

Global Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market

出版日: | 発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D) | ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages | 納期: お問合せ

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.76円
出版日: 2023年06月26日
発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D)
ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages
納期: お問合せ
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

ターンアラウンド タイム (tat) の短縮、顧客満足度、サービス レベルのコンプライアンス、納期厳守、その他の複雑なビジネス契約の管理を達成する能力により、競争の激しい MRO セクターにおいてリーダーは他の企業と区別されます。一方、MRO は、手作業による作業スケジュール設定、不正確な作業見積もり、リソースの可視性の欠如、在庫の漏洩、ばらばらのレガシー システムなど、さまざまな問題に悩まされています。ペーパーレス化をサポートし、複雑な契約を処理し、使いやすいワンストップの MRO ソリューションが急務となっています。デジタル MRO 部門の価値は最大 3 倍に増加すると予想されています。そして防衛MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場の成長が増加しています。この増加の主な要因は、生産性の向上と航空機のダウンタイムの削減を目的とした MRO のデジタル化の進展です。航空機のメンテナンス、修理、オーバーホールなどのすべての MRO 関連活動を管理、監視、強化するために、MRO 航空会社は人工知能などの最先端のテクノロジーを活用し、防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場の成長を促進する必要があります。 。


防衛MROへの投資は短期から中期的に増加すると予想されており、これにより防衛MROの成長が拡大します - 航空プラットフォーム市場規模 安価で熟練した労働力の利用可能性により、先進国から発展途上国への移行に伴いMRO活動が増加しています。防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場分析、経費削減、高度な資材管理ソリューション、運用改善には、堅牢な MRO が必要です。防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場分析では、MRO のサービス プロバイダーは、より世界かつ地域的なサービス プロバイダーになるために地理的範囲を拡大しています。


現代の航空機によって大量の情報が生成されます。 MRO はあらゆるフライトで、無数のソースからのギガバイトのデータにアクセスできます。防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォームの市場動向、この状況では高度なデータ分析が活躍します。防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場動向では、ビッグデータとリンクされた航空技術を利用して、メンテナンス業務が大幅に改善されました。燃料および油圧システム、エンジン、ギアボックス、飛行制御装置の位置など、重要な航空機システムを監視するためのインターフェイスがあります。


防衛MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場予測、効率的なMRO運用に対するニーズの高まりにより、防衛MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場規模の成長が引き続き推進されます。 AI を活用した予知保全は、航空機健全性監視システム市場の主な原動力の 1 つとなります。航空機技術の進歩に伴い、さらに多くのデータを収集することが可能になります。これは、より強力な分析を導き出す可能性につながり、最終的な目標は、航空機をより深く理解し、メンテナンスなどの活動を予測し、運航に真の価値を追加することです。航空機の老朽化と維持プログラムは、MRO サービスにとって大きなチャンスをもたらしています。


ボーイング・ディフェンス・オーストラリア(BDA)とRUAGオーストラリア(RUAG)の間で部品修理枠組み協定が締結され、オーストラリアの主権航空機の保守、修理、オーバーホール(MRO)能力が強化された。 RUAGは、BDAの航空戦闘電子攻撃持続(ACEAS)プログラムとの契約条件に基づいて、F/A-18FおよびEA-18Gグラウラー航空機の少なくとも3つのコンポーネントに対して強化された中間レベルの修理を実施します(拡張オプション付き)。その番号。米国海軍の海外軍事売却プログラムを通じて、主輪ハブと前輪ハブ、および環境制御システムの一部を含むコンポーネントは現在米国で修理されています。

防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場レポートによると、ボーイング社は TurbineAero と補助動力装置 (APU) の複数年間の保守、修理、オーバーホール (MRO) サービス契約を結んでいます。 C-17 グローブマスター III プログラムは、契約によってサポートされることを目的としています。合意どおり、TurbineAero は GTCP331-250G APU に、APU およびライン交換可能ユニット (LRU) 向けの MRO サービス、エンジニアリング開発、サプライ チェーン、物流、ライン メンテナンス トレーニング、および陳腐化追跡を提供します。 TurbineAero の SMaRT-Workscoping メンテナンス戦略によれば、より分析的でモジュールベースのメンテナンス アプローチにより、ボーイング社は全体的なコストを削減できると考えられます。 TurbineAero は 331-250G APU に対して、現在市場に OEM メーカーによる交換品がない 38 個の部品をカバーする廃止サポートを提供するようになりました。さらに、同社は 240 を超える FAA 認定の代替部品と 330 を超える米国連邦航空局 (FAA) 承認の部品修理を提供しています。

防衛 MRO - 航空プラットフォーム市場レポートによると、インド海軍 (IN) が同時に運用している 3 機の P-8I 長距離海上哨戒機および対潜水艦戦機は現在、ホスールの航空工場でボーイングと航空工場によって広範な保守テストを受けています。さらに、2022年5月10日にニューデリーで開催されるボーイング・インディア・アートマニバルタ防衛会議では、インド海軍、エアワークスグループ、その他の重要なサプライヤーパートナーのリーダーも出席し、ボーイング・インディアとエアワークスはパートナーシップを祝う予定です。





  • 地域別
  • コンポーネント別
  • 航空機タイプ別





  • 北米
  • 欧州
  • 中東
  • アジア太平洋
  • 南米


  • 米国
  • カナダ
  • イタリア
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • オランダ
  • ベルギー
  • スペイン
  • スウェーデン
  • ギリシャ
  • オーストラリア
  • 南アフリカ
  • インド
  • 中国
  • ロシア
  • 韓国
  • 日本
  • マレーシア
  • シンガポール
  • ブラジル




List of Tables

  • Table 1: 10 Year Market Outlook, 2023-2033
  • Table 2: Drivers, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 3: Restraints, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 4: Challenges, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 5: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 6: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 7: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 8: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 9: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 10: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 11: Drivers, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 12: Restraints, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 13: Challenges, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 14: Drivers, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 15: Restraints, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 16: Challenges, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 17: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Region, 2023-2033
  • Table 18: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Component, 2023-2033
  • Table 19: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Aircraft Type, 2023-2033
  • Table 20: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Region, 2023-2033
  • Table 21: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Component, 2023-2033
  • Table 22: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Aircraft Type, 2023-2033

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 2: Global Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Forecast, By Region, 2023-2033
  • Figure 3: Global Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Forecast, By Component, 2023-2033
  • Figure 4: Global Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Forecast, By Aircraft Type, 2023-2033
  • Figure 5: North America, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 6: Europe, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 7: Middle East, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 8: APAC, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 9: South America, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 10: United States, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 11: United States, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 12: Canada, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 13: Canada, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 14: Italy, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 15: Italy, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 16: France, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 17: France, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 18: Germany, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 19: Germany, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 20: Netherlands, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 21: Netherlands, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 22: Belgium, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 23: Belgium, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 24: Spain, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 25: Spain, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 26: Sweden, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 27: Sweden, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 28: Brazil, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 29: Brazil, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 30: Australia, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 31: Australia, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 32: India, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 33: India, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 34: China, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 35: China, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 36: Saudi Arabia, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 37: Saudi Arabia, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 38: South Korea, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 39: South Korea, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 40: Japan, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 41: Japan, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 42: Malaysia, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 43: Malaysia, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 44: Singapore, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 45: Singapore, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 46: United Kingdom, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Technology Maturation, 2023-2033
  • Figure 47: United Kingdom, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Market Forecast, 2023-2033
  • Figure 48: Opportunity Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Region (Cumulative Market), 2023-2033
  • Figure 49: Opportunity Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Region (CAGR), 2023-2033
  • Figure 50: Opportunity Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Component (Cumulative Market), 2023-2033
  • Figure 51: Opportunity Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Component (CAGR), 2023-2033
  • Figure 52: Opportunity Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Aircraft Type (Cumulative Market), 2023-2033
  • Figure 53: Opportunity Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Aircraft Type (CAGR), 2023-2033
  • Figure 54: Scenario Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Cumulative Market, 2023-2033
  • Figure 55: Scenario Analysis, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Global Market, 2023-2033
  • Figure 56: Scenario 1, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Total Market, 2023-2033
  • Figure 57: Scenario 1, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Region, 2023-2033
  • Figure 58: Scenario 1, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Component, 2023-2033
  • Figure 59: Scenario 1, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Aircraft Type, 2023-2033
  • Figure 60: Scenario 2, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, Total Market, 2023-2033
  • Figure 61: Scenario 2, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Region, 2023-2033
  • Figure 62: Scenario 2, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Component, 2023-2033
  • Figure 63: Scenario 2, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, By Aircraft Type, 2023-2033
  • Figure 64: Company Benchmark, Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market, 2023-2033
Product Code: AND162

The capacity to accomplish quicker turnaround times (tat), customer satisfaction, service level compliance, on-time delivery, and management of other complicated business agreements distinguishes leaders from the pack in the fiercely competitive MRO sector. MROs, on the other hand, suffer a variety of difficulties, including manual work scheduling, inaccurate work estimates, a lack of resource visibility, inventory leakage, and disjointed legacy systems. A one-stop MRO solution that supports paperless operations, handles complicated contracts, and is simple to use is urgently needed. The value of the digital MRO sector is anticipated to increase up to three times. and there is an increase in defense MRO - Air platforms market growth. The primary driver of this rise is the growing digitalization of MRO, which aims to boost productivity and cut down on aircraft downtime. In order to manage, monitor, and enhance all MRO-related activities, such as aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul, MRO aviation companies will need to make use of cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence thus increasing defense MRO - Air platforms market growth.

Major factors driving the defense MRO - Air Platforms market growth:

The investment for Defense MRO is expected to increase in the short to medium term which increases the growth of the defense MRO - Air platforms market size The MRO activity rising with the shifting from developed to developing owing to the availability of cheap and skilled labour. defense MRO - Air platforms market analysis, to cut down the expense, sophisticated material management solutions, improve operations a robust MRO is needed. defense MRO - Air platforms market analysis, the service providers of MRO are expanding their geographical area reach in order to become more global & regional service providers.

Trends influencing the defense MRO Air Platforms market growth:

Massive volumes of information are produced by modern aircrafts. On every flight, MROs have access to gigabytes of data from countless sources. Defense MRO - Air platforms market trends, advanced data analytics come into play in this situation. defense MRO - Air platforms market trends, using big data and linked aeronautical technology, maintenance operations have significantly improved. There are interfaces for monitoring crucial aircraft systems, such as the fuel and hydraulic systems, the engine, gearbox, and positions of the flight controls.

Defense MRO Air Platforms Market Forecast & Dynamics:

Defense MRO - Air platforms market forecast, increasing need for efficient MRO operations will continue to drive the growth of the defense MRO - Air platforms market size. Predictive maintenance with the help of AI will be one of the primary driving force for the aircraft health monitoring systems market. It is feasible to compile even more data as aircraft technology advances. This then translates into the potential to derive more potent analytics, the ultimate goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the aircraft, anticipate activities like maintenance, and add genuine value to operations. The ageing aircraft fleet and sustainment programs present great opportunity for MRO services.

Defense MRO Air Platforms Analysis for Recent Developments:

A component repair framework agreement between Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) and RUAG Australia (RUAG) has been struck, enhancing Australia's capabilities to maintain, repair, and overhaul (MRO) sovereign aircraft. RUAG will carry out enhanced intermediate-level repairs on a minimum of three components for F/A-18F and EA-18G Growler aircraft under the terms of the contract with BDA's Air Combat Electronic Attack Sustainment (ACEAS) programme, with an option to expand that number. Through the US Navy's Foreign Military Sale programme, the components, which include the main and nose wheel hubs and a part of the environmental control system, are presently being fixed in the US.

defense MRO - Air platforms market reports, with TurbineAero, Boeing has a multi-year maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services contract for auxiliary power units (APUs). The C-17 Globemaster III programme is intended to be supported by the contract. As agreed, TurbineAero will supply the GTCP331-250G APU with MRO services for APUs and line replaceable units (LRUs), engineering development, supply chain, logistics, line maintenance training, and obsolescence tracking. Boeing will see lower overall costs according to TurbineAero's SMaRT-Workscoping maintenance strategy thanks to a more analytical and modular-based maintenance approach. For the 331-250G APU, TurbineAero now provides obsolescence support, which covers 38 parts for which there is no original equipment manufacturer replacement on the market today. Additionally, the business offers over 240 FAA-certified alternative components and over 330 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved part repairs.

defense MRO - Air platforms market reports, three P-8I long-range maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft operated concurrently by the Indian Navy (IN) are currently undergoing extensive maintenance tests by Boeing and Air Works at Air Works, Hosur. Additionally, on May 10, 2022, in New Delhi, at the Boeing India Aatmanirbharta in Defence Conference, which will also feature leaders from the Indian Navy, Air Works Group, and other significant supplier partners, Boeing India and Air Works will celebrate their partnership.

Table of Contents

Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Report Definition

Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Segmentation

By Region

By Component

By Aircraft Type

Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Analysis for next 10 Years

The 10-year Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market analysis would give a detailed overview of Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.

Market Technologies of Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market

This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.

Global Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Forecast

The 10-year Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.

Regional Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Trends & Forecast

The regional Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.

North America

Drivers, Restraints and Challenges


Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis

Key Companies

Supplier Tier Landscape

Company Benchmarking


Middle East


South America

Country Analysis of Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market

This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.


Defense Programs

Latest News


Current levels of technology maturation in this market

Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis











South Africa




South Korea





Opportunity Matrix for Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market

The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.

Expert Opinions on Defense MRO - Air Platforms Market Report

Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.


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