すると予測されます。このモバイルセキュリティサービスセグメントは、モバイルセキュリティソフトウェアがプロセス全体を通じて適切に機能することを保証します。
  • ソリューション別では、データセキュリティおよび暗号化セグメントは予測期間中に著しいCAGRで成長すると予想されます。リモートワークの増加により、データとモバイルデバイスのセキュリティはより重要になっています。そのため、デバイスの暗号化状態を確認し、コンプライアンスの証明を提供することが重要です。
  • サービス別では、マネージドサービス分野が予測期間中に最も速いCAGRを記録すると予測されています。モバイルデバイス向けのマネージドサービスは、モバイルセキュリティを犠牲にすることなく、生産性を高めるために必要な柔軟性をユーザーに提供します。
  • 運用システム別では、iOS分野が予測期間中に最速のCAGRを記録すると予測されています。iOSは先進国で需要があり、新興諸国でも勢いを増し始めています。iPhoneのような携帯電話のブランド価値が高いため、新興市場の消費者は、より優れたセキュリティ機能により、より多くのお金を費やすことを望むようになっています。そのため、このセグメントの市場成長を牽引しています。
  • 展開別では、クラウドセグメントが予測期間中に最も速いCAGRを記録すると予測されています。クラウド・モバイルセキュリティは、企業が共有クラウド環境でアプリやデータを保護するのに役立つ一連のガイドライン、プロトコル、コントロールです。そのため、クラウドベースのモバイルセキュリティソリューションは最新の企業で利用されています。
  • 企業規模別では、中小企業セグメントが予測期間中に最も速いCAGRを記録すると予測されています。中小企業におけるサイバー攻撃はますます頻発しています。新技術の迅速な展開とハイブリッド業務の増加の結果、中小企業部門のエンドユーザーはセキュリティアプリケーションに投資していることが確認されています。
  • 最終用途別では、BFSI分野が予測期間中に最も速いCAGRを記録すると予測されています。モバイルセキュリティソリューションは、アプリケーションのセキュリティ脅威を発見し、脅威や脆弱性からアプリケーションを保護します。モバイルセキュリティソリューションは、連邦情報セキュリティ管理法(FISMA)、サーベンスオクスリー法(SOX法)、PCIセキュリティ基準審議会(PCI SSC)などの法律に準拠しています。そのため、このセグメントの市場成長を牽引しています。
  • アジア太平洋は、予測期間中に最も速いCAGRで成長すると予想されます。アジア太平洋はスマートフォンユーザーが多く、デジタル経済諸国が市場開拓を進めているため、モバイルセキュリティ市場はアジア太平洋が牽引しています。高度なセキュリティソリューションの採用は、データ保護に対する旺盛な需要とモバイルマルウェアのインシデントの増加によって促進されており、これが同地域の市場成長を牽引しています。
  • 2023年8月、モバイルセキュリティアプリケーション・プロバイダーのProtectt.aiは、モバイルアプリセキュリティプラットフォーム(XDR)であるAppProtecttの新バージョンを発表しました。この新機能は、より包括的な脅威の検知と対応を可能にし、RunTimeモバイルアプリセキュリティを提供する可能性があると予想されています。更新されたAppProtectt XDR Platformバージョンは、完全な詐欺コントロール、規制コンプライアンス、モバイルアプリセキュリティ、ユーザーを保護するライブ脅威ダッシュボードを提供することが期待されています。


第1章 調査手法と範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 モバイルセキュリティ市場の変数、動向、および範囲

  • 市場イントロダクション/リネージュ展望
  • 産業のバリューチェーン分析
  • 市場力学
    • 市場促進要因分析
    • 市場抑制要因分析
    • 市場機会分析
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場の分析ツール
    • ポーターの分析
    • PESTEL分析

第4章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:コンポーネントの推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:コンポーネントの変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • ソリューション
  • サービス

第5章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:ソリューションの推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:ソリューションの変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • データセキュリティ・暗号化
  • クラウドセキュリティ
  • ウェブセキュリティ
  • アイデンティティ・アクセス管理
  • ネットワークセキュリティ
  • アプリケーションセキュリティ
  • エンドポイントセキュリティ

第6章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:サービスの推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:サービスの変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • プロフェッショナルサービス
  • マネージドサービス

第7章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:運用システムの推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:運用システムの変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • iOS
  • Android
  • その他

第8章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:展開の推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:展開の変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • クラウド
  • オンプレミス

第9章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:企業規模の推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:企業規模の変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • 大企業
  • 中小企業

第10章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:最終用途の推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • モバイルセキュリティ市場:最終用途の変動分析、10億米ドル、2023年・2030年
  • BFSI
  • 小売
  • IT・通信
  • ヘルスケア
  • 製造業
  • 政府・防衛
  • その他

第11章 モバイルセキュリティ市場:地域の推定・動向分析

  • モバイルセキュリティの市場シェア:地域別、2023年・2030年
  • 北米
    • 市場規模の推定と予測、2018~2030年
    • コンポーネント別、2018~2030年
    • ソリューション別、2018~2030年
    • サービス別、2018~2030年
    • 運用システム別、2018~2030年
    • 展開別、2018~2030年
    • 企業規模別、2018~2030年
    • 最終用途別、2018~2030年
    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 欧州
    • 市場規模の推定と予測、2018~2030年
    • コンポーネント別、2018~2030年
    • ソリューション別、2018~2030年
    • サービス別、2018~2030年
    • 運用システム別、2018~2030年
    • 展開別、2018~2030年
    • 企業規模別、2018~2030年
    • 最終用途別、2018~2030年
    • 英国
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
  • アジア太平洋
    • 市場規模の推定と予測、2018~2030年
    • コンポーネント別、2018~2030年
    • ソリューション別、2018~2030年
    • サービス別、2018~2030年
    • 運用システム別、2018~2030年
    • 展開別、2018~2030年
    • 企業規模別、2018~2030年
    • 最終用途別、2018~2030年
    • 中国
    • インド
    • 日本
    • オーストラリア
    • 韓国
  • ラテンアメリカ
    • 市場規模の推定と予測、2018~2030年
    • コンポーネント別、2018~2030年
    • ソリューション別、2018~2030年
    • サービス別、2018~2030年
    • 運用システム別、2018~2030年
    • 展開別、2018~2030年
    • 企業規模別、2018~2030年
    • 最終用途別、2018~2030年
    • ブラジル
    • メキシコ
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • 市場規模の推定と予測、2018~2030年
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • サウジアラビア
    • 南アフリカ

第12章 競合情勢

  • 主要市場参入企業による最近の動向と影響分析
  • 企業の分類
  • 企業の市場でのポジショニング
  • 企業の市場シェア分析
  • 企業ヒートマップ分析
  • 戦略マッピング
    • 拡大
    • 合併と買収
    • パートナーシップとコラボレーション
    • 新製品の発売
    • 研究開発
  • 企業プロファイル
    • BlackBerry Limited
    • Check Point Software Technologies Ltd
    • CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.
    • ESET, sro
    • F-Secure Corporation
    • International Business Machines Corporation
    • Kaspersky Lab, Inc.
    • McAfee Corp.
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • MobileIron, Inc.
    • Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
    • Sophos
    • Symantec Corp.
    • Trend Micro Inc.
    • VMware, Inc.

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Mobile Securitymarket 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 2 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 3 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 4 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 5 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 6 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 7 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 8 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 9 Global mobile security market estimates and forecasts by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 10 Component market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 11 Solutions market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 12 Services market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 13 Solutions market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 14 Data security & encryption market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 15 Cloud security market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 16 Web security market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 17 Identity & access management market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 18 Network security market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 19 Application security market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 20 Endpoint security market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 21 Services market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 22 Professional services market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 23 Managed services market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 24 Operating system market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 25 iOS market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 26 Android market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 27 Others market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 28 Deployment market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 29 Cloud market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30 On-premise market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 31 Enterprise size market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 32 Large enterprises market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 33 Small & medium enterprises market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 34 End-use market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 35 BFSI market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 36 Retail market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 37 IT & Telecom market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 38 Healthcare market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 39 Manufacturing market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 40 Government & defense market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 41 Others market by region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Table 42 North America mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 43 North America mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 44 North America mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 45 North America mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 46 North America mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 47 North America mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 48 North America mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 49 U.S. mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 50 U.S. mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 51 U.S. mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 52 U.S. mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 53 U.S. mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 54 U.S. mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 55 U.S. mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 56 Canada mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 57 Canada mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 58 Canada mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 59 Canada mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 60 Canada mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 61 Canada mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 62 Canada mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 63 Europe mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 64 Europe mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 65 Europe mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 66 Europe mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 67 Europe mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 68 Europe mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 69 Europe mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 70 UK mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 71 UK mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 72 UK mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 73 UK mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 74 UK mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 75 UK mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 76 UK mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 77 Germany mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 78 Germany mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 79 Germany mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 80 Germany mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 81 Germany mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 82 Germany mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 83 Germany mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 84 France mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 85 France mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 86 France mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 87 France mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 88 France mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 89 France mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 90 France mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 91 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 92 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 93 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 94 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 95 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 96 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 97 Asia Pacific mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 98 China mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 99 China mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 100 China mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 101 China mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 102 China mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 103 China mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 104 China mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 105 India mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 106 India mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 107 India mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 108 India mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 109 India mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 110 India mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 111 India mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 112 Japan mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 113 Japan mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 114 Japan mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 115 Japan mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 116 Japan mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 117 Japan mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 118 Japan mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 119 South Korea mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 120 South Korea mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 121 South Korea mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 122 South Korea mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 123 South Korea mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 124 South Korea mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 125 South Korea mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 126 Australia mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 127 Australia mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 128 Australia mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 129 Australia mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 130 Australia mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 131 Australia mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 132 Australia mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 133 Latin America mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 134 Latin America mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 135 Latin America mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 136 Latin America mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 137 Latin America mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 138 Latin America mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 139 Latin America mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 140 Brazil mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 141 Brazil mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 142 Brazil mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 143 Brazil mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 144 Brazil mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 145 Brazil mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 146 Brazil mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 147 Mexico mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 148 Mexico mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 149 Mexico mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 150 Mexico mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 151 Mexico mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 152 Mexico mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 153 Mexico mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 154 MEA mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 155 MEA mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 156 MEA mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 157 MEA mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 158 MEA mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 159 MEA mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 160 MEA mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 161 UAE mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 162 UAE mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 163 UAE mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 164 UAE mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 165 UAE mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 166 UAE mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 167 UAE mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 168 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 169 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 170 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 171 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 172 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 173 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 174 Saudi Arabia mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 175 South Africa mobile security market, by component, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 176 South Africa mobile security market, by solutions, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 177 South Africa mobile security market, by services, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 178 South Africa mobile security market, by operating system, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 179 South Africa mobile security market, by deployment, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 180 South Africa mobile security market, by enterprise size, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Table 181 South Africa mobile security market, by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)

List of Figures

  • Fig. 1 Mobile Security Market Segmentation
  • Fig. 2 Market landscape
  • Fig. 3 Information Procurement
  • Fig. 4 Data Analysis Models
  • Fig. 5 Market Formulation and Validation
  • Fig. 6 Data Validating & Publishing
  • Fig. 7 Market Snapshot
  • Fig. 8 Segment Snapshot (1/3)
  • Fig. 9 Segment Snapshot (2/3)
  • Fig. 10 Segment Snapshot (3/3)
  • Fig. 11 Competitive Landscape Snapshot
  • Fig. 12 Mobile Security Market: Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • Fig. 13 Mobile Security Market: Market Dynamics
  • Fig. 14 Mobile Security Market: PORTER's Analysis
  • Fig. 15 Mobile Security Market: PESTEL Analysis
  • Fig. 16 Mobile Security Market Share by Component, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 17 Mobile Security Market, by Component: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 18 Solutions Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 19 Services Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 20 Mobile Security Market Share by Solutions, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 21 Mobile Security Market, by Solutions: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 22 Data Security & Encryption Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 23 Cloud Security Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 24 Web Security Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 25 Identity & Access Management Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 26 Network Security Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 27 Application Security Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 28 Endpoint Security Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 29 Mobile Security Market Share by Services, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 30 Mobile Security Market, by Services: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 31 Professional Services Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 32 Managed Services Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 33 Mobile Security Market Share by Operating System, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 34 Mobile Security Market, by Operating System: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 35 iOS Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 36 Android Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 37 Others Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 38 Mobile Security Market Share by Deployment, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 39 Mobile Security Market, by Deployment: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 40 Cloud Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 41 On-premise Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 42 Mobile Security Market Share by Enterprise Size, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 43 Mobile Security Market, by Enterprise Size: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 44 Large Enterprises Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 45 Small & Medium Enterprises Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 46 Mobile Security Market Share by End-use, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 47 Mobile Security Market, by End-use: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • Fig. 48 BFSI Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 49 Retail Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 50 IT & Telecom Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 51 Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 52 Manufacturing Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 53 Government & Defense Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 54 Others Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Billion)
  • Fig. 55 Regional Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 56 Regional Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 57 North America Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 58 U.S. Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 59 Canada Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 60 Europe Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 61 UK Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030) (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 62 Germany Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, (2018 - 2030) (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 63 France Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, (2018 - 2030) (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 64 Asia Pacific Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecast, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 65 China Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 66 Japan Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 67 India Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 68 South Korea Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 69 Australia Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 70 Latin America Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 71 Brazil Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 72 Mexico Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 73 MEA Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 74 Saudi Arabia Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 75 UAE Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 76 South Africa Mobile Security Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • Fig. 77 Key Company Categorization
  • Fig. 78 Company Market Positioning
  • Fig. 79 Key Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
  • Fig. 80 Strategic Framework
Product Code: GVR-4-68038-570-0

Mobile Security Market Growth & Trends:

The global mobile security market size is anticipated to reach USD 30.80 billion by 2030 and it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 20.5% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Increase in the adoption of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other portable devices both for personal and professional to use is a key factor driving the market. Further, the rise in the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend among enterprises has increased security challenges both for the organization and employees. As a result, the adoption of mobile unified endpoint security products that include firewall tools, antivirus & malware protection solutions, organization size security solutions, and mobile device management solutions increased among businesses.

The market continues to grow with the evolving mobile device landscape and secured mobile operating system (OS) patches. Currently, mobile OS are increasingly embedding security patches and tools to reduce the download of third-party vulnerable apps. Furthermore, the increase in mobile malware attacks from third-party ads is the other factor that is responsible for the mobile security market growth.

Increasing access to third-party mobile apps and websites expose security challenges to businesses. The rise in trend for bring-your-own-device (BYOD) practices in corporations and government organizations allow employees to use their mobile devices to download third-party apps to improve productivity. These third-party apps is more vulnerable and offer a weak link in an enterprise security ecosystem. Which, in turn, allows threat actors to break into the company network space easily and impacts business productivity. Furthermore, organizations often outsource their secondary activities such as mobile marketing and mobile transaction processing to third parties, which impose a high risk of data breaches. As a result, organizations adopt mobile security solutions to secure their development projects and third-party breaches. Thus, driving mobile security market growth.

Mobile Security Market Report Highlights:

  • Based on the component, the services segment is anticipated to register a fastest CAGR during the forecast period in smart infrastructure market. This mobile security service segment ensures the mobile security software functions properly throughout the entire process
  • Based on the solution, the data security and encryption segment is expected to grow at a significant CAGR in the forecast period. The data and mobile device security is more crucial due to the rise in remote work. Therefore, it's critical to confirm the encryption status of the device and provide proof of compliance
  • Based on the services, the managed services segment is anticipated to register a fastest CAGR from during the forecast period. The managed services for mobile devices provide users the flexibility they need to be more productive without compromising mobile security
  • Based on the operating system, the iOS segment is anticipated to register a fastest CAGR during the forecast period. The iOS is in demand in developed countries and is starting to pick up steam in developing countries. Due to the high brand value of phones like iPhones, consumers in emerging markets are becoming more willing to spend more money on them due to better security features. Thus, driving the market growth of the segment
  • Based on the deployment, the cloud segment is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR from during the forecast period. The cloud mobile security is a set of guidelines, protocols, and controls that helps businesses protect apps and data in shared cloud environments. Thus, cloud-based mobile security solutions are being used by modern businesses
  • Based on the enterprise size, the small & medium enterprises segment is anticipated to register a fastest CAGR from over the forecast period. Cyberattacks in the small and medium-sized enterprises are becoming more frequent. As a result of the quick adoption of new technologies and the increase in hybrid work, end users in the small and medium-sized business sectors are observed to be investing in application security applications
  • Based on the end-use, the BFSI segment is anticipated to register a fastest CAGR from over the forecast period. Mobile security solutions find security threats in applications to protect them from threats and vulnerabilities. Mobile security solutions adhere to laws like the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). Thus, driving the market growth of the segment
  • The Asia Pacific region is expected to grow at a fastest CAGR in the forecast period. The market for mobile security is led by the Asia Pacific region because of the region's large smartphone user base and developing digital economy. The adoption of advanced security solutions is fueled by a strong demand for data protection and an increase in mobile malware incidents, which in turn is driving market growth in this region
  • In August 2023, Protectt.ai, mobile security application provider, launched a new version of AppProtectt, a mobile app security platform (XDR). The new feature is anticipated to enable more comprehensive threat detection and response, potentially providing RunTime mobile app security. It is anticipated that the updated AppProtectt XDR Platform version will offer complete fraud control, regulatory compliance, mobile app security, and a live threat dashboard to safeguard users

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1. Market Segmentation and Scope
  • 1.2. Market Definitions
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
    • 1.3.1. Information Procurement
    • 1.3.2. Information or Data Analysis
    • 1.3.3. Market Formulation & Data Visualization
    • 1.3.4. Data Validation & Publishing
  • 1.4. Research Scope and Assumptions
    • 1.4.1. List of Data Sources

Chapter 2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Market Outlook
  • 2.2. Segment Outlook
  • 2.3. Competitive Insights

Chapter 3. Mobile Security Market Variables, Trends, & Scope

  • 3.1. Market Introduction/Lineage Outlook
  • 3.2. Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 3.3. Market Dynamics
    • 3.3.1. Market Drivers Analysis
    • 3.3.2. Market Restraints Analysis
    • 3.3.3. Market Opportunity Analysis
  • 3.4. Mobile Security Market Analysis Tools
    • 3.4.1. Porter's Analysis
      • Bargaining power of the suppliers
      • Bargaining power of the buyers
      • Threats of substitution
      • Threats from new entrants
      • Competitive rivalry
    • 3.4.2. PESTEL Analysis
      • Political landscape
      • Economic and Social Landscape
      • Technological landscape
      • Environmental Landscape
      • Legal Landscape

Chapter 4. Mobile Security Market: Component Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 4.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 4.2. Mobile Security Market: Component Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 4.3. Solutions
    • 4.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 4.4. Services
    • 4.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 5. Mobile Security Market: Solutions Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 5.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 5.2. Mobile Security Market: Solutions Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 5.3. Data Security & Encryption
    • 5.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 5.4. Cloud Security
    • 5.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 5.5. Web Security
    • 5.5.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 5.6. Identity & Access Management
    • 5.6.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 5.7. Network Security
    • 5.7.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 5.8. Application Security
    • 5.8.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 5.9. Endpoint Security
    • 5.9.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 6. Mobile Security Market: Services Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 6.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 6.2. Mobile Security Market: Services Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 6.3. Professional Services
    • 6.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 6.4. Managed Services
    • 6.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 7. Mobile Security Market: Operating System Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 7.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 7.2. Mobile Security Market: Operating System Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 7.3. iOS
    • 7.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 7.4. Android
    • 7.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 7.5. Others
    • 7.5.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 8. Mobile Security Market: Deployment Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 8.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 8.2. Mobile Security Market: Deployment Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 8.3. Cloud
    • 8.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 8.4. On-premise
    • 8.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 9. Mobile Security Market: Enterprise Size Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 9.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 9.2. Mobile Security Market: Enterprise Size Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 9.3. Large Enterprises
    • 9.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 9.4. Small & Medium Enterprises
    • 9.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 10. Mobile Security Market: End-use Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 10.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 10.2. Mobile Security Market: End-use Movement Analysis, USD Billion, 2023 & 2030
  • 10.3. BFSI
    • 10.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 10.4. Retail
    • 10.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 10.5. IT & Telecom
    • 10.5.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 10.6. Healthcare
    • 10.6.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 10.7. Manufacturing
    • 10.7.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 10.8. Government & Defense
    • 10.8.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 10.9. Others
    • 10.9.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 11. Mobile Security Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 11.1. Mobile Security Market Share by Region, 2023 & 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 11.2. North America
    • 11.2.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.2. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.3. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.4. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.5. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.6. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.7. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.8. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.9. U.S.
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.2.10. Canada
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 11.3. Europe
    • 11.3.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.2. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.3. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.4. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.5. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.6. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.7. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.8. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-use, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.9. UK
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.10. Germany
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.3.11. France
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 11.4. Asia Pacific
    • 11.4.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.2. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.3. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.4. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.5. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.6. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.7. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.8. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.9. China
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.10. India
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.11. Japan
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.12. Australia
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.4.13. South Korea
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 11.5. Latin America
    • 11.5.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.2. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.3. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.4. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.5. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.6. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.7. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.8. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.9. Brazil
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.5.10. Mexico
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
  • 11.6. Middle East & Africa
    • 11.6.1. Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.6.2. UAE
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.6.3. Saudi Arabia
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
    • 11.6.4. South Africa
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Component, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Solutions, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Services, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Operating System, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Deployment, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Enterprise Size, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)
      • Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by End-user, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion)

Chapter 12. Competitive Landscape

  • 12.1. Recent Developments & Impact Analysis by Key Market Participants
  • 12.2. Company Categorization
  • 12.3. Company Market Positioning
  • 12.4. Company Market Share Analysis
  • 12.5. Company Heat Map Analysis
  • 12.6. Strategy Mapping
    • 12.6.1. Expansion
    • 12.6.2. Mergers & Acquisition
    • 12.6.3. Partnerships & Collaborations
    • 12.6.4. New Product Launches
    • 12.6.5. Research And Development
  • 12.7. Company Profiles
    • 12.7.1. BlackBerry Limited
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.2. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.3. CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.4. ESET, s.r.o.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.5. F-Secure Corporation
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.6. International Business Machines Corporation
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.7. Kaspersky Lab, Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.8. McAfee Corp.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.9. Microsoft Corporation
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.10. MobileIron, Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.11. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.12. Sophos
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.13. Symantec Corp.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.14. Trend Micro Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 12.7.15. VMware, Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments