
RCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場- 製品タイプ別、原料別、リサイクル方法別、2023-2032年予測

Recycled Carbon Fiber Market - By Product type (Chopped Carbon Fiber, Milled Carbon Fiber, Carbon Fiber Mat), By Source (Automotive scrap, Aerospace scrap), By Recycling Method, By End-Use Industry & Forecast, 2023 - 2032

出版日: | 発行: Global Market Insights Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 120 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
RCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場- 製品タイプ別、原料別、リサイクル方法別、2023-2032年予測
出版日: 2023年10月30日
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 120 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界のRCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場は、2023年から2032年にかけて11.5%以上のCAGRを記録します。

市場需要の高まりは、RCF(再生炭素繊維) 生産における研究開発努力の高まりによるものです。例えば、2023年11月、オーストラリアのキャンベラにあるニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)の研究者であるDi He博士は、炭素繊維をリサイクルする画期的な技術を開拓しました。この革新的な方法は、材料の浪費を最小限に抑えるだけでなく、エネルギー消費も削減し、さらに繊維の完全性を保つことで、価値ある新製品の製造に再利用することを可能にしました。このプロジェクトは、自動車業界のパートナーと協力し、RCF(再生炭素繊維) を使用した自動車製造の実現可能性を探ることを目的としています。

持続可能性が注目されるにつれ、産業界は環境に優しい解決策を求め、RCF(再生炭素繊維) の用途が急増しています。生産技術と材料特性の進歩は、自動車、航空宇宙、再生可能エネルギーの各分野でRCF(再生炭素繊維) の魅力を高めています。このような需要の高まりは、耐久性があり費用対効果の高い材料を求める産業界のニーズに応える一方で、環境目標を達成する上で技術革新が極めて重要な役割を果たすことを明確にし、RCF(再生炭素繊維) の市場規模をさらに拡大しています。

粉砕炭素繊維産業は、2023年から2032年にかけて大きな発展を遂げます。産業界が持続可能性をますます受け入れるようになる中、ミルド炭素繊維は環境に優しい魅力的な選択肢を提供します。自動車、航空宇宙、スポーツ用品の各分野における用途の多様性が、その魅力をさらに高めています。強靭な特性と費用対効果により、RCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場の需要は急増し、多様な産業ニーズに対応しながら持続可能性の目標を達成する上で、ミルド炭素繊維が極めて重要な役割を果たしていることが示されています。

風力エネルギー分野のRCF(再生炭素繊維) 業界シェアは、2023年から2032年にかけて顕著なCAGRを記録します。再生可能エネルギー分野が盛んになるにつれ、RCF(再生炭素繊維) は風力タービン製造の極めて重要な材料として浮上しています。軽量で耐久性に優れているため、タービンブレードに最適で、効率と持続可能性が向上します。クリーンエネルギーへの世界の注目が高まる中、RCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場の収益は急増し、風力エネルギーの展望を前進させる上で重要な役割を果たすことが明らかになると思われます。

欧州のRCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場は、2023年から2032年にかけて顕著なCAGRを示すと思われます。同地域の厳しい環境規制と持続可能性目標が、RCF(再生炭素繊維) の採用を産業界に促しています。欧州のイニシアティブは循環型経済モデルを優先しており、こうした目標を達成する上でRCF(再生炭素繊維) の重要性を高めています。その汎用性は、環境意識の高い消費者の嗜好と相まって市場の需要を拡大し、RCF(再生炭素繊維) の状況を形成する上で欧州が極めて重要な役割を担っています。

さらに、大手企業の生産能力の向上もこの地域の市場を支えています。例えば、2023年10月、高性能商品の環境に優しい製造を支持する企業であるApply Carbon社は、RCF(再生炭素繊維) の自動量産設備を通じて持続可能性基準を高めました。同社の新工場では、年間約4,000トンのRCF(再生炭素繊維) が生産される予定です。


第1章 調査手法と調査範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 RCF(再生炭素繊維) 産業洞察

  • エコシステム分析
  • 業界への影響要因
    • 促進要因
    • 業界の潜在的リスク&課題
  • 成長の可能性分析
  • COVID-19影響分析
  • 規制状況
    • 米国
    • 欧州
  • 価格分析、2022年
  • 償還シナリオ
  • 技術展望
  • 今後の市場動向
  • GAP分析
  • ポーター分析
  • PESTEL分析

第4章 競合情勢

  • イントロダクション
  • 企業マトリックス分析
  • 世界企業シェア分析
  • 競合ポジショニングマトリックス
  • 戦略ダッシュボード

第5章 RCF(再生炭素繊維) の市場規模・予測:製品タイプ別

  • チョップドカーボンファイバー
  • 粉砕炭素繊維
  • 炭素繊維マット
  • その他

第6章 RCF(再生炭素繊維) の市場規模・予測:原料別

  • 自動車スクラップ
  • 航空宇宙スクラップ
  • その他

第7章 RCF(再生炭素繊維) の市場規模・予測:リサイクル方法別

  • メカニカルリサイクル
  • ケミカルリサイクル
  • 熱分解
  • ソルボリシス
  • その他

第8章 RCF(再生炭素繊維) の市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別

  • 航空宇宙・防衛
  • 自動車
  • 風力エネルギー
  • スポーツ・レジャー
  • 建築
  • エレクトロニクス
  • その他

第9章 RCF(再生炭素繊維) 市場規模・予測:地域別

  • 主要動向:地域別
  • 北米
    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • フランス
    • イタリア
    • スペイン
    • ロシア
  • アジア太平洋
    • 中国
    • インド
    • 日本
    • 韓国
    • オーストラリア
    • インドネシア
    • マレーシア
  • ラテンアメリカ
    • ブラジル
    • メキシコ
    • アルゼンチン
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • 南アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦

第10章 企業プロファイル

  • ELG Carbon Fibre
  • SGL Carbon
  • Teijin Limited
  • ZOLTEK Corporation(a Toray Group Company)
  • Vartega Inc.
  • CFK Valley Recycling
  • Adherent Technologies
  • Mitsubishi Chemical Inc
  • Procotex Corporation
  • Karborek Recycling
  • Hadeg Recycling GmbH
  • Retex
  • AEROSUD Composites
  • Carbon Conversions
  • Structil

Data Tables

  • TABLE 1. Product mapping
  • TABLE 2. Market revenue, by product type (2022)
  • TABLE 3. Market revenue, by source (2022)
  • TABLE 4. Market revenue, by recycling method (2022)
  • TABLE 5. Market revenue, by end user (2022)
  • TABLE 6. Market revenue, by region (2022)
  • TABLE 7. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, 2018 - 2032, (USD Million)
  • TABLE 8. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, 2018 - 2032, (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 9. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by region, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 10. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by region, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 11. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by region, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 12. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by region, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 13. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 14. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 15. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 16. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 17. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 18. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 19. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 20. Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 21. Industry impact forces
  • TABLE 22. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 23. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 24. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 25. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 26. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 27. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 28. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 29. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 30. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 31. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 32. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 33. North America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 34. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 35. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 36. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 37. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 38. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 39. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 40. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 41. U.S. Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 42. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 43. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 44. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 45. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 46. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 47. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 48. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 49. Canada Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 50. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 51. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 52. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 53. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 54. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 55. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 56. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 57. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 58. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 59. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 60. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 61. Europe Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 62. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 63. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 64. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 65. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 66. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 67. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 68. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 69. Germany Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 70. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 71. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 72. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 73. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 74. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 75. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 76. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 77. UK Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 78. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 79. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 80. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 81. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 82. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 83. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 84. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 85. France Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 86. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 87. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 88. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 89. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 90. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 91. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 92. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 93. Spain Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 94. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 95. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 96. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 97. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 98. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 99. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 100. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 101. Italy Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 102. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 103. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 104. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 105. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 106. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 107. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 108. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 109. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 110. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 111. Asia Pacific Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 112. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 113. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 114. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 115. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 116. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 117. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 118. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 119. China Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 120. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 121. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 122. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 123. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 124. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 125. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 126. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 127. Japan Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 128. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 129. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 130. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 131. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 132. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 133. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 134. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 135. India Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 136. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 137. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 138. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 139. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 140. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 141. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 142. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 143. Australia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 144. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 145. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 146. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 147. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 148. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 149. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 150. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 151. South Korea Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 152. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 153. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 154. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 155. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 156. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 157. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 158. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 159. Indonesia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 160. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 161. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 162. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 163. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 164. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 165. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 166. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 167. Malaysia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 168. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 169. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 170. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 171. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 172. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 173. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 174. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 175. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 176. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 177. Latin America Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 178. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 179. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 180. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 181. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 182. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 183. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 184. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 185. Brazil Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 186. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 187. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 188. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 189. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 190. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 191. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 192. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 193. Mexico Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 194. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 195. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 196. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 197. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 198. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 199. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 200. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 201. Argentina Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 202. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 203. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by country, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 204. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 205. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 206. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 207. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 208. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 209. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 210. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 211. MEA Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 212. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 213. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 214. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 215. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 216. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 217. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 218. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 219. South Africa Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 220. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 221. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 222. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 223. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 224. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 225. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 226. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 227. Saudi Arabia Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 228. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 229. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by product type, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 230. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 231. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by recycling method, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 232. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 233. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by source, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)
  • TABLE 234. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 235. UAE Recycled Carbon Fiber Market size, by end user, 2018 - 2032 (Kilo Tons)

Charts & Figures

  • FIG. 1 GMI report coverage: Critical research elements
  • FIG. 2 Industry segmentation
  • FIG. 3 Top-down approach
  • FIG. 4 Market estimation and forecast methodology
  • FIG. 5 Market forecasting methodology
  • FIG. 6 Breakdown of primary participants
  • FIG. 7 Recycled Carbon Fiber industry, 360o synopsis, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 8 Industry landscape, 2018-2032 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 9 Growth potential analysis, by product type
  • FIG. 10 Growth potential analysis, by source
  • FIG. 11 Growth potential analysis, by recycling method
  • FIG. 12 Growth potential analysis, by end user
  • FIG. 13 GAP analysis
  • FIG. 14 Porter's analysis
  • FIG. 15 PESTEL analysis
  • FIG. 16 Company matrix analysis, 2022
Product Code: 7223

Global Recycled Carbon Fiber Market will witness over 11.5% CAGR between 2023 and 2032. The heightened market demand is due to the growing research and development efforts in recycled carbon fiber production. For instance, in November 2023, Dr. Di He, a researcher at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Canberra, Australia, pioneered a groundbreaking technique for recycling carbon fiber. This innovative method not only minimizes material wastage but also reduces energy consumption while preserving more of the fiber's integrity, allowing for its reuse in creating valuable new products. Collaborating with a partner in the automotive industry, the project aims to explore the feasibility of constructing vehicles using recycled carbon fiber.

As sustainability takes center stage, industries seek eco-friendly solutions, fostering a surge in recycled carbon fiber applications. Advancements in production techniques and material properties amplify its appeal across automotive, aerospace, and renewable energy sectors. This escalating demand underscores the pivotal role of innovation in meeting environmental goals while addressing industry needs for durable, cost-effective materials, further expanding the recycled carbon fiber market size.

The overall Recycled Carbon Fiber Market is classified based on product type, end-user, and region.

Milled carbon fibers industry will undergo significant development from 2023 to 2032. As industries increasingly embrace sustainability, milled carbon fiber offers a compelling eco-friendly alternative. Its versatility in applications across automotive, aerospace, and sporting goods sectors amplifies its appeal. With robust properties and cost-effectiveness, the recycled carbon fiber market demand experiences a surge, showcasing the pivotal role of milled carbon fiber in meeting sustainability goals while catering to diverse industry needs.

The recycled carbon fiber industry share from the wind energy segment will register a noteworthy CAGR from 2023 to 2032. As the renewable energy sector thrives, recycled carbon fiber emerges as a pivotal material in wind turbine production. Its lightweight, durable properties make it an ideal choice for turbine blades, enhancing efficiency and sustainability. With an escalating global focus on clean energy, the recycled carbon fiber market revenue will surge, underscoring its crucial role in advancing the wind energy landscape.

Europe recycled carbon fiber market will showcase a commendable CAGR from 2023 to 2032. The region's stringent environmental regulations and sustainability targets drive industries to embrace recycled carbon fiber. European initiatives prioritize circular economy models, elevating the significance of recycled carbon fiber in achieving these goals. Its versatility, in tandem with eco-conscious consumer preferences, amplifies market demand, solidifying Europe's pivotal role in shaping the recycled carbon fiber landscape.

Additionally, the rising production capacities from leading companies also support the market in the region. For instance, in October 2023, Apply Carbon, a company that champions eco-friendly manufacturing of high-performance goods, elevated its sustainability standards through an automated mass-production facility for recycled carbon fiber. Anticipating a substantial impact, their new plant will yield approximately 4,000 metric tons of recycled carbon fiber yearly.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Methodology & Scope

  • 1.1 Industry coverage
  • 1.2 Market scope & definition
  • 1.3 Base estimates & calculations
    • 1.3.1 Data collection
  • 1.4 Forecast parameters
  • 1.5 COVID-19 impact analysis at global level
  • 1.6 Data validation
  • 1.7 Data Sources
    • 1.7.1 Primary
    • 1.7.2 Secondary
      • Paid sources
      • Unpaid sources

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Recycled Carbon Fiber industry 360 degree synopsis, 2018 - 2032
  • 2.2 Business trends
  • 2.3 Product type trends
  • 2.4 Source trends
  • 2.5 Recycling method trends
  • 2.6 End user trends
  • 2.7 Regional trends

Chapter 3 Recycled Carbon Fiber Industry Insights

  • 3.1 Industry ecosystem analysis
  • 3.2 Industry impact forces
    • 3.2.1 Growth drivers
    • 3.2.2 Industry pitfalls & challenges
  • 3.3 Growth potential analysis
    • 3.3.1 by product type
    • 3.3.2 by source
    • 3.3.3 by recycling method
    • 3.3.4 by end user
  • 3.4 COVID- 19 impact analysis
  • 3.5 Regulatory landscape
    • 3.5.1 U.S.
    • 3.5.2 Europe
  • 3.6 Pricing analysis, 2022
  • 3.7 Reimbursement scenario
  • 3.8 Technology landscape
  • 3.9 Future market trends
  • 3.10 GAP analysis
  • 3.11 Porter's analysis
  • 3.12 PESTEL analysis

Chapter 4 Competitive Landscape, 2022

  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Company matrix analysis, 2022
  • 4.3 Global company market share analysis, 2022
  • 4.4 Competitive positioning matrix
  • 4.5 Strategy dashboard

Chapter 5 Recycled Carbon Fiber Market Size and Forecast, by product type (USD Million & Kilo tons)

  • 5.1 Chopped Carbon Fiber
  • 5.2 Milled Carbon Fiber
  • 5.3 Carbon Fiber Mat
  • 5.4 Others

Chapter 6 Recycled Carbon Fiber Market Size and Forecast, by source (USD Million & Kilo tons)

  • 6.1 Automotive scrap
  • 6.2 Aerospace scrap
  • 6.3 Other

Chapter 7 Recycled Carbon Fiber Market Size and Forecast, by recycling method (USD Million & Kilo tons)

  • 7.1 Mechanical Recycling
  • 7.2 Chemical Recycling
  • 7.3 Pyrolysis
  • 7.4 Solvolysis
  • 7.5 Others

Chapter 8 Recycled Carbon Fiber Market Size and Forecast, by end user (USD Million & Kilo tons)

  • 8.1 Aerospace and Defense
  • 8.2 Automotive
  • 8.3 Wind Energy
  • 8.4 Sports and Leisure
  • 8.5 Construction
  • 8.6 Electronics
  • 8.7 Others

Chapter 9 Recycled Carbon Fiber Market Size and Forecast, by Region (USD Million & Kilo tons)

  • 9.1 Key trends, by region
  • 9.2 North America
    • 9.2.1 U.S.
    • 9.2.2 Canada
  • 9.3 Europe
    • 9.3.1 Germany
    • 9.3.2 UK
    • 9.3.3 France
    • 9.3.4 Italy
    • 9.3.5 Spain
    • 9.3.6 Russia
  • 9.4 Asia Pacific
    • 9.4.1 China
    • 9.4.2 India
    • 9.4.3 Japan
    • 9.4.4 South Korea
    • 9.4.5 Australia
    • 9.4.6 Indonesia
    • 9.4.7 Malaysia
  • 9.5 Latin America
    • 9.5.1 Brazil
    • 9.5.2 Mexico
    • 9.5.3 Argentina
  • 9.6 MEA
    • 9.6.1 South Africa
    • 9.6.2 Saudi Arabia
    • 9.6.3 UAE

Chapter 10 Company Profiles

  • 10.1 ELG Carbon Fibre
  • 10.2 SGL Carbon
  • 10.3 Teijin Limited
  • 10.4 ZOLTEK Corporation (a Toray Group Company)
  • 10.5 Vartega Inc.
  • 10.6 CFK Valley Recycling
  • 10.7 Adherent Technologies
  • 10.8 Mitsubishi Chemical Inc
  • 10.9 Procotex Corporation
  • 10.10 Karborek Recycling
  • 10.11 Hadeg Recycling GmbH
  • 10.12 Retex
  • 10.13 AEROSUD Composites
  • 10.14 Carbon Conversions
  • 10.15 Structil