表紙:ICT市場年間情報サービス (マインドコマース)

ICT市場年間情報サービス (マインドコマース)

Mind Commerce - ICT Knowledge Center: Subscription Service

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: Mind Commerce | ページ情報: 英文

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.97円
ICT市場年間情報サービス (マインドコマース)
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: Mind Commerce
ページ情報: 英文
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次





Mind Commerceのサービスは、多くの重要な分野に関する調査レポートやビジネス関連の情報を提供します。

  • アプリとサービス:企業向け、消費者向けのアプリやサービス、企業間取引、マネージドサービス
  • 人工知能:AI技術の進歩、ソリューション、企業向けアプリとサービスの統合
  • 広帯域無線技術:5G、6G、LTE、WiFi、WiMAXなど
  • 事業戦略:技術評価、ビジネスモデル、トレンド
  • クラウドとエッジコンピューティング:通信、アプリケーション、商取引、コンテンツ配信を支えるコンピュータ技術
  • データと分析:非構造化データ、インフラストラクチャ、各業界、API、アプリ
  • ICTインフラストラクチャ:ネットワーク機能の進化、次世代アプリ、サービスデリバリー
  • 没入型技術:拡張現実、インターネットによる触覚伝達、バーチャルリアリティなど
  • モノのインターネット (IoT) :センサー、通信技術、アプリケーション、エコシステム
  • スマートインフラストラクチャ、システム、プロセス:スマートビルティング、スマートシティ、スマートホーム、スマートマシン、スマートワークプレイス
  • ソフトウェアデファインド:ネットワーク、アプリケーション、OSS/BSS、管理
  • 仮想化:クラウドイネーブルメント、データセンタートランスフォーメーション、ネットワーク機能、マネージドサービス
  • ウェアラブル技術:デバイス、通信技術、ビジネスモデル、エコシステム



  • 市場と技術に関する詳細なレポート
  • 毎月発行される市場の最新動向をまとめたレポート
  • 毎週発行される特定のクライアント向けの分析
  • 毎日発行される注目のトピックについての分析
  • 専門的なコンサルティングサービスと分析サービス

Mind Commerceは、上述の各領域で年間情報サービスを提供しており、クライアントは、以下のサービスのなかから必要なものを組み合わせて利用することができます。

  • ナレッジセンター:すべてのレポートの目録
  • 複数のカテゴリーのレポートを選択
  • カスタマイズされたデータ、予測、レポートを選択


  • 技術開発と市場開発の重要な領域に関する最新版のレポートを定期的に受け取ることができます。
  • クライアントの極めて具体的なニーズに対応するカスタムレポートを作成することができます。
  • 個々のクライアントのニーズに重点を置いた専門アナリストのサポートを受けることができます。




以下のリストは、クライアントのニーズに合わせてMind Commerceのレポートを組み合わせた価値の高いパッケージの例です。クライアントは、多様なトピックのレポートのなかからそれぞれのニーズに合うものを選ぶことができるほか、以下の例のように、特定のテーマを選択し、それに関連するレポートを受けとることもできます。


  • AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) 市場 - 技術およびソリューション
  • 産業用・防衛部門向けドローン・UAVの世界市場
  • 企業オートメーションおよび産業オートメーションのためのテレオペレーション&テレロボティクス技術・ソリューション
  • ビッグデータアナリティクスおよびIoT部門における人工知能 (AI):データ回収・情報・意思決定支援サービス
  • エンタープライズ・産業オートメーション・IIoTにおけるスマートマシンの世界市場
  • サプライチェーン管理 (SCM) 市場における人工知能 (AI):オートメーション、プランニング・ロジスティクス、インベントリ管理、フリート管理、バーチャルアシスタンス、貨物運送取次ぎ
  • 人工知能 (AI) 型チャットボット市場:テキスト・音声・ハイブリッド


  • IoT向け5G技術とソリューション:エコシステム分析、市場見通し、予測
  • PS-LTE (公共安全LTE) の世界市場:ソリューション、アプリケーション、デバイス、サービスプロバイダーの収益・サブスクリプション
  • 5G Security Market by Technology, Solution, Category, Software, Services, and Industry Vertical Support 2019 - 2024
  • 5Gセキュリティ市場:技術、ソリューション、および市場展望
  • 5Gスマートアンテナ市場 2019~2024年:種類 (スイッチドマルチビームアンテナ、アダプティブアレーアンテナ)、技術 (IMO、MISO、MIMO)、利用事例、地域別
  • 次世代アプリ・サービス向け5Gの計画・戦略・市場
  • 5Gの主要アプリケーション・サービス:産業オートメーション・IoT・ロボティクス・ハプティックインターネット・仮想現実 (VR)
  • 5Gビジネスサービス市場:エンタープライズ・インダストリアル・政府セグメント向けアプリケーション・サービス・ソリューション
  • 企業オートメーション・産業用IoTアプリケーション・サービス向け専用LTE/5G NR (5G New Radio) 用プライベート無線ソリューション市場
  • LTE・5Gアプリケーションおよびサービスの世界市場:サービスプロバイダータイプ、接続タイプ、展開タイプ、利用例、5Gサービス分類、コンピューティング・アズ・ア・サービス、産業別


  • 産業用モノのインターネット (IIoT) 市場:技術・ソリューション・サービス
  • IoTにおける5G:コネクティビティ・インフラ・センサー・デバイス・シングス (Things)
  • コネクテッドカーの公共/個人の安全、商業的応用、サービス:V2V・V2X市場の見通しと予測
  • IoT市場:コネクティビティ、ハードウェア、ソフトウェアおよび垂直産業におけるアプリケーション
  • IoT (モノのインターネット) デバイス管理
  • コンシューマーIoTデバイス向け、エンタープライズIoTデバイス向け、産業用IoTデバイス向けコネクテッドデバイスの世界市場
  • IoT技術の世界市場の予測:コンポーネント・インフラ・ソフトウェア・プラットフォーム・アプリケーション・サービス・産業部門別


Mind Commerceナレッジセンターは、ICT関連の主要なカテゴリーに含まれる調査レポートを余さず網羅する総合的な情報サービスです。


本サービスに加入することで、12ヶ月の契約期間中に発行されるMind Commerceの調査データや予測、レポートのライブラリーに組織内のあらゆる部署からアクセスすることができます。



The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) marketplace is fast moving, continuously evolving, and transforming business across all industry verticals. To keep pace with market dynamics and stay ahead of competitive issues, Mind Commerce clients often require a comprehensive view of telecom and digital technology including analysis, data, and forecasts.

The ‘Mind Commerce ICT Knowledge Center’ is an annual subscription service that provides research, analysis, and advisory services that address a wide range of ICT technology topics including 5G, 6G, AI, AIoT, Big Data, Devices, Immersive Technologies, Industrial Automation, IoT, Robotics, Smart Cities, Wearable Technology and more.

As part of the service, Mind Commerce covers many ICT topics with emphasis on emerging and disintermediating areas. One such topic is the "Artificial Intelligence of Things" (AIoT), which is leading to "thinking" networks and systems that are becoming increasingly more capable of solving a wide range of problems across a diverse number of industry verticals. AI adds value to IoT through machine learning and improved decision making. IoT adds value to AI through connectivity, signaling, and data exchange.

Gain Full access to the entire Mind Commerce Report Collection for One Year

Mind Commerce subscription clients obtain comprehensive insights, data and predictions about AIoT and many other important ICT topics. Customers gain full access to this leading source of digital technology, media, and telecom market intelligence through an annual subscription to the Mind Commerce ICT Knowledge Center service. Alternatively, clients may choose a single area from infrastructure, applications, commerce, content, communications, specific business area, or any combination. The ICT Knowledge Center allows organizations to maximize research budget through subscription pricing, providing a considerable savings as compared to the total list price of reports.

ICT Knowledge Center Subscription Service Features

The following represents subscription core features. New subscription features are added periodically with a goal of continuous improvement and per client requests.

  • Access all Mind Commerce Research: A subscription grants rights to unlimited report usage and enterprise-wide license to the research collection as a whole including data, forecasts, and ongoing analyst insights. This includes organization-wide rights to use data and information from Mind Commerce research for any internal usage purpose including organizational strategy, presentations, technology, and product/service planning.
  • Additional Mind Commerce Research Usage Rights: Subscription provides the right for an entire organization to store, read, and distribute a publication within its own business in any medium or format, but not distribute outside the company or business entity. Additional rights, such as reports and white papers to be shared outside the licensed organization will be allowed on a per-request basis and must be authorized in writing.
  • Mind Commerce Consultation: As part of a subscription service, Mind Commerce is available for on-demand consultation. This includes answering a commercially reasonable number of questions at no additional cost as well as periodic briefings as per customer needs. Additionally, subscription clients are entitled to a discount for contracted consulting services. Mind Commerce provides flexible and customizable consulting services. Clients may choose from a range of options including one-time engagement, support for duration of a project, or retention of a dedicated consultant for a defined period of time.

ICT Knowledge Center Subscription Service Benefits

The following represents subscription core benefits. There will always be unique benefits for a given subscriber. We are willing and available to discuss clients' specific needs.

  • No Restrictions: Once subscribed, Mind Commerce research becomes available to all employees within an organization. Subscribers gain access to the full Mind Commerce portfolio including thousands of data tables, tens of thousands of pages of analysis, and more than 50 new research reports to be published over the next 12 months.
  • In-depth Coverage: Mind Commerce provides in-depth coverage of many ICT topics with an emphasis on emerging and disintermediating technologies. This includes analysis of the impact on ICT ecosystems and value chain such as threats to existing players and developing opportunities for both incumbents and new entrants.
  • Expert Access: Subscribers to the Mind Commerce ICT Knowledge Center gain access to ICT experts, allowing for questions about virtually any topic. This provides the subscriber an opportunity to gain insights about ongoing industry developments.
  • Customization: ICT Knowledge Center subscribers may suggest topics/titles to the Mind Commerce editorial team. Mind Commerce will make commercially reasonable efforts to include requests as part of its syndicated research.
  • Value-based Pricing: The Mind Commerce ICT Knowledge Center provides extreme value to subscribers. The collective research portfolio alone represents great value on a per-report average cost basis. In addition, subscribers receive expert access, customization, and discounts to consulting services.
  • Budget Management: The Mind Commerce ICT Knowledge Center represents a manageable, defined, and cost-effective investment of your market research budget. It also provides a predictable annual expense that may be budgeted by recurring clients.

ICT Knowledge Center Subscription Service Options

The following represents the core subscription options. Additional customization is possible.

  • All Access: This option provides all Mind Commerce reports produced for a 12 month period. Subscribers also benefit from monthly analyst time and reduced consultancy rates.
  • All Access Option One: All reports for subscription period. Subscription period is typically one year. Multi-year subscriptions are also available at a discount.
  • All Access Option Two: In addition to Option One, subscribers choosing Option Two will also receive all reports published for a previous period(s). This means that subscribers will receive all archived Mind Commerce reports for the chosen period of time, which may include all reports within the research repository.
  • Single Topic Focus: Provides access to the same Mind Commerce content as described above, but only for a single topic. For example, some customers only wish to have artificial intelligence related reports and consultation. Others want only broadband wireless (WiFi, LTE, and 5G).
  • Multiple Topic Focus: A multiple topic subscription provides the same benefits as a single topic focus, but for two or more topics. The customer may choose the topics they wish including 5G, AI, AIoT, Big Data, IoT, Robotics, Smart Cities, and more.

There is a Mind Commerce ICT research subscription for every need. We have the ability to customize ICT report subscriptions by topic and industry vertical focus. We also provide cross-topic bundles and other combinations. Subscriptions may be customized to an organization's size, budget, and business intelligence needs. Custom packages may include most recently published information as well as older reports, historical data, and forecasts.

An illustrative example of some of the report titles that subscribers enjoy includes:

  • 5G Business Services Market by Enterprise, Industrial, and Government Segment Applications, Services, and Solutions 2022 - 2027
  • 5G Device Market by Form Factor, Use Case, Device Type (Mobility and CPE), Sector (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Government) and Frequency Bands 2022 - 2027
  • Teleoperation and Telerobotics Market by Technologies, Solutions, and Applications for Enterprise and Industrial Automation 2022 - 2027
  • Autonomous Vehicle Market by Autonomy Level, Powertrain Type, Components, and Supporting Technologies including 5G, AI, and Edge Computing 2022 - 2027
  • Commercial UAV Market by Drone Type, Use Cases and Applications, Supporting Infrastructure and Services 2022 - 2027
  • Satellite Services Market by Type (LEO, MEO, and GEO), Communications (Voice and Data), Solutions, Apps, Segments (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government), and Industry Verticals 2020 - 2025
  • Smart Cities Market by Strategy, Technology, and Outlook for Solutions, Applications and Services 2022 - 2027
  • Sixth Generation Wireless by 6G Tech Development (Investment, R&D and Testing) and 6G Market Commercialization (Infrastructure, Deployment, Apps and Services), Use Cases and Industry Verticals 2022 - 2030
  • Quantum Technology Market by Computing, Communications, Imaging, Security, Sensing, Modeling and Simulation 2022 - 2027
  • Private Wireless Networks Market by LTE, 5G, and Edge Computing in Enterprise, Industrial, and Government Solutions 2021 - 2027
  • 5G Network Slicing by Infrastructure, Spectrum Band, Segment, Industry Vertical, Application and Services 2022 - 2027
  • Mobile Edge Computing Market by Infrastructure, Deployment Model, Computing as a Service, Network Connectivity, Applications, Analytics Types, Market Segments and Industry Verticals 2021 - 2027
  • IoT Platform Market by Deployment Model, Operating Platform, Connectivity, Software, Systems and Services in Industry Verticals 2021 - 2027
  • V2X Market for Vehicle to Everything by Connection Type (Cellular and Non-cellular), Communications Type (V2V, V2I, V2P, etc.), Vehicle Autonomy Level, Safety and Commercial Applications 2021 - 2027
  • Cybersecurity Market by Segment (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Government), Use Cases, and Solution Types (Hardware, Software, and Data) and Industry Verticals 2022 - 2027
  • 5G Smart Antenna Market by Type (Switched Multi-Beam Antenna and Adaptive Array Antenna), Technology (SIMO, MISO, and MIMO), Use Case, Application, and Region 2022 - 2027
  • Smart Transportation Market by Technology, Solution Type, Transport Mode, Business Model, and Vehicle Types 2022 - 2027
  • IoT Managed Services Market by Type (Network, Application, Security, Access, Data), Use Case, Segment (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government), Industry Vertical, and Region 2021 - 2026
  • Artificial Intelligence of Things Solutions by AIoT Market Applications and Services in and Industry Verticals 2021 - 2027

ICT Knowledge Center Subscription Service Pricing

Pricing for the ICT Knowledge Center is flexible as it is designed to meet the custom needs of clients. The typical price range is from as little as $20,000 to as much as $100,000 depending on the options chosen by a given client. Contact your sales representative for more information.

Customers may choose the entire Mind Commerce portfolio or choose any topic area on an ala carte basis from various categories including the following:

  • Apps and Services: Enterprise and Consumer, Business-to-Business, and Managed Services
  • Artificial Intelligence: AI technology advancements, solutions, and integration
  • Broadband Wireless: 5G, 6G, LTE, WiFi, WiMAX, and more
  • Cloud and Edge Computing: Support of communications, applications, commerce, and content
  • Data and Analytics: Unstructured Data, Infrastructure, Industry Verticals, APIs and Apps
  • ICT Infrastructure: Network Function Evolution, Next Generation Apps, and Services Delivery
  • Immersive Technology: Augmented Reality, Haptic Internet, Virtual Reality, and more
  • Internet of Things: Sensors, Communications, Applications, and Ecosystem
  • Smart Infrastructure, Systems, and Processes: Smart Buildings, Cities, Homes and Workplaces
  • Software Defined Everything: Networks, Applications, OSS/BSS, and Administration
  • Virtualization: Cloud Enablement, Datacenter Transformation, and Network Functions
  • Wearable Technology: Devices, Communications, Business Models, and Ecosystem