

IP Networks Research Service

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出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: TeleGeography
ページ情報: 英文
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The world's most comprehensive source of data and analysis about the global internet. Country-to-country bandwidth, international internet capacity growth, market analysis-it's all inside.


Capacity Data

The IP Networks Research Service provides data on current and historical international internet bandwidth by region, country, and city. It also includes international internet capacity growth by re- gion, countryto-country and city-to-city routes, among other metrics.

This service includes a downloadable data set of international capacity data. This downloadable data set offers data on current and historical international internet bandwidth, internet traffic, and capacity utilization levels by region from 2017 to 2021. It also includes international internet bandwidth data for 173 countries and region-to-region routes from 2012 to 2021.

Country and Provider Data

This tool provides profiles of 159 countries and 133 major internet backbone operators.

Country Profiles Include:

  • International internet backbone capacity and top international routes
  • International internet traffic for 38 countries
  • Peak and average capacity utilization levels for 38 countries

Country Autonomous System Number (ASN) Profiles

These profiles detail which international backbone operators provide upstream connectivity to different countries and their broadband ISPs.

These profiles include:

  • Top upstream providers by IP addresses reached
  • Top upstream providers by broadband ISPs

Provider Profiles

  • Contact details
  • Company overview
  • Service offerings
  • Internet network maps
  • ASN connectivity showing customers by region
  • Industry sector
  • Internet Exchange presence

IP Transit Service Pricing

This service provides extensive IP transit pricing data and in-depth analysis of wholesale pricing trends. Our pricing analysis includes:

  • Current and historical prices in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North America, and Oceania
  • Exploration of pricing trends by city and port speed

Traffic Metrics

  • Peak and average international internet traffic and network utilization for 40 city-to-city routes, 50 cities, and 38 countries
  • Analysis of network utilization trends and network upgrade policies

ISP Connectivity Analysis and Rankings

The IP Networks Research Service includes in-depth analysis of how the world's networks connect to one another. This analysis is based on the BGP routing tables that are used to direct traffic across the thousands of networks that are identified by ASNs.

Our analysis of ASN connectivity includes:

  • Detailed rankings of backbone operators' down-stream IP address connectivity by region, country, and ISP
  • Analysis of regional connectivity trends, including dependence on transit and upstream provider shares
  • Analysis and rankings of largest providers to Fortune 500 companies and by industry vertical

Network Capacity and Traffic

The IP Networks Research Service provide in-depth analysis on the evolution of the global internet.

This includes global capacity and traffic trends, as well as factors influencing capacity and traffic growth. It also provides detailed regional analysis, with internet metrics by region, country, and city.


Internet capacity and traffic data are obtained by integrating three main research methods. Confidential surveys, informal discussions, and followup interviews were conducted with network engineering and planning staff of major backbones.

IP transit pricing data is obtained through quarterly confidential surveys of market participants.