
MicroLEDディスプレイの世界市場 (2024年~2034年)

The Global Market for MicroLED Displays 2024-2034

出版日: | 発行: Future Markets, Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 335 Pages, 97 Tables, 128 Figures | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: GBPを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1GBP=202.15円
MicroLEDディスプレイの世界市場 (2024年~2034年)
出版日: 2023年12月07日
発行: Future Markets, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 335 Pages, 97 Tables, 128 Figures
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

MicroLEDは、それぞれがピクセルを形成する微細なLEDアレイで構成される自己発光ディスプレイです。MicroLEDの商業活動はかなり活発化しています。Appleは、ams-Osramの8インチMicroLEDチップ工場でスマートウォッチ用ディスプレイ生産を確立するため、20億米ドル以上を投資する計画を立てています。EpistarとAUOは、PlayNitride技術を活用した6インチMicroLEDファウンドリーを建設しています。AUOは2023年第4四半期に1.39インチのスマートウォッチ用ディスプレイの生産も開始します。Jade Bird Displayは合肥で生産ラインを開始し、0.13インチMicroLEDパネルの総生産能力は1億2,000万枚に達します。また、Samsungは2023年にMicroLED TVの生産を拡大する予定です。Raysolve、Hon Hai (Foxconn)、Mojo Visionなどの企業が最近、MicroLEDディスプレイに量子ドットを使用した画期的な技術を発表しました。

当レポートでは、世界のMicroLEDディスプレイ市場について分析し、主要技術の利点・欠点の比較分析、最新の技術・市場動向や、様々な活用領域 (家電、自動車、AR、透明ディスプレイ、デジタルサイネージなど) における現在・将来の活用状況、主な関連企業のプロファイル (全80社以上)、市場の促進・抑制要因、世界全体および製品カテゴリー別・地域別・用途別の市場動向の見通し (2034年まで) などを調査しております。


  • MicroLEDディスプレイ技術:概略
  • MiniLEDとMicroLEDの比較分析
  • MicroLEDディスプレイの製造プロセス
  • チップ製造・エピタキシャル成長・ウエハー製造
  • アセンブリ (組立)・ハイブリッド統合・マストランスファー技術
  • 欠陥管理・修復・最適化
  • MicroLEDの色変換技術
  • MicroLEDの性能指標の分析
  • LCDやOLEDと比較した利点・欠点の評価
  • 新たなイノベーション:フレキシブル・透明・3Dディスプレイ
  • 採用ロードマップと市場機会:用途別
    • 民生用電子機器、車載ディスプレイ、サイネージ
    • AR/VR (拡張/仮想現実) デバイス、透明ディスプレイ、照明、医療
  • MicroLEDディスプレイのサプライチェーン・エコシステム
  • MicroLED開発企業の企業プロファイル (全80社以上):AUO、eLux、Innolux、Jade Bird Display、LG Display、Mikro Mesa、Mojo Vision、PlayNitride、Porotech、Raysolve Technology、Q-Pixel、Samsung Electronics、Sitan Semiconductor International Co. Ltd.、Tianma、Sonyなど。
  • MicroLEDディスプレイの出荷台数と収益:市場予測 (10年間分)
  • 市場の促進要因・動向と技術的課題の分析
  • 地域別の市場:北米、アジア太平洋、欧州、その他の地域 (ROW)


第1章 分析目的・対象

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

  • MiniLED市場
  • MicroLED市場
  • 世界のディスプレイ市場
    • OLED
    • 量子ドット
    • ディスプレイ技術の評価
  • MicroLEDの利点
  • MicroLEDディスプレイの積層造形
  • MicroLEDの用途
  • 市場・技術の課題
  • 業界の動向 (2020年~2023年)
  • 昨今のMicroLEDディスプレイのイノベーション
  • 中国市場の動向活動
  • 世界のMicroLEDの出荷予測 (~2034年)
    • 数量ベース
    • 収益ベース

第3章 技術の概略

  • MicroLEDとは何か?
  • MiniLED (mLED) とMicroLED (µLED)
    • ディスプレイの構成
    • 開発
    • 種類
    • 生産
    • LCD・OLED・QDとの比較
    • MicroLEDディスプレイの仕様
    • 利点
    • タイル型MicroLEDディスプレイ
    • 費用

第4章 製造

  • エピタキシーとチップ処理
    • 材料
    • 基板
    • ウエハーのパターニング
    • 有機金属化学気相成長法 (MOCVD)
    • エピタキシャル成長要件
    • 分子線エピタキシー (MBE)
    • 均一性
  • チップ製造
    • RGBMicroLED設計
    • エピフィルム転写
  • MicroLEDの性能
    • 外部量子効率 (EQE) と電流密度の関係
    • 安定性と熱管理
    • サイズ依存性
    • キャリアの表面再結合
    • 高効率・高性能なRGB MicroLEDの開発
  • 転写・組立・統合技術
    • モノリシック統合
    • 異種ウェーハ
    • モノリシックMicroLEDアレイ
    • GaN-on-Si (シリコン上の窒化ガリウム)
    • 物質移動
    • ナノワイヤー
    • 結合・相互接続

第5章 欠陥管理

  • 概要
  • 欠陥の種類
  • 冗長化技術
  • 修理
    • テクニック
    • レーザーマイクロトリミング

第6章 色変換

  • 技術の比較
  • フルカラー変換
  • UV LED
  • カラーフィルター
  • 積層型RGB MicroLED
    • 企業
  • 3パネル式MicroLEDプロジェクター
  • 蛍光体の色変換
    • 概要
    • 課題
    • 企業
  • 量子ドットの色変換
    • 動作モード
    • カドミウム量子ドット
    • カドミウムフリー量子ドット
    • ペロブスカイト量子ドット
    • グラフェン量子ドット
    • 蛍光体と量子ドット
    • MicroLEDディスプレイの量子ドット
    • 課題
    • 企業
  • 量子井戸
  • 画質の向上

第7章 光の管理

  • 概要
  • 光の取り込み方法
  • マイクロ反射屈折光学アレイ
  • 設計された指向性放射プロファイルのための積層造形 (AM)

第8章 バックプレーンと駆動

  • 概要
  • 技術と素材
    • TFT材料
    • OLEDピクセル駆動
    • TFTバックプレーン
    • パッシブ/アクティブマトリックス・アドレッシング
    • MicroLEDディスプレイのRGB駆動スキーム
    • LTPSバックプレーン付きアクティブマトリックスMicroLEDディスプレイ

第9章 民生用電子ディスプレイ

  • マーケットマップ
  • 市場導入ロードマップ
  • 大型フラットパネルディスプレイ・テレビ
    • Samsung
    • LG
    • TCL CSOT
  • スマートウォッチ・ウェアラブル
    • Appleが計画しているMicroLEDスマートウォッチ
    • Samsung
  • スマートフォン
  • ラップトップ・モニター・タブレット
  • 折り畳み式・伸縮可能ディスプレイ
    • 世界の折り畳み式ディスプレイ市場
    • 活用領域

第10章 バイオテクノロジーと医療

  • 世界の医療用ディスプレイ市場
  • 活用領域
    • 植込み型デバイス
    • ラボオンチップ
    • 内視鏡検査
    • 外科用ディスプレイ
    • 光線療法
    • バイオセンシング
    • ブレイン・マシン・インターフェース
  • 製品開発企業

第11章 自動車

  • 世界の自動車用ディスプレイ市場
  • 活用領域
    • 車内ディスプレイ
    • ヘッドアップディスプレイ (HUD)
    • 車外信号・照明
  • 製品開発者

第12章 仮想現実 (VR)・拡張現実 (AR)・複合現実 (MR)

  • 世界の仮想現実 (VR)・拡張現実 (AR)・複合現実 (MR) 市場
  • 活用領域
    • AR/VRスマートグラス・ヘッドマウントディスプレイ (HMD)
    • MicroLEDコンタクトレンズ
  • 製品開発者

第13章 透明ディスプレイ

  • 世界の透明ディスプレイ市場
  • 活用領域
    • スマートウィンドウ
    • ディスプレイガラスオーバーレイ
  • 製品開発者

第14章 サプライチェーン

第15章 企業プロファイル (全83社の概略)

第16章 参考文献


List of Tables

  • Table 1. Announced MicroLED fabs
  • Table 2. Summary of display technologies
  • Table 3. Advantages of AM microLED micro-displays
  • Table 4. MicroLED applications
  • Table 5. Market and technology challenges for microLEDs
  • Table 6. MicroLED industry developments 2020-2023
  • Table 7. MicroLED product announcements at CES 2021
  • Table 8. MicroLED product announcements at CES 2022 and Display Week 2022
  • Table 9. MicroLED product announcements at CES 2023 and Display Week 2023
  • Table 10. MicroLED activity in China
  • Table 11. Global MicroLED display market (thousands of units) 2020-2034
  • Table 12. LED size definitions
  • Table 13. Comparison between miniLED and microLED
  • Table 14. Comparison to conventional LEDs
  • Table 15. Types of MicroLED
  • Table 16. Summary of monolithic integration, monolithic hybrid integration (flip-chip/wafer bonding), and mass transfer technologies
  • Table 17. Summary of different mass transfer technologies
  • Table 18. MicroLED Comparison to LCD, OLED and QD
  • Table 19. Schematic comparison to LCD and OLED
  • Table 20. Commercially available MicroLED products and specifications
  • Table 21. Comparison of MicroLED with other display technologies
  • Table 22. MicroLED-based display advantages and disadvantages
  • Table 23. Materials for commercial LED chips
  • Table 24. Bandgap vs lattice constant for common III-V semiconductors used in LEDs
  • Table 25. Advantages and disadvantages of MOCVD
  • Table 26. Typical RGB microLED designs
  • Table 27. Size dependence of key parameters in microLEDs
  • Table 28. Transfer, assembly and integration technologies
  • Table 29. Companies utilizing monolithic integration for MicroLEDs
  • Table 30. Advantages and disadvantages of heterogeneous wafers
  • Table 31. Key players in heterogeneous wafers
  • Table 32. Fabricating monolithic micro-displays
  • Table 33. GaN-on-Si applications
  • Table 34. Different epitaxial growth methods for GaN-on-Silicon
  • Table 35. Comparison of GaN growth on sapphire vs silicon substrates
  • Table 36. Cost comparison of sapphire versus silicon substrates for GaN epitaxy
  • Table 37. Challenges of GaN-on-Silicon epitaxy and mitigation strategies
  • Table 38. Companies utilizing GaN microLEDs on silicon
  • Table 39. Mass transfer methods, by company
  • Table 40. Comparison of various mass transfer technologies
  • Table 41. Factors affecting transfer yield for microLED mass assembly
  • Table 42. Advantages and disadvantages of Elastomeric stamp for microLED mass transfer
  • Table 43. Companies utilizing elastomeric stamp transfer
  • Table 44. Laser beam requirement
  • Table 45. Companies utilizing laser-enabled transfer technology
  • Table 46. Companies developing micro-transfer printing technologies
  • Table 47. Types of self-assembly technologies
  • Table 48. Companies utilizing self-assembly
  • Table 49. Advantages and disadvantages of all-in-one CMOS driving technique
  • Table 50. Companies utilizing All-in-one transfer
  • Table 51. Comparison between 2D and 3D microLEDs
  • Table 52. Classification of key microLED bonding and interconnection techniques
  • Table 53. Types of bonding
  • Table 54. Strategies for full colour realization
  • Table 55. Comparison of colour conversion technologies for microLED displays
  • Table 56. Companies developing stacked RGB microLEDs
  • Table 57. Phosphor materials used for LED colour conversion
  • Table 58. Requirements for phosphors in LEDs
  • Table 59. Standard and emerging red-emitting phosphors
  • Table 60. Challenges with phosphor colour conversion
  • Table 61. Companies developing phosphors for MicroLEDs
  • Table 62. Comparative properties of conventional QDs and Perovskite QDs
  • Table 63. Properties of perovskite QLEDs comparative to OLED and QLED
  • Table 64. Perovskite-based QD producers
  • Table 65. Comparison between carbon quantum dots and graphene quantum dots
  • Table 66. Comparison of graphene QDs and semiconductor QDs
  • Table 67. Graphene quantum dots producers
  • Table 68. QDs vs phosphors
  • Table 69. QD-based display types
  • Table 70. Quantum dot (QD) patterning techniques
  • Table 71. Pros and cons of ink-jet printing for manufacturing displays
  • Table 72. Challenges with QD colour conversion
  • Table 73. Companies utilizing quantum dots in MicroLEDs
  • Table 74. Methods to capture light output
  • Table 75. Backplane and driving options for MicroLED displays
  • Table 76. Comparison between PM and AM addressing
  • Table 77. PAM vs PWM
  • Table 78. . Driving vs. EQE
  • Table 79. Comparison of LED TV technologies
  • Table 80. Samsung Neo QLED TV range
  • Table 81. LG mini QNED range
  • Table 82. Flexible, stretchable and foldable MicroLED products
  • Table 83. Medical display MicroLED products
  • Table 84. Automotive display & backlight architectures
  • Table 85. Applications of MicroLED in automotive
  • Table 86. Automotive display MicroLED products
  • Table 87. Comparison of AR Display Light Engines
  • Table 88. MicroLED based smart glass products
  • Table 89. MicroLED transparent displays
  • Table 90. Companies developing MicroLED transparent displays
  • Table 91. MicroLED supply chain
  • Table 93. LG mini QNED range
  • Table 94. Samsung Neo QLED TV range
  • Table 95. San'an Mini and MicroLED Production annual target
  • Table 96. NPQDTM vs Traditional QD based MicroLEDs
  • Table 97. TCL MiniLED product range

List of Figures

  • Figure 1. Blue GaN MicroLED arrays with 3um pixel pitch use polychromatic quantum dot integration to achieve full colour AR displays
  • Figure 2: QLED TV from Samsung
  • Figure 3. QD display products
  • Figure 4. The progress of display technology, from LCD to MicroLED
  • Figure 5. Head-up displays (HUD)
  • Figure 6. Public advertising displays
  • Figure 7. Wearable biomedical devices
  • Figure 8. Pico-projectors
  • Figure 9. Mojo Vision's 300-mm GaN-on-silicon blue LED wafer for microLED displays
  • Figure 10. Global MicroLED display market (thousands of units) 2020-2034
  • Figure 11. Global MicroLED display market 2020-2034, by market (Million USD)
  • Figure 12. MicroLED display panel structure
  • Figure 13. Display system configurations
  • Figure 14. MicroLED schematic
  • Figure 15. Pixels per inch roadmap of µ-LED displays from 2007 to 2019
  • Figure 16. Mass transfer for µLED chips
  • Figure 17. Schematic diagram of mass transfer technologies
  • Figure 18. Lextar 10.6 inch transparent MicroLED display
  • Figure 19. Transition to borderless design
  • Figure 20. Process for LED Manufacturing
  • Figure 21. Main application scenarios of microLED display and their characteristic display area and pixel density
  • Figure 22. Conventional process used to fabricate microLED microdisplay devices
  • Figure 23. Process flow of Silicon Display of Sharp
  • Figure 24. JDB monolithic hybrid integration microLED chip fabrication process
  • Figure 25. Monolithic microLED array
  • Figure 26. Schematics of a elastomer stamping, b electrostatic/electromagnetic transfer, c laser-assisted transfer and d fluid self-assembly
  • Figure 27. Transfer process flow
  • Figure 28. XCeleprint Automated micro-transfer printing machinery
  • Figure 29. Schematics of Roll-based mass transfer
  • Figure 30. Schematic of laser-induced forward transfer technology
  • Figure 31. Schematic of fluid self-assembly technology
  • Figure 32. Fabrication of microLED chip array
  • Figure 33. Schematic of colour conversion technology
  • Figure 34. Process flow of a full-colour micro display
  • Figure 35. GE inkjet-printed red phosphors
  • Figure 36. Toray's organic colour conversion film
  • Figure 37. Quantum dot schematic
  • Figure 38. Quantum dot size and colour
  • Figure 39. (a) Emission colour and wavelength of QDs corresponding to their sizes (b) InP QDs; (c) InP/ZnSe/ZnS core-shell QDs
  • Figure 40. A pQLED device structure
  • Figure 41. Perovskite quantum dots under UV light
  • Figure 42. Market map for MicroLED displays
  • Figure 43. Market adoption roadmap for microLED displays
  • Figure 44. Samsung Wall display system
  • Figure 45. Samsung Neo QLED 8K
  • Figure 46. Samsung Electronics 89-inch microLED TV
  • Figure 47. MAGNIT MicroLED TV
  • Figure 48. MicroLED wearable display prototype
  • Figure 49. APHAEA Watch
  • Figure 50. AUO's 13.5-inch transparent RGB microLED display
  • Figure 51. AU Optonics Flexible MicroLED Display
  • Figure 52. Schematic of the TALT technique for wafer-level MicroLED transferring
  • Figure 53. 55" flexible AM panel
  • Figure 54. Foldable 4K C SEED M1
  • Figure 55. Stretchable 12" microLED touch displays
  • Figure 56. MicroLEDs for medical applications
  • Figure 57. 2023 Cadillac Lyriq EV incorporating miniLED display
  • Figure 58. MicroLED automotive display
  • Figure 59. Issues in current commercial automotive HUD
  • Figure 60. Rear lamp utilizing flexible MicroLEDs
  • Figure 61. LAWK ONE
  • Figure 62. JioGlass
  • Figure 63. Mojo Vision smart contact lens with an embedded MicroLED display
  • Figure 64. Cellid AR glasses, Exploded version
  • Figure 65. Air Glass
  • Figure 66. Panasonic MeganeX
  • Figure 67. Thunderbird Smart Glasses Pioneer Edition
  • Figure 68. RayNeo X2
  • Figure 69. tooz technologies smart glasses
  • Figure 70. Vuzix MicroLED micro display Smart Glasses
  • Figure 71. Leopard demo glasses by WaveOptics
  • Figure 72. Different transparent displays and transmittance limitations
  • Figure 73. 7.56" high transparency & frameless MicroLED display
  • Figure 74. 17.3-inch transparent microLED AI display in a Taiwan Ferry
  • Figure 75. WireLED in 12" Silicon Wafer
  • Figure 76. Typical GaN-on-Si LED structure
  • Figure 77. 300 mm GaN-on-silicon epiwafer
  • Figure 78. MicroLED chiplet architecture
  • Figure 79. Concept Apple Vr Ar Mixed Reality Headset
  • Figure 80. 1.39-inch full-circle MicroLED display
  • Figure 81. 9.4" flexible MicroLED display
  • Figure 82. BOE MiniLED display TV
  • Figure 83. BOE MiniLED automotive display
  • Figure 84. Image obtained on a blue active-matrix WVGA (wide video graphics array) micro display
  • Figure 85. Fabrication of the 10-µm pixel pitch LED array on sapphire
  • Figure 86. A 200-mm wafer with CMOS active matrices for GaN 873 x 500-pixel micro display at 10-µm pitch
  • Figure 87. IntelliPix™ design for 0.26" 1080p MicroLED display
  • Figure 88. C Seed 165-inch M1 MicroLED TV
  • Figure 89. N1 folding MicroLED TV
  • Figure 90. C Seed outdoor TV
  • Figure 91. Focally Universe AR glasses
  • Figure 92. Flexible MicroLED
  • Figure 93. Jade Bird Display micro displays
  • Figure 94. JBD's 0.13-inch panel
  • Figure 95. 0.22" Monolithic full colour MicroLED panel and inset shows a conceptual monolithic polychrome projector with a waveguide
  • Figure 96. Prototype MicroLED display
  • Figure 97. APHAEA MicroLED watch
  • Figure 98. KONKA 59" tiled microLED TV prototype screen
  • Figure 99. Lextar 2021 microLED and mini LED products
  • Figure 100. LSAB009 MicroLED display
  • Figure 101. LG MAGNIT 4K 136-inch TV
  • Figure 102. 12" 100 PPI full-colour stretchable microLED display
  • Figure 103. Schematic of Micro Nitride chip architecture
  • Figure 104. Nationstar Mini LED IMD Package P0.5mm
  • Figure 105. 9.4" flexible MicroLED display
  • Figure 106. 7.56-inch transparent MicroLED display
  • Figure 107. PixeLED Matrix Modular MicroLED Display in 132-inch
  • Figure 108. Dashboard - 11.6-inch 24:9 Automotive MicroLED Display
  • Figure 109. Center Console - 9.38-inch Transparent MicroLED Display
  • Figure 110. 48 x 36 Passive Matrix MicroLED display
  • Figure 111. MicroLED micro display based on a native red InGaN LED
  • Figure 112. MicroLED stretchable display
  • Figure 113. The Wall
  • Figure 114. Samsung Neo QLED 8K
  • Figure 115. NPQD™ Technology for MicroLEDs
  • Figure 116. Wicop technology
  • Figure 117. B-Series and C-Series displays
  • Figure 118. A micro-display with a stacked-RGB pixel array, where each pixel is an RGB-emitting stacked MicroLED device (left). The micro-display showing a video of fireworks at night, demonstrating the full-colour capability (right). N.B. Areas around the display/
  • Figure 119. TCL MiniLED TV schematic
  • Figure 120. TCL 8K MiniLED TV
  • Figure 121. The Cinema Wall MicroLED display
  • Figure 122. Photo-polymer mass transfer process
  • Figure 123. 7.56" Transparent Display
  • Figure 124. 7.56" Flexible MicroLED
  • Figure 125. 5.04" seamless splicing MicroLED
  • Figure 126. 7.56" Transparent MicroLED
  • Figure 127. VueReal Flipchip MicroLED (30x15 um2)
  • Figure 128. Vuzix uLED display engine

MicroLED is a self-emitting display consisting of arrays of microscopic LEDs each forming a pixel. MicroLED commercial activity is picking up considerably. Apple has plans to invest>$2 billion establishing smartwatch display production with 8" MicroLED chip fab at ams-Osram. Epistar and AUO are building a 6" MicroLED foundry leveraging PlayNitride technology. AUO will also begin production of a smart watch display 1.39" in Q4 23. Jade Bird Display has commenced it's production line in Hefei, with the total capacity of 120 million 0.13" MicroLED panels. Several other companies have also set up pilot lines for production. and Samsung is planning to increase manufacturing of microLED TV in 2023. Companies including Raysolve, Hon Hai (Foxconn) and Mojo Vision have recently announced breakthroughs using quantum dots in micro-LED displays.

“The Global Market for MicroLED Displays 2024-2034” is an in-depth 330+ page market report providing a comprehensive analysis of emerging Micro-LED display technologies and markets. It evaluates the current status and future outlook for these next-generation LED displays across applications in consumer electronics, automotive, augmented reality, transparent displays, digital signage, and more.

The report profiles over 80 leading companies developing MicroLED products including display manufacturers, LED chip/emitter companies, equipment suppliers and start-ups. It assesses their technology capabilities, product roadmaps, partnerships, and competitive positioning. Detailed technical analysis is provided on MicroLED manufacturing processes such as epitaxial growth, mass transfer techniques, assembly and interconnect technologies. The report compares performance metrics of Micro-LED displays including benefits/drawbacks versus LCD and OLED displays.

In-depth market analysis is provided on adoption trends, drivers and challenges across key industry verticals. Quantitative 10+ year market forecasts are included for MicroLED display shipments and revenues globally and segmented by product categories, regions and application markets. Overall this report is the most comprehensive source of strategic analysis on the MicroLED display technologies and associated market opportunities through 2034. It is a vital reference for display industry participants, investors, electronics OEMs, and technology companies seeking an in-depth understanding of these emerging displays.

Report contents include:

  • Technology Introductions to MicroLED Displays
  • Comparative Analysis of Mini-LED vs Micro-LED
  • Manufacturing Processes for MicroLED Displays
  • Chip Fabrication, Epitaxial Growth, Wafer Production
  • Assembly, Hybrid Integration, Mass Transfer Techniques
  • Defect Management, Repair and Optimization
  • Colour Conversion Technologies for MicroLED
  • Analysis of MicroLED Performance Metrics
  • Assessment of Benefits and Drawbacks vs LCD and OLED
  • Emerging Innovations: Flexible, Transparent, 3D Displays
  • Adoption Roadmaps and Market Opportunities by Application:
    • Consumer Electronics, Automotive Displays, Signage
    • AR/VR Devices, Transparent Displays, Lighting, Medical
  • Supply Chain Ecosystems for MicroLED Displays
  • Company Profiles of 80+ MicroLED Developers. Companies profiled include AUO, eLux, Innolux, Jade Bird Display, LG Display, Mikro Mesa, Mojo Vision, PlayNitride, Porotech, Raysolve Technology, Q-Pixel, Samsung Electronics, Sitan Semiconductor International Co. Ltd., Tianma, and Sony.
  • 10-Year Market Forecasts for MicroLED Display Shipments and Revenues
  • Analysis of Market Drivers, Trends, and Technology Challenges
  • Regional Markets: North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, ROW




  • 2.1. The MiniLED market
  • 2.2. The MicroLED market
  • 2.3. The global display market
    • 2.3.1. OLEDs
    • 2.3.2. Quantum dots
    • 2.3.3. Display technologies assessment
  • 2.4. Benefits of MicroLEDs
  • 2.5. Additive manufacturing for microLED micro-displays
  • 2.6. MicroLEDs applications
  • 2.7. Market and technology challenges
  • 2.8. Industry developments 2020-2023
  • 2.9. Recent microLED display innovations
  • 2.10. Market activity in China
  • 2.11. Global shipment forecasts for MicroLEDs to 2034
    • 2.11.1. Units
    • 2.11.2. Revenues


  • 3.1. What are MicroLEDs?
  • 3.2. MiniLED (mLED) vs MicroLED (µLED)
    • 3.2.1. Display configurations
    • 3.2.2. Development
      • Sony
    • 3.2.3. Types
    • 3.2.4. Production
      • Integration
      • Transfer technologies
    • 3.2.5. Comparison to LCD, OLED AND QD
    • 3.2.6. MicroLED display specifications
    • 3.2.7. Advantages
      • Transparency
      • Borderless
      • Flexibility
    • 3.2.8. Tiled microLED displays
    • 3.2.9. Costs
      • Relationship between microLED cost and die size


  • 4.1. Epitaxy and Chip Processing
    • 4.1.1. Materials
    • 4.1.2. Substrates
      • Green gap
    • 4.1.3. Wafer patterning
    • 4.1.4. Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)
    • 4.1.5. Epitaxial growth requirement
    • 4.1.6. Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
    • 4.1.7. Uniformity
  • 4.2. Chip manufacturing
    • 4.2.1. RGB microLED designs
    • 4.2.2. Epi-film transfer
  • 4.3. MicroLED Performances
    • 4.3.1. Relationship between external quantum efficiency (EQE) and current density
    • 4.3.2. Stability and thermal management
    • 4.3.3. Size dependency
    • 4.3.4. Surface recombination of carriers
    • 4.3.5. Developing efficient high-performance RGB microLEDs
  • 4.4. Transfer, Assembly and Integration Technologies
    • 4.4.1. Monolithic integration
      • Overview
      • Companies
    • 4.4.2. Heterogeneous Wafers
      • Array integration
      • Wafer bonding
      • Hybridization integration
      • Companies
    • 4.4.3. Monolithic microLED arrays
    • 4.4.4. GaN on Silicon
      • Overview
      • Types
        • GaN on sapphire
      • Challenges
      • Companies
    • 4.4.5. Mass transfer
      • Chiplet Mass Transfer
      • Elastomer Stamp Transfer (Fine pick and place)
        • Overview
        • Controlling kinetic adhesion forces
        • Pixel pitch
        • Micro-transfer printing
        • Capillary-assisted transfer printing
        • Electrostatic array
        • Companies
      • Roll-to-Roll or Roll-to-Panel Imprinting
      • Laser enabled transfer
        • Overview
          • Selective transfer by selective bonding-debonding
        • Companies
      • Electrostatic Transfer
      • Micro-transfer
        • Overview
        • Micro-Pick-and-Place Transfer
        • Photo-Polymer Mass Transfer
        • Companies
      • Micro vacuum-based transfer
      • Adhesive Stamp
      • Self-Assembly
        • Overview
        • Fluidically Self-Assembled (FSA) technology
        • Magnetically-assisted assembly
        • Photoelectrochemically driven fluidic-assembly
        • Electrophoretic fluidic-assembly
        • Surface energy fluidic-assembly
        • Shape-based self-assembly
        • Companies
      • All-In-One Transfer
        • Overview
        • Heterogeneous Wafers in All-in-One Integration
          • Optoelectronic Array Integration
          • Wafer Bonding Process and Hybridization
        • Companies
    • 4.4.6. Nanowires
      • Overview
        • Nanowire Growth on Silicon
        • Native EL RGB nanowires
        • 3D Integration
    • 4.4.7. Bonding and interconnection
      • Overview
      • Types of bonding
      • Microtube Interconnections


  • 5.1. Overview
  • 5.2. Defect types
  • 5.3. Redundancy techniques
  • 5.4. Repair
    • 5.4.1. Techniques
    • 5.4.2. Laser micro trimming


  • 6.1. Comparison of technologies
  • 6.2. Full colour conversion
  • 6.3. UV LED
  • 6.4. Colour filters
  • 6.5. Stacked RGB MicroLEDs
    • 6.5.1. Companies
  • 6.6. Three panel microLED projectors
  • 6.7. Phosphor Colour Conversion
    • 6.7.1. Overview
      • Red-emitting phosphor materials
      • Thermal stability
      • Narrow-band green phosphors
      • High performance organic phosphors
    • 6.7.2. Challenges
    • 6.7.3. Companies
  • 6.8. Quantum dots colour conversion
    • 6.8.1. Mode of operation
    • 6.8.2. Cadmium QDs
    • 6.8.3. Cadmium-free QDs
    • 6.8.4. Perovskite quantum dots
    • 6.8.5. Graphene quantum dots
    • 6.8.6. Phosphors and quantum dots
    • 6.8.7. Quantum dots in microLED displays
      • Technology overview
      • QD-based display types
      • Quantum dot colour conversion (QDCC) technology for microLEDs
      • Efficiency drop and red shift in quantum dot emission for displays
      • High blue absorptive quantum dot materials for display
      • QD display pixel patterning techniques
        • Inkjet printing
        • Photoresists
        • Aerosol Jet Printing
    • 6.8.8. Challenges
    • 6.8.9. Companies
  • 6.9. Quantum wells
  • 6.10. Improving image quality


  • 7.1. Overview
  • 7.2. Light capture methods
  • 7.3. Micro-catadioptric optical array
  • 7.4. Additive manufacturing (AM) for engineered directional emission profiles


  • 8.1. Overview
  • 8.2. Technologies and materials
    • 8.2.1. TFT materials
    • 8.2.2. OLED Pixel Driving
    • 8.2.3. TFT Backplane
    • 8.2.4. Passive and active matrix addressing
      • Passive Matrix Addressing
      • Passive Driving Structure
      • Active Matrix Addressing
      • Pulse width modulation (PWM)
      • Driving voltage considerations for microLEDs
    • 8.2.5. RGB Driving Schemes for MicroLED Displays
    • 8.2.6. Active Matrix MicroLED Displays with LTPS Backplanes


  • 9.1. Market map
  • 9.2. Market adoption roadmap
  • 9.3. Large flat panel displays and TVs
    • 9.3.1. Samsung
      • Wall display
      • Neo QLED TV range
      • MicroLED CX TV line-up
    • 9.3.2. LG
      • MAGNIT MicroLED TV
    • 9.3.3. TCL CSOT
  • 9.4. Smartwatches and wearables
    • 9.4.1. Apple's planned microLED smartwatch
    • 9.4.2. Samsung
  • 9.5. Smartphones
  • 9.6. Laptops, monitors and tablets
  • 9.7. Foldable and stretchable displays
    • 9.7.1. The global foldable display market
    • 9.7.2. Applications
      • Foldable TVs
      • Stretchable 12" microLED touch displays
      • Product developers


  • 10.1. The global medical display market
  • 10.2. Applications
    • 10.2.1. Implantable Devices
    • 10.2.2. Lab-on-a-Chip
    • 10.2.3. Endoscopy
    • 10.2.4. Surgical Displays
    • 10.2.5. Phototherapy
    • 10.2.6. Biosensing
    • 10.2.7. Brain Machine Interfaces
  • 10.3. Product developers


  • 11.1. Global automotive displays market
  • 11.2. Applications
    • 11.2.1. Cabin Displays
    • 11.2.2. Head-up displays (HUD)
    • 11.2.3. Exterior Signaling and Lighting
  • 11.3. Product developers


  • 12.1. Global market for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR)
  • 12.2. Applications
    • 12.2.1. AR/VR Smart glasses and head-mounted displays (HMDs)
    • 12.2.2. MicroLED contact lenses
  • 12.3. Products developers


  • 13.1. Global transparent displays market
  • 13.2. Applications
    • 13.2.1. Smart Windows
    • 13.2.2. Display Glass Overlays
  • 13.3. Product developers


15. COMPANY PROFILES (83 company profiles)