

Bioinformatics: Technologies and Global Markets

出版日: | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文 481 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年11月07日
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文 481 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次





第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 サマリー・ハイライト

  • 市場の見通し
  • 市場概要

第3章 市場概要

  • バイオロジカルデータソース
  • システムバイオロジーにおけるバイオインフォマティクス
  • 精密医療におけるバイオインフォマティクス
  • 医薬品開発におけるバイオインフォマティクス
  • ケモインフォマティクス
  • 次世代シーケンシング
  • メタゲノミクスにおけるバイオインフォマティクス
  • データベース管理システムにおけるバイオインフォマティクス
  • 市場動向
  • 精密医療とバイオマーカーの同定
  • クラウドベースのソリューション
  • 価値に基づくケアへの移行
  • ChatGPTの台頭
  • 市場の課題
  • データ統合
  • データの信頼性と標準化
  • エンドツーエンドのワークフロー
  • バイオインフォマティクスツールおよびソフトウェアの市場動向
  • 購買要因の分析
  • 実験データの分析

第4章 市場力学

  • 概要
  • 市場促進要因
  • 市場抑制要因
  • 市場機会

第5章 市場内訳:用途別

  • 概要
  • 情報過多
  • データ量
  • データの多様性
  • データ速度
  • データの真実性
  • ソフトウェアのスケーラビリティと有効性
  • 世界のバイオインフォマティクス市場:用途別
  • ゲノミクス
  • プロテオミクス
  • トランスクリプトミクス
  • メタボロミクス
  • ケマインフォマティクス
  • 薬理ゲノミクス
  • メタゲノミクス
  • その他の用途

第6章 シーケンシングサービスおよびプラットフォームの市場

  • 概要
  • 世界のシーケンシングサービスとおよびプラットフォーム市場
  • シーケンシングサービス
  • シーケンシングプラットフォーム

第7章 市場内訳:ソリューション別

  • 概要
  • 世界のバイオインフォマティクス市場:ソリューション別
  • サービス
  • ソフトウェア
  • ハードウェアとそのセグメント

第8章 市場内訳:エンドユーズ別

  • 概要
  • 世界のバイオインフォマティクス市場:エンドユーズ別
  • 研究
  • 臨床・医療
  • その他

第9章 市場内訳:地域別

  • 概要
  • 世界のバイオインフォマティクス市場:地域別
  • 北米
  • 欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • その他の地域

第10章 ESGの展開

  • バイオインフォマティクス技術製造業におけるESGの重要性
  • ESG評価と指標:データの理解
  • バイオインフォマティクス技術製造業におけるESGの実践
  • 環境面のパフォーマンス
  • 社会面のパフォーマンス
  • ガバナンス面のパフォーマンス
  • ケーススタディ
  • BCCによる見解

第11章 医薬品R&Dにおけるバイオインフォマティクスの応用

  • 創薬・開発プロセス
  • 標的の特定
  • 標的の検証
  • リードの特定
  • リードの最適化
  • 臨床調査:医薬品開発
  • 前臨床実験
  • 新薬の治験申請
  • 臨床試験
  • 新薬申請
  • NDAの承認
  • 発売後の継続的研究と第IV相臨床試験
  • 電子医療記録
  • モバイルヘルス技術
  • 最近の製薬およびバイオインフォマティクスの提携およびパートナーシップ
  • 総論

第12章 新たな技術と開発

  • バイオインフォマティクス技術の新たな動向
  • データサイエンス:新しい技術の時代
  • ソフトコンピューティングアプローチ
  • 課題と今後の研究の方向性

第13章 新しいソフトウェアに関する定性的情報

  • FastFinder
  • WorkFlow Language
  • Seven Bridges Platform

第14章 M&Aとベンチャー資金調達の見通し

  • M&A分析
  • 研究助成金
  • 公的資金
  • 民間資金

第15章 競合情報

  • 概要
  • 世界の企業ランキング分析

第16章 企業プロファイル


第17章 付録:頭字語


List of Tables

  • Summary Table : Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 1 : Recommendations for NGS Bioinformatics Tools
  • Table 2 : Bioinformatics Tools Used for Metagenomics Analysis
  • Table 3 : DBMS Platforms in Bioinformatics
  • Table 4 : Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 5 : Cloud-Based Bioinformatics Tools
  • Table 6 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Genomics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 7 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Proteomics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 8 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Transcriptomics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 9 : Commercially Available Metabolomics Software
  • Table 10 : Open Access Tools for Complex Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis
  • Table 11 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Metabolomics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 12 : Cheminformatics Software Solutions for Drug R&D
  • Table 13 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Cheminformatics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 14 : Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug Labeling
  • Table 15 : Recent Research on Biomarkers, 2016-2023
  • Table 16 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Pharmacogenomics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 17 : Bioinformatics Tools and Databases Used in Pharmacogenomics
  • Table 18 : Bioinformatics Tools for Pharmacogenomic Studies
  • Table 19 : Tools for Metagenome Binning
  • Table 20 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Metagenomics Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 21 : Planned or Ongoing Toxicogenomic Studies
  • Table 22 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Other Applications, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 23 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Services and Platforms, by Segment, Through 2028
  • Table 24 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Services, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 25 : Sequence Analysis Software
  • Table 26 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Platforms, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 27 : Sequence Alignment Platforms
  • Table 28 : Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 29 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Hardware, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 30 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Services, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 31 : Bioinformatics Tools for Pharmacogenomic Software
  • Table 32 : Toxicogenomic Studies Planned or Ongoing
  • Table 33 : Archival Bioinformatics Databases
  • Table 34 : Curative Bioinformatics Databases
  • Table 35 : Commercially Available Bioinformatics Databases
  • Table 36 : Biological Databases for Human Research
  • Table 37 : Software for Biological Analysis
  • Table 38 : Open-Source Bioinformatics Software
  • Table 39 : NGS Platforms for Clinical Diagnostics
  • Table 40 : Commonly Used Tools for NGS-Based DNA Analysis, by Functional Category
  • Table 41 : Commercially Available Integrated DNA Analysis Solutions and Relevant Functionality
  • Table 42 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Software, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 43 : High-Performance Computing Architectures: Advantages and Drawbacks
  • Table 44 : Highest Performance Supercomputers, 2018
  • Table 45 : SaaS Products
  • Table 46 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Hardware, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 47 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Servers, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 48 : Global Market for High-Performance Computing Clusters, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 49 : Global Market for Storage Systems, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 50 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Appliances, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 51 : Global Market for Other Bioinformatics Hardware Types, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 52 : Global Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 53 : Sequencing Data Analysis Bioinformatics Software and Tools
  • Table 54 : Global Market for Bioinformatics for Research End Uses, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 55 : Global Market for Bioinformatics for Clinical and Medical End Uses, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 56 : Bioinformatics-Based Clinical and Medical Laboratory Information Management System
  • Table 57 : Tools Used to Identify the Protein Structure in Bioinformatics for Healthcare Applications and Function
  • Table 58 : Number of Therapeutic Drugs Developed Globally, by Disease Type, 2022
  • Table 59 : Global Market for Other End Uses of Bioinformatics, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 60 : Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 61 : Number of Grants, by Type of Cancer, August 2023
  • Table 62 : North American Market for Bioinformatics, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 63 : U.S. Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 64 : U.S. Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 65 : U.S. Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 66 : U.S. Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 67 : U.S. Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 68 : Leading Bioinformatics Companies in the U.S.
  • Table 69 : Venture Capital Companies Most Active in the Biotech Sector
  • Table 70 : Canadian Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 71 : Canadian Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 72 : Canadian Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 73 : Canadian Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 74 : Canadian Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 75 : Estimated New Male Cancer Cases in Canada, by Cancer Type, 2018
  • Table 76 : Estimated New Female Cancer Cases in Canada, by Cancer Type, 2018
  • Table 77 : Leading Canadian Bioinformatics Companies
  • Table 78 : Mexican Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 79 : Mexican Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 80 : Mexican Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 81 : Mexican Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 82 : Mexican Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 83 : European Market for Bioinformatics, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 84 : Leading European Bioinformatics Companies
  • Table 85 : German Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 86 : German Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 87 : German Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 88 : German Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 89 : German Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 90 : French Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 91 : French Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 92 : French Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 93 : French Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 94 : French Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 95 : U.K. Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 96 : U.K. Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 97 : U.K. Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 98 : U.K. Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 99 : U.K. Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 100 : Italian Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 101 : Italian Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 102 : Italian Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 103 : Italian Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 104 : Italian Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 105 : Spanish Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 106 : Spanish Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 107 : Spanish Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 108 : Spanish Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 109 : Spanish Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 110 : Rest of European Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 111 : Rest of European Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 112 : Rest of European Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 113 : Rest of European Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 114 : Rest of European Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 115 : Asia-Pacific Market for Bioinformatics, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 116 : Japanese Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 117 : Japanese Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 118 : Japanese Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 119 : Japanese Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 120 : Japanese Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 121 : Chinese Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 122 : Chinese Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 123 : Chinese Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 124 : Chinese Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 125 : Chinese Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 126 : Indian Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 127 : Indian Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 128 : Indian Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 129 : Indian Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 130 : Indian Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 131 : Leading Indian Bioinformatics Companies
  • Table 132 : Australian and New Zealand Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 133 : Australian and New Zealand Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 134 : Australian and New Zealand Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 135 : Australian and New Zealand Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 136 : Australian and New Zealand Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 137 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 138 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 139 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 140 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 141 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 142 : Rest of the World Market for Bioinformatics, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 143 : Brazilian Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 144 : Brazilian Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 145 : Brazilian Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 146 : Brazilian Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 147 : Brazilian Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 148 : GCC Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 149 : GCC Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 150 : GCC Countries Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 151 : GCC Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 152 : GCC Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 153 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution, Through 2028
  • Table 154 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, Through 2028
  • Table 155 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms, Through 2028
  • Table 156 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 157 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 158 : R&D Spending on Bioinformatics by Latin American Countries
  • Table 159 : ESG Ratings and Metrics: Understanding the Data
  • Table 160 : ESG Practices in the Bioinformatics Technologies
  • Table 161 : ESG Social Performance
  • Table 162 : ESG Governance Performance
  • Table 163 : Recently Received Awards by Major Companies
  • Table 164 : ESG Rankings for Major Bioinformatics Technologies Companies, 2023*
  • Table 165 : Bioinformatics Databases
  • Table 166 : Leading Drug Target Databases
  • Table 167 : Computer Simulation Platforms
  • Table 168 : Application of Cloud-Based Services in Healthcare
  • Table 169 : Leading LIMS Providers
  • Table 170 : Key Suppliers of ELNs
  • Table 171 : Leading Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity Prediction Tools
  • Table 172 : Drug R&D Process Overview
  • Table 173 : Leading EHR Providers, 2018
  • Table 174 : Medical Applications for Healthcare Professionals
  • Table 175 : Pharmaceutical and Bioinformatics Partnerships and Alliances, 2015-2020
  • Table 176 : Emerging Trends of Bioinformatics Technologies
  • Table 177 : Prominent Data Analysis Toolkits for Solving Problem of Data Science
  • Table 178 : Recent Strategic Developments in the Bioinformatics Market, 2019-2023
  • Table 179 : Public Funding Programs, 2012-2018
  • Table 180 : Funding by European Bioinformatics Firms, 2021 and 2022
  • Table 181 : Aitia: Product Portfolio
  • Table 182 : Aitia: Recent Developments, 2015-2023
  • Table 183 : Agilent Technologies Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 184 : Aragen Life Sciences Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 185 : Biomatters Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 186 : Bio-Rad: Product Portfolio
  • Table 187 : Bio-Techne: Product Portfolio
  • Table 188 : Compugen Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 189 : Dassault Systemes Biovia: Product Portfolio
  • Table 190 : DNAStar Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 191 : DNAStar Inc.: Recent Developments, 2016-2022
  • Table 192 : Genedata AG: Product Portfolio
  • Table 193 : Genedata AG: Recent Developments, 2017-2023
  • Table 194 : Geneva Informatics (GeneBio) SA: Product Portfolio
  • Table 195 : Illumina Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 196 : Inte:Ligand Software Entwicklungs Und Consulting GmbH: Product Portfolio
  • Table 197 : MacVector Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 198 : Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 199 : Molecular Networks GmbH: Product Portfolio
  • Table 200 : Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 201 : Ocimum Biosolutions Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 202 : PerkinElmer Informatics Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 203 : Personalis Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 204 : Qlucore AB: Product Portfolio
  • Table 205 : Qlucore AB: Recent Developments, 2018
  • Table 206 : Real Time Genomics Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 207 : Real Time Genomics Inc.: Recent Developments, 2016
  • Table 208 : SmartGene Services SARL: Product Portfolio
  • Table 209 : Syngene International Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 210 : Syngene International Ltd.: Recent Developments, 2016-2023
  • Table 211 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 212 : Acronyms Used in This Report

List of Figures

  • Summary Figure : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 1 : Bioinformatics Relationship with Omic Technologies
  • Figure 2 : Schematic Representation of Biology Systems and Translational Bioinformatics
  • Figure 3 : Principles of Precision Medicine
  • Figure 4 : Recent FDA-Approved Cell-Based Therapies
  • Figure 5 : Applications of Bioinformatics in Drug Development
  • Figure 6 : Collaboration within the Bioinformatics Sector, by Country, Since 2016
  • Figure 7 : Number of FDA CDER Drug Approvals, 2008-2020
  • Figure 8 : Drug Product Approvals in Europe and the U.S., 2020
  • Figure 9 : CDER's Annual Novel Drug Approvals, 2009-2019
  • Figure 10 : Investment by Genome Canada, Since 2000
  • Figure 11 : Major Socioeconomic and Political Factors Negatively Influencing the Bioinformatics Market
  • Figure 12 : The Four Dimensions of Big Data
  • Figure 13 : Software Scalability of Big Data Bioinformatics
  • Figure 14 : Software Validation of Big Data Bioinformatics
  • Figure 15 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 16 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2028
  • Figure 17 : Standard Antibody Sequencing Service Process
  • Figure 18 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Genomics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 19 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Genomics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 20 : Distribution of Cancer Incidence, by Cancer Type, 2020
  • Figure 21 : Top-Down Proteomics Approach
  • Figure 22 : Global Demand for EMBL-EBI Data, 2018-2022
  • Figure 23 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Proteomics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 24 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Proteomics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 25 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Transcriptomics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 26 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Transcriptomics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 27 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Metabolomics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 28 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Metabolomics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 29 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Cheminformatics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 30 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Cheminformatics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 31 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Pharmacogenomics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 32 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Pharmacogenomics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 33 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Metagenomics Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 34 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Metagenomics Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 35 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Other Applications, 2020-2028
  • Figure 36 : Global Market for Bioinformatics in Other Applications, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 37 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics Sequencing Services and Platforms, by Segment, 2022
  • Figure 38 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics Sequencing Services and Platforms, by Segment, 2028
  • Figure 39 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Services, 2020-2028
  • Figure 40 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Services, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 41 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Platforms, 2020-2028
  • Figure 42 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Sequencing Platforms, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 43 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 44 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2028
  • Figure 45 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics Hardware, by Type, 2022
  • Figure 46 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics Hardware, by Type, 2028
  • Figure 47 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Services, 2020-2028
  • Figure 48 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Tools and Database Services, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 49 : European Bioinformatics Institute Software Solutions
  • Figure 50 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Software, 2020-2028
  • Figure 51 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Software, by Region 2020-2028
  • Figure 52 : Evolution of Information Technology Infrastructure
  • Figure 53 : Schematic Representation of Cloud Computing Services
  • Figure 54 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Hardware, 2020-2028
  • Figure 55 : Global Market for Bioinformatics Hardware, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 56 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 57 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2028
  • Figure 58 : Global Incidence of Patients with Chronic Diseases, 2005-2030
  • Figure 59 : Global Market for Bioinformatics for Research End Uses, 2020-2028
  • Figure 60 : Global Market for Bioinformatics for Research End Uses, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 61 : Global Market for Bioinformatics for Clinical and Medical End Uses, 2020-2028
  • Figure 62 : Global Market for Bioinformatics for Clinical and Medical End Uses, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 63 : Clinical Bioinformatics for Patients for Precision Health
  • Figure 64 : Estimate of Biopharmaceutical R&D Spending, 2012-2026
  • Figure 65 : Number of Therapeutic Drugs Developed Globally, by Disease Type, 2022
  • Figure 66 : Global Market for Other End Uses of Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 67 : Global Market for Other End Uses of Bioinformatics, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 68 : Classical and Digital Forensics with Respect to Bioinformatics
  • Figure 69 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 70 : Global Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Region, 2028
  • Figure 71 : North American Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 72 : North American Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 73 : North American Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 74 : North American Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 75 : North American Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 76 : North American Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Country, 2022
  • Figure 77 : U.S. Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 78 : U.S. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 79 : U.S. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 80 : U.S. Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 81 : U.S. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 82 : U.S. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 83 : Canadian Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 84 : Canadian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 85 : Canadian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 86 : Canadian Market Shares of Bioinformatics Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 87 : Canadian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 88 : Canadian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 89 : Mexican Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 90 : Mexican Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 91 : Mexican Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 92 : Mexican Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 93 : Mexican Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 94 : Mexican Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 95 : European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 96 : European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 97 : European Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 98 : European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 99 : European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 100 : European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Country, 2022
  • Figure 101 : German Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 102 : German Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 103 : German Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 104 : German Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 105 : German Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 106 : German Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 107 : Current Molecular-Experimental, Epidemiological and Analytical Tools Applied in Systems Medicine
  • Figure 108 : French Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 109 : French Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 110 : French Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 111 : French Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 112 : French Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 113 : French Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 114 : Healthcare Spending and Financing in France, 2019 and 2050
  • Figure 115 : U.K. Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 116 : U.K. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 117 : U.K. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 118 : U.K. Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 119 : U.K. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 120 : U.K. Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 121 : Italian Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 122 : Italian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 123 : Italian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 124 : Italian Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 125 : Italian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 126 : Italian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 127 : Spanish Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 128 : Spanish Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 129 : Spanish Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 130 : Spanish Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 131 : Spanish Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 132 : Spanish Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 133 : Rest of European Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 134 : Rest of European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 135 : Rest of European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 136 : Rest of European Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 137 : Rest of European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 138 : Rest of European Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 139 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 140 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 141 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 142 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 143 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 144 : Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Country, 2022
  • Figure 145 : Japanese Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 146 : Japanese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 147 : Japanese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 148 : Japanese Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 149 : Japanese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 150 : Japanese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 151 : Chinese Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 152 : Chinese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 153 : Chinese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 154 : Chinese Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 155 : Chinese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 156 : Chinese Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 157 : Indian Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 158 : Indian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 159 : Indian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 160 : Indian Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 161 : Indian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 162 : Indian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 163 : Key Areas of Research Utilizing Bioinformatics
  • Figure 164 : Australian and New Zealand Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 165 : Australian and New Zealand Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 166 : Australian and New Zealand Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 167 : Australian and New Zealand Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 168 : Australian and New Zealand Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 169 : Australian and New Zealand Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 170 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 171 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 172 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 173 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 174 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 175 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 176 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 177 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 178 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 179 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 180 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 181 : Rest of the World Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Country, 2019
  • Figure 182 : Brazilian Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 183 : Brazilian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 184 : Brazilian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 185 : Brazilian Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 186 : Brazilian Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 187 : Brazilian Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 188 : GCC Countries Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 189 : GCC Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 190 : GCC Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 191 : GCC Countries Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 192 : GCC Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 193 : GCC Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 194 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market for Bioinformatics, 2020-2028
  • Figure 195 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Solution, 2022
  • Figure 196 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Hardware Type, 2022
  • Figure 197 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market Shares of Sequencing Services and Platforms, 2022
  • Figure 198 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 199 : Other Rest of the World Countries Market Shares of Bioinformatics, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 200 : Number of Research Articles Published by Scientists from 19 Latin American Countries on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 1991-2016
  • Figure 201 : Policy, Infrastructure, Training and Funding Landscape of Computational Biology in South Africa, 2000-Present
  • Figure 202 : Snapshot of Key ESG Trends in the Bioinformatics Technologies Industry
  • Figure 203 : PerkinElmer Informatics Inc.: ESG Priorities Matrix
  • Figure 204 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: ESG Priorities Matrix
  • Figure 205 : Drug Development Process
  • Figure 206 : Phases in the Drug Discovery and Development Process
  • Figure 207 : Phase Transition Success Rates and Likelihood of Approvals for All Modalities and Medicines
  • Figure 208 : Steps in Drug Discovery
  • Figure 209 : Information Systems within the Laboratory Architecture
  • Figure 210 : Application of Bioinformatics in Clinical Trials
  • Figure 211 : Snapshot of Key Trends in the Growth of Diabetes Medical Devices
  • Figure 212 : Snapshot of Key Trends in the Growth of Bioinformatics Technologies
  • Figure 213 : Classification of Soft Computing Approach
  • Figure 214 : Investment by Genome Canada, Since 2000
  • Figure 215 : Global Market Ranking of Bioinformatics Manufacturers, 2019
  • Figure 216 : Agilent Technologies Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2016-2022
  • Figure 217 : Agilent Technologies Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region/Country, 2022
  • Figure 218 : Agilent Technologies Inc.: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 219 : Aragen Life Sciences Ltd.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 220 : Bio-Rad: Annual Revenue, 2016-2022
  • Figure 221 : Bio-Rad: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 222 : Bio-Rad: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 223 : Bio-Techne: Annual Revenue, 2016-2022
  • Figure 224 : Bio-Techne: Revenue Share, by Region/Country, 2022
  • Figure 225 : Bio-Techne: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 226 : Illumina Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2018-2022
  • Figure 227 : Illumina Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region/Country, 2022
  • Figure 228 : Illumina Inc.: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 229 : PerkinElmer Informatics Inc: Revenue Share, by Region/Country, 2022
  • Figure 230 : Personalis Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region/Country, 2022
  • Figure 231 : Syngene International Ltd.: Annual Revenue, 2021-2022
  • Figure 232 : Syngene International Ltd.: Revenue Share, by Region/Country, 2022
  • Figure 233 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2016-2022
  • Figure 234 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 235 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Revenue Share, by Business Segment, 2022
Product Code: BIO051G


The global market for bioinformatics is expected to grow from $18.7 billion in 2023 to $35.5 billion by the end of 2028, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.6% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The global market for bioinformatics in genomics applications is expected to grow from $4.7 billion in 2023 to $9.0 billion by the end of 2028, at a CAGR of 14.1% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The global market for bioinformatics in proteomics applications is expected to grow from $3.1 billion in 2023 to $5.9 billion by the end of 2028, at a CAGR of 13.8% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

Report Scope:

The scope of the study encompasses the global bioinformatics market based on geography, category and application. It provides a detailed analysis of recent advances in omic technologies and examines their impact on the bioinformatics market. It discusses the ways in which bioinformatics has been utilized by the pharma and biotech industries to streamline the research and development (R&D) process and improve efficiencies. It provides a detailed analysis of the leading countries, companies and technologies that will drive the field forward.

By solution, hardware application, sequencing services and platform, end user, and geography, the market has been segmented into the North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW) regions. Detailed analysis of major countries such as the U.S., Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, GCC countries and Australia will be covered in each country's respective regional segment. In the market valuations, 2022 serves as the base year, while estimated values are provided for 2023 and forecast values for 2028.

Report Includes:

  • 123 data tables and 90 additional tables
  • An up-to-date overview and industry analysis of the global bioinformatics market
  • Analyses of the global market trends, with historical market revenue data (sales figures) from 2020 to 2022, estimates for 2023, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2028
  • Estimation of the market size and revenue forecast for the global bioinformatics market, and corresponding market share analysis based on solution, hardware type, application, sequencing services and platforms, end use, and region
  • In-depth information (facts and figures) concerning the major factors influencing the progress of this market (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges) with respect to specific growth trends, upcoming prospects, and contributions to the overall market
  • Coverage of information on the latest developments in the bioinformatics tools and services market, innovations in bioinformatics solutions for drug discovery, and details of antibody-based drug discovery and developments
  • Impact analysis of various region specific and industry specific macroeconomic variables on global bioinformatics market
  • Identification of the innovative companies and technologies that are moving forward in search for elusive pieces of information that will improve diagnoses and treatments of diseases with precision medicines
  • Understanding of the importance of ESG in the market for bioinformatics tools and services, consumer attitudes towards sustainability, risks & opportunity assessment, ratings and matrices, and ESG practices in global bioinformatics marketplace
  • A look at the major vendors in the global bioinformatics market, and analyze the structure of this industry with respect to company market shares, venture fundings, and recent M&A activities
  • Patent analysis covering significant allotments of recent patent grants across each major category
  • Profile descriptions of the leading market players

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Study Goals and Objectives
  • Reasons for Doing This Study
  • Scope of Report
  • What's New in This Update?
  • Methodology
  • Information Sources
  • Geographic Breakdown

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

  • Market Outlook
  • Market Summary

Chapter 3 Market Overview

  • Introduction
  • Biological Data Sources
  • Bioinformatics in Systems Biology
  • Bioinformatics in Precision Medicine
  • Bioinformatics in Drug Development
  • Cheminformatics
  • Next-Generation Sequencing
  • Bioinformatics in Metagenomics
  • Bioinformatics in Database Management Systems
  • Market Trends
  • Precision Medicine and Biomarker Identification
  • Cloud-Based Solutions
  • Shift Toward Value-Based Care
  • Rise of ChatGPT
  • Market Challenges
  • Data Integration
  • Data Reliability and Standardization
  • End-to-End Workflows
  • Market Trends in Bioinformatics Tools and Software
  • Purchasing Factors Analysis
  • Analyzing Experimental Data

Chapter 4 Market Dynamics

  • Overview
  • Market Drivers
  • New Discoveries in Biological Sciences
  • Increasing Use of Bioinformatics Analytical Software
  • New Antibody Technologies and Antibody Types
  • Antibody-Based Drug Discovery and Development
  • Developed and Increasing Research Areas
  • Increased Government Funding in Emerging Markets
  • Need for Further Human Genomic and Proteomic Research
  • New Application-Focused Technology Platforms
  • Market Restraints
  • Challenging Issues with Modeling Systems
  • Ethical Concerns with Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
  • Market Opportunities
  • Market Expansion into Emerging Countries
  • Development of Novel Bioinformatics and Drugs

Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Application

  • Overview
  • Information Overload
  • Data Volume
  • Data Variety
  • Data Velocity
  • Data Veracity
  • Software Scalability and Validity
  • Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Application
  • Genomics
  • Proteomics
  • Transcriptomics
  • Metabolomics
  • Cheminformatics
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • Metagenomics
  • Other Applications

Chapter 6 Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms

  • Overview
  • Global Market for Sequencing Services and Platforms
  • Sequencing Services
  • Sequencing Platforms

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Solution

  • Overview
  • Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Solution
  • Services
  • Software
  • Hardware and Its Segments

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by End Use

  • Overview
  • Global Market for Bioinformatics, by End Use
  • Research
  • Clinical and Medical
  • Other End Uses

Chapter 9 Market Breakdown by Region

  • Overview
  • Global Market for Bioinformatics, by Region
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Rest of the World

Chapter 10 ESG Development

  • Importance of ESG in the Bioinformatics Technologies Manufacturing Industry
  • ESG Ratings and Metrics: Understanding the Data
  • ESG Practices in the Bioinformatics Technologies Manufacturing Industry
  • Environmental Performance
  • Social Performance
  • Governance Performance
  • Case Study
  • BCC Research Viewpoint

Chapter 11 Bioinformatics Applications in Pharmaceutical R&D

  • Introduction
  • Drug Discovery and Development Process
  • Target Identification
  • Target Validation
  • Lead Identification
  • Lead Optimization
  • Clinical Research: Drug Development
  • Preclinical Experiments
  • Investigational New Drug Applications
  • Clinical Trials
  • New Drug Application
  • NDA Approval
  • Post-Launch Ongoing Studies and Phase IV Clinical Trials
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Mobile Health Technologies
  • Recent Pharmaceutical and Bioinformatics Alliances and Partnerships
  • Conclusions

Chapter 12 Emerging Technologies and Developments

  • Introduction
  • Emerging Trends in Bioinformatics TechnologiesEmerging Trends in Bioinformatics Technologies
  • Data Science: The Era of New Technology
  • Soft Computing Approach
  • Challenges and Future Research Direction

Chapter 13 Qualitative Information on New Software

  • FastFinder
  • WorkFlow Language
  • Seven Bridges Platform

Chapter 14 M&A and Venture Funding Outlook

  • M&A Analysis
  • Research Grants
  • Public Funding
  • Private Funding

Chapter 15 Competitive Intelligence

  • Overview
  • Global Company Market Ranking Analysis

Chapter 16 Company Profiles


Chapter 17 Appendix: Acronyms