

The European Market for Bathroom Furniture, Furnishings and Wellness

出版日: | 発行: CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies | ページ情報: 英文 246 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: EURを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1EUR=168.78円
出版日: 2022年07月31日
発行: CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies
ページ情報: 英文 246 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次





Antonio Lupi, Arbi, Arblu, Arbonia, Arcom, Ballingslöv、Baden Haus、Bathroom Brands、Bette、Boffi、Bristan、Burgbad、Coram、Dansani-INR、Dornbracht、Duravit、Duscholux、Fackelmann、Fournier、Franke、Gebrit、Gessi、Grohe、Guglielmi Rubinetterie、Hansgrohe、Hallo、Hewi、Hoesch、Howden Joinery、Idea、Ideal Standard、Ikea、Inda+Samo、Jacuzzi、Kaldewei、Keuco,Klafs, Kludi, Kohler, Leda, Mattson Mora, Megius, Nuovvo, Nobili Rubinetterie, Norcros, Novellini, Oras, Paini Rubinetterie, Pelipal, Poalgi, Porcelanosa, Puris Bad-Laguna, Roca, Roper Rhodes, Royo, Sanitas Troesch, Savini+Savini Due, Scavolini, Svedbergs, Victoria Plum, Villeroy &Boch, Vitra Vola, Wren.



  • 調査手法、調査ツール、用語


  • 欧州のバスルーム家具、備品、ウェルネス市場:商品別販売予測、平均価格
    • 化粧台(バスルーム家具、バスルーム家具/アクセサリー、バスルームの鏡、アクリルシンク)シャワー(シャワースクリーン、シャワーアーム、シャワートレイ、多機能シャワーブース)、蛇口(バスルームとキッチンの蛇口と蛇口)、セラミック製の水処理衛生陶器(WCシート、セラミック製の衛生陶器)、浴槽(アクリル浴槽・ジェットバス浴槽)
  • バスルーム家具、備品、ウェルネスの欧州市場:国別の販売推計
    • オーストリア、ベルギー、デンマーク、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、イタリア、オランダ、ノルウェー、スペイン、ポルトガル、スウェーデン、スイス、英国、アイルランド、ブルガリア、クロアチア、チェコ共和国、エストニア、ハンガリー、ラトビア、リトアニア、ポーランド、ルーマニア、スロバキア、スロベニア


  • セグメント別:バスルーム家具、備品、ウェルネス消費の市場動向(2016-2021)、各国および欧州全体の総消費予測(2022-2025)
  • 各国および欧州全体の各指標(人口、経済および建設指標)の動向、(2016年~2021年)、予測(2022年~2025年)


  • 欧州でバスルーム家具、備品、ウェルネス製品を製造する欧州の製造会社100社のサンプルの各財務指標:収益性指標(ROI、ROE、EBIT、EBITDA)、財務構造指標(資産、株主資金、キャッシュフロー、ソルベンシー比率)、雇用および労働指標


  • 欧州の商品および流通チャネル別バスルーム販売推計:キッチンとバスルームの専門、ショールームのあるバス用品の卸売業者、配管工と設置業者、家具店/チェーンおよびデパート、DIY、契約、eコマース
  • 欧州のバスルームの家具、備品、ウェルネス:サンプル企業における流通チャネル別販売推計
  • 契約市場の各連絡先:建築事務所
  • 料金
    • 対象の各バスルーム製品:サンプル企業の欧州における標準小売価格
    • バスルームの家具、備品、ウェルネス:価格帯別および国のクラスター別の欧州での販売推計
  • 都市とブランドのジオカライゼーションの各サンプルにおける需要(アムステルダム、アテネ、バルセロナ、ベルリン、バーミンガム、ブリュッセル、ブカレスト、ケルン、コペンハーゲン、ダブリン、ブダペスト、フランクフルト、ハンブルク、ヘルシンキ、リスボン、ロンドン、リヨン、マドリッド、マンチェスター、ミラノ)、ミュンヘン、オスロ、パリ、プラハ、ローマ、ストックホルム、トリノ、ウィーン、ワルシャワ、チューリッヒ)


  • バスルームの家具、備品、ウェルネス:欧州での販売推計と主要企業間のサンプルの市場シェア
  • バスルーム家具:バスルームの備品/アクセサリーと鏡、シャワースクリーン、シャワーアーム、シャワートレイ、ジェットバスと多機能シャワーブース、バスルームとキッチンの蛇口と蛇口、トイレの座席、セラミック衛生陶器、アクリルシンクとバスタブ


  • 欧州の国別:主要企業のサンプルとして考慮されたのバスルームの販売推計と市場シェア(オーストリア、ベルギー、デンマーク、フィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、イタリア、オランダ、ノルウェー、スペイン、ポルトガル、スウェーデン、スイス、英国、アイルランド、ブルガリア、クロアチア、チェコ共和国、ハンガリー、ポーランド、ルーマニア、スロバキア、スロベニア)


  • 欧州のバスルーム用家具、備品企業約300社の住所一覧
Product Code: S12

The 11th of CSIL Report “The European market for bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness” offers an accurate comprehensive picture of the bathroom furniture and furnishings industry in Europe (covering a total of 28 countries) , providing data and trends (both in value and in volume) on bathroom equipment consumption, at European level as a whole and for each country considered, for the total sector and by segment.

The study presents the main macroeconomic variables necessary to analyse the performance of the sector, the estimated stock of bathrooms in Europe, market trend 2016-2021 and forecast up to 2025, the analysis of the competitive system, a financial analysis on a sample of 100 selected European companies that have bathroom furniture as main business area, are also provided.

The analysis of the distribution system in the bathroom furniture and furnishing sector in Europe considers the main channels of sales: bathroom and kitchen specialist retailers, wholesalers of bathroom products, Plumbers and installers, furniture stores/chains and department stores, DIY, contract, e-commerce, offering estimates, at European level, of the value of each distribution channel by product type. Standard retail prices by product and by price range are also given for a sample of companies. The section also includes a listing of 50 architectural companies valuable for the Project market, and the 30 Local (city) markets to watch on a 2023 perspective.

This report takes into consideration 14 bathroom products grouped in five segments:

  • Vanities: bathroom furniture; bathroom furnishings/Accessories (including soap dishes, towel racks, toilet brushes, tumbler supports, toilet tissue holders, robe hooks, shower curtains, etc.); bathroom mirrors; acrylic sinks
  • Showers: shower screens (including shower screens/partitions, structures to install on the shower tray and bathtub panels); shower arms; shower trays; multifunctional shower booths (including equipped whirlpool columns that can be installed on the wall inside a simple cabin and Mini Spas)
  • Faucets: bathroom faucets; kitchen faucets
  • Ceramic hydro sanitary ware: all ceramic products (WC, sinks, bidets, urinals, bathtubs); WC seats
  • Bathtubs: acrylic bathtubs; whirlpool bathtubs / Mini Spa.

The countries covered were divided into five areas according to their geographical proximity and similarity in market characteristics. These areas are:

  • Northern Europe: Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), Norway (NO) and Sweden (SE)
  • Western Europe: Belgium (BE) including Luxembourg, France (FR), Ireland (IE) and the United Kingdom (UK)
  • Central Europe: Austria (AT), Germany (DE), the Netherlands (NL) and Switzerland (CH)
  • Southern Europe: Greece (GR), Italy (IT), Portugal (PT) and Spain (ES);
  • Central-Eastern Europe (CEE): Bulgaria (BG), Croatia (HR), Czech Republic (CZ), Estonia (EE), Hungary (HU), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Poland (PL), Romania (RO), Slovakia (SK) and Slovenia (SL)

Via detailed tables are shown sales data and market shares of the top European bathroom furniture and furnishings companies for each bathroom products and in each European country considered, together with short company profiles.

An address list of around 280 European bathroom furniture and furnishings companies completes the study.


CSIL estimates that the European bathroom furniture, furnishing and wellness market increased by 12% in 2021 to a value of Eur 15.5 billion and by 2.9% on average per year since 2016. As a preliminary CSIL estimates a further growth by 2.7% in 2022. This positive trend has been confirmed by the preliminary results of many companies, who kept recording increasing orders in the first half of 2022 despite rising prices, economic and geopolitical instability.

In 2021, bathroom faucets, bathroom furniture, and sanitary ware are the biggest segments, accounting for approximately 19%, 18% and 17% respectively of the total market value. Germany confirms as the major European market for bathroom equipment, followed by Italy, the United Kingdom, and France.

The ten top players in CSIL sample have a cumulative market share of almost 45%. Most of them reported double digit result during 2021. The market leaders are Grohe, Geberit and Roca

Selected companies mentioned:

Antonio Lupi, Arbi, Arblu, Arbonia, Arcom, Ballingslöv, Baden Haus, Bathroom Brands, Bette, Boffi, Bristan, Burgbad, Coram, Dansani-INR, Dornbracht, Duravit, Duscholux, Fackelmann, Fournier, Franke, Geberit, Gessi, Grohe, Guglielmi Rubinetterie, Hansgrohe, Haro, Hewi, Hoesch, Howden Joinery, Idea, Ideal Standard, Ikea, Inda + Samo, Jacuzzi, Kaldewei, Keuco, Klafs, Kludi, Kohler, Leda, Mattson Mora, Megius, Nuovvo, Nobili Rubinetterie, Norcros, Novellini, Oras, Paini Rubinetterie, Pelipal, Poalgi, Porcelanosa, Puris Bad - Laguna, Roca, Roper Rhodes, Royo, Sanitas Troesch, Savini + Savini Due, Scavolini, Svedbergs, Victoria Plum, Villeroy & Boch, Vitra Vola, Wren.

Table of Contents


  • Methodology; Research tools; Terminology

Basic data

  • European market for bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness. Estimated sales by product. Eur million, thousand units and average prices
    • Vanities (bathroom furniture; bathroom furnishings/accessories; bathroom mirrors; acrylic sinks) Shower (shower screens; shower arms; shower trays; multifunctional shower booths); Faucets (bathroom and kitchen taps and faucets); Ceramic hydrosanitary ware (WC seats; ceramic sanitary ware); Bathtubs (acrylic bathtubs; whirlpool bathtubs)
  • European market for bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness. Estimated sales by country. Eur million
    • Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hunagry, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

Activity trend and forecasts

  • Market trend for the bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness consumption by segment (2016-2021) and forecast of total consumption (2022-2025) for each country and for Europe as a whole
  • Trend of selected indicators (population, economic and construction indicators), 2016-2021, and forecast, 2022-2025, foer each country and Europe as a whole

Financial analysis

  • Selected financial indicators for a sample of 100 European manufacturing companies that produce bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness in Europe. Profitability indicators (ROI, ROE, EBIT, EBITDA); Financial structure indicators (Assets, Shareholder funds, Cash flow, solvency ratio); Employment and Labour indicators.


  • Europe. Estimated bathroom sales by distribution channel by product. Kitchen and Bathroom specialists; Wholesalers of bath products with showroom; Plumbers and installers; Furniture stores/chains and department stores; DIY; Contract; E-commerce
  • Europe. Bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness. Estimated sales by distribution channel in a sample of companies
  • A selection of contacts for the Contract market: architectural offices
  • Prices
    • Standard retail prices in Europe, for each bathroom product considered, for a sample of companies
    • Bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness. Estimated sales value in Europe by price range and by cluster of countries
  • Demand in a selected sample of cities and brands geocalization (Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Birmingham, Brussels, Bucharest, Cologne, Copenhagen, Dublin, Budapest, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Helsinki, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Manchester, Milan, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Turin, Vienna, Warsaw, Zurich)

Company market shares by product

  • Bathroom furniture, furnishings and wellness. Estimated sales in Europe and market shares of a sample among the leading companies
  • Estimated bathroom sales in Europe and market shares by product for a sample among the leading companies: Bathroom furniture; Bathroom furnishings/Accessories and mirrors; Shower screens; Shower arms; Shower trays; Whirlpool bathtubs and Multifunctional shower booths; Bathroom and Kitchen taps and faucets; WC seats; Ceramic sanitary ware; Acrylic sinks and bathtubs

Company market shares by country

  • Estimated bathroom sales and market shares by European country considered for a sample among the leading companies: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hunagry, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia


  • Address list of around 300 European bathroom furniture and furnishings companies