主力戦車の世界市場 (2024~2034年)Global Main Battle Tank Market 2024-2034 |
主力戦車の世界市場 (2024~2034年) |
出版日: 2024年09月16日
発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D)
ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages
納期: 3営業日
世界の主力戦車の市場規模は、2024年に293億7,000万米ドルと推計され、2034年には405億4,000万米ドルに成長すると予測されています。予測期間中 (2024~2034年) の年間平均成長率 (CAGR) は3.27%です。
主力戦車 (MBT) は、現代の地上戦において重要なコンポーネントであり、世界中の機甲部隊の基幹を担っています。この重装甲車両は、敵の戦車やその他の装甲脅威と交戦するように設計されており、火力と防護の両方を提供します。MBTは強力な主砲、高度な装甲、機動性を兼ね備えており、さまざまな戦闘シナリオで万能の戦力となります。MBTはその誕生以来、技術進歩や戦術的ニーズの変化に適応しながら大きく進化してきました。世界のMBT市場は多様なモデルによって特徴付けられ、それぞれが異なる軍の特定のニーズを満たすように設計されています。各国は陸戦能力を強化し、仮想敵国に対する戦略的優位性を維持するためにMBTに投資しています。この市場の発展には、新規戦車開発と既存戦車の近代化の両方が含まれ、技術の継続的な進歩や新興国の防衛要件がその原動力となっています。
技術は主力戦車 (MBT) に大きな影響を与え、その能力と性能をさまざまな側面から大幅に向上させています。先進装甲システムは、複合装甲や反応装甲などの技術を取り入れることで、MBTを一変させました。複合装甲は複数の材料層を使用してさまざまな脅威に対する優れた防御を提供し、反応装甲は飛んでくる弾丸をそらせたり無力化したりすることができます。これらの技術革新により、MBTは近代的な対戦車兵器に対する回復力を維持し、戦場での有効性を維持することができます。火力の面では、技術進歩により、より強力で正確な主砲が開発されました。滑腔砲、高度な弾薬の種類、高度な射撃統制システムなどの技術革新により、MBTの精度と殺傷力は大幅に向上しました。さらに、機関銃や対空ミサイルなどの副兵器システムを統合することで、汎用性と全体的な戦闘効果が向上しました。エンジン技術とサスペンションシステムの進歩により、機動性と推進力も大幅に向上しました。最新のMBTは強力なエンジンを搭載しており、高速で加速できるため、多様な地形で効果的な操縦が可能です。強化されたサスペンションシステムは、オフロード性能と安定性の向上に貢献し、MBTがさまざまな環境で効率的に運用できるようにしています。
いくつかの主な促進要因が、世界の主力戦車 (MBT) 市場の成長と開拓を推進しています。対戦車兵器の高度化と非対称戦の台頭を特徴とする脅威の進化が主な要因です。軍は、こうした新たな脅威に対抗し、戦場での競争力を維持するため、先進的なMBT技術に投資しています。さらに、多くの国が既存のMBTフリートを更新する近代化プログラムを実施しています。これらのプログラムは、旧式戦車の耐用年数を延ばし、現代の戦闘シナリオにおける有効性を確保するため、先進技術の統合、装甲の強化、火力の向上に重点を置いています。国防予算と軍事費の増加も市場の成長に寄与しています。各国政府は、信頼できる抑止力を維持し、国家安全保障を強化する必要性から、より広範な防衛戦略の一環として、先進戦車の開発・調達に多額の資金を割り当てています。地政学的緊張や地域紛争は、先進MBTの需要をさらに高めます。安全保障上の課題に直面したり、領土紛争に巻き込まれたりしている国々は、自国の軍事力を強化し、戦略的利益を主張するために最新戦車技術に投資しています。最後に、装甲・兵器・推進システムにおける継続的な技術進歩がMBT市場の技術革新に拍車をかけています。メーカー各社は、MBTの性能と能力を向上させる新技術を継続的に開発しており、軍隊の進化するニーズに対応し、急速に変化する防衛環境においてこれらの重要な資産が続けて効果的であるようにしています。
世界の主力戦車 (MBT) 市場の地域動向は、地域ごとに多様な安全保障ニーズ、防衛上の優先事項、技術力を明らかにしています。北米では、米国とカナダがMBTの開発と調達の最前線にいます。米国軍は、先進的な装甲・兵器・電子機器を搭載したAbrahams戦車の近代化に注力しており、カナダは、老朽化した保有戦車を更新し、装甲能力を強化するために新型MBTに投資しています。両国は戦略的優位性を維持するため、共同防衛プログラムや技術開発に取り組んでいます。
欧州では、各国が地域の安全保障上の課題に対処し、機甲部隊の近代化を図るため、MBTに積極的に投資しています。ドイツ・英国・フランスなどの国々は、先進戦車の開発・調達において主導的な役割を果たしています。欧州連合 (EU) の共同防衛イニシアティブは、加盟国間の共同プログラムと技術共有を推進し、新技術の統合と大陸全体の戦車フリートの相互運用性の強化に焦点を当てています。アジア太平洋地域は、防衛予算の増加と地域の安全保障力学に後押しされ、MBT市場の著しい成長を目の当たりにしています。中国・インド・日本は、軍事力強化のためにMBTに多額の投資を行っています。中国は最先端技術を駆使した先進戦車開発の最前線にあり、インドと日本は地域の安全保障上の課題に対処するため、既存戦車の近代化と新型MBTの取得を進めています。中東では、進行中の地域紛争と安全保障上の懸念がMBTの需要を牽引しています。サウジアラビア・アラブ首長国連邦・イスラエルなどの国々は、自国の防衛力を強化するために近代的な戦車技術に投資しています。この地域では、進化する安全保障情勢に適応するため、最新戦車の獲得と既存戦車の更新に重点が置かれています。アフリカでは、他の地域に比べてペースは遅いもの、MBT市場が成長しています。南アフリカやエジプトなどの国々は、装甲能力を向上させるためにMBT技術を模索しています。地域の安全保障上の課題に対応し、防衛力を強化するため、費用対効果の高いソリューションの獲得と既存戦車の更新に重点が置かれています。
マレーシア陸軍は、PT-91M「Pendekar」主力戦車の寿命延長プログラム (LEP) の開始を計画しています。このプログラムは、第12次または第13次マレーシア計画に組み込まれる予定です。
フランス・ドイツの国防相は、将来の戦車地上戦闘システムを共同開発するための産業ワークシェア協定を承認しました。4月26日に調印されたこの協定は、両国が均等に産業負担を受けることを保証するもので、過去および現在進行中の欧州防衛プロジェクトにおける共通の問題に対処するものです。この協定の一環として、ドイツがプロジェクトを主導し、年内に初期実証段階の契約を開始します。両国は2040年までに、フランスのLeclercとドイツのLeopard 2という現在の主力戦車を置き換えることを目指しています。
The Global Main Battle Tank Market is estimated at USD 29.37 billion in 2024, projected to grow to USD 40.54 billion by 2034 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.27% over the forecast period 2024-2034
Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) are critical components of modern ground warfare, serving as the backbone of armored forces across the globe. These heavily armored vehicles are designed to engage enemy tanks and other armored threats, providing both firepower and protection. MBTs combine powerful main guns, advanced armor, and mobility, making them versatile assets in various combat scenarios. They have evolved significantly since their inception, adapting to technological advancements and changing tactical needs. The global MBT market is characterized by a diverse range of models, each designed to meet the specific needs of different militaries. Nations invest in MBTs to enhance their land warfare capabilities and maintain a strategic edge over potential adversaries. The market encompasses both new tank development and the modernization of existing fleets, driven by ongoing advancements in technology and evolving defense requirements.
Technology has profoundly impacted Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), significantly enhancing their capabilities and performance across several dimensions. Advanced armor systems have transformed MBTs by incorporating technologies such as composite armor and reactive armor. Composite armor uses multiple material layers to offer superior protection against various threats, while reactive armor can deflect or neutralize incoming projectiles. These innovations ensure that MBTs remain resilient against modern anti-tank weapons and maintain their effectiveness on the battlefield. In terms of firepower, technological advancements have led to the development of more powerful and accurate main guns. Innovations like smoothbore guns, advanced ammunition types, and sophisticated fire control systems have significantly improved the accuracy and lethality of MBTs. Additionally, the integration of secondary weapon systems, such as machine guns and anti-aircraft missiles, has enhanced their versatility and overall combat effectiveness. Mobility and propulsion have also seen significant improvements due to advances in engine technology and suspension systems. Modern MBTs are equipped with powerful engines that provide high speed and acceleration, enabling effective maneuvering across diverse terrains. Enhanced suspension systems contribute to better off-road capabilities and stability, allowing MBTs to operate efficiently in various environments.
The integration of advanced command and control systems has further augmented MBT operations. These systems include state-of-the-art communication devices, battlefield management systems, and electronic countermeasures, all of which enhance situational awareness, facilitate real-time data sharing, and improve coordination with other units. This integration is crucial for optimizing the effectiveness of tank operations within a larger force. Emerging technologies are introducing autonomous and remote capabilities to MBTs. Advances in automated targeting systems, remote control options, and autonomous navigation are reducing crew workload, enhancing precision, and improving operational flexibility. These technologies represent the next frontier in MBT development, offering potential improvements in efficiency and effectiveness on the battlefield.
Several key drivers are propelling the growth and development of the global Main Battle Tank (MBT) market. The evolving threat landscape, characterized by the increasing sophistication of anti-tank weapons and the rise of asymmetric warfare, is a major factor. Militaries are investing in advanced MBT technologies to counter these emerging threats and maintain a competitive edge on the battlefield. Additionally, many countries are undertaking modernization programs to upgrade their existing MBT fleets. These programs focus on integrating advanced technologies, enhancing armor, and improving firepower to extend the service life of older tanks and ensure their effectiveness in contemporary combat scenarios. Increased defense budgets and military spending are also contributing to the market's growth. Governments are allocating substantial funds to develop and procure advanced tanks as part of their broader defense strategies, driven by the need to maintain a credible deterrent and bolster national security. Geopolitical tensions and regional conflicts further drive demand for advanced MBTs. Nations facing security challenges or involved in territorial disputes are investing in modern tank technologies to strengthen their military capabilities and assert their strategic interests. Finally, ongoing technological advancements in armor, weaponry, and propulsion systems are fueling innovation in the MBT market. Manufacturers are continuously developing new technologies to enhance the performance and capabilities of MBTs, addressing the evolving needs of armed forces and ensuring that these vital assets remain effective in a rapidly changing defense environment.
Regional trends in the global Main Battle Tank (MBT) market reveal diverse security needs, defense priorities, and technological capabilities across different regions. In North America, the United States and Canada are at the forefront of MBT development and procurement. The U.S. military is concentrating on modernizing its Abrams tanks with advanced armor, weaponry, and electronics, while Canada is investing in new MBTs to replace its aging fleet and bolster its armored capabilities. Both nations are involved in collaborative defense programs and technology development to maintain their strategic advantages.
In Europe, countries are actively investing in MBTs to address regional security challenges and modernize their armored forces. Nations such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and France are leading the way in developing and procuring advanced tanks. The European Union's collaborative defense initiatives are promoting joint programs and technology sharing among member states, focusing on integrating new technologies and enhancing the interoperability of tank fleets across the continent. The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing significant growth in the MBT market, fueled by rising defense budgets and regional security dynamics. China, India, and Japan are making substantial investments in MBTs to strengthen their military capabilities. China is at the forefront of developing advanced tanks with cutting-edge technologies, while India and Japan are modernizing their existing fleets and acquiring new MBTs to address regional security challenges. In the Middle East, the demand for MBTs is driven by ongoing regional conflicts and security concerns. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel are investing in modern tank technologies to enhance their defense capabilities. The emphasis is on acquiring advanced tanks and upgrading existing fleets to adapt to the evolving security landscape in the region. In Africa, the MBT market is growing, though at a slower pace compared to other regions. Countries like South Africa and Egypt are exploring MBT technologies to improve their armored capabilities. The focus is on acquiring cost-effective solutions and upgrading existing tanks to meet regional security challenges and enhance defense capabilities.
The Malaysian Army is planning to initiate a Life Extension Program (LEP) for its PT-91M "Pendekar" main battle tanks. This program is anticipated to be incorporated into either the 12th or 13th Malaysia Plan.
The Defense Ministers of France and Germany have approved an industrial workshare agreement to jointly develop a future battle tank ground combat system. Signed on April 26, the agreement ensures that both nations will receive equal shares of the industrial workload, addressing a common issue in previous and ongoing European defense projects. As part of the pact, Germany will lead the project and start awarding contracts for the initial demonstrator phase by the end of the year. Both countries aim to replace their current main battle tanks - France's Leclerc and Germany's Leopard 2 - by 2040.
Main Battle Tank Market Report Definition
Main Battle Tank Market Segmentation
By Region
By Type
Main Battle Tank Market Analysis for next 10 Years
The 10-year Main Battle Tank Market analysis would give a detailed overview of Main Battle Tank Market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.
Market Technologies of Main Battle Tank Market
This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.
Global Main Battle Tank Market Forecast
The 10-year Main Battle Tank Market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.
Regional Main Battle Tank Market Trends & Forecast
The regional Main Battle Tank Market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.
North America
Drivers, Restraints and Challenges
Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis
Key Companies
Supplier Tier Landscape
Company Benchmarking
Middle East
South America
Country Analysis of Main Battle Tank Market
This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.
Defense Programs
Latest News
Current levels of technology maturation in this market
Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis
South Africa
South Korea
Opportunity Matrix for Main Battle Tank Market
The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.
Expert Opinions on Main Battle Tank Market Report
Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.
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