表紙:切削工具 (第4巻):世界の切削工具産業の競合分析

切削工具 (第4巻):世界の切削工具産業の競合分析

Cutting Tools Volume Four: Competitive Analysis of the Global Cutting Tools Industry

出版日: | 発行: Dedalus Consulting, Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 90 Pages, 60 Tables and Charts. | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
切削工具 (第4巻):世界の切削工具産業の競合分析
出版日: 2024年02月29日
発行: Dedalus Consulting, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 90 Pages, 60 Tables and Charts.
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

当レポート (第4巻) では、世界の切削工具産業の競合環境を地域別に分析しています。核メーカーの販売額と市場シェア (%) が地域別に示され、企業合併・買収 (M&A) などの競合要因が説明されています。その他の分類については、第1巻「世界の切削工具産業の概要」をご参照下さい。



第1巻 世界の産業概要

第1章 技術概要





  • コーティングプロセス
    • CVD (化学蒸着法)
    • PVD (物理蒸着法)
    • 多層 (超格子) セラミックコーティング
    • ナノ複合材料
    • ダイヤモンドコーティング




  • ファクトリー4.0のメリット




  • フライス加工工具
  • 旋削工具
  • 掘削/穴あけ工具
  • その他の切削工具
    • リーマー
    • バリ取り工具 (バー)
    • タップ/ダイス
    • カスタム/特殊ツール



  • 据付型切削工具
  • インデックス可能インサート


  • 高速度鋼
  • セメント炭化タングステン
  • セラミックグレード
  • サーメット (陶製合金)
  • 超研磨材
    • ダイヤモンド
      • 多結晶 (PCD) ツール
      • 単結晶 (単結晶) ツール
      • ダイヤモンドコーティングツール
    • CBN/PCBN


  • 工作機械
  • 研削・研磨技術
  • 放電加工 (EDM)
    • ワイヤーEMD
    • RAM/キャビティ/シンカーEMD
    • 小穴加工EMD
  • 粉末冶金 (PM)
  • 積層造形 (AM)
  • レーザー加工


第2章 市場概要


  • 切削工具の総需要:国別 (2023~2029年)
  • 切削工具の消費動向と予測
  • 切削工具の需要への影響要因
  • 世界の業界動向
  • 世界の機械加工産業:製品種類別 (2023~2029年)
  • 工作機械産業の概要
  • 世界の工作機械の需要:地域別・種類別 (2023~2029年)
  • 動向と予測


  • 地域別の市場要因
    • アジア太平洋
    • 欧州
    • 北米
    • 南米



  • 欧州連合 (EU)/欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • 北米
  • 南米


  • 主要な市場動向


  • 主要な市場動向


  • 需要への影響要因:形状別


  • 需要への影響要因:グレード別


  • ワークピースの材質別の動向



  • 販売代理店
  • 直接販売
  • プライベートブランド
  • オンライン
  • インテグレーター/VAR
  • 量販店


  • 競合入札
  • 定額制料金
  • 数量割引


  • サプライヤーの動向と市場シェア
  • 競合要因
    • 競合分野
    • 製品の洗練度
    • 競合技術
    • 市場参入障壁

第4巻 競合分析

第3章 競合環境

  • 競合の一般的な要因
  • 市場の競合要因 (例:価格設定、製品開発など)
  • 市場参入と新規競合企業:障害と参入ポイント
  • 今後の競合情勢


  • 切削工具の販売額・シェアの包括的分析:地域別/国別の内訳 (2023~2024年)
  • 販売額・シェア:地域別/国別
  • NAFTA (北米自由貿易協定)
  • EU (欧州連合)
  • EU圏外
  • 中国
  • 日本
  • 韓国
  • 台湾
  • インド
  • ラテンアメリカ
  • オセアニア
  • その他のアジア太平洋
  • その他の地域
  • ティア1多国籍企業 vs. 国内系・地域系サプライヤー

企業合併・買収 (M&A) 活動

  • 過去の企業合併・買収 (M&A) 活動
  • 最近のM&A 活動
  • 現在の市場縮小動向
  • 標的選択の要因

List of Tables

Section 2: Market Overview

Market by Country

  • Table 2.1: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.2: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Country (% Share): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.3: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Country (%): 2023-2029

Market by End-User

  • Table 2.4: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by End-User Industry ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.5: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by End-User Industry (% Share): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.6: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by End-User (%): 2023-2029

Market by Product Type

  • Table 2.7: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Type ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.8: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Type (% Share): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.9: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Type (%): 2023-2029

Market by Form

  • Table 2.10: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Form - Indexable, Solid ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.11: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Form - Indexable, Solid (% Share): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.12: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029

Market by Grade

  • Table 2.13: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Grade ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.14: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Grade (% Share): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.15: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Grade (%): 2023-2029

Market by Workpiece Material

  • Table 2.16: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.17: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials (% Share): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.18: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029

Competitive Environment

  • Table 2.19: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Distribution Channel (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.20: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Average Channel Markup (%): 2023-2029
  • Chart 2.21: Top Producer Shipments by Market Share (%): 2023-2024

Section 3: Competitive Environment

  • Table 3.1: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Sales Breakdown by Region ($MM): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.2: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Percent Total Sales by Region (%): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.3: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Market Share by Region (%): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.4: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Sales Breakdown by Region ($MM): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.5: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Percent Total Sales by Region (%): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.6: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Market Share by Region (%): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.7: World Cutting Tool Suppliers Sales, Year-over-Year Change by Region (%): 2023-2024

This report - Volume 4 - analyzes the competitive environment of the global cutting tools industry by region. Producer sales ($mm) and market share (%) are presented by region and competitive factors including mergers and acquisitions are discussed. Also included with an order is Volume One: Global Cutting Tools Industry Overview.

Quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented for the years 2023 through 2029, and the report has been completely revised and updated to present up-to-date trends and forecasts covering the next five years.

Global markets are broken down by consumption ($mm) by country, end-user industry, tool type, application, workpiece material, grade, distribution channels, and competitor.

With 20 years experience in the cutting tools industry, Dedalus Consulting's intelligence coverage offers the most comprehensive data and analysis available. Our published research report is in its 11th edition. Further, our Ulysses Database Subscription Service builds on that history of accumulated knowledge and contains market data for the years 2004-2029!

Scope of Coverage

The following categories present how the data was developed, organized and is presented. Breaking the data into specific categories is essential to analyze and draw meaningful insights. The breakdowns are designed to highlight key patterns and trends in the data, as well as to facilitate comparisons between different groups or segments.

Research Objectives & Methodology

Research Objectives

The primary objectives in this analysis are:

  • To provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
  • To determine the size of the total market opportunity by cutting tool product types, end-user industry, workpiece materials, and grade by country;
  • To forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
  • To assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales, market share, and producer profiles.

Methodology & Sources

Dedalus Consulting employs all current market and competitive intelligence techniques in order to ensure comprehensive research and analysis. The research methodology applies generally to all database services, published and custom research. It can also be modified to suit a project and the client's specific objectives.

Steps in our research methodology include:

  • Identification of Report/Client Objectives
  • Research program Development
  • Secondary Data Collection
  • Primary Data Collection/Interviews
  • Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis
  • Data Tabular Presentation, Visualization & Design

Product Types and Subtypes Covered:

Milling Tools

  • End/Face Mills
  • Slot/Slit Mills
  • Plunge Mills
  • Contour Mills
  • Profiling
  • Threading
  • Micromachining
  • Helical
  • Other/Specialty

Turning Tools

  • ISO Turning
  • Parting/Grooving
  • Threading
  • Profiling
  • Micromachining
  • Other

Drilling Tools

  • Standard Depth Drilling
  • Deep Hole Drilling
  • Threading
  • Micromachining
  • Interchangeable Tip
  • Other

Other Cutting Tools

  • Dies
  • Taps
  • Burrs
  • Reamers
  • Other/Specialty

Tool Types: Solid/Indexable

Tool Form

  • Indexable Inserts
  • Solid Cutting Tools

Cutting Tool Grades

  • Cemented (Tungsten) Carbides
  • High-Speed Steel (HSS)
  • Ceramics
  • Cermets
  • cBN/PcBN
  • Diamond

Workpiece Materials

  • Cast Irons (K)
  • Carbon Steels (P)
  • Stainless Steels (M)
  • High-Temperature/Super Alloys (S)
  • Hardened Materials (H)
  • Non-Ferrous Metals (N)
  • Composites
  • Other

Geographic Coverage

  • Brazil
  • China
  • CIS
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Korea (South)
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Other Asia/Pacific
  • Other EU
  • Other Europe
  • Other Latin America
  • Other NAFTA
  • Rest of World

End-User Industries Covered:

End-User Industries

  • Aerospace
  • Automation & Machinery
  • Automotive
  • Chemical Processing
  • Communications
  • Construction
  • Consumer
  • Defense/Military
  • Die & Mold
  • Electronics
  • Energy/Power Generation (e.g., renewables, nuclear)
  • Food, Beverage & Agriculture
  • Home Appliances
  • Infrastructure
  • Job Shops
  • Machining General
  • Medical/Research
  • Oil, Gas & Mining
  • Paper & Pulp Industry
  • Textile Manufacturing
  • Transportation (e.g., railroads, shipbuilding)
  • Other

Producer Market Share Breakdows (Volume 4)

  • Comprehensive Cutting Tools Sales & Share Breakdowns by Region/Country: 2023-2024
  • Regions/Countries by Sales & Share:
    • NAFTA
    • European Union
    • Non-European Union
    • China
    • Japan
    • Korea
    • Taiwan
    • India
    • Latin America
    • Oceania
    • Other Asia/Pacific
    • Rest of World
  • Tier 1 Multinationals versus Local and Regional Suppliers

Applications Covered:

  • Polishing/Lapping
  • Finishing/Deburring
  • Stock Removal
  • Grinding
  • Contouring
  • Planing
  • Sharpening
  • Boring
  • Other

Table of Contents

Volume 1: Global Industry Overview

This global industry report provides a detailed breakdown of the technology and the market dynamics driving the global cutting tools industry. Quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented for the years 2023 through 2029, and the report has been completely revised and updated to present up-to-date trends and forecasts covering the next five years. Global markets are broken down by consumption ($mm) by country, end-user industry, tool type, application, workpiece material, grade, distribution channels, and competitor.

Section 1: Technology Overview

What is a Metal Cutting Tool?

Manufacturing of Cutting Tools

Cost Factors in Cutting tools Manufacturing


  • Coatings Processes
    • CVD
    • PVD
    • Multilayer (superlattice) Ceramic Coatings
    • Nanocomposites
    • Diamond Coatings

Technological Advances in Cutting Tool Production

General Manufacturing Trends

Factory 4.0

  • The Benefits of Factory 4.0

How Cutting Tools are Selected

Workpiece Materials Defined

Cutting Tool Product Types by Application

  • Milling Tools
  • Turning Tools
  • Drilling/Holemaking Tools
  • Other Cutting Tools
    • Reamers
    • Deburring Tools (Burrs)
    • Taps/Dies
    • Custom/Specialty Tools

Machining Applications

Cutting Tool by Form

  • Solid Cutting Tools
  • Indexable Inserts

Cutting Tool Grade

  • High-Speed Steels
  • Cemented Tungsten Carbides
  • Ceramic Grade
  • Cermets
  • Superabrasives
    • Diamond
      • Polycrystalline (PCD) Tools
      • Monocrystalline (Single-crystal) Tools
      • Diamond Coated Tools
    • CBN/PcBN

Machining Technologies

  • Machine Tools
  • Grinding/Abrasive Techniques
  • Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM)
    • Wire EDM
    • RAM/Cavity/Sinker EDM
    • Small Hole Drilling EDM
  • Powder Metallurgy (PM)
  • Additive Manufacturing (AM)
  • Laser Machining


Section 2: Market Overview

Global Cutting Tools Market Overview

  • Total Demand by Country for Cutting Tools ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Trends & Forecasts in Cutting Tool Consumption
  • Factors Affecting Cutting Tool Demand
  • Global Industry Trends
  • World Machining Industry by Product Type ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Machine Tools Industry Overview
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Machine Tools by Region and Type: 2023-2029
  • Trends & Forecasts

World Market for Cutting Tools by Region

  • Regional Market Factors
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Europe
    • North America
    • South America

Supply Chain Factors

Global Policies on Industrial Production

  • European Union/Europe
  • Asia/Pacific
  • North America
  • South America

Market by End-User Consumption

  • Key Market Trends

Market by Product Type

  • Key Market Trends

Indexable Inserts & Solid Tooling

  • Factors Affecting Demand by Form

Market by Grade

  • Factors Affecting Demand by Grade

Market by Workpiece Material

  • Trends in Workpiece Material

Shipments by Distribution Channel

Getting to Market:

  • Distributors
  • Direct Sales
  • Private Labeling
  • Online
  • Integrators/VARS
  • Mass Merchandisers

Markups and Pricing

  • Competitive Bidding
  • Flat Rate
  • Volume Discounting

Competitive Environment

  • Supplier Trends and Market Share
  • Competitive Factors
    • Field of Competition
    • Product Sophistication
    • Competitive Technologies
    • Barriers to Market Entry

Volume 4: Competitive Analysis

This report - Volume 4 - analyzes the competitive environment of the global cutting tools industry by region. Producer sales ($mm) and market share (%) are presented by region and competitive factors including mergers and acquisitions are discussed. Also included with an order is Volume One: Global Cutting Tools Industry Overview.

Section 3: Competitive Environment

  • General Factors for Competition
  • Competitive Market Factors (e.g., pricing, product development...)
  • Market Entry and New Competitors: Obstacles and Points of Entry
  • Competitive Landscape Moving Forward

Producer Market Share Breakdows

  • Comprehensive Cutting Tools Sales & Share Breakdowns by Region/Country: 2023-2024
  • Regions/Countries by Sales & Share:
  • European Union
  • Non-European Union
  • China
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Taiwan
  • India
  • Latin America
  • Oceania
  • Other Asia/Pacific
  • Rest of World
  • Tier 1 Multinationals versus Local and Regional Suppliers

Mergers and Acquisition Activity

  • Historical Mergers and Acquisition Activity
  • Recent M&A Activity
  • Current Market Contraction Trends
  • Factors in Target Selection