
デジタルポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (dPCR) 技術:世界市場

Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (dPCR) Technology: Global Markets

出版日: | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文 154 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
デジタルポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (dPCR) 技術:世界市場
出版日: 2023年10月27日
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文 154 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界のデジタルポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (dPCR) 技術の市場規模は、2023年の7億5,210万米ドルから、予測期間中は11.0%のCAGRで推移し、2028年末には13億米ドルの規模に成長すると予測されています。


当レポートでは、世界のデジタルポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (dPCR) 技術の市場を調査し、市場および技術の概要、市場影響因子および市場機会の分析、市場規模の推移・予測、各種区分・地域別の詳細分析、技術および特許の動向、ESGの展開、競合情勢、主要企業のプロファイルなどをまとめています。


第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 サマリー・ハイライト

第3章 市場概要

  • ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (PCR)
  • リアルタイムPCRまたは定量PCR (qPCR)
  • デジタルPCR
  • 技術の仕組み
  • 技術のバリエーション
  • 用途
  • 腫瘍
  • 次世代シーケンシング
  • 感染症
  • 非侵襲的診断
  • 低分子塩基多型の検出
  • 単一細胞PCR

第4章 市場力学

  • 概要
  • 市場促進要因
  • 技術の進歩
  • 臨床診断における需要の増大
  • 急成長するバイオ医薬品市場
  • ゲノムおよびバイオマーカー研究の成長
  • 個別化医療への傾向
  • バイオ医療研究のための強固な資金調達環境
  • 市場の課題
  • 高い投資コスト
  • 複雑さと専門知識の要件
  • 技術的な限界と代替技術との競合
  • 厳しい規制状況
  • 主要要因と市場への影響

第5章 市場内訳:技術別

  • 市場概要
  • 液滴ベースのデジタルPCR (ddPCR)
  • ビーズ、エマルジョン、増幅、磁気 (BEAMing) dPCR
  • マイクロ流体工学ベースのdPCR
  • 液滴ベースのdPCRとマイクロ流体ベースのdPCRの比較
  • 市場収益:技術別
  • 液滴ベースのdPCR (ddPCR)
  • マイクロ流体工学ベースのdPCR

第6章 市場内訳:製品タイプ別

  • 市場概要
  • 世界のdPCR市場:製品タイプ別
  • 機器
  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益
  • 試薬・消耗品・付属品
  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益

第7章 市場内訳:エンドユーザー別

  • 市場概要
  • 基礎研究
  • 臨床研究
  • 臨床診断
  • 応用市場
  • 食料・農業
  • 環境科学
  • 法医学
  • 市場収益:エンドユーザー別
  • 基礎研究
  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益:製品タイプ別
  • 臨床研究
  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益:製品タイプ別
  • 臨床診断
  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益:製品タイプ別
  • 応用市場
  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益:製品タイプ別

第8章 市場内訳:地域別

  • 市場概要
  • 市場収益
  • 北米
  • 欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • その他の地域

第9章 ESGの展開

  • ESG:イントロダクション
  • dPCR業界の持続可能性:ESGの観点
  • 主要な環境問題
  • ESGに対する消費者の意識
  • 業界のESGパフォーマンス分析
  • BCCによる総論

第10章 新たな技術と開発

  • 概要
  • 統合型マイクロ流体dPCR
  • CGT開発・生産の成長加速
  • リキッドバイオプシーと臨床診断
  • dPCRのNGSワークフローへの統合
  • カスタムアッセイの開発

第11章 特許分析

  • 特許
  • PubMed

第12章 競合情報

  • 概要
  • 主要企業
  • M&A
  • 製品の発売
  • サプライヤーとのコラボレーション

第13章 企業プロファイル


第14章 付録:頭字語


List of Tables

  • Summary Table : Global Market for dPCR, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 1 : Digital PCR vs. Real-Time PCR vs. Traditional PCR, at a Glance
  • Table 2 : NIH Funding for Clinical and Precision Medicine Research, Through 2023
  • Table 3 : Factors Impacting dPCR Market
  • Table 4 : Droplet-based vs. Microfluidics-based dPCR
  • Table 5 : Common dPCR Platforms
  • Table 6 : Global Market for dPCR, by Technology, Through 2028
  • Table 7 : Global Market for ddPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 8 : Global Market for Microfluidics-based dPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 9 : Global Market for dPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 10 : Global Market for dPCR Equipment, by Technology, Through 2028
  • Table 11 : Global Market for dPCR Reagents, Consumables and Accessories, by Technology, Through 2028
  • Table 12 : Global Market for dPCR, by End Use, Through 2028
  • Table 13 : Global Market for dPCR in Basic Research, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 14 : Global Market for dPCR in Clinical Research, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 15 : Recent Developments in dPCR Clinical Diagnostics Market, 2019-2022
  • Table 16 : Global Market for dPCR in Clinical Diagnostics, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 17 : Global Market for dPCR in Applied Markets, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 18 : Global Market for dPCR, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 19 : North American Market for dPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 20 : European Market for dPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 21 : Asia-Pacific Market for dPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 22 : RoW Market for dPCR, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 23 : Key Environmental Issues in dPCR Industry
  • Table 24 : Key Social and Governance Issues in dPCR Industry
  • Table 25 : Net-Zero GHG Commitments, by Major dPCR Companies
  • Table 26 : ESG Rankings for Major dPCR Companies, 2023*
  • Table 27 : CDP Scope Card for Major dPCR Companies, 2022
  • Table 28 : U.S. Patents on Digital PCR
  • Table 29 : Leading Players in Global dPCR Market, 2022
  • Table 30 : Selected M&A in the dPCR Industry, Jan. 2020 to July 2023
  • Table 31 : Selected Launches of Reagents, Consumables and Accessories in the dPCR Industry, Jan. 2021 to July 2023
  • Table 32 : Selected Launches of dPCR Instruments, Jan. 2021 to July 2023
  • Table 33 : Selected Suppliers Collaboration in dPCR Industry, Jan. 2021 to July 2023
  • Table 34 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: Financials, 2022
  • Table 35 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 36 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: Selected Key Developments, April 2020 to July 2023
  • Table 37 : Danaher: Financials, 2022
  • Table 38 : IDT: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 39 : Danaher: News/Key Developments, Jan 2021 to May 2023
  • Table 40 : Eurofins Scientific: Financials, 2022
  • Table 41 : Eurofins Scientific: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 42 : Eurofins Scientific: News/Key Developments, Jan 2021 to May 2023
  • Table 43 : JN Medsys: dPCR Portfolio
  • Table 44 : Merck: Financials, 2022
  • Table 45 : Merck: dPCR Product/Service PortfolioMerck: dPCR Product/Service Portfolio
  • Table 46 : Merck: News/Key Developments, Jan 2021 to May 2023
  • Table 47 : Qiagen: Financials, 2022
  • Table 48 : Qiagen: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 49 : Qiagen: News/Key Developments, Jan 2021 to May 2023
  • Table 50 : Roche: Financials, 2022
  • Table 51 : Roche: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 52 : Roche: News/Key Developments, Jan 2020 to May 2023
  • Table 53 : Stilla Technologies: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 54 : Stilla Technologies: News/Key Developments, Jan. 2021 to May 2023
  • Table 55 : Standard BioTools Inc.: Financials, 2022
  • Table 56 : Standard BioTools Inc.: dPCR Product Portfolio
  • Table 57 : Sysmex Inostics Inc.: Selected Key Developments, April 2020 to July 2023
  • Table 58 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Segment Information
  • Table 59 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Financials, 2022
  • Table 60 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: dPCR Portfolio
  • Table 61 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: News/Key Developments, Jan. 2021 to July 2023
  • Table 62 : Major Acronyms Used in This Report

List of Figures

  • Summary Figure A : Global Market for dPCR, by End Use, 2020-2028
  • Summary Figure B : Global Market Shares of dPCR, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 1 : dPCR Workflow
  • Figure 2 : dPCR Workflow
  • Figure 3 : Advantages of Different PCR Methods
  • Figure 4 : Top Applications of dPCR
  • Figure 5 : Digital PCR Breakthroughs
  • Figure 6 : Advantages and Disadvantages of Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)
  • Figure 7 : Global Market for dPCR, by Technology, 2020-2028
  • Figure 8 : Global Market Shares of dPCR, by Technology, 2022
  • Figure 9 : Global Market for ddPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 10 : Global Market Shares of ddPCR, by Product Type, 2022
  • Figure 11 : Global Market for Microfluidics-based dPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 12 : Global Market Shares of Microfluidics-based dPCR, by Product Type, 2022
  • Figure 13 : Global Market for dPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 14 : Global Market Shares of dPCR, by Product Type, 2022
  • Figure 15 : Global Market for dPCR Equipment, by Technology, 2020-2028
  • Figure 16 : Global Market Shares of dPCR Equipment, by Technology, 2022
  • Figure 17 : Global Market for dPCR Reagents, Consumables and Accessories, by Technology, 2020-2028
  • Figure 18 : Global Market Shares of dPCR Reagents, Consumables and Accessories, by Technology, 2022
  • Figure 19 : Global Pharmaceutical R&D Spending, by Geography, 2010-2019
  • Figure 20 : Global Market for dPCR, by End Use, 2020-2028
  • Figure 21 : Global Market Shares of dPCR, by End Use, 2022
  • Figure 22 : Global Market for dPCR in Basic Research, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 23 : Global Market for dPCR in Clinical Research, by Product Type, 2020 to 2028
  • Figure 24 : Global Market for dPCR in Clinical Diagnostics, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 25 : Global Market for dPCR in Applied Markets, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 26 : Global Market for dPCR, by Region, 2020-2028
  • Figure 27 : Global Market Shares of dPCR, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 28 : North American Market for dPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 29 : Investment on Grants for Biomedical Research, by Region, in 2020
  • Figure 30 : European Market for dPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 31 : China: Pharmaceutical Deals, by Sector, 2018-2022
  • Figure 32 : Asia-Pacific Market for dPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 33 : RoW Market for dPCR, by Product Type, 2020-2028
  • Figure 34 : Benefits of a Strong ESG Proposition
  • Figure 35 : ESG-Adoption Level Across All Industries, Global, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 36 : Research Communities' Key Sustainable Practices in Research Laboratories
  • Figure 37 : Emerging Trends/Technologies in the dPCR Market
  • Figure 38 : Top Automation Benefits
  • Figure 39 : Share of U.S. Patents on Digital PCR, by Assignee's Country, 2020-August, 2023
  • Figure 40 : Number of PubMed Publications of Articles on Real-Time PCR vs. Digital PCR, 2010-2022
  • Figure 41 : Number of PubMed Publications of Articles on Real-Time PCR vs. Digital PCR and Linear Digital PCR, 2010-2022
  • Figure 42 : Principle Competitive Factors in the Market for dPCR
  • Figure 43 : Distribution Share of Strategies Used in the dCPR Industry, Jan. 2021 to July 2023
  • Figure 44 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 45 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: Market Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 46 : Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 47 : Danaher: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 48 : Danaher: Market Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 49 : Danaher: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 50 : Eurofins Scientific: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 51 : Eurofins Scientific: Market Share, by Major Service Line, 2022
  • Figure 52 : Eurofins Scientific: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 53 : Merck: Financial, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 54 : Merck: Market Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 55 : Merck: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 56 : Qiagen: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 57 : Qiagen: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 58 : Qiagen: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 59 : Roche: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 60 : Roche: Market Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 61 : Standard BioTools Inc.: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 62 : Standard BioTools Inc.: Market Share, by Product Type, 2022
  • Figure 63 : Standard BioTools Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 64 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Financials, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 65 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Market Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 66 : Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
Product Code: BIO137C


The global market for digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) technology is expected to grow from $752.1 million in 2023 to $1.3 billion by the end of 2028, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.0% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The global market for dPCR in clinical research is expected to grow from $305.9 million in 2023 to $482.5 million by the end of 2028, at a CAGR of 9.5% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The global market for dPCR in clinical diagnostics is expected to grow from $189.3 million in 2023 to $376.7 million by the end of 2028, at a CAGR of 14.8% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

Report Scope:

This research study analyzes the dPCR market, offers revenue forecasts, assesses future trends, and provides strategic recommendations for the success of market participants. The scope of the study is global. This report estimates market data for 2022 (the base year) and forecasts for 2023 through 2028. Figures for 2023 are estimated, except where actual results have been reported. This report includes forecasts by product type, technology, end-use and region from 2023 through 2028.

The report also analyzes leading and emerging competitors in the current worldwide dPCR market.

Report Includes:

  • 26 data tables and 37 additional tables
  • An overview and analysis of the global market for digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) technology
  • Analyses of the global market trends, with historical market revenue data (sales figures) from 2020 to 2022, estimates for 2023, forecasts for 2024, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2028
  • Estimates of the market size and revenue forecast for global dPCR market, and corresponding analysis of market shares by product type, technology, end-use and region
  • In-depth information (facts and figures) pertaining to the major factors influencing the market, including drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges
  • A value chain analysis providing a systematic study of the key intermediaries, with emphasis on manufacturers, suppliers and major end users
  • Discussion of the importance of ESG in the dPCR technology market, including consumer attitudes, an assessment of risks and opportunities, and the ESG practices followed by manufacturers and service providers
  • Analysis of the U.S. patents on digital PCR, and emerging trends and technologies in the industry
  • A look at the major vendors in the global market for dPCR, and an analysis of the industry structure, including market shares and recent M&A activity
  • Identification of the major stakeholders and analysis of the competitive landscape based on recent developments, key financials and revenues by segment
  • Company profiles of the leading market players

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Study Goals and Objectives
  • Reasons for Doing This Study
  • Scope of Report
  • What's New in This Update?
  • Methodology and Information Sources
  • Geographic Breakdown

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

  • Market Outlook
  • Highlights of the Global dPCR Market

Chapter 3 Market Overview

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • Real-Time PCR or Quantitative PCR (qPCR)
  • Digital PCR
  • How the Technology Works
  • Variations on the Technology
  • Uses
  • Oncology
  • Next-generation Sequencing
  • Infectious Disease
  • Noninvasive Diagnostics
  • Small Nucleotide Polymorphism Detection
  • Single-cell PCR

Chapter 4 Market Dynamics

  • Overview
  • Market Drivers
  • Technology Advancements
  • Growing Demand in Clinical Diagnostics
  • Burgeoning Biopharmaceutical Market
  • Growth in Genomic and Biomarker Research
  • Trend toward Personalized Medicine
  • Robust Funding Environment for Biomedical Research
  • Market Challenges
  • High Investment Cost
  • Complexity and Expertise Requirements
  • Technical Limitations and Competition from Alternative Technologies
  • Stringent Regulatory Landscape
  • Key Factors and Impact on Market

Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Technology

  • Market Overview
  • Droplet-based Digital PCR (ddPCR)
  • Beads, Emulsion, Amplification, Magnetics (BEAMing) dPCR
  • Microfluidics-based dPCR
  • Droplet-based vs. Microfluidics-based dPCR
  • Market Revenue, by Technology
  • Droplet-based dPCR (ddPCR)
  • Microfluidics-based dPCR

Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Product Type

  • Market Overview
  • Global Market for dPCR, by Product Type
  • Equipment
  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue
  • Reagents, Consumables and Accessories
  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End Use

  • Market Overview
  • Basic Research
  • Clinical Research
  • Clinical Diagnostics
  • Applied Markets
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Environmental Science
  • Forensics
  • Market Revenue, by End Use
  • Basic Research
  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type
  • Clinical Research
  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type
  • Clinical Diagnostics
  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type
  • Applied Markets
  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region

  • Market Overview
  • Market Revenue
  • North America
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type
  • Europe
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type
  • Rest of the World (RoW)
  • Market Revenue, by Product Type

Chapter 9 ESG Development

  • Introduction to ESG
  • Sustainability in dPCR Industry: An ESG Perspective
  • Key Environmental Issues
  • Consumer Attitudes Toward ESG
  • Industry ESG Performance Analysis
  • Concluding Remarks from BCC

Chapter 10 Emerging Technologies and Developments

  • Overview
  • Integrated Microfluidic dPCR
  • Growth Acceleration in CGT Development and Production
  • Liquid Biopsy and Clinical Diagnostics
  • Integration of dPCR into NGS Workflow
  • Custom Assay Development

Chapter 11 Patent Analysis

  • Patent
  • PubMed

Chapter 12 Competitive Intelligence

  • Overview
  • Leading Players
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Product Launches
  • Supplier Collaborations

Chapter 13 Company Profiles


Chapter 14 Appendix: Acronyms