

IP Networks Forecast Service

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: TeleGeography | ページ情報: 英文

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出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: TeleGeography
ページ情報: 英文
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  • IPトランジットのボリューム・価格・収益:過去の推移 (4年) と予測 (6年)
  • 有用なIPトランジットデータを満載したExcelファイル
  • さまざまな購入オプションがIPトランジットおよび輸送の価格と収益に与える影響をモデル化したインタラクティブツール
  • 主要予測結果・動向のハイライトレポート (年2回更新)

Thinking about adding IP transit to your portfolio? Interested in an Excel workbook full of IP transit data?

Take a look at the most detailed historical data and forecasts of IP transit volumes, prices, and revenues available.


Market Forecasts

The IP Networks Forecast Service provides a four-year historical review, as well as six-year forecasts of IP transit volumes, prices, and revenues.

The Excel deliverable includes:

  • Internet traffic generated by country and region
  • Internet traffic exchanged via paid transit agreements
  • Total IP transit traffic by country and region
  • IP transit prices by country and average price per region, presented as both nominal 10 Gbps port prices and as average 10 Gbps port prices
  • IP transit revenues by country and region
  • Pre-defined charting tools that compare IP transit volumes, prices, and revenues
  • An interactive tool that models the impact of various purchase options on IP transit and transport prices and revenues

Geographic Coverage

Volume, price, and revenue projections cover 148 countries and seven major world regions: Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania, U.S. & Canada, Latin America & Caribbean.

Forecasts are updated twice a year based on a range of factors, including:

  • IP traffic growth in each country
  • Wholesale pricing trends
  • Peering versus transit trends

Forecast Findings Report

The service includes a report highlighting key forecast findings and trends, which is also updated twice a year.

Recent topics covered include:

  • Impact of transport on IP transit revenues
  • Effect of transit versus peering on IP transit traffic and revenues
  • Analysis of IP transit volume increases versus price declines
  • Differences in regional IP transit prices and revenue potential