表紙:セラミック共振器の世界市場:エンドユーザー別、競合企業:分析と予測 (2023~2029年)

セラミック共振器の世界市場:エンドユーザー別、競合企業:分析と予測 (2023~2029年)

Ceramic Resonators - Global Markets, End-Users & Competitors: 2023-2029 Analysis & Forecasts

出版日: | 発行: Dedalus Consulting, Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 125 Pages, 160 Data Tables and Data Visualizations | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
セラミック共振器の世界市場:エンドユーザー別、競合企業:分析と予測 (2023~2029年)
出版日: 2024年03月31日
発行: Dedalus Consulting, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 125 Pages, 160 Data Tables and Data Visualizations
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



各セクションには、消費額 (100万米ドル)、消費量 (100万個)、平均販売価格 (米ドル/個) などの定量的な市場データが含まれています。データや図表には、国別、エンドユーザー産業と用途別、動作周波数別、パッケージ別・コネクターの種類別、サプライヤーの売上高と市場シェアなどの内訳が含まれています。2023年を基本年、2024年を推定年、2029年を予測年として、2023年から2029年までのデータを年別に掲載しています。



  • 市場の機会と可能性を正確に評価するために必要なツールを顧客に提供すること
  • 全体的な市場機会・市場規模を、周波数制御部品の製品種類別・エンドユーザー産業別・用途別・パッケージ別・コネクタ別に計測すること
  • 各製品の今後の成長動向を地域別・最終用途市場別に予測すること
  • 市場の競合環境を評価すること (サプライヤーの売上高・市場シェア、メーカーのプロファイルなど)


  • アルゼンチン
  • オーストラリア
  • ブラジル
  • カナダ
  • 中国
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • 香港
  • インド
  • アイルランド
  • イスラエル
  • イタリア
  • 日本
  • 韓国
  • メキシコ
  • オランダ
  • ロシア
  • 南アフリカ
  • スペイン
  • スイス
  • 台湾
  • 英国
  • 米国
  • その他の南北アメリカ諸国
  • その他のアジア太平洋諸国
  • その他の欧州諸国
  • その他の中東諸国
  • その他の地域 (ROW)


第1章 技術概要



  • シリコンベース (MEMS) vs. 圧電デバイス
  • MEMS共振器の安定性・精度の向上
  • 超安定水晶振動子・共振器
  • 安定性を高める新しい方法
  • 高周波SAW・BAWデバイス
  • デジタルパルス圧縮技術


  • 水晶振動子
    • 音叉型水晶振動子
    • KHz範囲・MHz範囲の水晶振動子
  • XO (非補償型水晶発振器)
  • TCXO (温度補償水晶発振器)
  • VCXO (電圧制御水晶発振器)
  • OCXO (恒温槽付水晶発振器)
  • ハイブリッドデバイス (TCVCXO、VCTCXO、デジタル補償)
  • MEMSベース発振器
  • SAW・BAWデバイス
  • RbXO (ルビジウムクロック発振器)・原子時計
  • セラミック共振器


  • 非精密
  • 低精密
  • 半精密
  • 精密
  • 高精密
  • 超高精密


  • 表面実装デバイス (SMD)
  • スルーホール
  • ディップ/SIP


  • 金属
  • セラミック
  • プラスチック
  • 特殊パッケージ
  • パッケージの問題


  • TTL (トランジスタ・トランジスタ論理回路)
  • EML (エミッタ結合ロジック)
  • CMOS相補型金属酸化膜半導体 (CMOS)
  • 正弦波
  • その他


  • 競合技術
  • 石英ベースの限界
  • 表面弾性波 (SAW) とバルク弾性波 (BAW)
  • MEMSの進歩


  • 製造工程での改善が性能・安定性に及ぼす影響
  • 原材料
  • 合成石英の生産
  • その他の周波数制御向け材料
  • クリスタルカット
  • シングル回転ATカット/ダブル回転SCカット
  • クリスタルシール方法
  • MEMSベース発振器の製造

第2章 市場概要



  • 世界の周波数制御・タイミングデバイス市場:製品種類別 (100万米ドル、100万個、平均販売価格)
  • 世界の周波数制御・タイミングデバイス市場:国別 (100万米ドル、100万個、平均販売価格)
  • 全体的なパーセンテージ
  • 年間平均成長率 (CAGR) (2023~2029年)
  • 製品種類別の価格動向


  • 既存市場における有機的成長
  • 新しい活用領域
  • ニッチな市場
  • 製品の洗練と技術革新


  • 世界の周波数制御コンポーネントの市場 (外販用・自家用の生産)
  • 大手の自家用メーカー
  • 自家用生産のエンドユーザー市場


  • 世界のSAW共振器/発振器市場:流通チャネル別 (100万米ドル、100万個、平均販売価格)
  • 価格動向と割引
  • プライベートブランド・EMSの供給チャネル
  • 流通業者の利益率


  • 世界の周波数制御コンポーネントの市場:エンドユーザー別・用途別 (100万米ドル、100万個、平均販売価格)
  • エンドユーザーが求めている物:エンドユーザーの製品選択基準
  • 高成長市場
  • IoT (モノのインターネット)
    • IoT市場の定義
    • 周波数制御・タイミングデバイスへの影響
    • 適用製品
    • コネクティビティにおける新たな用途


  • 過去の業界の構造
  • 市場参入の障壁
    • 設備投資
    • サプライチェーン
    • カスタマー・ロイヤルティ
    • 国際貿易
  • 競合要因
    • 業績と価格
    • 製造プロセス


  • メーカーの総売上高と市場シェア (100万米ドル:2023~2024年)
  • 市場シェア
  • 平均成長率:メーカー別 (2023~2024年)
  • 企業戦略
  • 競争上の強みと弱み
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 技術的要因
  • 精度と性能
  • 高周波用途
  • 破壊的技術


  • 世界の政策変更
    • 米国、北米・ラテンアメリカ
      • NAFTAの影響
      • 環太平洋パートナーシップ協定 (TPP)
      • メキシコとラテンアメリカの製造情勢の変遷
    • 欧州連合 (EU)
    • アジア太平洋
      • 貿易の転換に対する中国の対応
      • 東南アジアの製造業の変遷
    • 世界のその他の地域
      • アフリカのインフラの飛躍
      • ワイヤレス・通信
      • 再生可能エネルギー
      • 中東の軍事と防衛

第3章 セラミック共振器


全体的な市場規模 (金額ベース)

  • 世界のセラミック共振器市場 (2023~2029年)
  • 世界のセラミック共振器の市場規模:国別 (100万米ドル)
  • 全体的な市場シェア:国別
  • セラミック共振器の需要:国別 (100万個)
  • 価格動向と分析:国別
  • セラミック共振器市場:平均販売価格 (米ドル/個)
  • 平均年間成長率 (2023~2029年)


  • 大手の自家用メーカー
  • 自家用生産のエンドユーザー市場


  • 世界のセラミック共振器市場:流通チャネル別 (100万米ドル、100万個、平均販売価格)
  • 価格動向と割引
  • プライベートブランド・EMSの供給チャネル
  • 流通業者の利益率


  • 世界市場の規模:周波数別 (100万米ドル)
  • 全体的な市場シェア
  • 世界市場の規模:周波数別 (100万個)
  • 価格動向
  • 世界市場の平均販売価格 (米ドル/個)
  • 平均年間成長率 (2023~2029年)


  • 世界市場の規模:コネクタの種類別 (100万米ドル)
  • 全体的な市場シェア
  • 世界市場の規模:コネクタの種類別 (100万個)
  • 価格動向
  • 世界市場の平均販売価格 (米ドル/個)
  • 平均年間成長率 (2023~2029年)


  • 世界市場の規模:パッケージの種類別 (100万米ドル)
  • 全体的な市場シェア
  • 世界市場の規模:パッケージの種類別 (100万個)
  • 価格動向
  • 世界市場の平均販売価格 (米ドル/個)
  • 平均年間成長率 (2023~2029年)


  • 世界市場の規模:精度別 (100万米ドル)
  • 全体的な市場シェア
  • 世界市場の規模:精度別 (100万個)
  • 価格動向
  • 世界市場の平均販売価格 (米ドル/個)
  • 平均年間成長率 (2023~2029年)


  • 市場規模:用途別 (100万米ドル)
  • 全体的な市場シェア
  • 平均年間成長率 (2023~2029年)
  • 市場動向:用途別
  • 将来予測:用途別 (2023~2029年)


  • セラミック共振器メーカーの売上高と市場シェア (100万米ドル・100万個・平均販売価格:2023~2024年)
    • アジア太平洋
    • 南北アメリカ
    • 欧州
    • その他
  • 市場シェア:地域別
  • 平均販売価格:メーカー別・地域別 (米ドル/個)
  • 累積平均成長率 (CAGR、2023~2024年)
  • 平均成長率:メーカー別 (2023~2024年)
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 高成長市場
  • 技術革新

List of Tables

Section Two: Market Overview

  • Table 2.1: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Product Type ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.2: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Product Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.3: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change by Product Type (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.4: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Product Type (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.5: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Product Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.6: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change by Product Type (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.7: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by Product Type ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.8: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP of by Product Type (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.9: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.10: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.11: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.12: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.13: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.14: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.15: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by Country ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.16: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.17: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.18: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.19: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.20: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.21: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.22: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.23: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.24: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.25: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.26: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.27: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application, Year-over-Year Change (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.28: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.29: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.30: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application, Year-over-Year Change (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.31: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by End-User Market & Application ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.32: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2023-2029
  • Table 2.33: World Frequency Control Components by Producer Sales & Market Share ($MM): 2023-2024

Section Three: Ceramic Resonators

  • Table 3.1: World Ceramic Resonators Market Total ($MM, UnitsMM, $/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.2: World Ceramic Resonators Market by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.3: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share ($MM) by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.4: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value ($MM) by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.5: World Ceramic Resonators Market by Country (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.6: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share (UnitsMM) by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.7: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Volume (UnitsMM) by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.8: World Ceramic Resonators Average Selling Price (ASP) by Country ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.9: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators ASP ($/Unit) by Country (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.10: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Connector Type ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.11: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share ($MM) by Connector Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.12: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value ($MM) by Connector Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.13: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Connector Type (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.14: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share (UnitsMM) by Connector Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.15: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value (UnitsMM) by Connector Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.16: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Connector Type ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.17: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators ASP ($/Unit) by Connector Type (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.18: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Packaging ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.19: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share ($MM) by Packaging (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.20: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value ($MM) by Packaging (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.21: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Packaging (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.22: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share (UnitsMM) by Packaging (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.23: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value (UnitsMM) by Packaging (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.24: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Packaging ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.25: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators ASP ($/Unit) by Packaging (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.26: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Stability ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.27: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share ($MM) by Stability (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.28: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value ($MM) by Stability (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.29: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Stability (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.30: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share (UnitsMM) by Stability (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.31: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value (UnitsMM) by Stability (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.32: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by Stability ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.33: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators ASP ($/Unit) by Stability (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.34: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by End-User Market & Application ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.35: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share ($MM) by End-User Market & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.36: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value ($MM) by End-User Market & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.37: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by End-User Market & Application (UnitsMM): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.38: World Ceramic Resonators Market Share (UnitsMM) by End-User Market & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.39: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators Market Value (UnitsMM) by End-User Market & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.40: World Ceramic Resonators Demand by End-User Market & Application ($/Unit): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.41: Year-over-Year Change (CAGR) of Ceramic Resonators ASP ($/Unit) by End-User Market & Application (%): 2023-2029
  • Table 3.42: World Ceramic Resonators Suppliers by Sales and Market Share ($MM): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.43: World Ceramic Resonators Suppliers by Sales and Market Share (UnitsMM): 2023-2024
  • Table 3.44: World Ceramic Resonators Suppliers by Average Selling Price (ASP) ($/Unit): 2023-2024

List of Companies Researched

The following list of companies includes manufacturers, distributors and private labeling companies. These companies and many more were researched and/or contacted for an interview during the preparation of this report. Factors discussed and researched include:

  • Company Contact Information
  • Company History & Development
  • Merger & Acquisition History
  • Key Employees & Management Structure
  • Frequency Control Product Offerings
  • Total Revenue
  • Total Frequency Control Component Revenue by Type
  • Regional Sales of Frequency Control Components
  • Pricing of Frequency Control Devices
  • Product Development Cycles
  • Distribution Channels
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Main End-Use Markets Served
  • Supply Chain Information
  • Percentage R&D
  • Company Strengths & Weaknesses

Companies researched include:

  • Abracon
  • Abundance Enterprise Co. (AEC)
  • AccuBeat
  • Advanced Crystal Technology
  • AEL Crystals
  • Aker Technology
  • Amplitronix
  • Anderson Electronics
  • Andhra Electronics
  • Argo Technology
  • Avago
  • AVX/Kyocera
  • Baknor Electronic Industries
  • Bliley Technologies
  • Bomar Crystals
  • Bubang Techron
  • Cal Crystals Lab
  • Caliber Electronics
  • Cardinal Components
  • CETC Deqing Huaying Electronics
  • Champion Technologies (Mtron PTI)
  • Chequers Electronic
  • China Nat'l Scientific Inst +- Materials
  • ChungHo Elcom
  • Citizen Finetech Miyota
  • Connor-Winfield
  • Crescent Frequency Products
  • Croven Crystals Wenzel International
  • Crystek
  • CTS Electronic Comp/CTS Valpey/Fordahl
  • Cymatics
  • Discera/Microchips
  • Ecliptek
  • ECM Electronics
  • ECS International
  • eoSemi
  • Epson
  • Euroquartz
  • Exodus Dynamics
  • Filtronetics
  • FOQ Piezo Technik
  • Fox Electronics
  • Frequency Electronics
  • Fronter Electronics
  • GEMMA Quartz
  • Geyer Electronic
  • Golledge Electronics
  • GreenRay Industries
  • Harmony Electronics
  • Hong Kong X'tals
  • Hooray Electronics
  • Hope Microelectronics
  • Hosonic Electronics
  • Huilong Electronic (Jinhua)
  • Hy-Q International Pty
  • ILSI America
  • Inficon EDC
  • InnoChips Technology
  • Intergrated Device Technology (IDT)
  • International Crystal Manufacturing
  • Interquip Electronics
  • IQD Frequency Products
  • ISOTEMP Research
  • ITTI
  • Jauch Quartz
  • KDS Daishinku
  • KVG Quartz Crystal Technology
  • KYOCERA Crystal Device
  • Kyocera Kinseki
  • Kyushu Dentsu (KDK)
  • LapTech Precision
  • Lihom-Cuchen
  • Magic Crystal
  • Maxim Integrated Products
  • Megachips
  • Mercury Electronics Ind
  • Micro Crystal
  • Microsaw
  • Morion
  • MTI-Milliren Technologies
  • MtronPTI
  • Murata Manufacturing/Tokyo Denpa
  • Nakagawa Electronics (NKG)
  • NEL Frequency Control
  • New Japan Radio Company
  • Nihon Dempa Kogyo (NDK)
  • Nova Technology
  • NXP Semicondutors NV
  • One Light Electronics
  • OnSpec Oscillators
  • Oscilent
  • Oscilloquartz SA (Swatch)
  • Pericom Semiconductors
  • Phonon
  • Pletronics
  • Precision Devices
  • Q-Crystal
  • Q-Tech
  • Qorvo
  • Quartz Pro AB
  • QuartzlocK
  • QVS Tech
  • Rakon/CMAC/Temex
  • Raltron Electronics
  • RF Monolithics
  • River Eletec
  • Saint-Gobain Quartz PLC
  • Samsung Electro-Mechanics (SEM)
  • Sand9/Analog Devices
  • Seiko Epson
  • Shenzhen Crystal Technology
  • Shenzhen Khanate Electronics
  • Shenzhen TKD Crystal Industrial
  • Shoulder Electronics
  • Silicon Laboratories
  • SiTime
  • Siward Cyrstal Technology
  • Solectron/Centum
  • Spectratime SA
  • SPK Electronics
  • Stanford Research Systems
  • Statek
  • Sunny Electronics
  • Swatch Group Ltd.
  • Symmetricom (Microsemi)
  • Tai-Saw Technology
  • Taitien Electronics
  • Tellurian Technology
  • Texas Instruments
  • Thales Microelectronics SA
  • Tokyo Denpa
  • Tongfang Guoxin Electronics
  • Total Frequency Control (TFC)
  • Transko Electronics
  • TXC
  • Vectron International
  • Vishay Intertechnology
  • Vremya-CH
  • Wenzel Associate
  • Wuhan TGS Crystals
  • Yoketan
  • Z-Communications
  • ZheJiang East Crystal Electronic

A detailed and comprehensive analysis of the world market for ceramic resonators used in frequency control and timing applications. This report presents both quantitative and qualitative market intelligence by product type, geographic market, end-user markets, application, and competitor. Applications markets are also analyzed in terms of frequency, packaging, and precision requirements. Further, a detailed Technology Overview provides valuable information on recent advances, competitive analogs, product types, materials, output types and connector/packaging.

Our core database dates back to 1994, and our history of covering this market has seen technological surges and disruptions, major globalization changes, and drastic changes in supply-side economics. The report builds on that extensive knowledgebase and compiles the best available data on the frequency control and timing industry.


Each section is broken down according to market criteria. The report contains detailed market data including market by value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit). Specific quantitative analysis tables include product markets by region, application, end-user industry, and competitive supplier sales/market share. Data and analysis include: size of total market opportunity; market forecasts in regional and end-use markets; competition by product type.

The report contains over 125 pages and over 160 data tables and data visualizations.

Scope of Coverage:

The following categories present how the data was developed, organized and is presented. Breaking the data into specific categories is essential to analyze and draw meaningful insights. The breakdowns are designed to highlight key patterns and trends in the data, as well as to facilitate comparisons between different groups or segments.

Each section contains quantitative market data including market by consumption value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit). Data tables and visualizations include breakdowns by country, end-user industry & applications, operating frequencies, packaging and connector types, and supplier sales & market share. Data is given for the years 2023-2029 by year with 2023 as the base year, 2024 as the estimate year, and 2029 as the forecast year.

Research Objectives:

The primary objectives in this analysis are:

  • To provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
  • To determine the size of the total market opportunity by frequency control component product types, end-user industry, application, packaging, and connector;
  • To forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
  • To assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales, market share, and producer profiles.

Each section contains quantitative market data including market by value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit) by country, supplier sales & market share, applications & end-user, packaging type and connector. Data is given for the years 2023-2029 by year with 2023 as the base year, 2024 as the estimate year, and 2029 as the forecast year.

Geography Covered by Country:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Korea (South)
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Russia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Other Americas
  • Other Asia/Pacific
  • Other Europe
  • Other Mid East
  • Rest of World

Table of Contents

Section One: Technology Overview


  • Piezoelectric Effect
  • Discovery & History
  • Technological Definitions
    • Aging, Frequency, Fundamental Mode, Jitter, Noise, Stability, Tolerance & more...
  • Frequency Control Technologies
    • Quartz-based
    • Other Piezoelectric Materials
    • Digitally-based
    • Silicon-based
    • Ceramic-based
    • Other Technologies
  • Outputs
  • Compensation Techniques
  • Packaging

Technological Advances

  • Silicon-based (MEMS) vs. Piezoelectric Devices
  • Stability and Precision Advances in MEMS Resonators
  • Ultra-stable Quartz Crystal Resonators
  • New Methods in Increasing Stability
  • High-Frequency SAW and BAW Devices
  • Digital Pulse Compression Technology

Frequency Control Products Defined

  • Quartz Crystal Resonator
    • Tuning Fork Crystal
    • KHz Range, MHz Range
  • XO (Uncompensated Crystal Oscillator)
  • TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator)
  • VCXO (Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
  • OCXO (Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
  • Hybrid Devices (TCVCXO, VCTCXO, Digitally Compensated)
  • MEMS-based Oscillators
  • SAW & BAW Devices
  • RbXO (Rubidium Clock Oscillator) & Atomic Clocks
  • Ceramic Resonator


  • Non-Precision
  • Low Precision
  • Semi-Precision
  • Precision
  • High Precision
  • Very High Precision


  • Surface-Mount Devices (SMD)
  • Through-hole


  • Metal
  • Ceramic
  • Plastic
  • Specialty Packaging
  • Packaging Issues

Output Type

  • Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
  • Emitter-Coupled Logic (EML)
  • Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
  • Sinewave
  • Other

Technological Differences

  • Competing Technologies
  • Quartz-based Limitations
  • Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) vs. Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW)
  • MEMS Advances

Frequency Control and Timing Devices Manufacturing Processes

  • Improvements in Manufacturing Impact Performance and Stability
  • Raw Materials
  • Synthetic Quartz Production
  • Other Materials for Frequency Control
  • Crystal Cuts
  • Single-Rotated AT-cut/Double-Rotated SC-cut
  • Crystal Sealing Methods
  • MEMS-Based Oscillator Manufacturing

Section Two: Market Overview

General Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by Product Type ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by Country ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 2023-2029
  • Pricing Trends by Product Type

Factors Affecting Demand

  • Organic Growth within Existing Markets
  • New Application Areas
  • Niche Markets
  • Product Sophistication & Technological Innovation

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by Merchant vs. Captive Production
  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for SAW Resonators/Oscillators by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

End-User Market Demand

  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by End-User & Application ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • What are End-User Looking for: End-User Criteria for Product Selection
  • High-Growth Markets
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Defining the IoT Market
    • Impact on Frequency Control & Timing Devices
    • Products Applied
    • New Applications in Connectivity

Competitive Environment

  • Historical Structure of the Industry
    • What has changed over the last 20 years?
  • Barriers of Market Entry
    • Capital Investment
    • Supply Chain
    • Customer Loyalty
    • Global Trade
  • Factors of Competition
    • Performance versus Price
    • Manufacturing Processes

Producer Sales & Market Share

  • Total Producer Sales and Market Shares ($MM): 2023-2024
  • Percentage Share
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2023-2024
  • Company Strategies
  • Competitive Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • Technological Factors
  • Precision versus Performance
  • Higher Frequency Applications
  • Disruptive Technologies

Shifting International Environment

  • Policy Changes Globally
    • United States, North & Latin America
      • NAFTA Impacts
      • Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
      • Shifting Manufacturing Landscape in Mexico & Latin America
    • European Union
    • Asia/Pacific
      • Chinese Response to Shifting Trade
      • Changing Southeast Asia Manufacturing Landscape
    • Rest of World
      • Leapfrogs in African Infrastructure
      • Wireless & Telecom
      • Renewable Energy
      • Military & Defense in the Middle East

Section Three: Ceramic Resonators


  • Major World Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for Ceramic Resonators: 2023-2029
  • World Market Value for Ceramic Resonators by Country ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals by Country
  • Demand for Ceramic Resonators by Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends & Analysis by Country
  • Market for Ceramic Resonators by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2023-2029

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for Ceramic Resonators by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

Market for Ceramic Resonators by Frequency

  • World Value by Frequency ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2023-2029

Market for Ceramic Resonators by Connector Type

  • World Value by Connector Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2023-2029

Market for Ceramic Resonators by Packaging Type

  • World Value by Packaging Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Packaging Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2023-2029

Market for Ceramic Resonators by Precision

  • World Value by Precision ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Precision (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2023-2029

Market for Ceramic Resonators by End-User Industry & Application

  • Market Value by Application ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate 2023-2029
  • Market Trends by Application
  • Forecast by Application: 2023-2029

Competitive Environment

  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for Ceramic Resonators by Region ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2023-2024
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Americas
    • Europe
    • Other
  • Percentage Share by Region
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Region
  • Cumulative Average Growth Rate 2023-2024
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2023-2024
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • High-Growth Markets
  • Technological Innovations