

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

出版日: | 発行: Global Industry Analysts, Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 1195 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年09月01日
発行: Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 1195 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
● ご注意事項
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


2022年に95億米ドルと推定される生成型人工知能(AI)の世界市場は、2022年から2030年にかけてCAGR 31.8%で成長し、2030年には864億米ドルに達すると予測されます。本レポートで分析したセグメントの1つであるソフトウェアは、CAGR 27.9%を記録し、分析期間終了時には418億米ドルに達すると予測されています。サービス分野の成長は、今後8年間のCAGRが36.8%と予測されています。

米国市場は33億米ドル、中国はCAGR 37.7%で成長すると予測



  • 1910 Genetics
  • 2UP Games
  • 521 Products Pty Ltd.(SmartWriter)
  • 6 Sense Insights, Inc.
  • A-Alpha Bio
  • Ace IT Edu, Inc.
  • Ada Support Inc.
  • AdCreative
  • Adept AI AdmitHub, Inc.(Mainstay)
  • AdsGency AI, Inc.
  • Affiniti AI
  • Aflorithmic(AudioStack)


第1章 調査手法

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

  • 市場概要
  • 主要企業
  • 市場動向と促進要因
  • 世界市場の見通し

第3章 市場分析

  • 米国
  • カナダ
  • 日本
  • 中国
  • 欧州
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • イタリア
  • 英国
  • その他欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • 世界のその他の地域

第4章 競合

Product Code: MCP23218

What`s New?

» Special discussions on the global economic climate and market sentiment

» Coverage on global competitiveness and key competitor percentage market shares

» Market presence analysis across multiple geographies - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial

» Online interactive peer-to-peer collaborative bespoke updates

» Access to our digital archives and MarketGlass™ research platform

» Complimentary updates for one year

» Access to curated YouTube video transcripts of market sentiments shared by CEOs, domain experts and market influencers via interviews, podcasts, press statements and event keynotes

Economic Outlook

The global economic outlook is improving, and growth recovery, albeit on the lower side, is expected for this year and the next. The United States although witnessing slowing GDP growth in response to tight monetary and financial conditions, has nevertheless overcome the recession threat. Easing of headline inflation in Euro area is helping boost real incomes and is contributing to pick-up in economic activity. China is expected to see strong increases in GDP in the coming year as the pandemic threat recedes and the government sheds its zero-COVID policy. With optimistic GDP projections, India remains on-course to emerge into a US$6 trillion economy by 2030, surpassing Japan and Germany.

The upturn, however, remains fragile and a number of interlocking challenges continue to run in parallel, such as continued uncertainty around the war in Ukraine; slower than expected decline in global headline inflation; continuation of food and fuel inflation as a persistent economic problem for most developing countries; and still high retail inflation and its impact on consumer confidence and spending. Countries and their governments are showing signs of weathering these challenges, which helps lift market sentiments. As governments continue to combat inflation to get it down to more economically conformable levels by raising interest rates, new job creation will slowdown and impact economic activity. Stricter regulatory environment and pressure to mainstream climate change into economic decisions will compound the complexity of challenges faced.

Although corporate investments can likely be held back by inflation worries and weaker demand, rise of new technologies will reverse partially this prevailing investment sentiment. Rise of generative AI; applied AI; industrializing machine learning; next-generation software development; Web3; cloud and edge computing; quantum technologies; electrification and renewables and climate technologies beyond electrification and renewables, will open up the global investment landscape. The technologies hold the potential to drive sizeable incremental growth and value to global GDP in the coming years. The short-term is expected to be a mixed bag of challenges and opportunities for both consumers and investors alike. There is always opportunity for businesses and their leaders who can chart a path forward with resilience and adaptability.

Global Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market to Reach $86.4 Billion by 2030

The global market for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) estimated at US$9.5 Billion in the year 2022, is projected to reach a revised size of US$86.4 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 31.8% over the period 2022-2030. Software, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record 27.9% CAGR and reach US$41.8 Billion by the end of the analysis period. Growth in the Services segment is estimated at 36.8% CAGR for the next 8-year period.

The U.S. Market is Estimated at $3.3 Billion, While China is Forecast to Grow at 37.7% CAGR

The Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) market in the U.S. is estimated at US$3.3 Billion in the year 2022. China, the world`s second largest economy, is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$11.1 Billion by the year 2030 trailing a CAGR of 37.7% over the analysis period 2022 to 2030. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 27.4% and 28.8% respectively over the 2022-2030 period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 33.5% CAGR.

Select Competitors (Total 778 Featured) -

  • 1910 Genetics
  • 2UP Games
  • 521 Products Pty Ltd. (SmartWriter)
  • 6 Sense Insights, Inc.
  • A-Alpha Bio
  • Ace IT Edu, Inc.
  • Ada Support Inc.
  • AdCreative
  • Adept AI AdmitHub, Inc. (Mainstay)
  • AdsGency AI, Inc.
  • Affiniti AI
  • Aflorithmic (AudioStack)




    • Generative AI Revolution Has Begun & Navigating the Emerging Landscape Should be the Top Priority for Businesses & Their Leaders
    • The Rise of Generative (GAI) Exemplified!: % Share of Generative AI Data in Total Data Produced for Years 2023, 2025 and 2027
    • C-Suite Members Fully Awaken to the Benefits of GAI: % Share of CEO Responses Regarding AI Deployment & Implementation as of the Year 2023
    • How Can Companies Use GAI in Combination With Applied AI to Optimize Business & Operational Outcomes?
    • These Startups Can Become Game Changers in the Generative AI (GAI) Space
    • This Time Around, the AI Narrative on Changing the World Will Be Different. Here's Why
    • Case for GAI Powered Productivity Becomes Water Tight: % Productivity Increases With GAI by Type of Work Tasks
    • Quantifying GAI Boost to Economic and Business Productivity & Growth
    • AI Impact on Global Economy is Mind-bending!: Annual Potential Contribution of AI Enabled Innovations to Global GDP (In US$ Trillion) by Category Under an Optimistic Scenario Assuming Successful Implementation Across All Potential Application Areas
    • Where Exactly Will The Value Gains Come From With AI? % Share Break of Value Addition to Global GDP by Area of Benefit by the Year 2030
    • Generative AI (GAI) Overview, Models & Tools: A Review
    • Competition
    • Competitive Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial for Players Worldwide in 2023 (E)
    • Recent Market Activity
    • Innovations
    • The State of Venture Capital Investments in GAI Startups: A Review
    • Investor Interest in GAI Soars High: Global Equity Funding (In US$ Billion) & Number of Deals in GAI Space for the Years 2019 Through 2023
    • % Share of GAI Startups by Funding Stage as of the Year 2023
    • What & Where is the Current Focus of GAI Initiatives & Why?
    • Customer Experience & Monitoring Ranks High Among the Primary Purpose of Corporate Generative AI Investments: % of Executive Responses Classified by Type of GAI Initiatives in their Companies as of the Year 2023
    • Digital Maturity & Need to Sharpen Competitive Edge Represent Driving Factors for Adoption and Absorption of Generative AI (GAI)
    • Digitally Mature Companies Have 15% Higher Probability of GAI Adoption and Absorption as Compared to Less Digitally Mature Companies: % of Companies Under Various Stages of Digital Maturity as of the Year 2023
    • Companies With Mature Traditional AI Infrastructure Are Better Positioned to Deploy & Leverage GAI. Here's Why
    • A Large & Maturating AI Ecosystem Means the Time is Ripe for GAI to Work Its Magic: Global Market for Artificial Intelligence (AI) (In US$ Million) for Years 2023, 2025 and 2027
    • Gen Z Executives Are More Inclined to Adopt GAI Compared to Their Millennial and Gen X Counterparts
    • Adoption of GAI in the Workplace in the U.S. by Generation as of the Year 2023
    • GAI Holds the Potential to Drive Productivity Gains in Retail & Consumer Packaged Goods
    • Banks Are Next in Line to Realize Significant Value from GAI
    • GAI Shapes the Future of the Automotive Industry
    • GAI Spells Benefits Across the Entire Pharmaceutical Value Chain. Here's How
    • GAI Finally Brings Hope for Cutting the Staggering Cost of Drug Development Which has Been Rising for Decades: Average Cost of New Drug Development (In US$ Million) as of the Year 2023
    • Immense Potential Awaits GAI in Gaming
    • As Appetite for Immersive Technologies Grows, GAI Will Find Lucrative Opportunities for Application Growth: Global Market for Immersive Technologies (In US$ Billion) for Years 2023, 2025, 2027, 2029 and 2031
    • With the Capability of Automating Cognitive Skills, Generative AI Impact on the Knowledge Worker, Is it Supportive or Substitutive Or a Combination of Both?
    • Automation Enabled by AI & GAI Poses a Real Job Replacement Threat: % of Work Tasks Exposed to Automation by AI in the U.S. & Europe by Industry as of the Year 2023
    • Powerful Technologies like GAI Can be Supportive than Substitutive: Effect of AI Adoption on Annual Labor in Terms of % of Increased Productivity of Non-Displaced Workers & Labor Displacement Over a 10 Year Adoption Horizon
    • Hitherto Having the Lowest Potential for Automation, Decision Making & Collaboration Today Stands Vulnerable to Automation by GAI: GAI Enabled Automation Potential (in %) of Knowledge Worker Tasks
    • Reskilling & Upskilling Remains a Vital Need to Reduce GAI Impact on the Labor Market
    • Advancements in Generative AI (GAI) Models & Their Training Data Remains Crucial to Keep GAI on Track to Surpass Industry Predictions
    • What Are the Potential Risks from GAI & How Can Companies Address Them
    • Cost Remains a Primary Obstacle in Building Generative AI Models
    • TABLE 1: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Software by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 2: World 8-Year Perspective for Software by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 3: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Services by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 4: World 8-Year Perspective for Services by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 5: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Natural Language Processing (NLP) by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 6: World 8-Year Perspective for Natural Language Processing (NLP) by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 7: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Computer Vision by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 8: World 8-Year Perspective for Computer Vision by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 9: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Robotics & Automation by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 10: World 8-Year Perspective for Robotics & Automation by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 11: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Content Generation by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 12: World 8-Year Perspective for Content Generation by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 13: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 14: World 8-Year Perspective for Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 15: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Predictive Analytics by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 16: World 8-Year Perspective for Predictive Analytics by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 17: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Other Applications by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 18: World 8-Year Perspective for Other Applications by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 19: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Media & Entertainment by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 20: World 8-Year Perspective for Media & Entertainment by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 21: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for BFSI by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 22: World 8-Year Perspective for BFSI by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 23: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for IT & Telecom by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 24: World 8-Year Perspective for IT & Telecom by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 25: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Healthcare by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 26: World 8-Year Perspective for Healthcare by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 27: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Automotive & Transportation by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 28: World 8-Year Perspective for Automotive & Transportation by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 29: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Gaming by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 30: World 8-Year Perspective for Gaming by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 31: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Other End-Users by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 32: World 8-Year Perspective for Other End-Users by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 33: World Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030
    • TABLE 34: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 35: World 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World Markets for Years 2023 & 2030


    • TABLE 36: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 37: USA 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 38: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 39: USA 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 40: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 41: USA 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 42: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 43: Canada 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 44: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 45: Canada 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 46: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 47: Canada 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 48: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 49: Japan 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 50: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 51: Japan 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 52: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 53: Japan 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 54: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 55: China 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 56: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 57: China 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 58: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 59: China 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 60: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 61: Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 62: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 63: Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 64: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 65: Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 66: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 67: Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for France, Germany, Italy, UK and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 68: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 69: France 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 70: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 71: France 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 72: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 73: France 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 74: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 75: Germany 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 76: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 77: Germany 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 78: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 79: Germany 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 80: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 81: Italy 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 82: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 83: Italy 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 84: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 85: Italy 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 86: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 87: UK 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 88: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 89: UK 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 90: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 91: UK 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 92: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 93: Rest of Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 94: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 95: Rest of Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 96: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 97: Rest of Europe 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 98: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 99: Asia-Pacific 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 100: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 101: Asia-Pacific 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 102: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 103: Asia-Pacific 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 104: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Software and Services - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 105: Rest of World 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Offering - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Software and Services for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 106: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 107: Rest of World 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Application - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics & Automation, Content Generation, Chatbots & Intelligent Virtual Assistants, Predictive Analytics and Other Applications for the Years 2023 & 2030
    • TABLE 108: Rest of World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users - Independent Analysis of Annual Revenues in US$ Million for the Years 2022 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 109: Rest of World 8-Year Perspective for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) by End-user - Percentage Breakdown of Value Revenues for Media & Entertainment, BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Gaming and Other End-Users for the Years 2023 & 2030