

Growth Opportunities in Airport Security

出版日: | 発行: Frost & Sullivan | ページ情報: 英文 118 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年11月01日
発行: Frost & Sullivan
ページ情報: 英文 118 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次










  • なぜ成長が難しくなっているのか?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 空港セキュリティ業界における主な戦略的インペラティブの影響
  • 成長機会がGrowth Pipeline Engine(TM)を促進


  • 分析範囲
  • 技術別:セグメンテーション
  • 地域別:セグメンテーション
  • 主要競合企業
  • 主要成長指標
  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長抑制要因
  • 空港にとっての潜在的リスクと脅威
  • 脅威を軽減する新技術
  • 予測手法
  • 予測の前提条件
  • 収益と予測
  • 地域別:収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 国別空港数
  • 空港における旅客輸送
  • 航空輸送貨物
  • 収益予測分析
  • 価格動向と予測分析
  • 競合環境
  • 収益シェア
  • 収益シェア分析

成長機会分析 - アジア太平洋地域

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進するAPACの主なセキュリティプログラムと組織

成長機会分析 - 北米

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進する北米の主なセキュリティプログラムと組織

成長機会分析 - 欧州

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進する欧州の主なセキュリティプログラムと組織

成長機会分析 - 中央アジア

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進する中央アジアの主なセキュリティプログラムと組織

成長機会分析 - ラテンアメリカ

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進する中南米の主要なセキュリティプログラムと組織

成長機会分析 - 中東

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進する中東の主要なセキュリティプログラムと組織

成長機会分析 - アフリカ

  • 成長指標
  • 収益予測
  • 技術別:収益予測
  • 予測分析
  • 空港セキュリティへの取り組みを推進するアフリカの主なセキュリティプログラムと組織


  • 成長機会1:旅客体験の向上
  • 成長機会2:旅客の安全と空港セキュリティのためのデジタルインテリジェンス
  • 成長機会3:空港運営に不可欠なサイバーセキュリティ
  • 成長機会4:進化する脅威に対する新たなスクリーニングと検知能力


Product Code: K931-23

Defining Growth Strategies for the Safety of Next-generation Airports

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant decline in air travel because of travel restrictions and guidance advising people to stay at home. However, with the end of the pandemic, air travel is recovering. The International Air Transport Association predicts that global air passenger traffic will reach 88% of its pre-pandemic level in 2023. Various factors drive the increase in air travel, including the reopening of borders, the easing of travel restrictions, and the pent-up demand for travel.

Increased air traffic has led to the expansion of existing airports and the building of new ones. In 2022, more than 200 new airports were under construction, and this number will grow multifold during the next few years. The need to accommodate growing passenger volumes and provide passengers with a positive travel experience is driving airport expansion.

With higher passenger volumes, the expansion of existing airports, and the building of new ones, the need for new, innovative airport security solutions is increasing. Airports must promptly and effectively screen travelers and their belongings while maintaining the highest security standards. These requirements are driving the development of new technologies, such as biometric identification and AI, to improve airport security.

This study provides a brief overview of airport security's importance and the potential risks and threats that airports, passengers, and aviation infrastructure face and highlights the global regulatory frameworks governing airport security in seven global regions.

The research includes an examination of unique threat perception and regional security requirements, including a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the 7 regions (Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, and Asia-Pacific), with forecasts from 2023 to 2030.

This study groups airport security solutions into 7 technological categories to present a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the airport security market. The categories are access control and identity management; screening and detection; surveillance; cybersecurity; command and control; communication equipment; and others.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Airport Security Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Scope of Analysis
  • Segmentation by Technology
  • Segmentation by Region
  • Key Competitors
  • Key Growth Metrics
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints
  • Potential Risks and Threats for Airports
  • Emerging Technologies to Mitigate Threats
  • Forecast Methodology
  • Forecast Assumptions
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Region
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Number of Airports by Country
  • Passenger Traffic at Airports
  • Air Transport Freight
  • Revenue Forecast Analysis
  • Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis
  • Competitive Environment
  • Revenue Share
  • Revenue Share Analysis

Growth Opportunity Analysis-Asia-Pacific

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in APAC Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis-North America

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in NA Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis-Europe

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in Europe Driving Airport Security Initiatives
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in Europe Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis-Central Asia

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in Central Asia Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis-Latin America

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in LATAM Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis-Middle East

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in the ME Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis-Africa

  • Growth Metrics
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast by Technology
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Major Security Programs and Organizations in Africa Driving Airport Security Initiatives

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Improved Passenger Experience
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Digital Intelligence for Passenger Safety and Airport Security
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Cybersecurity as Integral to Airport Operations
  • Growth Opportunity 4: New Screening and Detection Capabilities for Evolving Threats

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