

Smart Home Technologies: Global Markets

出版日: | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文 216 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年01月15日
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文 216 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次





第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 サマリー・ハイライト

  • 市場の見通し
  • 市場サマリー

第3章 市場概要

  • 概要
  • スマートホームの進化
  • スマートホーム技術の将来
  • シームレスな統合と相互運用性
  • 強化されたパーソナライゼーションとカスタマイズ
  • 拡張現実 (AR) と仮想現実 (VR) の統合
  • 持続可能でエネルギー効率の高いソリューション
  • セキュリティとプライバシー対策の強化
  • 健康・ウェルネスのモニタリングの統合
  • 規制基準
  • 安全およびコンプライアンスの規制
  • データのプライバシーとセキュリティに関する規制
  • 相互運用性の標準とプロトコル
  • 環境持続可能性に関する規制
  • アクセシビリティと包括性に関する規制
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • 製造
  • 流通
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析
  • COVID-19が市場に与える影響
  • ロシア・ウクライナ戦争が市場に与える影響

第4章 市場力学

  • 概要
  • 市場促進要因
  • スマートホーム技術の受け入れが拡大
  • 強化された携帯電話ネットワークとインターネット接続
  • トレンドセッターとしてのアーリーアダプターの影響力の増大
  • 家庭内での利便性とアクセシビリティに対する需要の増加
  • 強化されたエネルギー管理戦略と実践への注目の高まり
  • 市場抑制要因
  • 認識されている健康上のリスクとセキュリティ
  • フリーサイズモデルの需要
  • 市場機会
  • 音声制御技術によるユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上
  • グリーンビルディングの促進を支援する政府の取り組み
  • 成長する開発と新たな応用分野
  • 技術の進歩
  • 市場の脅威
  • 急速な技術の陳腐化
  • スマートホーム技術に対する消費者の認識:必須ではない贅沢品

第5章 新たな技術と開発

  • 概要
  • 現在の市場動向
  • セーフティ&セキュリティ
  • AIとMLの統合
  • 音声制御およびバーチャルアシスタント技術の台頭
  • エネルギー管理のためのスマートホーム技術
  • コンパクトシステムへの潜在需要
  • ユニバーサルソリューションに対する差し迫った需要
  • 新技術
  • IoT
  • 音声制御
  • エネルギー管理
  • AR
  • セキュリティの強化
  • 健康とウェルネスのモニタリング

第6章 市場内訳:ネットワーク技術別

  • 概要
  • 無線システム
  • 有線システム
  • コンピューティングネットワーク
  • 電力線システム
  • その他

第7章 市場内訳:ソリューション別

  • 概要
  • ハードウェア
  • スマートハブ
  • スマートセンサー
  • スマートサーモスタット
  • スマート照明
  • スマートロックとセキュリティシステム
  • スマートアプライアンス
  • スマートエンターテインメントシステム
  • スマートカメラとビデオドアホン
  • ソフトウェア
  • サービス

第8章 市場内訳:用途別

  • 概要
  • 安全・監視
  • 暖房・換気・空調 (HVAC)
  • エンターテインメント
  • 照明
  • 火災安全
  • エレベーター
  • 駐車場
  • 水管理
  • その他

第9章 市場内訳:地域別

  • 概要
  • 北米
  • 欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • その他の地域

第10章 環境・社会・ガバナンス (ESG) の観点

  • 概要
  • スマートホーム技術市場におけるESGパフォーマンス
  • 環境面の影響
  • 社会面の影響
  • ガバナンス面の影響
  • スマートホーム技術市場におけるESGの現状
  • スマートホーム技術市場における主要なESG問題
  • スマートホーム技術市場におけるESGに対する消費者の意識
  • ケーススタディ
  • Schneider Electric SE
  • BCCによる総論

第11章 特許分析

  • 概要
  • 地域的パターン

第12章 M&A・資金調達の見通し

  • M&A分析
  • ホームオートメーション分野のスタートアップの資金調達

第13章 競合情勢

  • 市場シェア分析

第14章 企業プロファイル

  • ABB LTD.

第15章 付録:頭字語


List of Tables

  • Summary Table : Global Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 1 : Porter's Five Forces: Rating Scale
  • Table 2 : Global Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technologies, Through 2028
  • Table 3 : Common IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi Standards
  • Table 4 : Global Market for Wireless Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 5 : Global Market for Wired Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 6 : Global Market for Computing Networks in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 7 : Global Market for Power Line Systems in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 8 : Global Market for Other Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 9 : Global Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 10 : Global Market for Hardware in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 11 : Global Market for Software in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 12 : Global Market for Services in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 13 : Global Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 14 : Global Market for Safety and Surveillance Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 15 : Global Market for HVAC Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 16 : Global Market for Entertainment Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 17 : Global Market for Lighting Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 18 : Global Market for Fire Safety Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 19 : Global Market for Elevator Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 20 : Global Market for Parking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 21 : Global Market for Water Management Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 22 : Global Market for Other Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 23 : Global Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 24 : North American Market for Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, Through 2028
  • Table 25 : North American Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 26 : North American Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 27 : European Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technology, Through 2028
  • Table 28 : European Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 29 : European Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 30 : Asia-Pacific Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technology, Through 2028
  • Table 31 : Asia-Pacific Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 32 : Asia-Pacific Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 33 : Rest of the World Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technology, Through 2028
  • Table 34 : Rest of the World Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 35 : Rest of the World Market for Smart Home Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 36 : ESG Risk Ratings Metric, by Company, 2022
  • Table 37 : Globally Published Patents on Smart Home Technologies, 2023
  • Table 38 : Global M&A Transactions in the Home Automation Field, January 2021 to October 2023
  • Table 39 : Start-up Funding in the Home Automation Field, April 2020 to October 2022
  • Table 40 : Market Shares of the Top Smart Home Technology Providers, 2022
  • Table 41 : ABB Ltd.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 42 : ABB Ltd.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 43 : ABB Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 44 : Acuity Brands Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 45 : Acuity Brands Inc.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 46 : Acuity Brands Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 47 : Advantech Co. Ltd.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 48 : Advantech Co. Ltd.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 49 : Advantech Co. Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 50 : Amazon.com Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 51 : Amazon.com Inc.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 52 : Amazon.com Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 53 : Apple Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 54 : Apple Inc.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 55 : Apple Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 56 : Assa Abloy AB: Company Snapshot
  • Table 57 : Assa Abloy AB: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 58 : Clipsal Electric Pty Ltd.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 59 : Control4 Corp.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 60 : Crestron Electronics Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 61 : Cytech Technology Pte. Ltd.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 62 : Centrica PLC: Company Snapshot
  • Table 63 : Centrica PLC: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 64 : Centrica PLC: Product Portfolio
  • Table 65 : General Electric: Company Snapshot
  • Table 66 : General Electric: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 67 : General Electric: Product Portfolio
  • Table 68 : Google Inc. (ALPHABET INC.).: Company Snapshot
  • Table 69 : Google Inc (Alphabet Inc.): Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 70 : Google Inc. (Alphabet Inc.): Product Portfolio
  • Table 71 : Honeywell International Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 72 : Honeywell International Inc.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 73 : Honeywell International Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 74 : IBM Corp.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 75 : IBM Corp.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 76 : IBM Corp.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 77 : Ingersoll-Rand: Company Snapshot
  • Table 78 : Ingersoll-Rand: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 79 : Ingersoll-Rand: Product Portfolio
  • Table 80 : Johnson Controls International PLC: Company Snapshot
  • Table 81 : Johnson Controls International PLC: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 82 : Johnson Controls International PLC: Product Portfolio
  • Table 83 : Legrand S.A.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 84 : Legrand S.A.: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 85 : Legrand S.A.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 86 : Lutron Electronics Co. Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 87 : Signify Holding: Company Snapshot
  • Table 88 : Signify Holding: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 89 : Signify Holding: Product Portfolio
  • Table 90 : Savant Systems Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 91 : Schneider Electric SE: Company Snapshot
  • Table 92 : Schneider Electric SE: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 93 : Schneider Electric SE: Product Portfolio
  • Table 94 : Siemens: Company Snapshot
  • Table 95 : Siemens: Financial Performance, FY 2022
  • Table 96 : Siemens: Product Portfolio
  • Table 97 : Synapse Wireless Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 98 : Teletask BVBA: Company Snapshot
  • Table 99 : Vivinit Inc.: Company Snapshot
  • Table 100 : Acronyms Used in This Report

List of Figures

  • Summary Figure : Global Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 1 : Smart Home Technology Value Chain
  • Figure 2 : Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Overview
  • Figure 3 : Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Figure 4 : Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Figure 5 : Bargaining Power of Consumers
  • Figure 6 : Threat of New Entrants
  • Figure 7 : Competition in the Industry
  • Figure 8 : Smart Home Technologies Market Dynamics
  • Figure 9 : Emerging Technologies in the Market for Smart Home Technologies
  • Figure 10 : Global Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technologies, 2022
  • Figure 11 : Global Market Shares of Wireless Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 12 : Global Market Shares of Wired Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 13 : Global Market Shares of Computing Networks in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 14 : Global Market Shares of Power Line Systems in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 15 : Global Market Shares of Other Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 16 : Global Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 17 : Global Market Shares of Hardware in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 18 : Global Market Shares of Software in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 19 : Global Market Shares of Services in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 20 : Global Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 21 : Global Market Shares of Safety and Surveillance Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 22 : Global Market Shares of HVAC Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 23 : Global Market Shares of Entertainment Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 24 : Global Market Shares of Lighting Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 25 : Global Market Shares of Fire Safety Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 26 : Global Market Shares of Elevator Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 27 : Global Market Shares of Parking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 28 : Global Market Shares of Water Management Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 29 : Global Market Shares of Other Technologies in Smart Home Applications, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 30 : Global Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 31 : Installed Base of Smart Speakers in the U.S., 2018-2022*
  • Figure 32 : North American Market Shares of Networking Technologies in Smart Home Applications, 2022
  • Figure 33 : North American Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 34 : North American Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 35 : European Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technology, 2022
  • Figure 36 : European Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 37 : European Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 38 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technology, 2022
  • Figure 39 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 40 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 41 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Networking Technology, 2022
  • Figure 42 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 43 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Smart Home Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 44 : Shares of Published Smart Home Related Patents and Patent Applications, by Applicants in Key Countries, 2023
  • Figure 45 : M&A Transactions in the Home Automation Field, by Year, 2020-2022
  • Figure 46 : Distribution Share of M&A Transactions in the Home Automation Field, by Region, 2020-2023
  • Figure 47 : Start-up Funding in the Home Automation Field, by Year, 2020-2022
  • Figure 48 : ABB Ltd.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 49 : ABB Ltd.: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, FY 2022
  • Figure 50 : ABB Ltd.: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 51 : Acuity Brands Inc.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 52 : Acuity Brands Inc.: Revenue Share, by Operating Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 53 : Advantech Co. Ltd.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 54 : Amazon.com Inc.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 55 : Amazon.com Inc.: Revenue Share, by Groups of Similar Products and Services, 2022
  • Figure 56 : Amazon.com Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 57 : Apple Inc.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 58 : Apple Inc.: Net Sales Share, by Offering, FY 2022
  • Figure 59 : Apple Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 60 : Assa Abloy AB: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 61 : Assa Abloy AB: Revenue Share, by Product Group, FY 2022
  • Figure 62 : Assa Abloy AB: Revenue Share, by Continent, FY 2022
  • Figure 63 : Centrica PLC: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 64 : Centrica PLC: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 65 : General Electric: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 66 : General Electric: Revenue Share, by Reportable Segments, FY 2022
  • Figure 67 : General Electric: Revenue Share, by Offering, FY 2022
  • Figure 68 : General Electric: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 69 : Google Inc (Alphabet Inc.): Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 70 : Google Inc. (Alphabet Inc.): Revenue Share, by Type, FY 2022
  • Figure 71 : Google Inc. (Alphabet Inc.): Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 72 : Honeywell International Inc.: Financial Performance, 2021-2022
  • Figure 73 : Honeywell International Inc.: Revenue Share, by Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 74 : Honeywell International Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 75 : IBM Corp.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 76 : IBM Corp.: Revenue Share, by Reportable Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 77 : IBM Corp.: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 78 : Ingersoll-Rand: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 79 : Ingersoll-Rand: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 80 : Ingersoll-Rand: Revenue Share, by Product Category, FY 2022
  • Figure 81 : Ingersoll-Rand: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 82 : Johnson Controls International PLC: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 83 : Johnson Controls International PLC: Revenue Share, by Type, FY 2022
  • Figure 84 : Johnson Controls International PLC: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 85 : Legrand S.A.: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 86 : Signify Holding: Financial Performance, 2021-2022
  • Figure 87 : Signify Holding: Revenue Share, by Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 88 : Signify Holding: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 89 : Schneider Electric SE: Financial Performance, 2021-2022
  • Figure 90 : Schneider Electric SE: Revenue Share, by Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 91 : Schneider Electric SE: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
  • Figure 92 : Siemens: Financial Performance, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 93 : Siemens: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, FY 2022
  • Figure 94 : Siemens: Revenue Share, by Region, FY 2022
Product Code: IFT151B


The global market for smart home technologies is expected to increase from $102.3 billion in 2023 to $166.7 billion by the end of 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The North American market for smart home technologies is expected to increase from $36.8 billion in 2023 to $56.0 billion by the end of 2028, with a CAGR of 8.8% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The Asia-Pacific market for smart home technologies is expected to increase from $19.9 billion in 2023 to $36.0 billion by the end of 2028, with a CAGR of 12.6% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

Report Scope:

This report is based on an in-depth analysis of the global smart home technologies market by networking technology, component, application and geography. It includes an overview of the global market trends. In the overview, 2022 considered as the base year, and estimates for 2023 through 2028 are provided, along with projections of CAGR in the forecast period.

The scope of the report also includes a discussion of technological, regulatory and competitive elements as well as economic trends affecting the market. In addition, the report analyzes and discusses the major drivers and regional dynamics of the market and current trends within the industry. It concludes with detailed profiles of the major vendors in the global smart home technologies market.

Report Includes:

  • 51 data tables and 50 additional tables
  • An overview of the global market for smart home technologies
  • In-depth analysis of global market trends, featuring historical revenue data for 2022, estimated figures for 2023, as well as forecasts for 2024 and 2026. This analysis includes projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2028
  • Evaluation of the current market size and revenue growth prospects specific to smart home technologies, accompanied by a market share analysis by networking technology, component, application and geographic region
  • Discussion on the future of smart homes, and coverage of trends and regulatory standards in smart home technologies
  • Coverage of emerging technologies in smart homes, recent developments, future opportunities, relevant patents and ESG trends
  • Market share analysis of the key companies in the industry and coverage of mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, partnerships, and other market strategies
  • Company profiles of major players within the industry, including Johnson Controls International PLC, Honeywell International Inc., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens, and Assa Abloy AB

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Study Goals and Objectives
  • Reasons for Doing This Study
  • Scope of Report
  • What's New in this Update?
  • Methodology
  • Information Sources
  • Geographic Breakdown
  • Segmentation Breakdown

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

  • Market Outlook
  • Market Summary

Chapter 3 Market Overview

  • Overview
  • Evolution of Smart Homes
  • Future of Smart Home Technologies
  • Seamless Integration and Interoperability
  • Enhanced Personalization and Customization
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration
  • Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Solutions
  • Enhanced Security and Privacy Measures
  • Integration of Health and Wellness Monitoring
  • Regulatory Standards
  • Safety and Compliance Regulations
  • Data Privacy and Security Regulations
  • Interoperability Standards and Protocols
  • Environmental Sustainability Regulations
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity Regulations
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Bargaining Power of Consumers
  • Threat of New Entrants
  • Threat of Substitutes
  • Competition in the Industry
  • Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Market
  • Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on the Market

Chapter 4 Market Dynamics

  • Overview
  • Market Drivers
  • Growing Acceptance of Smart Home Technology
  • Enhanced Cellular Network and Internet Connectivity
  • Growing Impact of Early Adopters as Trendsetters
  • Increase in Demand for Convenience and Accessibility at Home
  • Heightened Focus on Enhanced Energy Management Strategies and Practices
  • Market Restraints
  • Perceived Health Risks and Security
  • Demand for One-Size-Fits-All Model
  • Market Opportunities
  • Enhanced User Experience via Voice Control Technology
  • Government Initiatives to Help Promote Green Buildings
  • Growing Developments and New Application Areas
  • Technological Advancement
  • Market Threat
  • Rapid Technological Obsolescence
  • Consumer Perception of Smart Home Technology as a Non-Essential Luxury

Chapter 5 Emerging Technologies and Developments

  • Overview
  • Current Market Trends
  • Safety and Security
  • Integration of AI and ML
  • Rise of Voice-Controlled and Virtual Assistant Technologies
  • Smart Home Technology for Energy Management
  • Latent Demand for Compact Systems
  • Impending Demand for a Universal Solution
  • Emerging Technologies
  • IoT
  • Voice Control
  • Energy Management
  • AR
  • Enhanced Security
  • Health and Wellness Monitoring

Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Networking Technology

  • Overview
  • Wireless Systems
  • Wired Systems
  • Computing Networks
  • Power Line Systems
  • Others

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Solution

  • Overview
  • Hardware
  • Smart Hubs
  • Smart Sensors
  • Smart Thermostats
  • Smart Lighting
  • Smart Locks and Security Systems
  • Smart Appliances
  • Smart Entertainment Systems
  • Smart Cameras and Video Doorbells
  • Software
  • Services

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Application

  • Overview
  • Safety and Surveillance
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Entertainment
  • Lighting
  • Fire Safety
  • Elevators
  • Parking
  • Water Management
  • Others

Chapter 9 Market Breakdown by Region

  • Overview
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Rest of World

Chapter 10 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Perspective

  • Overview
  • ESG Performance in the Market for Smart Home Technologies
  • Environmental Impact
  • Social Impact
  • Governance Impact
  • Current Status of ESG in the Market for Smart Home Technologies
  • Key ESG Issues in the Market for Smart Home Technologies
  • Consumer Attitude toward ESG in Market for Smart Home Technologies
  • Case Study
  • Schneider Electric SE
  • Concluding Remarks from BCC

Chapter 11 Patent Analysis

  • Overview
  • Geographical Patterns

Chapter 12 M&A and Funding Outlook

  • M&A Analysis
  • Start-up Funding in the Home Automation Field

Chapter 13 Competitive Landscape

  • Market Share Analysis

Chapter 14 Company Profiles

  • ABB LTD.

Chapter 15 Appendix: Acronyms