睡眠薬の世界市場規模 - タイプ別、薬剤クラス別、睡眠障害タイプ別、予測、2023年~2032年Sleep Medications Market Size - By Type (Prescription-based, OTC), Drug Class (Benzodiazepines, Antidepressants, Antihistamines), Sleep Disorder Type, Global Forecast 2023-2032 |
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睡眠薬の世界市場規模 - タイプ別、薬剤クラス別、睡眠障害タイプ別、予測、2023年~2032年 |
出版日: 2023年09月11日
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 114 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
世界の睡眠薬の市場規模は、2023年から2032年にかけてCAGR 6.8%以上で成長すると予測されます。
OTC医薬品セグメントは、2023年から2032年にかけてCAGR 7.1%を記録すると予想されるが、その主な理由は、入手のしやすさと、消費者の間でセルフメディケーションへの嗜好が高まっていることです。一般的な睡眠障害を素早く緩和するOTC睡眠補助薬がいくつかイントロダクションされたことで、消費者はますますこれらの薬に傾倒しています。OTC睡眠薬の需要は、大手製薬会社が採用する製品イノベーションとマーケティング戦略に支えられ、引き続き増加しています。
Sleep medications market size is predicted to grow at over 6.8% CAGR from 2023 to 2032. The rising stress levels and hectic lifestyles have led to an upsurge in the prevalence of sleep disorders globally. The growing elderly population, increasing incidences of chronic diseases, along with the improved awareness about the importance of sleep routine are fueling the product demand.
Moreover, the adoption of sedentary lifestyles and the high prevalence of mental health disorders have further accelerated the adoption of effective sleep medications, fostering market expansion. According to a large-scale study co-led by researchers at Harvard Medical School and University of Queensland, 50% of the global population will develop at least one mental health disorder by the age of 75 years. As mental health issues develop, the need for sleep medications will also increase in the coming years.
The overall sleep medications market is classified based on type, drug class, sleep disorder type, and region.
The OTC drug segment is expected to observe 7.1% CAGR from 2023 to 2032, primarily due to the ease of accessibility and the growing preference for self-medication among the consumers. With the introduction of several OTC sleep aids that offer quick relief from common sleep disorders, consumers are increasingly inclined towards these medications. The demand for OTC sleep drugs continue to boost, supported by the product innovations and marketing strategies adopted by leading pharmaceutical companies.
The restless legs sleep disorder (RLSD) segment is anticipated to witness nearly 8.4% CAGR during 2023 and 2032. The rising awareness about the ailment among the common population is leading to an increased demand for specific medications catering to this particular condition. The market players are actively engaged in R&D activities to introduce effective formulations. The increasing number of diagnosed cases and the development of novel treatment options focusing on addressing its symptoms will aid the segment growth.
Asia Pacific sleep medication market will observe around 7.9% CAGR from 2023 to 2032 owing to the rapid urbanization, changing lifestyle patterns, and the increasing prevalence of sleep disorders in countries such as China, India, and Japan. The region is witnessing improvement in healthcare infrastructure, which along with the rising awareness about the importance of sleep health is expected to drive the market growth. The pharma companies are strategically focusing on expanding their presence in the Asia Pacific market by launching tailored products and strengthening distribution networks, thereby capitalizing on the growing opportunities in this region.