表紙:打ち上げロケット用アビオニクスの世界市場 (2023年~2033年)

打ち上げロケット用アビオニクスの世界市場 (2023年~2033年)

Global Launch Vehicle Avionics Market 2023-2033

出版日: | 発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D) | ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages | 納期: 3営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
打ち上げロケット用アビオニクスの世界市場 (2023年~2033年)
出版日: 2023年11月20日
発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D)
ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages
納期: 3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

打ち上げロケットに搭載され、ミッションの全段階における誘導・航法・制御 (GNC) や通信などを担う電子システムやコンポーネントは、打ち上げロケット用アビオニクスと呼ばれます。これらのアビオニクスシステムは、打ち上げを成功させ、ペイロードを希望する軌道に送り届けるために極めて重要です。










  • コンポーネント別
  • ペイロード別
  • 地域別

打ち上げロケット用アビオニクス市場の分析 (今後10年間分)




  • 北米
    • 促進・抑制要因、課題
    • PEST分析
    • 市場予測とシナリオ分析
    • 主要企業
    • サプライヤー階層の情勢
    • 企業のベンチマーク
  • 欧州
  • 中東
  • アジア太平洋
  • 南米



  • 防衛計画
  • 最新動向
  • 特許
  • この市場における現在の技術成熟レベル
  • 市場予測とシナリオ分析
    • カナダ
    • イタリア
    • フランス
    • ドイツ
    • オランダ
    • ベルギー
    • スペイン
    • スウェーデン
    • ギリシャ
    • オーストラリア
    • 南アフリカ
    • インド
    • 中国
    • ロシア
    • 韓国
    • 日本
    • マレーシア
    • シンガポール
    • ブラジル




Aviation and Defense Market Reportsについて


List of Tables

  • Table 1: 10 Year Market Outlook, 2022-2032
  • Table 2: Drivers, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 3: Restraints, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 4: Challenges, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 5: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 6: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 7: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 8: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 9: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 10: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 11: Drivers, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 12: Restraints, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 13: Challenges, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 14: Drivers, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 15: Restraints, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 16: Challenges, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 17: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Table 18: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Component, 2022-2032
  • Table 19: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Payload, 2022-2032
  • Table 20: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Table 21: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Component, 2022-2032
  • Table 22: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Payload, 2022-2032

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 2: Global Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Forecast, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 3: Global Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Forecast, By Component, 2022-2032
  • Figure 4: Global Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Forecast, By Payload, 2022-2032
  • Figure 5: North America, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 6: Europe, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 7: Middle East, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 8: APAC, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 9: South America, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 10: United States, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 11: United States, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 12: Canada, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 13: Canada, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 14: Italy, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 15: Italy, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 16: France, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 17: France, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 18: Germany, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 19: Germany, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 20: Netherlands, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 21: Netherlands, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 22: Belgium, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 23: Belgium, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 24: Spain, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 25: Spain, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 26: Sweden, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 27: Sweden, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 28: Brazil, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 29: Brazil, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 30: Australia, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 31: Australia, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 32: India, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 33: India, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 34: China, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 35: China, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 36: Saudi Arabia, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 37: Saudi Arabia, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 38: South Korea, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 39: South Korea, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 40: Japan, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 41: Japan, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 42: Malaysia, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 43: Malaysia, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 44: Singapore, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 45: Singapore, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 46: United Kingdom, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Technology Maturation, 2022-2032
  • Figure 47: United Kingdom, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Market Forecast, 2022-2032
  • Figure 48: Opportunity Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Region (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 49: Opportunity Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Region (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 50: Opportunity Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Component (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 51: Opportunity Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Component (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 52: Opportunity Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Payload (Cumulative Market), 2022-2032
  • Figure 53: Opportunity Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Payload (CAGR), 2022-2032
  • Figure 54: Scenario Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Cumulative Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 55: Scenario Analysis, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Global Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 56: Scenario 1, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Total Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 57: Scenario 1, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 58: Scenario 1, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Component, 2022-2032
  • Figure 59: Scenario 1, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Payload, 2022-2032
  • Figure 60: Scenario 2, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, Total Market, 2022-2032
  • Figure 61: Scenario 2, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Region, 2022-2032
  • Figure 62: Scenario 2, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Component, 2022-2032
  • Figure 63: Scenario 2, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, By Payload, 2022-2032
  • Figure 64: Company Benchmark, Launch Vehicle Avionics Market, 2022-2032
Product Code: AND207

The electronic systems and components installed on a launch vehicle that is responsible for its guidance, navigation, control, and communication during all phases of the mission are referred to as launch vehicle avionics. These avionics systems are critical to the successful launch and delivery of payloads to their desired orbits.

Flight computers serve as the avionics system's central processing units, performing computations, executing control algorithms, and coordinating data exchange between different subsystems. They handle tasks such as sensor data processing, trajectory calculations, and actuator control in real-time. GNC systems oversee determining the position, velocity, and attitude of the launch vehicle, as well as controlling its trajectory. They are typically made up of sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS receivers that provide input to navigation algorithms.

To ensure precise trajectory and mission objectives, the GNC system calculates optimal commands for vehicle control, including thrust vector control and steering. During a mission, launch vehicles generate massive amounts of data, including vehicle health status, sensor measurements, and telemetry data. Telemetry systems collect, process, and transmit data from the launch vehicle to the ground control center, allowing for real-time monitoring and analysis of the launch vehicle's performance.

During a mission, launch vehicles generate massive amounts of data, including vehicle health status, sensor measurements, and telemetry data. Telemetry systems collect, process, and transmit data from the launch vehicle to the ground control center, allowing for real-time monitoring and analysis of the launch vehicle's performance. Avionics on launch vehicles require a dependable and efficient power supply.

Power distribution and management systems are in charge of distributing electrical power to various subsystems and ensuring that each component receives the proper voltage and current. These systems frequently include backup power sources, voltage regulation, and fault protection mechanisms. Avionics systems use a variety of sensors to collect information about the launch vehicle's performance and the environment. Accelerometers, gyroscopes, altimeters, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, and attitude determination sensors are examples of these sensors. These sensors' data is used for real-time control, monitoring, and safety evaluations. Avionics software consists of embedded software and algorithms that control the launch vehicle's operations, process data, and perform guidance and control functions. To ensure reliability and robustness, software development includes rigorous testing, verification, and validation.

Avionics systems must be seamlessly integrated with the launch vehicle's other subsystems, such as propulsion, structures, and payload systems. To enable data exchange and interoperability between avionics and other components, interface standards and protocols are established.

Table of Contents

Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Report Definition

Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Segmentation

  • By Component
  • By Payload
  • By Region

Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Analysis for next 10 Years

  • The 10-year access control market analysis would give a detailed overview of access control market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.

Market Technologies of Launch Vehicle Avionics Market

  • This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.

Global Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Forecast

  • The 10-year access control market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.

Regional Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Trends & Forecast

  • The regional access control market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.
  • North America
    • Drivers, Restraints and Challenges
    • PEST
    • Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis
    • Key Companies
    • Supplier Tier Landscape
    • Company Benchmarking
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • APAC
  • South America

Country Analysis of Launch Vehicle Avionics Market

  • This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.


  • Defense Programs
  • Latest News
  • Patents
  • Current levels of technology maturation in this market
  • Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis
    • Canada
    • Italy
    • France
    • Germany
    • Netherlands
    • Belgium
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Greece
    • Australia
    • South Africa
    • India
    • China
    • Russia
    • South Korea
    • Japan
    • Malaysia
    • Singapore
    • Brazil

Opportunity Matrix for Launch Vehicle Avionics Market

  • The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.

Expert Opinions on Launch Vehicle Avionics Market Report

  • Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.


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