表紙:露天採掘用機械の世界市場の分析:種類別 (採掘用トラック、油圧掘削機・ショベル、ローダー、ブルドーザー、地ならし機)・商品別 (石炭、鉄鉱石、金、銅)・地域別の将来予測 (2021年~2025年)

露天採掘用機械の世界市場の分析:種類別 (採掘用トラック、油圧掘削機・ショベル、ローダー、ブルドーザー、地ならし機)・商品別 (石炭、鉄鉱石、金、銅)・地域別の将来予測 (2021年~2025年)

Surface Mining Equipment Market Analysis by Type (Mining Trucks, Hydraulic Excavators, Shovels, Loaders, Dozers, Graders), Commodity (Coal, Iron Ore, Gold, Copper), Region and Forecast, 2021-2025

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 53 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
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露天採掘用機械の世界市場の分析:種類別 (採掘用トラック、油圧掘削機・ショベル、ローダー、ブルドーザー、地ならし機)・商品別 (石炭、鉄鉱石、金、銅)・地域別の将来予測 (2021年~2025年)
出版日: 2022年12月13日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文 53 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
ご注意事項 :
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

世界の稼働中 (修理中・整備中を含む) の全ての露天採掘用機械 (採石場を除く) の台数は、2021年末の時点で164,404台と推定されています。地域別に見ると、アジア太平洋が44%と最もシェアが高く、次いで中東・アフリカが12%となっています。現役のフリートのみを含めると、149,244台となります。


種類別に見ると、トラックが62%と最も大きなシェアを占めています。その中でも、積載量別では50~99トンが最も多く (36%)、次いで50トン以下が35%となっています。次に多いのはドーザーで14%を占め、油圧ショベル・掘削機の12%を上回っています。


当レポートでは、世界の露天採掘用機械の市場について分析し、現在の全体的な保有台数や、種類別・主要商品別 (石炭・鉄鉱石・金・銅など) の傾向、地域別 (アジア太平洋、オーストラレーシア、欧州、旧ソ連諸国、中東・アフリカ、北米、中南米)・主要国 (オーストラリア、カナダ、チリ、中国、インド、インドネシア、ペルー、ロシア、南米、米国) の詳細動向、種類別の保有台数の動向見通し (2025年まで)、主要OEMのプロファイルと市場シェア (種類別・地域別)、自動走行式・電動式トラックの保有台数 (積載量別) などを調査しております。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 世界の露天採掘用機械の台数:種類別・地域別

第3章 採掘用トラック

第4章 掘削機・油圧ショベル

第5章 電動ショベル

第6章 ローダー

第7章 ブルドーザー

第8章 地ならし機 (グレーダー)

第9章 主要OEM

第10章 分析手法

Product Code: GDMINEQ005

GlobalData's "Surface Mining Equipment Market Analysis by Type (Mining Trucks, Hydraulic Excavators, Shovels, Loaders, Dozers, Graders), Commodity (Coal, Iron Ore, Gold, Copper), Region and Forecast, 2021-2025" provides detailed data and forecasts for six types of major surface mining equipment: trucks, hydraulic excavators, shovels, loaders, dozers and graders. The data is based on GlobalData's extensive mine-site research and equipment models to generate a complete view of equipment counts globally, with breakdowns by each major region and key mining country, and also by major commodity - including coal, iron ore, copper and gold.

The total number of trucks, excavators, shovels, loaders, graders and dozers across all operating mines (including those in care and maintenance), excluding quarries, at the end of 2021 was estimated at 164,404. The largest share of machines is in Asia Pacific, at 44%, followed by the Middle East & Africa at 12%. Including only active fleet, this figure was 149,244.

With steady growth in output, as more mines ramp up and come on stream, the total number of active machines is forecast to rise to 168,196 by 2025, a CAGR of 3.0% from 2021 to 2025. The largest contributor to this growth will be trucks, and particularly the smaller-sized trucks with shorter lifespans.

Of the total, the largest share is accounted for by trucks at 62%. Of these the most popular payload sizes are in the range of 50-99 metric tonne trucks (36%), with 35% below 50t. Next most numerous are dozers accounting for 14% of machines, ahead of hydraulic excavators and shovels at 12%.

The leading OEMs are Caterpillar and Komatsu whose equipment portfolios span all equipment types. Volvo, Hitachi, Liebherr, BEML also supply into multiple sectors.

As miners seek improved productivity and reduced emissions, the number of autonomous haul trucks has grown, reaching 1,084 as at November 2022. While electrification of surface equipment is at a very nascent stage, GlobalData has identified 207 trolley assist trucks and 4 battery powered surface trucks operating across the globe.

Key Highlights

  • The total number of trucks, excavators, shovels, loaders, graders and dozers across all operating mines (including those in care and maintenance), excluding quarries, at the end of 2021 was estimated at 164,404. The largest share of machines is in Asia Pacific, at 44%, followed by the Middle East & Africa at 12%. Including only active fleet, this figure was 149,244.
  • With steady growth in output, as more mines ramp up and come on stream, the total number of active machines is forecast to rise to 168,196 by 2025, a CAGR of 3.0% from 2021 to 2025. The largest contributor to this growth will be trucks, and particularly the smaller-sized trucks with shorter lifespans.
  • Of the total, the largest share is accounted for by trucks at 62%. Of these the most popular payload sizes are in the range of 50-99 metric tonne trucks (36%), with 35% below 50t. Next most numerous are dozers accounting for 14% of machines, ahead of hydraulic excavators and shovels at 12%.
  • The leading OEMs are Caterpillar and Komatsu whose equipment portfolios span all equipment types. Volvo, Hitachi, Liebherr, BEML also supply into multiple sectors.
  • As miners seek improved productivity and reduced emissions, the number of autonomous haul trucks has grown, reaching 1,084 as at November 2022. While electrification of surface equipment is at a very nascent stage, GlobalData has identified 207 trolley assist trucks and 4 battery powered surface trucks operating across the globe.


  • Global, with breakdowns of equipment counts by region (Asia Pacific, Australasia, Europe, Former Soviet Union, Middle East & Africa, North America, South & Central America) and major mining countries, such as Australia, Canada, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Peru, Russia, South Africa and the USA. Data is also split into total populations and those that are active, and market shares are provided for the leading OEMs by type of machine and by region.

Reasons to Buy

  • Assess the current populations of each major type of equipment by country and region, and by key commodity (coal, iron ore, gold and copper)
  • Predict counts of each machine through to 2025
  • Analyse the key OEMs in each segment and region
  • View counts of trucks by payload, plus numbers of autonomous and electric vehicles

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Executive summary

2 Global surface mining machinery populations by type and region

3 Mining trucks

4 Excavators & hydraulic shovels

5 Electric shovels

6 Loaders

7 Dozers

8 Graders

9 Leading OEMs

10 Methodology