

Outdoor Heating: Fire Pits, Fireplaces, Chimeneas, & Radiant Heaters

出版日: | 発行: Freedonia Group | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2022年08月31日
発行: Freedonia Group
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

屋外暖房器具の需要は、異常に高い市場規模 (8億6,000万米ドル) から一転して、年率1.0%以下で減少し、2026年には8億3,000万米ドルになると予測されます。2020年と2021年は、COVID-19の大流行により消費者と企業が屋外空間に多額の投資を行ったため、売上が急増しました。その結果、市場がより持続可能な水準に戻るため、成長見通しは控えめになっています。しかしながら、屋外生活への参加率の高さや、住宅・非住宅建築物の建設件数の増加、消費者支出の増大、高付加価値の暖房器具 (ガス管内蔵、Wi-Fi接続、スマートホームとの連携など) への関心増大といった要因により、予測期間中に需要は引き続き高水準で推移すると思われます。

当レポートでは、米国の屋外暖房器具の市場について分析し、全体的な市場規模の実績値 (2011年・2016年・2021年) や予測値 (2026年・2031年)、製品別 (ファイアーピット、暖炉、煙突、輻射式ヒーター)・市場別 (家庭用、業務用)・地域別 (北東部、中西部、南部、西部) の詳細動向、主要企業のプロファイルなどを調査しております。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 当レポートについて

第3章 概要

  • 過去の市場動向
  • 需給
  • 市場概要
    • 市場別の需要
    • 家庭用
    • 業務用
  • 地域別の需要
  • 価格動向
  • 小売売上高

第4章 屋外暖房の需要に影響を与える要因

  • 屋外生活
  • 人口統計 (ミレニアル世代、ベビーブーム世代、都市住民)
  • 製品開発
  • 製品動向:便利でメンテナンス不要な製品
  • 製品動向:設置が簡単なモジュール型製品
  • 製品動向:スマートテクノロジー
  • eコマースの成長
  • 核地域の建築基準法:火災の危険と電気の安全性

第5章 消費者の洞察

  • 住宅所有状況と物件規模の動向
    • 住宅所有率と賃貸料:過去の動向
    • 住宅所有率と賃貸料:年齢層別
    • 住宅所有率と賃貸料:世帯年収別
    • 所有地・物件の規模
  • 屋外生活の動向
    • 自宅での屋外スペースの存在
    • 野外活動への参加
    • ミレニアル世代の屋外生活の動向
    • 団塊世代の屋外生活の動向
    • 都市住民の屋外生活の動向
    • インスタ映えする風景と、他のソーシャルメディアの動向

第6章 製品

  • 製品別の需要
  • 輻射式ヒーター
  • 暖炉
  • ファイアーピット
  • 煙突

第7章 主要サプライヤーと市場シェア

  • 業界構成
  • 主要サプライヤー
  • 流通チャネル
    • 売上高の内訳
    • ホームセンター
    • 量販店・ホールセールクラブ
    • 専門店
    • その他のチャンネル

第8章 付録


List of Tables

2. About This Report

  • Table 2-1. Annual Outdoor Heating Product Demand by Product, 2019 - 2022 (million dollars)
  • Table 2-2. Annual Outdoor Heating Product Demand by Market, 2019 - 2022 (million dollars)

3. Overview

  • Table 3-1. Outdoor Heating Product Demand, 2011 - 2021 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-2. Outdoor Heating Product Supply & Demand, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-3. Outdoor Heating Product Demand by Market, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-4. Outdoor Heating Product Demand by Region, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-5. Outdoor Heating Product Pricing by Product, 2011 - 2031 (dollars per unit)
  • Table 3-6. Outdoor Heating Products Retail Sales by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars)

5. Consumer Insights

  • Table 5-1. US Homeownership & Rental Rates, 2011 - 2021 (percent population)
  • Table 5-2. US Homeownership & Rental Rates by Age Group, 2011 - 2021 (% adults)
  • Table 5-3. US Homeownership & Rental Rates by Annual Household Income Bracket, 2021 (% population)
  • Table 5-4. US Homeownership Rates by Property Size, 2011 - 2021 (% of respondents who own a single-family house)
  • Table 5-5. Participation in Selected Outdoor Living Activities by Age Group, 2021 (percent)
  • Table 5-6. Statements About Plant Growing by Millennials (Aged 25-45), 2022 (percent)
  • Table 5-7. Statements About Gardening by Baby Boomers, 2022 (% of consumers who grow plants)

6. Products

  • Table 6-1. Outdoor Heating Demand by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars & thousand units)
  • Table 6-2. Outdoor Radiant Heater Demand, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars & thousand units)
  • Table 6-3. Outdoor Fireplace Demand, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars & thousand units)
  • Table 6-4. Fire Pit Demand, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars & thousand units)
  • Table 6-5. Chimenea Demand, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars & thousand units)

8. Appendix

  • Table 8-1. Relevant HS Codes
  • Table 8-2. Macroeconomic Indicators, 2011 - 2031 (billion 2012 dollars)
  • Table 8-3. Population & Households, 2011 - 2031 (million persons)
  • Table 8-4. Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2011 - 2031 (billion 2012 dollars)

List of Figures

1. Executive Summary

  • Figure 1-1. Outdoor Heating Products Market

2. About This Report

  • Figure 2-1. Outdoor Heating Products: Examples
  • Figure 2-2. Annual Outdoor Heating Product Demand by Market, 2019 - 2024 (% annual change)

3. Overview

  • Figure 3-1. Outdoor Heating Product Demand, 2004 - 2021 (million dollars)
  • Figure 3-2. Consumer-Grade & Commercial-Grade Outdoor Heating Products: Key Traits
  • Figure 3-3. Outdoor Heating Product Demand Growth by Market, 2011 - 2031 (% CAGR)
  • Figure 3-4. Consumer Outdoor Heating Product Demand, 2006 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 3-5. Commercial Outdoor Heating Product Demand, 2006 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 3-6. Outdoor Heating Product Pricing by Product, 2011 - 2026 (dollars per unit)

5. Consumer Insights

  • Figure 5-1. Presence of Lawn, Garden, or Other Outdoor Space at Primary Residence by Gender, Age Group, & Household Income Bracket, 2022 (percent population)
  • Figure 5-2. Presence of Lawn, Garden, or Other Outdoor Space at Primary Residence by Urban vs. Rural Area, US Region, & Housing Type, 2022 (percent)

6. Products

  • Figure 6-1. Outdoor Heating Demand by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 6-2. Outdoor Radiant Heater Demand, 2008 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 6-3. Outdoor Fireplace Demand, 2008 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 6-4. Fire Pit Demand, 2008 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 6-5. Chimenea Demand, 2008 - 2031 (million dollars)
Product Code: 4497

This Freedonia industry study analyzes the $860 million US outdoor heating products market. It presents historical data (2011, 2016, 2021) and a forecast (2026 and 2031) by product (fire pits; fireplaces; chimeneas; radiant heaters), by market (consumer-grade, commercial-grade), and by region (Northeast, Midwest, South, West). Data are provided in dollar value for all demand, trade, and shipments figures. The study presents consumer survey data and insights and analyzes factors affecting demand. This study also provides competitive analysis on industry competitors including Agio International, American Heating Technologies, Barbecues Galore, Bond Manufacturing, Brown Jordan International, Bull Outdoor Products, Dayva International, Infratech, Landmann USA, Lynx Grills, Outdoor GreatRoom, Twin Eagles, and WC Bradley.

Demand for outdoor heating products is projected to decrease less than 1.0% per year to $830 million in 2026, from an unusually high base. Sales surged in 2020 and 2021 as consumers and businesses invested heavily in outdoor spaces because of the COVID-19 pandemic; consequently, the growth outlook is subdued as the market returns to more sustainable levels. Nevertheless, demand will remain elevated through the forecast, with the market supported by:

  • high consumer participation in outdoor living, which often involves furnishing outdoor spaces with one or more patio heating products
  • advances in construction of buildings - including both residential and nonresidential - with developed outdoor living spaces and outdoor areas, respectively
  • rising consumer spending, allowing for greater investment in outdoor living amenities
  • increasing interest in higher value heating products such as those with built-in gas lines, Wi-Fi connectivity, and smart home integration

COVID-19 Pandemic Expanded Already Strong Outdoor Living Trends

While outdoor living was already popular prior to the pandemic, the advent of COVID-19 accelerated this trend, with concerns over airborne virus transmission encouraging people to socialize outdoors. Home and business owners invested in outdoor heating products to enable comfortable use of outdoor areas throughout the year.

Going forward, outdoor living spaces will continue to grow more elaborate, involving multiple areas for family or business use. Increasingly, these areas will feature one or more outdoor heating units - such as backyard fire pits, fireplaces to complement outdoor kitchens, and radiant heaters to warm entertaining areas - in order to extend the outdoor living season beyond just the warm months of the year. These trends support not only more intensive use of outdoor heating products, but also higher value products with improved aesthetics and features like Wi-Fi connectivity.

Radiant Heaters to Remain Leading Product Due to Intensive Use in Commercial Markets

Radiant heaters will continue to be the most used outdoor heating product type, supported by their popularity in commercial establishments such as bar and restaurant patios due to the ability of wall- and ceiling-mounted units to provide heating while maximizing the amount of available outdoor space. Radiant heaters have also become increasingly popular for residences, as these products provide an easily adjustable heat source that allows homeowners to use their outdoor spaces in colder weather.

Interest in Higher Value Patio Heating Products Will Continue to Support Demand

Long-term sales will benefit from interest in higher value products, such as those featuring more stylish and/or practical designs (e.g., indoor-quality finishes; units with built-in compartments for gas tank storage) and high-tech capabilities such as Wi-Fi connectivity and smart-home integration. Although restrained somewhat by supply chain issues in recent years, the growing availability of higher end private label products imported from countries such as China and India - which are still typically lower in cost than their US-made counterparts - will support penetration of higher value heating units.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. About This Report

  • Report Details
  • Study Scope & Product Description
  • Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

3. Overview

  • Historical Market Trends
  • Supply & Demand
  • Market Overview
    • Demand by Market
    • Consumer
    • Commercial
  • Demand by Region
  • Pricing Trends
  • Retail Sales

4. Factors Impacting Outdoor Heating Demand

  • Outdoor Living
  • Demographics (Millennials, Baby Boomers, & Urbanites)
  • Product Development
  • Product Trends: Convenient & Low-Maintenance Products
  • Product Trends: Easy-to-Install & Modular Products
  • Product Trends: Smart Technology
  • Growth in E-Commerce
  • Local Building Codes: Fire Hazards & Electrical Safety

5. Consumer Insights

  • Homeownership & Property Size Trends
    • Homeownership vs. Rental Rates: Historical Trends
    • Homeownership vs. Rental Rates: Age Groups
    • Homeownership vs. Rental Rates: Annual Household Incomes
    • Owned Land & Property Size
  • Outdoor Living Trends
    • Presence of Outdoor Space at Home
    • Participation in Outdoor Living Activities
    • Outdoor Living Trends for Millennials
    • Outdoor Living Trends for Baby Boomers
    • Outdoor Living Trends for Urbanites
    • Instagram-Worthy Landscapes & Other Social Media Trends

6. Products

  • Demand by Product
  • Radiant Heaters
  • Fireplaces
  • Fire Pits
  • Chimeneas

7. Key Suppliers & Market Share

  • Industry Composition
  • Key Suppliers
  • Distribution Channels
    • Sales Breakdown
    • Home Centers
    • Mass Merchandisers & Wholesale Clubs
    • Specialty Retailers
    • Other Channels

8. Appendix

  • Scope
  • Definitions
  • Freedonia Methodology
  • Study-Specific Methodology
  • Sources
  • Related Studies & Reports
  • Macroeconomic Assumptions
    • Economic Environment
    • Demographic Trends
    • Consumer Spending