
ホワイト水素 (天然水素) 市場:探査・確認済み鉱床・将来のシナリオ

White (Natural) Hydrogen Market: Focus on Exploration, Identified Deposits, and Future Scenarios

出版日: | 発行: BIS Research | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 1~5営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
ホワイト水素 (天然水素) 市場:探査・確認済み鉱床・将来のシナリオ
出版日: 2024年03月19日
発行: BIS Research
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 1~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



当レポートでは、世界のホワイト水素 (天然水素) の市場を調査し、市場概要、主要動向、技術および特許の動向、法規制環境、市場影響因子および市場機会の分析、市場規模の推移・予測、各種区分・地域別の詳細分析、競合情勢、主要企業のプロファイルなどをまとめています。


  • 研究機関
    • National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
    • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
    • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • 探査・掘削企業
    • Helios
    • Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC
    • Koloma
    • Hydroma Inc.
    • H2Au
    • La Francaise de l Energie SA
    • Gold Hydrogen Limited
    • HyTerra
  • 上流サービスプロバイダー
    • Schlumberger
    • CGG
    • Halliburton
    • Baker Hughes
    • Weatherford
    • TechnipFMC plc
  • サービス&機器企業
    • Chapman Hydrogen and Petroleum Engineering Ltd.
  • ガス会社
    • BP p.l.c.
    • Shell
    • Eni
    • Equinor ASA
  • 輸送システムオペレーター
    • Gasunie
    • 50Hertz
    • GRTgaz
    • Enagas S.A.
  • 潜在的企業
    • Repsol
    • ENGIE
    • TotalEnergies



第1章 市場:業界の展望

  • 水素市場の動向:現在と将来
    • 再生可能水素製造の需要の拡大
    • 水素インフラの容量拡大
  • サプライチェーンの概要
    • バリューチェーン分析
    • 価格の比較
  • R&Dレビュー
    • 特許出願動向 (水素・タイプ・国・企業別)
  • 規制状況
    • 採掘許可の状況:国別
  • 総市場 (TAM:Total Addressable Market)
    • アナリストの見解
  • ステークホルダーの分析
  • 市場力学:概要
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場課題
    • 市場機会
  • スタートアップと投資の概要
  • 商業用水素製造の比較分析
  • 探査・掘削の概要
  • E.ON SEに対する戦略的提言

第2章 ホワイト水素市場:用途別

  • 用途の分類
  • 用途の概要
  • ホワイト水素市場 (最終用途別)
    • 石油・ガス
    • 工業用原料
    • モビリティ
    • 発電
    • その他

第3章 ホワイト水素市場:製品別

  • 製品の分類
  • 製品概要
  • ホワイト水素市場 (供給源別)
    • かんらん岩および輝石の蛇紋石化 (かんらん岩、ダナイト、キンバーライトなど)
    • 火山活動・マグマ結晶化
    • 熱水噴出孔
    • 原始水素の脱ガス
    • その他 (オフィオライト浸出・黒鉛鉱床・在来型石油&ガス源および生成・カリ鉱床・地震・有機物発酵・酸化・鉄化合物の腐食)

第4章 ホワイト水素市場:国別

  • 世界のサマリー
  • ホワイト水素市場 (国別)
  • マリ
  • 米国
  • フランス
  • オーストラリア
  • スペイン
  • オマーン
  • ロシア
  • カザフスタン
  • 北欧 (アイスランドを含む)
  • 東欧 (ウクライナ、コソボ、セルビア、ポーランドを含む)
  • 韓国
  • 日本
    • 市場
    • 市場成長の促進要因
    • 市場課題の要因

第5章 企業プロファイル

  • エコシステム参入企業リスト
  • 研究機関
  • 探査・掘削企業
  • 上流サービスプロバイダー
  • サービス&機器企業
  • ガス会社
  • 輸送システムオペレーター
  • 潜在企業

第6章 調査手法


List of Figures

  • Figure 1: White Hydrogen Market (by Scenario), Million Tons, 2024-2028, 2029-2033
  • Figure 2: Key Events
  • Figure 3: Low-Emission Hydrogen Production by Status Based on Announced Projects, 2030
  • Figure 4: Share of Global Hydrogen Infrastructure Projects Announced
  • Figure 5: Supply Chain and Risks within the Supply Chain
  • Figure 6: Value Chain Analysis
  • Figure 7: Price and Emission for Different Hydrogen Types
  • Figure 8: Patent Analysis (by Hydrogen Type), January 2020-December 2023
  • Figure 9: Hydrogen Patent Analysis (by Type), January 2020-December 2023
  • Figure 10: Share of Hydrogen International Patenting and Revealed Technology Advantage by Main World Regions and Value Chain Segments
  • Figure 11: Top International Applicants in Established Technologies and Technologies Motivated by Climate in Hydrogen
  • Figure 12: Impact Analysis of Market Navigating Factors, 2023-2033
  • Figure 13: Pricing of Different Types of Hydrogen
  • Figure 14: Hydrogen Project Investments
  • Figure 15: Google Earth Satellite Image of the Bourakebougou Area (Mali)
  • Figure 16: Identified and Expected Hydrogen Reservoirs
  • Figure 17: Wellhead Pressure during Production of Natural Gas vs. Flow, Bottomhole Temperature, and Tubing ID for Bottomhole Pressure = 2,000 Psi and Depth = 8,500 Ft
  • Figure 18: Energy Infrastructure Operator in the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative
  • Figure 19: Energy Infrastructure Operator in the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) Initiative
  • Figure 20: Current and Potential Use of Hydrogen in Refining
  • Figure 21: Hydrogen Fueling Station Market, 2022, 2023, and 2033
  • Figure 22: Number of Locations of Hydrogen Detected in Different Regions
  • Figure 23: Mali White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2023-2033
  • Figure 24: Schematic Cross-Section of The Bourakebougou Gas Field, Passing Through Several Wells
  • Figure 25: U.S. White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 26: U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Roadmap
  • Figure 27: France White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 28: Breakdown of the French Hydrogen Strategy Budget for 2020-2030 ($7.74 Billion)
  • Figure 29: Australia White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 30: South Australia's Hydrogen Legislative Framework
  • Figure 31: Spain White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 32: Oman White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 33: Hydrogen Exports Energy Transition in Oman
  • Figure 34: Drivers of the Hydrogen Economy in Oman
  • Figure 35: Russia White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 36: Kazakhstan White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 37: Nordic Region (including Iceland) White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 38: Eastern Europe (including Ukraine, Kosovo, Serbia, and Poland) White Hydrogen Market, Million Tons, 2024-2033
  • Figure 39: Data Triangulation
  • Figure 40: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach
  • Figure 41: Assumptions and Limitations

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Market Snapshot
  • Table 2: Opportunities across Region
  • Table 3: Trends Overview
  • Table 4: List of Patents in the White Hydrogen Market
  • Table 5: Regulatory Landscape
  • Table 6: Status in Mining Permit and Timeline Country-Wise
  • Table 7: Global White Hydrogen Extraction Value, $Billion, 2029-2033
  • Table 8: Total Addressable Market, $Billion, 2029-2033
  • Table 9: Stakeholder Analysis and Their Impact
  • Table 10: Hydrogen Investments, $Billion, 2021-2023
  • Table 11: Country-Wise Government Initiatives
  • Table 12: Startup and Investment Landscape
  • Table 13: Cost Comparison for Different Hydrogen Types
  • Table 14: Global White Hydrogen Extraction, 2023-2033
  • Table 15: Risk Assessment and Potential Mitigation Possibilities
  • Table 16: Potential Hydrogen Sources Identified Country Wise
  • Table 17: Summary of Hydrogen Results for Ramsay 1 and Ramsay 2
  • Table 18: Hydrogen Infrastructure Development in Europe
  • Table 19: Global White Hydrogen Extraction by End-User Application, 2023-2033 (Million Tons)
  • Table 20: Estimates for Sources of Hydrogen/(10^9 m3/a)
  • Table 21: Hydrogen in Volcanic Gases
  • Table 22: Global White Hydrogen Extraction, Million Tons, 2023-2033
  • Table 23: Hydrogen Economy Initiatives in Russia
  • Table 24: Prospects for Hydrogen Utilization in Kazakhstan's Emission Sectors
  • Table 25: National Strategies and Official Targets for Hydrogen in the Nordic Countries
  • Table 26: Hydrogen Pilot Projects in Ukraine
  • Table 27: List of Companies in the White Hydrogen Ecosystem
  • Table 28: Key Developments
  • Table 29: Key Developments
  • Table 30: Key Developments
  • Table 31: Key Developments
  • Table 32: Key Developments
  • Table 33: Key Developments
  • Table 34: Key Developments
  • Table 35: Key Developments
  • Table 36: Key Developments
  • Table 37: Key Developments
  • Table 38: Key Developments
  • Table 39: Key Developments
  • Table 40: Key Developments
  • Table 41: Key Developments
Product Code: MCN1849SA

White Hydrogen Market Overview:

The white hydrogen market is emerging as a transformative force in the energy sector, offering a clean alternative to traditional energy sources. White hydrogen is distinct in its production method, as it is generated through advanced processes that set it apart from conventional hydrogen production techniques. This innovative approach to hydrogen generation presents an opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions and decrease reliance on fossil fuels, thereby contributing to the global effort to combat climate change. The versatility of white hydrogen allows for its use across various applications, including transportation, power generation, and industrial processes, making it a key component in the transition toward a sustainable and low-carbon economy. As awareness and demand for sustainable energy solutions increase, the white hydrogen market is expected to expand, playing a crucial role in shaping the future of clean energy.

Market Lifecycle Stage

The white hydrogen market is likely to be driven by the demand for sustainable energy alternatives. It is also known as gold hydrogen or natural hydrogen. It is derived not through environmentally harmful methods or renewable electricity but directly from the planet's natural geological resources. This form of hydrogen, which is found in abundance within the Earth's crust, offers an inexhaustible and clean energy source. Despite the existing hurdles related to its extraction and development of necessary infrastructure, the expanding clean energy industry and increasing environmental concerns highlight a promising outlook for white hydrogen. Its successful exploitation could lead to transformative changes across various sectors, including transportation, electricity production, and manufacturing, steering the world toward an eco-friendly and more sustainable path. The market is still in its nascent stage, but the opportunity it presents is enormous, which marks the beginning of a competitive endeavor in the clean energy powerhouse.

The white hydrogen market signifies a profound industrial impact across various sectors. These naturally occurring alternatives offer a sustainable solution to greenhouse gas emissions, reducing environmental harm and promoting ecosystem health. By reducing carbon emissions, lowering energy use, and supporting clean energy sources, white hydrogen contributes to a more sustainable environmental future. Additionally, its clean production process promotes safer industrial practices and offers the potential for cleaner air and water. This market stimulates advancements in clean energy technology, propelling research and development toward more efficient production and utilization methods for white hydrogen. Regulatory frameworks are essential to ensure product safety and compliance standards. Overall, the rise of white hydrogen marks a transition toward environmental safety, laying the groundwork for a more resilient and sustainable energy.

The key players operating in the white hydrogen market include Helios, Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC, Koloma, Hydroma Inc., H2Au, La Francaise de l Energie SA, Gold Hydrogen Limited, and HyTerra, among others. These companies are focusing on strategic partnerships, collaborations, exploration, and extraction to enhance their offerings and expand their market presence.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by End-User Application

  • Oil and Gas
  • Industrial Feedstock
  • Mobility
  • Power Generation
  • Others

Segmentation 2: by Source

  • Serpentinization of Olivine and Pyroxene Ultramafic Rocks (Containing Peridotite, Dunite, or Kimberlite)
  • Volcanic Activity and Magma Crystallization
  • Hydrothermal Vents
  • Degassing Primordial Hydrogen
  • Others (Ophiolite Seeps, Graphite Deposits, Conventional Oil and Gas Sources and Generation, Potash Deposits, Earthquakes, Fermentation of Organic Matter, Oxidation, or Corrosion of Iron Compounds)

Segmentation 3: by Country

  • Mali
  • U.S.
  • France
  • Australia
  • Spain
  • Oman
  • Russia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Nordic Region (including Iceland)
  • Eastern Europe (including Ukraine, Kosovo, Serbia, and Poland)
  • Korea
  • Japan

Recent Developments in the White Hydrogen Market

  • In July 2023, Koloma received a significant investment of $91 million from notable backers such as Bill Gates and other investors. This funding is earmarked for their initiative to drill for white hydrogen in the U.S. Midwest, a venture poised to significantly contribute to the advancement of the clean energy revolution. The hydrogen startup intends to take advantage of incentives provided by the Inflation Reduction Act and the U.S. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, specifically the hydrogen production tax credit (PTC).
  • In May 2023, an inadvertent discovery was made in the Lorraine region of France, i.e., a substantial deposit of white hydrogen. The revelation came during soil methane level tests conducted by a collaborative team comprising researchers from the University of Lorraine's GeoRessources Lab, France's National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), and energy producer La Francaise de l'Energie. Presently, efforts are underway to drill deeper to ascertain the precise quantity of hydrogen present. Initial estimates suggest the potential presence of approximately 46 million tonnes, which surpasses more than half of the world's current annual production of gray hydrogen.
  • In January 2023, Hydroma Inc., an energy provider specializing in natural and green hydrogen projects, entered a memorandum of understanding with Senegal's Permanent Secretariat for Energy (PSE) to foster the growth of both green and natural hydrogen industries. Moreover, in December 2022, the company entered a partnership agreement with Pegasus Capital Advisors (PCA) aimed at advancing green and natural hydrogen projects in Africa and Canada, indicating progress in global sustainability efforts.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

The following are the demand drivers for the white hydrogen market:

  • Increase in R&D and awareness regarding white hydrogen
  • Rise in inclination toward sustainable resources over conventional
  • White hydrogen having potential for cost competitiveness

The following are the limitations of the white hydrogen market:

  • Underdeveloped white hydrogen infrastructure
  • Potentially sizable white hydrogen reserves in Earth's crust largely untapped

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The application segment helps the reader understand the different end-user applications of white hydrogen (oil and gas, industrial feedstock, mobility, power generation, and others). The product segment helps the reader understand different sources (serpentinization of olivine and pyroxene ultramafic rocks (containing peridotite, dunite, or kimberlite), volcanic activity and magma crystallization, hydrothermal vents, degassing primordial hydrogen, others (ophiolite seeps, graphite deposits, conventional oil and gas sources and generation, potash deposits, earthquakes, fermentation of organic matter, oxidation, or corrosion of iron compounds). The countries considered in the report are Mali, the U.S., France, Australia, Spain, Oman, Russia, Kazakhstan, the Nordic Region (including Iceland), Eastern Europe (including Ukraine, Kosovo, Serbia, and Poland), Korea, and Japan. The market is poised for significant expansion with ongoing technological advancements, increased investments, and growing awareness of white hydrogen. Therefore, this business is a high-investment and high-revenue generating model.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The white hydrogen market has been growing at a rapid pace. The market offers enormous opportunities for existing and emerging market players. Some of the strategies covered in this segment are mergers and acquisitions, product launches, partnerships and collaborations, business expansions, and investments. The strategies preferred by companies to maintain and strengthen their market position primarily include partnerships and collaborations.

Competitive Strategy: The key players in the white hydrogen market analyzed and profiled in the study include white hydrogen exploration and extraction companies and upstream service providers. Additionally, a comprehensive competitive landscape such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations are expected to aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and regional presence.

Some of the prominent names in this market are:

  • Research Institutes
    • National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
    • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
    • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • Exploration and Extraction Companies
    • Helios
    • Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC
    • Koloma
    • Hydroma Inc.
    • H2Au
    • La Francaise de l Energie SA
    • Gold Hydrogen Limited
    • HyTerra
  • Upstream Service Providers
    • Schlumberger
    • CGG
    • Halliburton
    • Baker Hughes
    • Weatherford
    • TechnipFMC plc
  • Service and Equipment Companies
    • Chapman Hydrogen and Petroleum Engineering Ltd.
  • Gas Players
    • BP p.l.c.
    • Shell
    • Eni
    • Equinor ASA
  • Transmission System Operators
    • Gasunie
    • 50Hertz
    • GRTgaz
    • Enagas S.A.
  • Potential Companies
    • Repsol
    • ENGIE
    • TotalEnergies

Companies that are not a part of the aforementioned pool have been well represented across different sections of the report (wherever applicable).

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Scope and Definition

1 Markets: Industry Outlook

  • 1.1 Hydrogen Market Trends: Current and Future
    • 1.1.1 Growth in Demand for Renewable Hydrogen Production
    • 1.1.2 Capacity Expansion of Hydrogen Infrastructure
  • 1.2 Supply Chain Overview
    • 1.2.1 Value Chain Analysis
    • 1.2.2 Price Comparison
  • 1.3 Research and Development Review
    • 1.3.1 Patent Filing Trend (by Hydrogen Type, Type, Country, and Company)
  • 1.4 Regulatory Landscape
    • 1.4.1 Status of Mining Permit Country Wise
  • 1.5 Total Addressable Market
    • 1.5.1 Analyst View
  • 1.6 Stakeholder Analysis
  • 1.7 Market Dynamics: Overview
    • 1.7.1 Market Drivers
      • Increase in R&D and Awareness Regarding White Hydrogen
      • Rise in Inclination toward Sustainable Resources over Conventional
      • White Hydrogen Having Potential for Cost Competitiveness
    • 1.7.2 Market Challenges
      • Underdeveloped White Hydrogen Infrastructure
      • Potentially Sizable White Hydrogen Reserves in Earth's Crust Largely Untapped
    • 1.7.3 Market Opportunities
      • Surge in Investments in White Hydrogen from Governments, Industry Players, and Research Institutions
      • Enforcement of Stringent Government Initiatives to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • 1.8 Startup and Investment Summary
  • 1.9 Comparative Analysis of Commercial Hydrogen Production
    • 1.9.1 Products' Cost Comparison
    • 1.9.2 Volume of Production (Commercial and Future Production Scenarios)
    • 1.9.3 Risk Assessment and Potential Mitigation Possibilities
    • 1.9.4 Potential Use Cases
  • 1.1 Extraction and Exploration Overview
    • 1.10.1 Explored and Identified Reservoirs
    • 1.10.2 Mapping Potential Hydrogen Sources and Timeframe of Worldwide Natural Hydrogen Resources
    • 1.10.3 Hydrogen Containment and Purity
    • 1.10.4 Wellhead Pressure by Sources
    • 1.10.5 Expected Emissions from Wells
    • 1.10.6 Current Ongoing Projects and Initiatives
    • 1.10.7 European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) Initiative
  • 1.11 Strategic Recommendation for E.ON SE
    • 1.11.1 Key Countries to Focus
    • 1.11.2 Potential Investment Opportunities

2 White Hydrogen Market by Application

  • 2.1 Application Segmentation
  • 2.2 Application Summary
  • 2.3 White Hydrogen Market (by End-User Application)
    • 2.3.1 Oil and Gas
    • 2.3.2 Industrial Feedstock
    • 2.3.3 Mobility
    • 2.3.4 Power Generation
    • 2.3.5 Others

3 White Hydrogen Market by Product

  • 3.1 Product Segmentation
  • 3.2 Product Summary
  • 3.3 White Hydrogen Market (by Source)
    • 3.3.1 Serpentinization of Olivine and Pyroxene Ultramafic Rocks (Containing Peridotite, Dunite, or Kimberlite)
    • 3.3.2 Volcanic Activity and Magma Crystallization
    • 3.3.3 Hydrothermal Vents
    • 3.3.4 Degassing Primordial Hydrogen
    • 3.3.5 Others (Ophiolite Seeps, Graphite Deposits, Conventional Oil and Gas Sources and Generation, Potash Deposits, Earthquakes, Fermentation of Organic Matter, Oxidation, or Corrosion of Iron Compounds)

4 White Hydrogen Market by Country

  • 4.1 Global Summary
  • 4.2 White Hydrogen Market (by Country)
  • 4.3 Mali
    • 4.3.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.3.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.3.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.4 U.S.
    • 4.4.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.4.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.4.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.5 France
    • 4.5.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.5.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.5.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.6 Australia
    • 4.6.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.6.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.6.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.7 Spain
    • 4.7.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.7.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.7.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.8 Oman
    • 4.8.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.8.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.8.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.9 Russia
    • 4.9.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.9.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.9.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.1 Kazakhstan
    • 4.10.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.10.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.10.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.11 Nordic Region (including Iceland)
    • 4.11.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.11.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.11.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.12 Eastern Europe (including Ukraine, Kosovo, Serbia, and Poland)
    • 4.12.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.12.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.12.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.13 Korea
    • 4.13.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.13.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.13.3 Factors Challenging the Market
  • 4.14 Japan
    • 4.14.1 Market
      • Country Overview
    • 4.14.2 Driving Factors for Market Growth
    • 4.14.3 Factors Challenging the Market

5 Company Profile

  • 5.1 List of Companies in the White Hydrogen Ecosystem
  • 5.2 Research Institutes
    • 5.2.1 National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS)
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.2 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.3 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.2.4 International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
  • 5.3 Exploration and Extraction Companies
    • 5.3.1 Helios
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.2 Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.3 Koloma
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.4 Hydroma Inc.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.5 H2Au
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.6 La Francaise de l Energie SA
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.7 Gold Hydrogen Limited
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.3.8 HyTerra
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
  • 5.4 Upstream Service Providers
    • 5.4.1 Schlumberger
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.4.2 CGG
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.4.3 Halliburton
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.4.4 Baker Hughes
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.4.5 Weatherford
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.4.6 TechnipFMC plc
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
  • 5.5 Service and Equipment Companies
    • 5.5.1 SOLEXPERTS AG
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.5.2 Chapman Hydrogen and Petroleum Engineering Ltd.
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
  • 5.6 Gas Players
    • 5.6.1 BP p.l.c.
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.6.2 Shell
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.6.3 Eni
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.6.4 Equinor ASA
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
  • 5.7 Transmission System Operators
    • 5.7.1 Gasunie
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.7.2 50Hertz
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.7.3 GRTgaz
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
    • 5.7.4 Enagas S.A.
      • Overview
      • Analyst View
  • 5.8 Potential Companies
    • 5.8.1 Repsol
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.8.2 ENGIE
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View
    • 5.8.3 TotalEnergies
      • Overview
      • Top Products/Product Portfolio
      • Top Competitors
      • Target Customers
      • Key Personnel
      • Analyst View

6 Research Methodology

  • 6.1 Data Sources
    • 6.1.1 Primary Data Sources
    • 6.1.2 Secondary Data Sources
    • 6.1.3 Data Triangulation
  • 6.2 Market Estimation and Forecast